CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control
CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control
Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police
Benevolent Association
Democrats are working toward an intended consequence that amounts to a
hijacking of our criminal justice systems that had worked very well at
assuring safety for citizens and working families everywhere.
city after city, the Democrats have passed laws and implemented policies that
do not recognize theft, that eliminate cash bail and promises to appear,
restrict the powers of policing, and empty our jails. District Attorneys do
not prosecute cases at the level they once did to keep criminals in check in
an effort to create more put-upon victims so that Democrats have a base of
potential voters to groom for their own path to power.
The chaos we have been seeing grow in our communities isn't a side effect, it
is the goal. Unchecked illegal immigration, Sanctuary City policies,
non-enforcement of vagrancy laws through transference from policing to city
staffed social worker agencies (who stay in their air-conditioned offices),
COVID-19 mass releasing of guilty known criminals from prisons and jails
before their sentences are fully served (when Shelter-At-Home and Masks are
required through governmental edict for everyday law abiding citizens), road
and street "diets" imposed without a vote from citizens by city bureaucrats
which impede and slow the pursuits of happiness and commerce on once major
boulevard arteries, all intended to create a less than best practices impaired
society Democrat political leaders can run on.
To be clear, Patrick
Lynch, President of NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association, stated it best in
his presentation during the final day of the Republican National Convention -
“Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions. I
have been a New York City police officer for 36 years…I’ve never seen our
streets go this bad so quickly.”
“Unlike the Democrats, who froze
in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump matches his words with his
actions,” Mr. Lynch said. “He gives law enforcement the support and the tools
we need to go out there and put a stop to it - period, end of story.”
We, at MAXINE, wish to get our America and American Culture back where people are safe, have a criminal justice system that works as intended (keeping convicted criminals housed and in check), and operates peacefully under the full rights as guaranteed by God, not decreed by Government, as laid out in our country's founding documents - where people/individuals have more power than Government ... in the end.
As in the final comments made by Patrick Lynch - Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris', and the Democrat Political Party's America Equals "No Safety, No Justice, No Peace!"
TAGS: Patrick Lynch, #MAGA, #DJT45, Republican, Democratic, No Safety, No Justice, No Peace, Joe Biden, 2020, MAXINE
Newt Gingrich heads into South Carolina election day as the clear front runner in the state: he's now polling at 37% to 28% for Mitt Romney, 16% for Rick Santorum, and 14% for Ron Paul.
Gingrich's lead has actually increased in the wake of his ex-wife's controversial interview with ABC. Although one night poll results should always be interpreted with caution, he led the final night of the field period by a 40-26 margin. One thing that continues to work to his advantage are the debates. 60% of primary voters report having watched the one last night, and Gingrich has a 46-23 lead with those folks.
The other reason his ex-wife's interview isn't causing him much trouble is that there's a lot of skepticism about it. Only 31% of voters say they think her accusations are true while 35% think they are false and 34% are unsure. 51% of voters say that they have 'no concerns' about what came out in the interview.
The skepticism of Republican voters toward the media is helping Gingrich as well. Just 14% of likely voters have a generally favorable opinion of the media, while 77% view it negatively. Gingrich's attacks on the media have clearly played well with the party base.
Gingrich is leading with pretty much every key segment of the Republican electorate. He's up 41-21 on Romney and Santorum with Evangelicals, he has a 52-18 advantage on Romney with Tea Partiers, he leads Santorum 44-21 with 'very conservative' voters with Romney at 20%, and he's up 39-26 with men.
In the final week of the campaign Gingrich rose from 24% to 37% in PPP's polling while Romney basically stayed in place, going from 29% to 28%. Romney saw a 15 point decline in his net favorability in the closing stretch from +24 (57/33) to just +9 (51/42). Gingrich saw a modest increase in his numbers over the final week from +14 (51/37) to +17 (54/37).
Mark Blumenthal's piece today for Huffington Post about 'expecting the unexpected' tomorrow is well worth a read. Gingrich will probably win tomorrow- but there's a higher than normal chance for a surprise given everything that's gone down in the last 48 hours.
Full results here
[Reference Here]
Full Vote Results HERE -- Exit Poll Analysis HERE>>
Most Telling Takeaway:
How do you feel about the Tea Party movement?![]() |
Ron Paul gives an answer during the last debate before the primary vote in South Carolina. Image Credit: CNN |
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