InMap Application Creates A Matrix Of One's Contact World
LinkedIn, the world wide web's strongest portal in the professional life social media cloud has just released an exciting, new visual application that might help one to use the contact network in a deeper, and hopefully, useful way.
Many use these social media portals to just line up their next professional working position (a job), but when one is able to gain information through taking the existing information in one's database and look at it in a different and unique way ... a whole new world opens up. Additional opportunities to connect on targeted and previously unused common connection points is only the beginning for LinkedIn's new InMap visual application.
LinkedIn Launches Tool to Visualize Your Business Network
By Ben Parr - Mashable 1/24/2011
InMaps sifts through all of your connections, detects the relationships between them, and groups them into different network clusters. For example, LinkedIn separated my networks into eight clusers, including my technology/social media contacts, my Mashable network and my network of classmates at Northwestern University. It color-codes and clumps these networks together so you can see the depth of your connections in one interface.
InMaps is an insight into who the major connections, bridges and influencers are in your network. People with bigger dots and their names in larger fonts have more connections (and typically more sway) in specific clusters. Perhaps that’s why my friend Neal Sales-Griffin, the former president of Northwestern’s student body, is so prominent in my professional graph.
InMaps also includes a few options for sharing. It creates a landing page with your LinkedIn InMap (you can check mine out as an example) and provides Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn share buttons so you can spread your map to the rest of your network.
Reference Here>>
So, launch LinkedIn's InMap and see just who in your professional contact world is a "Big Dot/Larger Font" (BDLF?) kinda' influence in your overall network!
Ahhhhhhh ... social media!