Showing posts with label Dumb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumb. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Give Dumb A Chance - It's Fun


How do Anti-War protestors support the troops? By burning them in effigy, of course.


This display just boggles the mind for sheer stupidity, but then, consider the source - Portland's leftist moonbat community, of course.

This proves that you can never underestimate the left's ability to accidentally parody themselves.

Can you imagine, the placing of a Muslim symbol on a Christian cross together ... this will probably get a fatwa of death issued on the protester - from Iran.

To be really insulting and clueless, these moonbats should have placed the Crescent on Star Of David grave markers.

Do you think that they have found out about what they have done?

Too priceless.

Image Credits: Rachael Palinkas' Photos – Peace Rally - originally posted March 18, 2007
Content & comments stolen "liberally" from Confederate Yankee & Little Green Footballs.
ht: Pajama's Media

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