Friday, March 03, 2006

An Example Of "An Army Of Davids”

From Yahoo News -

Amateur Cracks Secret Nazi Code
Walaika K. Haskins, Thu Mar 2, 7:15 PM ET

Nazi code that eluded the best cryptographers the Allied forces had to offer during World War II has been solved by an amateur codebreaker with the assistance of a network of computers.
To solve the puzzling mystery, details of which had been published in a cryptography journal in 1995, Krah wrote a codebreaking program and then went online in January to post information about his project and ask for assistance.

In an interview with the BBC, Krah, a resident of Utrecht, The Netherlands, said it was "basic human curiosity" that prompted him to attempt to break the code. "Clearly, the project is from the 'because-we-can' department," Krah wrote on a bulletin board online.
Krah said that he is not sure the remaining two codes will be cracked. So far, the power of thousands of PCs joined in this effort has resulted in little success. "There is no guarantee that another break will occur at all," Krah was quoted as saying. "There is simply a fair chance."

To volunteer your computer's processing power to crack the final two codes, go to

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"An Army Of Davids" refers to the title of a book just out written by Glenn Reynolds of INSTAPUNDIT.COM. The title comes from the story of David and Goliath ... people on the internet, when working together, become "An Army Of Davids"!

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