Showing posts with label Eric Holder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eric Holder. Show all posts

Sunday, May 09, 2010

It's Official - Pakistan Taliban Behind Failed NY Times Square Bomb Plot

A photo of the scene where the car traveling on 45th Street crosses the intersection at the time of the incident on Saturday at Times Square. Photo released at the press conference with the New York Police Department. Image Credit: NYPD SURVEILLANCE VIDEO PHOTOGRAPH

It's Official - Pakistan Taliban Behind Failed NY Times Square Bomb Plot

Well laa-tee-daa, it has been reported today in an article produced by Reuters that the U.S. says Pakistani Taliban behind bomb attempt.

Nearly everyone who found out that an SUV was discovered, parked in Times Square, smoking, filled with un-exploded bomb materials, felt that the first suspects on that list would have been people of Muslim upbringing and middle-east decent - PERIOD.

Sadly, our current crop of political leaders do not want to protect the rest of us by playing the odds. NO ... the first public statements out of their mouths attack the character of the average naturally born American who believes that our current Government and its leaders have lost their way given American Culture.

On the very day this plot was discovered, Mayor Bloomberg of the city of New York speculated to CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric that the suspect behind the bombing attempt could be a domestic terrorist angry at the government who acted alone.

"If I had to guess 25 cents, this would be exactly that. Homegrown, or maybe a mentally deranged person, or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the [recently passed Obamacare law] health care bill or something. It could be anything," he said.

"There is no evidence here of a conspiracy, there is no evidence that it's tied into anything else. It looks like an amateurish job done by at least one person," he told Couric.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called the scare a "potential terrorist attack" but she and other officials held off saying whether there was a link to Islamist groups or to a domestic cause in the United States. In an interview on FOX & Friends on FOX News, she would not specifically classify the potential bomb a terrorist attack or event - YouTube below.

A U.S. intelligence official told Reuters "we just don't know at this point who may be behind this event. We believe it is a one-off event"

To be truthful, given the odds proven out over the last 15 months and the majority of this 44th Presidency of the United States, one could easily speculate that if there is a bomb set to go off, or a gun to be fired into a crowd it would be a high 95%+ probability that the people behind the action would have been people of Muslim upbringing and middle-east decent.

These people who are found to be behind these actions of terrorism and murder are of this demographic and are at war (which is not a ONE-OFF event) with the western industrialized world. The United States of America sits at the top of this world as being the most successful and productive, and hence ... the most visible target.

This excerpted and edited from Reuters -

U.S. says Pakistani Taliban behind bomb attempt

Glenn Somerville, Reuters - WASHINGTON - Sun May 9, 2010 10:24am EDT

Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday said evidence shows a Pakistan Taliban group closely allied with al Qaeda was behind the attempted bombing in New York's Times Square.
Holder, in an interview on ABC television's "This Week," said there was nothing to suggest the Pakistani government was aware of the plot.
"We know that they helped facilitate it. We know that they probably helped finance it. And that he was working at their direction," he [Atty. Gen. Eric Holder] said, referring to Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistan-born naturalized American who is now under arrest. Shahzad, 30, was arrested last Monday, two days after authorities say he parked a crude car bomb in New York's busy Times Square. Authorities say he as been cooperating in the investigation.

Some lawmakers have suggested that people accused of terrorism should not have all the rights accorded to those charged with less serious crimes.
Holder said it was important the government have the flexibility it needs to counter acts of terrorism but that any changes have to meet constitutional requirements.

On NBC's "Meet the Press," Holder said the administration will suggest some changes to Congress that recognize the reality that terrorism is a rising risk for the United States.
"We want to work with Congress to come up with a way in which we make our public safety exception more flexible and again more consistent with the threat we face ... This is a proposal that we're going to be making and that we want to work with Congress about," Holder said.

President Barack Obama's assistant for national security, John Brennan, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," also cited Shahzad's al Qaeda link, saying evidence showed he was working with a Pakistani militant group closely allied with al Qaeda.


Brennan said the Pakistani government's was cooperating closely with U.S. investigators.
Reference Here>>

It is time to prepare to remove leadership that refuses to protect us at a time of war in a proper way. It is time to vote for people who recognize that our country is a target of war by inclined Muslim terrorist who are supported through a network created by al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Obama’s Empty Suit Filled With Clinton Brain Trust

Six members of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team for government operations worked in the Clinton administration, and one of them runs a consulting firm that has listed Freddie Mac as a client. Image Credit: AP

Obama’s Empty Suit Filled With Clinton Brain Trust

What happens when a junior Senator from Illinois campaigns on the themes of Hope and Change, with the thinnest of resume’s and record of accomplishment has to fill a branch, the Executive Branch of government and its’ staff, assumes the highest office in the land?

Why one fills the positions with the staff appointed during the previous presidency held by the political party you come from … in this case, the Bill Clinton 42nd Presidency.

Where is the Hope? Where is the Change?

Of the names being placed for the 47 top positions of the executive branch, 31 of the names were people who served with Bill Clinton whose eight year presidency ended eight years ago.

Where is the shiny? Where is the new? Where is the fresh?

This excerpted and edited from Politico –

The Clinton band is back together


As one Clinton loyalist noted with some satisfaction (if anonymously) on Thursday, Podesta’s role in the transition, and the new prominence of Clinton administration officials, suggests that Obama has absorbed one of Hillary Clinton's talking points: That it takes experience to make change happen.

Thirty-one of the 47 people so far named to transition or staff posts have ties to the Clinton administration, including all but one of the members of his 12-person Transition Advisory Board and both of his White House staff choices.
The highest-ranking member of the group with deep ties to both Clinton and Obama is [Rahm] Emanuel, a Chicagoan who is very close to Obama and his chief strategist, David Axelrod.

Though the transition is still young, former Clintonites say they feel a change in the atmosphere.

"It's heartening to see that that was just primary rhetoric," said a former Clinton aide of Obama's criticism of Clinton's administration.
Soon after the primary, top Clinton policy aides, such as economic adviser Gene Sperling, were quietly integrated into Obama's campaign. The only member of Clinton's inner circle to join Obama's campaign staff was her policy director, Neera Tanden.

A campaign's policy shop feeds the bulk of a new administration's appointments: Most of the key positions on White House staff and in executive agencies are policy posts.

But while the Clinton policy shop may feel like the gang is getting back together, the political team has yet to be invited in.

Said one former Clinton campaign aide, "Obama has clearly made a distinction between the small group of Clinton campaign staff, who clearly aren't much welcome, and the large number of Clinton White House personnel who are."
Reference Here>>

With the announcement of Eric Holder being considered for the position of Attorney General, apparently expediency over judgment is the dividing hallmark of which former Clinton White House personnel are welcome (see Marc Rich pardon at end of the Clinton Presidency).

This is the reason why placing someone with previous executive experience (ideally within a construct of civic or state politics) is preferred to bringing a fresh approach to Washington politics than a Senator, any Senator, because the candidate who wins the election for president would staff the “new” executive branch with people who are competent in the workings of an executive effort but from OUTSIDE Washington without the legacy to the way thing were done before.

Where is the shiny? Where is the new? Where is the fresh? Where is the Hope? Where is the Change?

With Barack Obama and the personnel he is picking … it’s SAME-O, SAME-O!

We, at MAXINE believe it's going to be a real fun Carter's Second Term with a heavy spice of Clinton thrown in for good measure.

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...