Showing posts with label Democrat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrat. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2021

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

Facebook Word Plate By Edmund Jenks

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

This is what all of this Woke-ness amounts to for DNA Females in our Democrat Political Party run America. 

If a man says he's a woman, you do not matter - your rights to compete on a level playing field in sports, the workplace given Identity Politics, in being picked for Federal or State Government Office - you do not matter if the man says so.

The PUSH For New "Equal Rights" Legislation

Red Eye Radio - Last night explored this whole issue that has been the Left-Wing agenda pushed too far so as to eliminate the 100+ years of the pursuit of Equal Rights for the Gender/Sex that are known as biological Women.

Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 1 - BEGIN @ 10:00 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
Look who is marginalized in this whole thing it is Democrats - think about it that is spoken out against us oh yeah and said we can't allow this to continue.

No, stand aside, it's gonna continue and Tiitle 9 is done, that's all.

If you if you are the parent of a daughter, and your daughter wants to play sports, your daughter won't have the same opportunity as before.

I don't know, for the mainstream media probably wouldn't touch it because they know that basically Americans would sit there and say "this is absolutely insane" - but this is what Joe Biden believes this is what the Democrat Leadership ... and remember they did this day one - and notice how whether it was the incoming education secretary or Merrick Garland - none of them will address the actual question - they ignore it because they know they can't win it ... yet they continue to push it.

They can't tell you the truth about what they're doing now.

They won't be blunt and say, "No, we believe boys should play girls sports!" ... What will this mean to girls and Title 9 opportunities? ... "We don't care whether women have opportunities, men believing their women supersedes anything that a woman wants!"

Men always lead, men are the ones that dictate to women, what can they do when men can say we are women and can remove the opportunity for biological women in sports.

What a man thinks, matters - what women think doesn't matter and your daughter just needs to get used to male genitalia! Your daughter needs to get used to male genitalia! That's not what we are saying, that's the Charlotte Observer and it's Editorial Board ... that's couple years ago! [the Charlotte Observer opined] your daughter is a bigot your daughter is evil for not accepting, and wanting, and embracing male genitalia in the Locker Room ... she just needs to get used to it man!

I love this paper's "the world the Left has built" - don't you picture, could you imagine, if that was actually our opinions [on Red Eye Radio] and we promoted it on the show, could you imagine the feedback? Oh my God, if we said that - just reverse it - we're in a Bizarro World, and you and I are on the left, and be the Antimatter world - that we're in the Antimatter world.

Can you imagine of Trump said this at the start - if Trump went through 2016 promoting that but saying it exactly how it would play up?

I believe that men who say they are women have the right over your daughter or a place over them on that thing ... because white men said What Men Say Matters.

Women! When does it matter? ... and your daughters need to get used to male genitalia.


CONTINUES - Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 2 - BEGIN @ 39:20 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
What describes it really - I think really well - is that you must submit if you're a woman to what the man says ... if the man says "I'm a woman" - you have to submit and you have to submit your chance and opportunity, your chance to compete fairly, your feelings don't matter.

What? You have taken actions that are afforded you under Title 9 - will take a back seat to the protections that are afforded the man and you can ask yourself, well ... how did the man get these protections? Because he said because he said so!

So, any answer to "Why is this is going on?"

Because the man said so - and if you're the woman you must submit to the will of the man even if the man says I am a woman and, therefore, I just don't feel like a woman - feeling like a woman makes me a biological woman - and therefore you must submit to what I believe - and if you don't, you're the bigot - and if you don't become comfortable with my genitalia, you are an intolerant, evil bigot!

This is the common sense legislation that is coming out from the Biden Administration - this is what Joe Biden thinks, and if he didn't think it, it wouldn't be happening.

This is they call Joe Biden, a moderate Democrat, this is what today's moderate Democrat believes - if The Man Said So, you, the woman must abide by what the man says, even if it is not based in any science, or any type of rational critical thinking.

