hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Rick Santorum steers debate immediately to Iran and C-in-C question, and Diane Sawyer pushes attack on MR. But key q on table
#NHdebate —-
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – I HATE the phrase “grow jobs.” Only Beltway pols say such a thing. Blech.
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Gingrich asked about his attack on Romney/pvt sector layoffs. He hides behind NYT.
BryanLongworthBryan Longworth – Romney: “My experience is leadership.” Romney led Massachusetts to implement Romnicare. No thanks.
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Apparently if your business gains jobs while you’re not sitting in your “boss” chair, they don’t count
#nhdebate —-
ErnieFowlkeErnie Fowlke – How dare anyone question Romney’s integrity?
TheDCVinceVince Coglianese – Huntsman paints himself as just like Romney. Good governors. Interesting pairing when he’s attempting to be competitive here.
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Audience laughs at Santorum joke as Paul’s mic gets feedback — It happened “because you’re not telling the truth, Ron.”
#nhdebate —-
secuppS.E. Cupp – Sanotrum: I think I’m known as a cause guy.
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Santorum slams Paul for citing Soros-backed CREW as evidence he’s corrupt. Strong, calm rejoinder.
#nhdebate —-
LarrySabatoLarry Sabato – Every minute those candidates aren’t making the case against Romney is a plus for Romney.
secuppS.E. Cupp – Oh hey, Rick Perry.
mboyle1Matthew Boyle – Perry: I think you’ve seen the reason why I got in this race. I’m really the only outsider here.
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Rick Perry: “It doesn’t matter if you’re an insider from DC or an insider from Wall St” Or an insider from TX?
ToadonaWireL – I can tell a debate is going on cuz my Twitter feed is moving at lightening speed!
#throttle —-
Commander In Chief Question – Huntsman
secuppS.E. Cupp – Huntsman: Being a commander in chief isn’t about “insider gobbledygook.” What about outsider schnitzerdoodle?
JstnCase618Justin Case – Santorum Slams Obama’s ‘Hubris’ and ‘Snobbery’ On Education – Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum slammed … —-
FranklinCenterFranklin Center – “We have a serious trust deficit in this country. We no longer trust our institutions of power.” – Jon Huntsman
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Mitt trains fire on POTUS and Iran “This is a failed presidency”. “Who has the capacity to lead”. marker on supporting nominee
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Romney is doing his happy dance right now. Literally. That’s how he dances.
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – Gingrich cannot believe he’s gone from front runner to having to answer chicken hawk charge from Ron Paul.
#hhrs —-
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Ron Paul: If you didn’t serve, you can’t be president.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – 30 mins in. Front runner Mitt Romney skating…
politicalmathPoliticalMath – By the way, Ron Paul. Military suicides? Lower than comparable rates for non-military individuals.
secuppS.E. Cupp – Ron Paul’s asked about racist newsletters.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Ron Paul says you can’t concentrate on 20 year old columns as he concentrates on 45 year old draft deferments
#NHdebate —-
DavidLimbaughDavid Limbaugh – Wow — now the Paul newsletter. This is an Obama freebie, make Republicans look like racists. That’s the point here.
IngrahamAngleLaura Ingraham – Qs asked &answered have zero to do w/ American decline.
EditMeDavidDavid Martosko – Round 1 to Romney, mostly by ducking when missiles are lobbed overhead
#NHdebate —-
guypbensonGuy Benson – Diane Sawyer: “We want to thank you for this first round of the debate.” Romney: “So do I!”
#NHdebate —-
Back From Break – State’s Rights (banning contraception)
secuppS.E. Cupp – Has Mitt really not heard the question about states banning contraception before? Hands it over to Ron Paul?
Romney not happy about Roe V Wade
amandacarpenterAmanda Carpenter – Don’t contraceptives include condoms…? I don’t think those are getting banned, either.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Romney calls Stephanopoulos out for a really dumb question. What state wants to BAN contraception?
#nhdebate —-
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – This is what happens when you put Clintonite libs in charge of moderating GOP debates. What the hell?
#nhdebate —-
TheDCVinceVince Coglianese – George is getting a little frazzled here, especially now that he’s completely lost the audience.
Gay Marriage?
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – Oh, good. Gay marriage. Obviously, 45 minutes in to an important presidential debate, this is what we should be discussing.
ToadonaWireL – How many social issue questions has
@ABC asked? They do this on purpose you know.
derekahunterDerek Hunter – If you think about it, contraception questions are appropriate cuz the ABC moderators are screwing viewers with dumb questions.
