Showing posts with label Elvis Presley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elvis Presley. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Uh-Huh! Hillary Wears An “Elvis” Collar To Win (UPDATED)

Hillary Clinton with an Elvis collar on her derss jacket as she celebrates her win in the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Saturday. Image Credit: Associated Press via CNN

Uh-Huh! Hillary Wears An “Elvis” Collar To Win

Elvis is back in the building. Look at these photos of Hillary Rodham Clinton wearing what we, at MAXINE, believe to be a collar design lifted directly from the costumes of Elvis Presley in his living and performing heyday.

Image from 1973 television broadcast, "Elvis:Aloha from Hawaii." - Image Credit: Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. and RCA Records.

Hillary has a lot to be happy about, even with the strong union endorsement support for Barack Obama and impromptu caucus polling stations being set up where people work as opposed to the traditional polling stations only being where people live … Clinton pulls out a convincing 6% win.

Sen. Hillary Clinton celebrates her win in the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Saturday. Image Credit: Associated Press via CNN

Poll Answers

This excerpted from CNN News –

Clinton claims Nevada caucuses with help from women, Latinos
CNN - Jan. 19, 2008 - 4:20 pm PT

In Nevada's contest, Clinton led rival Barack Obama by 6 percentage points with 97 percent of precincts reporting in Saturday's Democratic caucuses.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards was a distant third.

"I guess this is how the West was won," Clinton told supporters Saturday.

Clinton issued a special thanks to her supporters from the 60,000-strong Culinary Workers Union. Clinton had been encouraging members of the union, which endorsed Obama, to vote their conscience.

Zachary Conine, a permanent caucus chairman in Las Vegas, said Clinton's campaign organization helped hand her the win.

"Her people are efficient, fervent. They were there first, they were calling people, they had a list of voters they were using to call people, making sure people came out. They had signs, they had shirts, they had a clear chain of command," he said.
"Right now, things are very uneasy in the black community," said Donna Brazile, a CNN analyst who managed former Vice President Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. She said her own relatives in South Carolina are split between Clinton and Obama.
In Nevada, Obama also led strongly among voters under 30, while Clinton took the over-45 category.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., greets workers at the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino in Las Vegas on Saturday. Image Credit: Rick Wilking - Reuters

Like Republicans, Democratic caucus-goers called the economy their top issue in 2008 -- and they preferred Clinton, whose husband presided over a lengthy economic boom in the 1990s, by a 49-38 margin over Obama.

And in the last days, both Clinton and Edwards blasted Obama over comments he made to the editorial board of a Reno newspaper, in which he praised former president and Republican icon Ronald Reagan's "clarity" and "optimism" and said the GOP had been "the party of ideas" for the last 10 to 15 years.

"There's no nostalgia in the Democratic Party for Ronald Reagan," Brazile said. "Hillary Clinton may have benefited from not just the love that people have for Bill Clinton, but also criticizing Obama in the last 24 hours about his support for Ronald Reagan."

The war in Iraq and health care were the No. 2 and No. 3 issues for Democrats, and Clinton led strongly among voters who chose those as their top issues, the entrance polls found.

Edwards has based his campaign on a strong populist pitch targeting corporate interests, whom he said have "rigged" Washington in their favor. But he drew the support of just 10 percent of caucus-goers who called the economy their top issue, and 11 percent among those who viewed health care their biggest concern.

Nevada Democrats said they had a record turnout for Saturday's caucuses, with more than 107,000 people taking part.

The caucuses were held after a dispute between two of the state's largest labor organizations, the 60,000-member Culinary Workers Union and the 28,000 strong Nevada State Education Education, which represents teachers.

The state Democratic Party gave the nearly 200,000 workers on the Las Vegas strip a chance to take part in the caucuses by setting up nine "at-large" precincts in casinos. That was expected to give a boost to Obama once the culinary workers endorsed the Illinois senator.

The teachers union went to court last week to block the plan, arguing it gave hotel and casino employees an unfair advantage over other workers and granted outsized weight to the "at-large" precincts. A federal judge in Las Vegas rejected the suit Thursday, ruling that caucus procedures were up to the state party to decide.

Reference Here>>

New Elvis Collar Outfits!

Dark Blue Elvis Collar outfit featured in a campaign ad released by the Hillary Clinton campaign for president entitled "Night Shift" - Image Credit: hillaryclintondotcom via YouTube (2-19-2008)

Hillary Clinton at the University of Texas debate 2-21-2008 - The Elvis Collar! (black with white piping) - Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (MAXINE)

Hillary Clinton in her mid-blue Elvis Collar suit - Whitmer High School Fieldhouse, Toledo, Ohio – 2-23-2008. Image Credit: The Toledo Blade

UPDATE - Super Tuesday 2.0:

Hillary accepts applause from the crowd Tuesday night March 4, 2008 after posting campaign saving wins in Ohio and Texas. Again, Elvis is baaaaack in the building!

Hillary Clinton addresses the crowd in Columbus, Ohio in her Elvis suit that she first wore in Nevada. Stop the bus, the tour has come full circle. Image Credits: Associated Press (AP)

Yes, the plural of 'Elvis' is 'Elvi'. Thank you ... thank you very much!

... and now, a word from Elvis, himself.

Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley - Hawaii 1973.

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