If the man says it, you, the woman, must submit your rights - and regardless of how long the battle to achieve those rights [over 100 years].

To understand ... here the news was celebrated by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, listen to what he said where told Associated Press "transgender girls are girls and every woman and girl deserves protection against discrimination. He lies, they're not girls ... and it doesn't protect against discrimination - in fact this absolutely discriminates against women and their life - its anti-women in it's massage.

Honestly, it's not based in any type of science. It's based on the philosophy if the what the man says matters what the woman thinks doesn't matter.

Connecticut Attorney General William Tong didn't include the entire sentence we've been saying, Liberals never finish the sentence - if he had finished the sentence, it would be it because you're asking "How do you know they're girls?" ... because The Man Said So - right, the man gets to dictate the sexuality of a woman!

Wow! That's women's rights - this is what we talked on how insane they are.

This is where they wish to go - the insanity continues on this issue to complete and total insanity - not based in any logic - any type of critical thinking any science - any time the Democrats [and Establishment Republicans] tell you that they are the party of science, you can tell them to go jump into the lake.

And so continues the Bizzaro World saga of the Left-Wing, Democrat, Establishment Republican, DEEP STATE of our "Bureaucracy For Life" Federal Governance here during the episode of the 2021 Carter's Second Term known as the Joe Biden 46th Presidency.

We, at MAXINE, say no to The Man Said So solutions to women's rights - there 'ya' go.

TAGS: Red Eye Radio, Gary McNamara, Eric Harley, #JRB46, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Political Party, Leadership, Woke, Connecticut Attorney General, William Tong, Bureaucracy For Life, Carter's Second Term, MAXINE

Sunday, December 27, 2020

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control


It is rare for any of us to put our beliefs about control to the test. When companies have actually tested whether their advertising works, they often find surprising results, such as eBay’s revelation that the return on its advertising investment might actually be negative. So is it wiser to assume we’re not in control of either our own health or of how customers view us?  That can lead to the opposite error - to be underconfident about what we can control. It is easy to identify tragic missed opportunities that can arise from this belief. Caption Credit: The Berkley Blog - Image Credit: Pinterest (2020)

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control

Most elevators have some form of a “close door” button. Impatient elevator riders the world over push that button when they want the elevator to get moving. Unbeknownst to them, their button-pushing efforts are useless. The vast majority of building managers and elevator programmers think they know when the doors should close, and have deactivated the button. Pushing the button has no effect, yet people continue to push it. This is just one example of the “illusion of control”: Acting as if we control something that we don’t.
[ht: The Berkley Blog]
Someone needs to tell City, County, State, & Federal leaders that there is no such thing as controlling a virus, no matter where it comes from. The one thing we all know now, in spite of the Mass Media's love of "Panic Porn" is that given any general population of Humanity, the virus from Wuhan China is 99.95+% survivable no matter what others want you to believe.
ENTER life at one's own level of known risk given one's demographic of vulnerability, but do not be tempted to push the elevator "Close Door" button.
We, at MAXINE have this political footnote to impart that is also related to this year of our Lord 2020 - Think Dominion Tabulation Systems and a Republican vote - the vote will be diminished or not be counted.

TAGS: Close Door, Elevators, Button, Dominion, 2020 Election, CBS Sunday Morning, Berkley Blog, Democrat, Republican, Panic Porn, Wuhan Red Death, MAXINE

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

ObamaCare Repeal Vote Not Showcase Or Futile

The House vote repealing ObamaCare sends a significant message across America – the high court got this one wrong. Most Americans understand the only way to correct this injustice is to repeal the health care law. Image Credit:  

ObamaCare Repeal Vote Not Showcase Or Futile

The Liberal Media take on the House of Representatives vote of 244-185 vote to repeal the ObamaCare health care law is that it's a "dog and pony" show. It is a futile attempt that will go nowhere as it faces certain demise in the Democrat-controlled Senate, and that this effort represents the 33rd time the House has gone to this well ... but there is a completely different take that few are articulating or, for that matter, shouting from the rooftops between now and the election in November.