#NHDebate —-
Gingrich Takes Media To Task
secuppS.E. Cupp – Newt makes great point about media bias, asking what the Catholic church should do about its adoption efforts.
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – newt gingrich home run on anti-christian bigotry in place by mainstream media and the obama administration.
#hhrs —-
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – Actually glad to hear from Newt. Shut it, ABC.
TheOregonianBooTheOregonian Boo – ABC reporters have egg on face … Way too bigoted too much gay babble .. Insult Catholics
#nhdebate —-
jstrevinoJoshua Treviño – Mitt: “People in this room feel that Newt is absolutely right …. and I do too.” Of course.
jdhenchmanJoe Henchman – If you’re not watching the debate tonight, you missed Newt Gingrich talk about how much he values the sacrament of marriage.
#nhdebate —-
Military Service And Troop Deployment
TheDCVinceVince Coglianese – There was clearly a strategy session at ABC that involved deciding to change course on election coverage vis a vis social issues/foreign pol
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Er, Afghanistan has been a civil war for a lot longer than we’ve been there. What does Huntsman think the Northern Alliance was about?
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – romney not willing to set timetables of withdrawal in afghanistan like huntsman does. smart. timetable we set in iraq will backfire.
#hhrs —-
KLSoltisKristen Soltis – In IOWA three out of four caucus goers picked economy or budget as top issue. So, yeah, makes sense to talk social issues at length.
#ugh —-
JonahNROJonah Goldberg – Newt should put a lava lamp on the lecturn, will shut Diane Sawyer up for the rest of the debate.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – 1 hour in. Front runner Mitt Romney unscathed.
JRubinBloggerJennifer Rubin – Santorum killing Huntsman on Afghanistan
Sawyer Focuses On Troop Movements
Chris_MoodyChris Moody – Rick Perry says Iranians can move “literally at the speed of light.” If that’s true, nukes are the least of our problems.
#NHDebate —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Just FYI, the Iraqis wanted to strike a deal to keep some troops in Iraq, too. Perry’s not out of left field on this.
#nhdebate —-
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Newt gets applause for jabbing at Obama’s Saudi bowing & kowtowing. Bush and Norquist did, too.
#nhdebate —-
prismsincRic – BRAVO Santorum on “virulent threat” discussion. BRAVO Newt on reminding us Obama bowed to a Saudi King!
#NHdebate —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Amazing how much better this debate got when we started talking about issues in 2012 rather than 1965.
#nhdebate —-
secuppS.E. Cupp – Santorum: “Call evil what it is.”
JoshuabradenpJoshua Price – As for our national security I think Santorum or Perry would be the best choice…
#nhdebate —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – I think Newt’s doing a good job tonight, but every segment that Romney isn’t hit is a win for Mitt.
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT
@jpodhoretz: Fred Thompson with reverse mortgages. I wish he could hit reverse on this debate and have
@JakeTapper moderate instead.
Back From Break – Sawyer On Jobs - First Question … Government Investment On Infrastructure?
PolitisitePolitisite – Had bush made recess appointments, this debate panel would be all over it
#nhdebate —-
DonIrvineDonIrvine – I’m convinced that the purpose of this debate is so that ABC can give the DNC fodder for more ads.
#nhdebate —-
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – mitt romney just lost the chris matthews vote by saying private sector, not gov’t, should focus on road works projects.
#hhrs —-
kiradavis422Kira Ayn Davis – Gov’t gets in way of creating jobs, taxes too much, regulates too much – Romney
#NHDebate —-
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Newt falls for false premise that we need to “invest” more in infrastructure before repealing Obama Big Labor exec orders, preferences.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – I disagree with Santorum philosophically here, but this populist message is great for him politically. He should stress this more.
howardfinemanHoward Fineman – scorecard so far: Mitt untouched, sensible, sly-funny; Paul: nasty attacker: Newt: a hit with Catholics; Santorum: defensive, not a star.
secuppS.E. Cupp – Santorum always has an answer. You may not like his answers, but at least he has them.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – “why not go to zero?”. Did George suffer concussion from Mitt hit on silly contraception questions?
#nhdebate —-
TheDCVinceVince Coglianese – Just want to note the nonstop mentions I’m seeing from people wishing
@JakeTapper was a moderator tonight.
