Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Deaf Are The Most Longing To Hear

Welcome to Red Room: Where the Writers Are - Red Room ( is the online home of many of the world's greatest writers. Red Room provides authors and members with free, easy-to-use, elegant online homes. It's a place for the literary community to promote their work, express themselves, and connect with their favorite authors. Image & Caption Credit: Red Room

The Deaf Are The Most Longing To Hear
by Edmund Jenks

March 26, 2009, 5:52 am

A blog post spawned by a response to a previous posting about the comparison of deficiet spending between the two-party rule 43rd Presidency and the fledgling one-party rule 44th Presidency ...

Dennis Shay says:

Ed, great summary.

but you're using the wrong venue. Your dire warning is mostly falling on deaf ears, here in the Red Room.

Wed, 03/25/2009 - 8:26am

[the Red Room is a web portal for authors]


wrong venue dire warning falling deaf ears rr 03252009 826am

Thanks for your concern but if one more mind hears, then we all get a little less hurt.

You know, it isn't Left Vs Right ... Democrat Vs Republican anymore!

The political fight in this country is really between those who are aligned with Total Government - TG (Totalitarianism, Communism, Fascism, Dictatorship) and No Government - NG (Anarchy). Sadly, both Democrats and Republicans are way to the left of what would be a center point between these two extremes.

The Constitution of the United States, for example, structures a Government that is way closer to Anarchy than the center point between Total Government and No Government.

"Total Government - No Government" Political Spectrum - The political spectrum of the United Stated at the beginning of the 44th Presidency of Barack Obama. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (MAXINE) 2009

This is simply an illustration of how far our country has drifted away from its core values found in the Constitution.

It really is about all of us treating each and every individual, as we find them, with personal freedom and respect.

If you question the logic of this proposal, then all one needs to do is ask ---

"Is this a country by the people, for the people (as it says in the constitution) when the largest spending bill in the history of the nation is put to a vote, through a forced compressed time procedure, before anyone (legislator or citizen) has enough time to actually read the legislation?"

"Is this a country by the people, for the people when the legislators are considering a law that forces the elimination of a secret vote in the work place?" - what is next, laws to abolish any secret vote anywhere there are powerful forces that want to force their will on others?

What is happening in this country is that the Constitution is under assault and people's personal freedoms are not given any value by the people who are elected to protect them ... as guaranteed by the Constitution (this nation's founding and forming document).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

“W” And The Shoe – Great On His Feet

Journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi, who was kidnapped by Shiite militants last year, was being held by Iraqi security Monday and interrogated about whether anybody paid him to throw his shoes at Bush during a press conference the previous day in Baghdad, said an Iraqi official. Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse. Image Credit: Newsday

“W” And The Shoe – Great On His Feet

One thing everyone could count on from George, that he was always best on his feet.

He starts the importance of his presidency standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center Towers with his arm draped around the shoulders of an old time firefighter, stating, “I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.”

George W. Bush ends his presidency ducking a couple of shoes hurled at him by a reporter in Iraq (a cultural sign of disrespect), turning the situation into a lesson in democracy by first stating “I’m OK,” “All I can report is it is a size 10,” and then later to reporters on how he understood the act, "It's like going to a political rally and have people yell at you. It's a way for people to draw attention," Bush said. "I don't know what the guy's cause was. I didn't feel the least bit threatened by it."

Lesson - In a democracy it is always OK to express a difference of opinion (even though the reporter that threw the shoes, who was escorted out by Iraqi officials, was promptly beaten).

How will history treat George Bush?

I have a suspicion it’s going to be better then a lot of people now suspect - or are willing to admit.

If only he could have pulled out a veto pen and used it as easily and with the athletic deft he showed he could dodge a shoe! …

… if he had, the way history will treat “W” would have been not only favorable, but great.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

MAXINE Opens Up PJM Online Voting Precinct

Vote - "Online Democracy" - Image Credit: Pajamas Media

MAXINE Opens Up PJM Online Voting Precinct

Come one, come all!

Vote and vote often … well, at least once a week at the newly sanctioned online voting precinct for the Pajamas Media Weekly Presidential Straw Poll.

As it states at the PJM portal – “The more who join with us, the more statistically reliable the poll is likely to be.”

Also, the more who vote on a weekly basis, the more statistically reliable the poll is likely to be.

So VOTE and vote weekly here at the MAXINE Precinct of the Pajamas Media Presidential Straw Poll (click the widget in the sidebar and voice your opinion).


President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...