Aside from the fact that this is only the second time that Congress has voted directly on the REPEAL of ObamaCare since the 2010 election, this passing vote lays down the marker of what most of the voting public wishes to see and that the only way to complete the process of REPEAL and REPLACE is to deliver a Senate and Executive Branch that are committed to vote for repeal as well.

Again, to be clear, with this affirmative vote for REPEAL, the House of Representatives are locked and loaded to kill this harmful law and we need to REPLACE enough committed members in the Senate and boot the 44th President, his Cabinet (which he apparently doesn't need or respect), and his 36 or so Czars out of office this November 2012.

This information on the number of time Congress has voted to repeal the ObamaCar law excerpted and edited from Hot Air -

The No. 33, and the surprisingly bipartisan art of repeal
posted at 5:26 pm on July 11, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham

Today marks the 33rd vote the Republican-led Congress has taken to repeal all or part of ObamaCare. Many media outlets are using the stat du jour as sort of de facto proof of repeal’s futility. Look at these silly, extremist Republicans, tilting at government-subsidized windmills 33 times!

The fact is this is only the second vote on total repeal, the first one coming in January of 2011 after Americans elected a wave of 63 new Republicans to, you know, repeal ObamaCare. Both votes for full repeal, in 2011 and 2012, were more bipartisan than the vote to pass ObamaCare, with three and five Democrats crossing over to the Republican side, respectively.
The figure 33, of course, includes all sorts of bills that were only tangentially about ObamaCare repeal, or tweaked small parts of the bill, often with Democratic endorsement and votes. It includes several bills passed with hard-fought compromise later signed by Obama, like the debt-ceiling deal, and other bills that accomplished Obama’s legislative goals, such as the payroll tax cut extension bill.

So, are the House’s machinations futile and extreme?

There’s already been bipartisan cooperation in repealing large parts of the health care law in the House— the 1099 reporting requirement and the CLASS Act.

The very first part of ObamaCare to get the knife was the 1099 reporting requirement. That extremist bit of legislation passed the Senate 87-12 and the House, 314-112, and landed on the President’s desk for signing on April 14. The 1099 reporting requirement was one of the funding fictions ObamaCare supporters used to make it look as if the President’s plan would fulfill his promise not to “add a dime to the deficit.” Post-passage it was almost universally recognized as unworkable. It would have required businesses to fill out an IRS form (1099) for every $600 of staples and printer paper they bought at Target within a calendar year. It closed a loophole, and that loophole was shopping.

When it was repealed, Obama called it “a big win for small business.”

“Small business owners are the engine of our economy and because Democrats and Republicans worked together, we can ensure they spend their time and resources creating jobs and growing their business, not filling out more paperwork,” said the noted extremist.

The CLASS Act accounted for half of the Affordable Care Act’s
[ObamaCare] claims of deficit reduction, but in February of 2012, it too was repealed by the House, with more than 28 Democrats crossing over to help. Obama’s deficit commission recommended its repeal and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted the program could not work.
The CLASS Act is still on the books, threatening to fall apart the moment someone tries to implement it. Democrats aren’t anxious to kill off what Sen. John Thune called a “zombie” program for fear of losing the funding fiction it supports and ceding momentum to repeal efforts.

The 1099 repeal was the culmination of an eight-month-long fight.

Nancy Pelosi once said we needed to pass the health care bill to see what was in it. Once we found out, it turned out repealing large parts of it would be a “big win for small businesses,” and save us from giant entitlements without a “viable path” forward. Republicans will and should keep trying to remove these boondoggles, and sometimes it’s gonna take quite a few tries. It always does with zombies.