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Rick Perry: “… so that we’re not being held hostage to companies… countries that are hostile to America” Oops.
secuppS.E. Cupp – Rick Perry jumps in to wax optimistic about America’s potential. Nice contrast with Dr. Paul’s Dr. Evil view of our demise.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Now Perry is attacking Paul. Is that why he stayed in the race? Good answer, especially on energy and right-to-work.
#nhdebate —-
jeff_poorJeff Poor – Observation: How come you never hear Ron Paul attack Obama in these debates??
#nhdebate —-
Answer With Question: How come nobody ever sees, or knows what a baby pigeon looks like?
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Mitt now just blowing off George questions Good model for them all to follow.
#NHdebate —-
TinaKorbeTina Korbe – Huntsman reminds me of a conservative in college. Trying to hedge his views to stay on professors’ good sides.
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Romney: “Europe isn’t working in Europe” Campaign theme?
secuppS.E. Cupp – Romney: “This president in his bones doesn’t understand American entrepreneurialism.”
prismsincRic – Romney entertains the idea of a VAT tax but says we don’t want to be like Europe?
#wtf #NHDebate —-
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Santorum: “We don’t put people in classes. Also, I appeal to blue collar workers”
PolitisitePolitisite – Class warfare and trianglization is axelrods and liberal election strategy for 2012 Conservatives focus on American dream for all
#nhdebate —-
bethanyshondarkBethany Mandel – Huntsman: Speaking Chinese on stage doesn’t make you look smart. It makes you look like a smug schmuck.
#NHDebate —-
freddosofreddoso – RT
@jimgeraghty: This is weird. Babelfish translate’s Huntsman’s phrase as “LAUNCH THE ATTACK NOW, BEIJING MASTERS”.
jdhenchmanJoe Henchman – Huntsman pushes back hard about Romney’s call for a trade war with China.
#nhdebate —-
ericfidoEric Bearse – can’t wait to see mysterious ron paul group’s next attack ad on Huntsman after that debate exchange
Jimi971Jimi – Why attack Huntsman? Where is Newt’s nuclear? Where is Santorum’s top dawg talk? Romney still cruises…
#TinyTestes —-
Back From Break – What Would You Be Doing If Not At A Debate?
stix1972Doug Welch – Boxers or Briefs question up next
secuppS.E. Cupp – What would you be doing on a Saturday night? Perry: “Shooting range.”
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin – Newt Gingrich blows his pander answer to sports fans. Says he’d be watching collegiate BASKETBALL game.
#doh #nhdebate —-
Pander, Pander, Pander … Over & Out!
mkhammerMary Katharine Ham – So, did this debate end abruptly?
BrandonKiserBrandon Kiser – Just so we’re clear, Romney just seemed to come out for a trade war. How will China react to his election?
#nhdebate —-
AlexPappasDCAlex Pappas – How wild that Rick Perry was probably the least relevant person in the entire debate?
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Mitt won that debate by not getting attacked. Perry, Santorum helped themselves; Newt was anti-climatic. Paul and Huntsman — the usual.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – So much for explosive and confrontational. Romney has to be very very happy, Santorum only slight less so
#NHdebate —-
secuppS.E. Cupp – Debate ends on a “meh.” No big moments, no big surprises tonight. Santorum held up, and Perry had a goodish performance. Mitt was Mitt.
SooperMexicanel SOOPer – i don’t know who won the debate, but I’m pretty sure Dianne Sawyer won the debate drinking game…
Dean_LDean_L –
#NHDebate That debate was so spectacular they should go ahead have another one in 12 hours or so.
End Of Debate

Set your alarm clocks, because this debate starts Sunday at 9 a.m. Eastern Time, only two days before the nation’s first primary in the Granite State. The audience can tune in or log on in a number of ways, in what promises to be a spirited debate following the wild finish between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney in Iowa. Not only will the debate stream live on the “Meet the Press” Facebook page and Facebook’s U.S. Politics page, but viewers can share questions and comment on the action throughout the event. Image Credit:
Debate #2 – The Facebook and NBC News debate (Preview) will be moderated by “Meet the Press” host David Gregory, who will be joined by the New Hampshire Union Leader (NH paper of record that endorsed Newt Gingrich).
LarrySabatoLarry Sabato – Free suggestion for NBC: Do yourself a favor & don’t ask about contraception.
TuckerCarlsonTucker Carlson – Ron Paul is the only candidate on stage, 45 min. before air time. Looks exactly the same as he did last night.
