The Real Survivor Fiji – The Ying & Yang Of Economics
The new military junta now ruling the island nation of Fiji loves to see the world from both sides and declare things are good because they say “It’s Good”.
But these news dispatches could not be any different as it relates to the deteriorating pillars of the Fijian economy and it can not be plastered over through righteous Coup Declaration!
Excerpts from AAP via NineMSN (National Nine News, Austrailia) –
Sanctions aren't hurting Fiji: military
Thursday Mar 15 11:51 AEDT
Fiji's military rulers say human rights abuses in the Pacific nation are relatively minor and international sanctions imposed after the recent coup have had little impact.
Speaking on the eve of a meeting of Pacific Islands Forum of foreign ministers in Vanuatu, where Fiji's return to democracy will be discussed, Major Neumi Leweni said he did not feel things in his country had changed since the December 5 coup.
"The impact on the people of Fiji (of sanctions) depends on how people see things" said Leweni, who is Fiji's military spokesman.
"As we speak, I really don't feel any different to the way things were before December the fifth."
He said his situation was typical of average Fijians.
"It is going smoothly. Things are going well.
Major Leweni also defended the military government's handling of the media, amid widespread allegations of censorship.
"We haven't really interfered with the media. All we have done with the media is getting them to report the truth," he said.
"We actually raised issues with some of them on articles they have published that were totally untrue."
He said he would check reports that websites had been censored by the media, including a popular forum at the Fiji Village website.
Communications Fiji managing director William Parkinson said his site's forum had been shut down after a meeting with the deputy commander of Fiji's military, Captain Esala Teleni, and talking to police.
Read All>>Malolo Lei Lie – Image Credit: Erikapeto from review Malalo LeiLei Lagoon Resort Club
And this from NewsRoom.co.nz (New Zealand) –
Fiji Government Cuts Tourism Funding
1:07 pm, 15 Mar 2007
Tourism operators in Fiji say a 30 percent cut in government funding will harm their industry even more as it struggles to recover from last year's coup.
In its budget the Government has reduced tourism funding to 10 million Fiji dollars, down from 15 million last.
The chairman of the Fiji Tourism Action Group is asking for a review because the cut may mean marketing is reduced in New Zealand and Australia.
Damend Gounder says the Government does not seem to recognise that economic recovery in Fiji depends on tourism.
Reference Here>>
The Ying - "The impact on the people of Fiji (of sanctions) depends on how people see things" said Leweni, who is Fiji's military spokesman. "As we speak, I really don't feel any different to the way things were before December the fifth." He said his situation was typical of average Fijians. "It is going smoothly. Things are going well.
The Yang - In its budget the [military] Government has reduced tourism funding to 10 million Fiji dollars, down from 15 million last.
Oh boy! This coup is goin'a leave a mark.