[Reference Here]

Keep the current House of Representatives who are a proven force for REPEAL, replace the Senate Democrats that are up for re-election with committed conservatives who will work for a smaller Government and the REPEAL of the ObamaCare law, and REPLACE Barack Obama and the rest of his executive branch with Mitt Romney come November 2012.

Technorati/Politisite West Coast editor Edmund Jenks, discussed this article and the ObamaCare Repeal Vote in the House of Representatives on Red Eye Radio at 1:06 a.m. East / 10:06 p.m. West 7/11/2012. To join the conversation every night - Call 1-866-90-REDEYE. Listen Live To Episode HERE   Website:

** Article first published as ObamaCare Repeal Vote Not Showcase Or Futile on Technorati **

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Political Definitions For A Difinative Tea Party Movement

Despite the dearth of any proof, the Religious Left climbed aboard immediately with the worst assumptions based primarily on their own projected stereotypes of conservatives. The UCC’s Rev. Black insisted that he was “not surprised because I have long suspected that racism and homophobia are some of the underlying motives.” He called upon his “brothers and sisters in the United Christ of Christ and our faith partners to resist entering into dialog or debate with such demonstrations of hate that go against our Christian understanding to love our neighbors.” Caption & Image Credit:

Political Definitions For A Definitive Tea Party Movement

Ever since the Tea Party began to receive real political traction when candidates they supported were winning elections, or primaries to elections, in impressive numbers, the Main Stream Media as well as the White House have tried to define just what the Tea Party Movement really is.

When Rand Paul won in an upset over all other Republican Senate nominee candidates in Kentucky, the MSM tried to characterize this and other wins as "Anti-Incumbency", "Anger", and worse ... "Racist Backlash" in an attempt to discredit the Movement. Taxed Enough Already (which many say what the TEA in Tea Party stands for), however, does not communicate enough to have people understand just how deep this Movement is and how deep the problems we have in our political system as it exists in Washington DC.

The Tea Party is gaining strength because people are beginning to understand that we all are in a Class Warfare but not the class warfare the MSM wants us all to be directed to - IE: Rich vs Poor / Haves vs Have Nots.

No, the Class Warfare we are all involved in is the Political Class vs the Country Class. It is this definition and its understanding that the Tea Party Movement really needs to make as its centerpiece above all other definitions ... Republican or Democrat.

South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan (L) U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2nd-L), U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (2nd-R) and South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-Young (R) speak to the media at the UN truce village building that sits on the border of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), on July 21, 2010 in Panmunjon, South Korea. Secretary Gates and Secretary Clinton participated in talks with their Korean counter parts and South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak. Caption & Image Credit: Mark Wilson - Pool/Getty Images/Clarity Media

This excerpted and edited from The American Spectator -

America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

By Angelo M. Codevilla - The American Spectator, from the July 2010 - August 2010 issue

... American people started referring to those in and around government as the "ruling class." And in fact Republican and Democratic office holders and their retinues show a similar presumption to dominate and fewer differences in tastes, habits, opinions, and sources of income among one another than between both and the rest of the country. They think, look, and act as a class.
Differences between Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are of degree, not kind. Moreover, 2009-10 establishment Republicans sought only to modify the government's agenda while showing eagerness to join the Democrats in new grand schemes, if only they were allowed to.

Sen. Orrin Hatch continued dreaming of being Ted Kennedy, while Lindsey Graham set aside what is true or false about "global warming" for the sake of getting on the right side of history.

No prominent Republican challenged the ruling class's continued claim of superior insight, nor its denigration of the American people as irritable children who must learn their place. The Republican Party did not disparage the ruling class, because most of its officials are or would like to be part of it.

Never has there been so little diversity within America's [POLITICAL] upper crust.
Today's ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints.

Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters -- speaking the "in" language -- serves as a badge of identity.

Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct.
America's ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government [the Country Class].
The gravity of such divisions points us, as it did Lincoln, to Mark's Gospel: "if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."
The ruling class's appetite for deference, power, and perks grows.