PalinspiredInspired by Palin – Note to GOP Debaters, if question is not about spending/debt..reply is “you ignorant liberal media type, give me a real question”
#TCOT —-
Begin Introduction – One min with 30 Sec. response
TPMTalking Points Memo – AP fact check: Romney struggles on jobs claim —-
TPMTalking Points Memo – First Q to Newt: Why shouldn’t Romney be the nominee?
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Romney notes that many conservatives who don’t have any “axe to grind” are backing him.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Santorum: If Romney’s record was so great, why didn’t he run for re-election? “Why did you bail out?”
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Santorum hitting Mitt: “He ran from Ronald Reagan.”
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Newt to Mitt: “Can we drop the pious bologna?”
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Wow, now Romney is the issue. Better than condoms.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Newt. Can we drop the pious baloney. That’s what we were looking for last night
#NBCdebate —-
Queue Dr. Paul
howardfinemanHoward Fineman – Newt and Santo bomb and now Paul now blast Romney. This is the Mitt Moment
FloridaJayhawkFloridaJayhawk – Mitt Romney has lost more races & primaries in his life than ANYONE on the stage! Mitt Romney’s Record is like 1-10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – David Gregory is using a “hurry-up offense.” Love it.
chucktoddChuck Todd – Huntsman with perhaps his toughest retort on Romney yet. It took him 14 debates.
#nbcfbdebate —-
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Say what you will about Jon Huntsman, but there’s nothing dishonorable about serving your nation as a diplomat (even in a Dem admin.)
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – “This nation is divided because of attitudes like that.” Gov Huntsman may believe that but the vast majority of GOP doesn’t
#NBCdebate —-
JFKucinichJackie Kucinich – Gingrich going back to attacking the moderator
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT
@sethamandel: Gregory: Name three constituencies you will struggle with in the general election after answering this question.
#NBCdebate —-
daveweigeldaveweigel – Newt’s fed up with “highly paid Washington commentators.” He will also sign a copy of his new book for you.
JECarter4James Carter – Maybe he’s a morning person. RT
@mattklewis: Perry doing well right now. Talking faster than usual. (And making sense.)
sirbriantoddBrian Perkins – Ron Paul is wrong: the Soviets came down because we took them down. Remember the fall of the Berlin Wall?
#nhdebate —-
guypbensonGuy Benson – Much rougher first round for Romney than last night. Three rivals landed blows. Were any of them memorable/lasting?
#Meh —-
Back From Break
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Romney strong answer on governing with Democrats appealing to NH indies
#NBCdebate —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Romney one-ups a strong answer on bipartisanship from Newt by saying, well, I did that.
#NBCdebate —-
mckaycoppinsMcKay Coppins – Ron Paul to Congress: It’s not me, it’s you.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Gegory’s Facebook has anything mentioning Iran blocked?
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Gregory declares “Here’s the reality…”. Does anyone trust the next statement from an Obama partisan like David Gregory?
BuzzFeedBenBen Smith – We’re giving short shrift to Paul’s reaching across the aisle to work with Dennis Kucinich on stuff.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Huntsman: Bring term limits to Congress … and then make sure they don’t work in politics again. Yeah, that’ll pass.
#NBCfbdenate —-
LEADERSHIP – Perry – What would you do to make Republicans uncomfortable?
LarrySabatoLarry Sabato – The woman over David Gregory’s shoulder is asleep. The debate is good enough so that I’m awake.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – His supporters? RT
@CapehartJ Perry: “I’m making a lot of Republicans nervous by talking…….”
markdavisMark Davis – Perry gets last word, last dig at conservatism of rivals before commercial break. He and Santorum scoring nicely
#nbcfbdebate #nhdebate —-
TheFixThe Fix – For those saying Huntsman is charismatic: EVERY answer is delivered in the exact same tone/cadence. Not dynamic.
howardfinemanHoward Fineman – New poll shows Huntsman in third place and rising to double digits, which is why Paul is attacking. Also, Mitt down to 35 percent.
Back From Break
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – This election is clearly about heating assistance and contraception. Clearly.
MonicaCrowleyMonica Crowley –
@GovernorPerry hitting hard on spending & limited govt. He was sharp & focused last night too. Keep going, Rick!
