Showing posts with label Pasadena Patriots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pasadena Patriots. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

TeaPAC 2010 - Pasadena Patriots begin the year

TeaPAC logo - Taken from the Pasadena Patriots political networking website. Image Credit: Pasadena Patriots

TeaPAC 2010 - Pasadena Patriots begin the year

Last night, a tea party organization that spawned from last year's reaction to the incredible spending legislation, marked by the Stimulus and Omnibus bills passed by the Democrat Political Party led Congress, held its 2010 kick off organization meeting to take back the 29th Congressional district. More importantly, the meeting was the first of many to help people of all political strips who wish to maintain their freedoms in the face of an unparalleled expansion of centralized governmental power.

Much has been made about the Tea Party movement ever since it showed itself as a real and growing, grass roots political phenomenon starting first on tax day, April 15, 2009, when nearly two million people gathered in front of city halls and federal buildings around the country. Even though little was reported about the impromptu gatherings in the Main Stream Media (MSM), the New Media web portals like Examiner, NowPublic, Pajamas Media, and a host of nationally recognized blog sites posted expose's on the events around the country.

Last summer, the tea party movement began to pick up steam, literally, when people from political points of view and affiliation ranging from conservative, to moderate, to independent, to Democrat, to Libertarian, to Republican wanted to have a voice in the workings of our Government when, at Town Hall meetings with their direct representatives ... began to ask questions. They found out that they did not like what they were hearing and/or how their point of view was being represented by their elected official. Many elected officials did not hold summer break town hall meetings because they did not want to hear what the people, who they were elected to represent, had to say about their governance.

Last night, the Pasadena Patriots placed their standard into the ground seeking to reclaim the right to ... as the Constitution states - "To form a more perfect union".

This excerpted and edited from the TeaPAC website -

TeaPAC is dedicated to providing funds and resources to Tea Party groups and grassroots candidates across America. Financial support of the Tea Party movement is both urgent and necessary. When you support TeaPAC you are also supporting the Patriot News Network and Neighborhood Tea Parties from coast-to-coast. While contributions aren't yet tax deductible, donors will receive a patriotic TeaPAC bumper sticker. We hope you'll partner with us in the battle to restore limited Constitutional government.
Reference Here>>

Constitutionality IS what this is all about. To maintain the ability to be treated as equal in a country of equals in terms of opportunity.

Yesterday, a prime example of how far the leadership of our country is working against the Constitution in the governance of our country happened when the Obama Administration saw fit to EXEMPT labor unions from the proposed 40% tax to be levied on Health Care Insurance plans that cover a broader range of health care procedures than the level of care that this Government is planning to set as the standard of ALL care offered in this country ... in the name of Health Care Reform.

Many believe that this exemption exceptional, along with the Government's intention to levy fines and jail time for all citizens who do not purchase the authorized Health Care Insurance plans that become available for sale once the health care reform legislation becomes law.

Corruption in the processes of Government is at the root of this TeaPAC movement ... it is time to STOP THE SLIDE!

John P. Colbert for Congress 2010 - Candidate for US Representative, CA-29. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

In the 29th District, candidate John P. Colbert has committed himself to stop the slide of government corruption and he described, to those gathered at the TeaPAC Pasadena Patriots kickoff meeting, what aspects of his background experience has prepared him for this moment in time to help take America back. A CEO of a successful computer security and forensics software company combined with 13 years as an investigator in the LA County Sheriff's Department has John keenly aware of recognizing threats and how to dispose of them. If elected, John Colbert is committed to joining and/or forming a committee to address and prosecute corruption in Congress and government processes. He believes that this is the beginning of a war to take our country back to a limited and Constitutional central governance.

On the back of John P. Colbert For Congress 2010 business card is the following quote:

"...America must win this war. I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone" - Quote found in the diary recovered from the body of a World War One American solider, Martin Treptow.

This quote was first used by Ronald Reagan in a speech that helped to communicate to the citizens of the United States on his level of commitment to a Constitutional government.

Take the materials found at the TeaPAC website and organize community "Tea Parties" with people you know who wish to maintain their freedoms laid out in the Constitution and help to support candidates who pledge to stop the corruption that has taken hold of our governmental processes.

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