The country class disrespects its rulers, wants to curtail their power and reduce their perks.

The ruling class wears on its sleeve the view that the rest of Americans are racist, greedy, and above all stupid.

The country class is ever more convinced that our rulers are corrupt, malevolent, and inept.

The rulers want the ruled to shut up and obey.

The ruled want self-governance.

The clash between the two is about which side's vision of itself and of the other is right and which is wrong. Because each side -- especially the ruling class -- embodies its views on the issues, concessions by one side to another on any issue tend to discredit that side's view of itself.

One side or the other will prevail. The clash is as sure and momentous as its outcome is unpredictable.
Reference Here>>

We, at MAXINE believe, the Tea Party Movement needs to be able to take up the cause of the Country Class. This is the only cause that will tip the balance of this "high school" power struggle, that will be able to maintain our country, and the individual freedoms it guarantees through the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

Bend over ... and kiss it (personal freedom and economy) goodbye! Image Credit: U.S. Government/Marines

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

The nation's largest healthcare insurer - Veterans Administration, Medicare, All Military and Armed Services - just got a lot larger today in the face of overwhelming opposition and through the expenditure of the political capital of the DEMOCRAT POLITICAL PARTY. By a partisan one-party vote and a little less that two-minutes remaining of 219-YEA to 209-NAY, with 2-NV (non-votes), the Senate version of the inappropriately entitled Health Care Reform bill was passed by the House of Representatives and adopted into law.

Kiss the adult level of decision-making over the direction of one's personal health and care during their own life ... from now on.

Today, March 21, 2010 is the day that the United States of America ceased to be a nation of self-reliance and personal freedom and a beacon to the rest of the world as an example of a strong Constitution that protected citizens rights over the Government that they have elected into office. We are all wards of the STATE. If the STATE makes decisions about one's health from a central office ... one life is OWNED by that STATE

We all will be fined is we choose to NOT purchase health insurance in a situation where we never have an option to pursue our lives as we see fit - as we do with driving a car.

Thank all members of the Democrat Political Party for saddling our country with additional unfunded debt heaped upon a broken ... and broke economy.

Welcome the era of Democrat Political Party chaos (here in Carter's Second Term) to the likes of which we have never visited, in our nation's history, and all of this enacted in just thirteen months.

This one vote will never be undone without totally resetting the political path of our nation and this will only happen with electing verifiable, small, smaller, smallest Government ... Constitutionalists ... beginning in November 2010 and doing the same in November 2012.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Tea Party Nation: Of Palin, Progressives, New Deal, and party politics

Sarah Palin as she give the Keynote Speech to end the first political convention to recognize the Tea Party Movement - Tea Party Nation. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

Tea Party Nation: Of Palin, Progressives, New Deal, and party politics

Talking heads and news cast pundits are unanimous ... the Tea Party Movement needs, or has a leader in the visage of former Alaska State Governor, Sara Palin after her rather pointed keynote speech she delivered at the first, official convention put on by the Tea Party Nation organization (one of many grassroots organizations that have sprung up after seeing people gather in protest to this current Government's "progressive" expansion and spending agenda).

The truth about this Tea Party Movement is that it does not need a leader to follow, just a recognition of what many term American constitutional principles and American Culture. What has most people upset with our current political landscape is the direction embraced by politicians from both political parties. Simply stated, a progressive STATE-IST solution to all governance ... there is a governmental solution to all perceived problems in our society, culture, and process that effect our lives.

The problem with this view is that it does not match up with what is stated in the document that is the keel-board upon which our country was founded ... the United States Constitution.

We have had many attempts to turn this country into a fascist, socialist, "PROGRESSIVE" paradise starting at the turn of the last century, reaching major strength through the Herbert Hoover' 31st Presidency, through the Franklin Delano Roosevelt five terms as President (and the main reason why the elected office of President has been term limited to just two terms), and now with a one-party Democrat Congress (House of Representatives & Senate) and 44th Presidency of the politically radical Democrat Party Obama Administration.