Tom1247Tom Dougherty – Without heat you need contraception :-) RT
@mattklewis: This election is clearly about heating assistance and contraception. Clearly.
prismsincRic – Ron Paul “supply and demand of oil in your bedroom while you keep papers in your dresser and money in your mattress blah blah bla”
#NHDebate —-
DrewHampshireDrew Cline – During break, Santorum and Gingrich aides arguing over who gets to use the metal folding chair
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Gay rights and contraception. Thank you for extending an already pointless question even further.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – “Right now.” non-discrimination is the key, and Romney’s answer perfect
#NBCdebate —-
alanagoodmanAlana Goodman – Audience laughs when Santorum is asked whether he’d be a voice to speak out for gay rights in the GOP.
kirstenpowers10kirsten powers – Poor moderator disappointed that Santorum didnt say he would disown gay son.
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Good thing we are back on gay rights and aren’t worried about Iran, terrorism from Al Qaeda, loss of Iraq….
#NBCdebate —-
BREAK – 1 Hour
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Viewers whose NBC stations switch programs RT
@daveweigel: People who overslept. RT
@TheFix: Winners after the first hour?
Back From Break
mollyesqueMolly Ball – Gingrich, who did NH local issues last night, mispronouncing DiStaso!
TheFixThe Fix – Again, Newt thinks too highly of himself to just keep bashing Romney. Which is why Newt isn’t going to win.
#nbcfbdebate —-
guypbensonGuy Benson - RT
@kirstenpowers10: I’m sure Obama is going to get 40 questions about gay marriage in the debates, since after all he opposes it too.
jdhenchmanJoe Henchman – MSNBC picked people for the front row behind the moderator who are now asleep.
#nbcfbdebate —-
guypbensonGuy Benson – Perry: President Obama “doesn’t reflect our founding fathers.” Lefty race-baiting in 3…2…1….
#NBCdebate —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Gregory to Santorum: Admit it, you love socialism and it’s really cool. Santorum to Gregory: Pay attention to my answers, please.
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT
@sethamandel: New Suffolk tracking poll shows Huntsman, not Santorum, benefiting from Romney’s slide in the state.
#NBCdebate —-
PalinspiredInspired by Palin – Ron Paul “Entitlements are not rights” “Liberty is the only right”
#TCOT —-
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – What, that “live free or die” question wasn’t a finale? Weird.
BREAK – Final Questions at 30 seconds – What we can’t live with a nuclear Iran?
Santorum – Ideology/Theocracy – We have a weak president
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Santorum makes a logical point about why a theocracy might be more dangerous with the bomb than atheistic Communists.
Gingrich … you called Romney a liar
DavidLimbaughDavid Limbaugh – RT
@JonahNRO: During commercial break, Gingrich seen sharpening a toothbrush into a shiv.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Shorter Gingrich: Put your trust in the NYT and WaPo, conservatives. This will go over very well with conservatives.
ericfidoEric Bearse – Romney just said he hasn’t seen the ads and just described one in detail.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Romney: Hey, thanks for letting me use all the attack lines from the ads in the middle of the debate.
FixAaronAaron Blake – Newt needs to be careful with these super PAC criticisms. His PAC just got a $5M infusion and I’m guessing they go negative.
# —-
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Newt was having a good debate but last round hurt him with GOP voters because Democrats/MSM cheering it
#NBCdebate —-
ZekeJMillerZeke Miller – Paul: I would continue doing what I’m doing now — preaching the gospel of liberty.
BREAK … And End! If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet The Press!
RyanLizzaRyan Lizza – OMG, they totally bamboozled us into thinking there was more debate after the break and there wasn’t.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – New movie – The Manchesterville Horror, with every NH event venue whispering to Republicans, “GET OOOUUUTTTT.”
Lady_PatriotLady Patriot – Romney said, “I haven’t seen the ads” & immediately said, “The one I saw….” BTW, I hate this topic. Whining is for Democrats.
#NBCdebate —-
prismsincRic – DING! RT
@JoeWumbus NH is liberal. They will vote liberal. Don’t be surprised at Romney win in NH. Proves he’s most liberal guy in the bunch
Greenberg in post debate comments: NH is the Kyber Pass in American politics.
mkhammerMary Katharine Ham – Like! RT
@OKnox: Would a network please pretend to hold a debate and then broadcast ONLY the candidate banter during breaks?!?
#nbcfbdebate —-
prismsincRic – HUNTSMAN! LOL MT
@StevenErtelt: Debate wrap: Campaign a race b/t Mitt & Santorum, Newt becoming whiny; Perry invisible, Paul nothing new
PalinspiredInspired by Palin – Vote RINO Willard Romney, he’s able to tell you in detail about TV Ads he has NOT seen. Superman powers. LOL
#TCOT —-