Democrats, however, are not the only politicians who can lay claim to a progressive agenda, many recognized Republican Party standouts are very "Big, Bigger, Biggest Government" state-ist as well. Chief among them are George H.W. Bush, the 41st President, Geoprge W. Bush, the 43rd President, Colin Powell, former military Chief of Staff and one-time presidential hopeful, Charlie Crist, former Governor of Florida and Senate seat hopeful, the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, William Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts, and the jury is out on the politician and successful business mogul who replaced Weld as Governor and 2008 presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, and current United States Senators, John McCain (his progressive stand cost him the 2008 presidency), Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins.

The Tea Party Movement is not Republican, Democrat, or Independent registered voter driven or, for that matter, owned. That really is the issue here, the Tea Party Movement is about washing out Progressive politics and re-establishing a Constitutional Government that is smaller and attempts to be responsive -- to, for, and by the voting citizen!

Sarah Palin seemed very much in her element addressing the crowd of 1,100 conservative activists, who had each paid several hundred dollars to see the former governor deliver her most-anticipated speech since the 2008 campaign. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

This partial definition of the Tea Party Movement excerpted and edited from ABCNews-

Palin: 'America Is Ready for Another Revolution' Ex-V.P. Candidate Assails Obama at Convention, Fuels Acolytes' Passion
By STEVEN PORTNOY - NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 7, 2010

former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said the Tea Party movement is the "future of politics in America," and it's got Democrats "running scared."

Delivering the keynote address at the first-ever National Tea Party Convention, Palin brought the audience to its feet several times, taunting the Obama administration, mocking its supporters and warning Democrats that their agenda is "out of touch, out of date, and if Scott Brown is any indication, it's running out of time."

Referring to the Republican who won the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in the Bay State, Palin told activists, "If there's hope in Massachusetts, there's hope everywhere."
"I caution against allowing this movement to be defined by any one leader or politician," Palin said, calling the conservative populist Tea Party "bigger than any king or queen."

"And it's a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter," Palin said, delivering her first of many swipes at President Obama and his administration.

Taunting those who voted for the Democratic ticket in 2008, Palin asked to laughs, "How is that 'hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya'?" While criticizing the administration for its record of transparency on stimulus spending, and accusing Democrats of committing "generational theft" amid a sharp rise in deficit spending, Palin saved her strongest rhetorical fire for the president's handling of terrorism.

"We can't spin our way out of this threat," Palin said, referring to Obama's reticence to call the effort against al Qaeda a "war on terror."

"To win that war," Palin said, "we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lecturn." The line brought her another standing ovation, and some of the biggest applause of the night.
The Tea Party movement, Palin argued, is "about the people. Who can argue with a movement that is about the people and for the people?"
Palin took questions submitted in advance to the Web site of Tea Party Nation, the group that organized the event at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.
Palin urged a return to fiscal restraint, an expansion of domestic oil exploration, and for leaders to not be "afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God-fearing nation."

"It would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country, so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again," Palin said.
Addressing the notion that the Tea Party should become the nation's third major political party, Palin instead said, "The Republican Party would be really smart to absorb as much of the Tea Party as possible."
Palin urged fellow conservative politicians to "plow right on through" attacks by the "irrelevant, lamestream media."

"The political potshots that they want to take at you for standing up and saying what you believe in and proclaiming the patriotic love that you have for country -- a lot of those in the 'lamestream' media, they don't want to hear that."

But, Palin said, "At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what they have to say about you, because I really believe that there are more of us than they want us to believe."
Reference Here>>

Q & A with Sara Palin after Tea Party Nation convention Keynote Address. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

Jay Carroll Jenks, a gentleman who resided on North La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California and lived through the last great expansion of Progressive Government in the FDR era and suffered through "The New Deal" as an independent letter-set printer (and my Grandfather) left notes describing his frustration copeing with a control, over personal freedom approach tucked in an envelope titled on the front "PET PEEVES ... thru 1938"

Here is a sample of what was written in his own hand:

PET PEEVES against the NEW DEAL from start to and through 1938

F.D.R. and Mrs. F.D.R.
-- Too much GAB

Roosevelt Family
-- Too much GRAB

-- Although blamed for Retrenching - who wouldn't with unsound Democratic Principles being involked every week, and no encouragement to plan for the future

EXCESSIVE TAXES -- in Higher Brackets - discouraging to Big Business, with no incentive to make Sky the Limit

REORGANIZATION THREAT -- Another retarder of Big Business

RELIEF -- Too easy to start with - then too much Politics mixed in

RADIO and SCREEN -- overflowing with Propaganda and Soft Soap

Nat. LABOR BOARD -- Too Much POWER - Too Much C.I.O. [Congress of Industrial Organizations] - Too Much MEDDLING / All Reaching for Regimentation
POWER -- Too Much given to all Federal Bureaus and Agencies - Usurping States Rights
TARRIFFFF -- Too Hard to keep out (too low) Forign Goods which are produced much cheaper than possible in U.S.A.

AGRICULTURAL CONTROL -- Killing Hogs. Restricting Production, etc. Killing the "Land of Plenty" and creating a "Land of Scarcity"

CONGRESS -- Rubber Stampers. Thinking more of Vote Baiting than of the Needs and Welfare of their constituents

PURGE -- what a Mess of Tripe. What the Beginning of the End of all of the above (I HOPE)
OBSERVATION -- HITLER obtained a "SEEMING" Victory. I don't believe it! The English are noted for their DIPLOMACY and the eventual result (in Time) will prove that the "Chess Play" of Chamberlain, et al, was "premeditated" to the Nth degree


We all know what happened after 1938 ... the World became involved in a bloody world war, the second of the century, and the progressive policies that preceeded WWII were eclipised with the purge of McCarthyism and a free enterprise flood of pent up demand and creativity.

The Tea Party Movement is a response to many of the same type of reflections our country is going through right now ... as if it were 1938. The more things change ... they remain the same.

Let us all get back to the Constitution and the pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So. Cal. Kaiser breaks SEIU stranglehold

Kaiser Permanente and SEIU in Southern California do not see eye to eye. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

So. Cal. Kaiser breaks SEIU stranglehold

Kaiser Permanente employees kick out SEIU and its radical political agenda in a vote today to join a union that will just focus on employer/employee relations. Healthcare workers throughout Southern California have voted overwhelmingly to quit the giant Service Employees International Union and affiliating with the rival National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW), a breakaway faction that is challenging the SEIU’s dominance and approach.

This excerpted and edited from the LA Now -

Kaiser Permanente workers vote to split from giant Service Employees International Union

By Patrick J. McDonnell, LA Now - January 26, 2010 | 5:25 pm

The defeat is a major setback for SEIU, the largest hospital and healthcare workers union in California, with some 150,000 members. The SEIU is engaged in a fierce battle for workers’ allegiance with the emergent NUHW, headed by former SEIU leaders ousted a year ago in a bitter takeover.

The breakaway NUHW has accused the SEIU of shutting workers out of negotiations and cutting deals with management -- allegations the larger union denies.

The SEIU calls its insurgent rival irresponsible and ill-equipped to represent workers. The row has split union and Democratic Party activists statewide.
A total of 746 nurses voted to join NUHW, according to the labor board, while 36 cast ballots to remain with SEIU. Healthcare professionals voted 189 to 29 to join NUHW, while psychiatric and social service workers favored NUHW 717 to 92, according to the labor board.

“This is the beginning of a shift in the labor movement nationwide toward more democratic, member-driven representation, not leadership from the top down,” said David Mallon, a psychiatric social worker with Kaiser in Norwalk who favored NUHW.

NUHW is now setting its sights on some 50,000 other Kaiser workers across California currently represented by SEIU. The upstart union is pushing petitions among workers throughout the state to supplant the colossal SEIU, which claims 2.2 million members in North America, almost half in the healthcare sector.
Reference Here>>

This may strike most as a vote against an autocratic, one-party rule solutions much like we have seen happen in our political culture over these last two to three months. Entrenched Governors were replaced in Virginia and New Jersey ... and just last week, Massachusetts voters booted out the decades long one-party representation by Edward Kennedy (deceased) and the Democrat Party with the stunning election of Scott Brown to the US Senate.

Pro-citizen and self-representation takeover actions are happening all over ... with major votes that are disturbing the assumed set-up of the politically radical leadership that has an effect in all walks of life!

The fight to re-establish American freedom can take on many flavors and colors.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barack Obama's second year begins - More 153 & 411 moments

"Obama has cut the remembering-what-we-don't-like-about-Democrats stage of this process down from two to four years to about 10 months. Folks, I'm convinced that if we all work really hard, we can get it down to three months." - Ann Coulter, from "That Old Obama Magic Is Back" 1-20-2010 - Image Credit: Organizing For America

Barack Obama's second year begins - More 153 & 411 moments

This morning, Don Imus mentioned that Barack Obama has given about 153 interviews and issued or delivered 411 comments and speeches on health care reform since he has taken office.

Don mentioned this information in reaction to what Barack Obama said in an interview he granted to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos right after Scott Brown was elected to assume the Senate seat previously occupied by the recently deceased Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy from Massachusetts.

This excerpted and edited from The Daily Caller -

Obama’s failure to communicate on health care

By Jon Ward - The Daily Caller 01/20/10 at 9:14 pm

President Obama on Wednesday said the reason his health-care reform is on life support because Congress took too long to debating it and he didn’t talk enough to citizens about its benefits for them.
“One of the things that I have learned in Washington is you have to repeat yourself a lot because because unfortunately it doesn’t penetrate,” he said.

The president, making his first public comments after a Republican candidate on Tuesday won the special election to fill Sen. Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat, said he understands that some Americans view his administration as a bunch of “technocrats up here … making decisions.”

But he said the main reason for this was not his policies but rather his communications strategy.

“What I haven’t always been successful at doing is breaking through the noise and speaking directly to the American people in a way that during the campaign you could do,” he said.
He also admitted he has failed to “change the tone here in Washington.”

Reference Here>>

With the context of this being the first day of the second year of this 44th Presidency, why don't we just recognize what we can see is the obvious delusional mind of Barack Obama ... it isn't that He has failed to change the tone in Washington, just the TONE DEAFNESS.

Also, He fails to hear the American people when they speak through Tea Party gatherings, Town Hall questions, and now votes in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts ... even though he believes that the American people have NOT been listening and hearing what he has said over the 153 interviews and 411 comments and speeches.

We American people have heard what has been said ... when will the Obama Administration resolve to begin to listen to the American people, in this, the first day of year two, of the destructive path of this 44th Presidency?

SOURCE: LA Conservative Examiner

Monday, March 02, 2009

Let’s Talk About Failure – Honestly

Rush Limbaugh speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference - Image Credit: MSNBC screen shot

Let’s Talk About Failure – Honestly

Over the weekend, there was a lot of talk about Rush Limbaugh and his stated desire for President Barack Obama to fail. Rahm Emmanual, Chuck Todd, even some recognized figures in the GOP hopped on the bandwagon, tying to make the comment out to be more than the comment really was … a defense of the constitution, free enterprise, and the personal freedom pursuit way of life that America is known for.

To be honest, the current leadership has a few wishes of failure of their own which they pursue but are not up front enough to state as clearly as Rush Limbaugh has in his proclamation.

The Democrat Political Party voted unanimously to saddle the American population to $787 Billion dollars in mostly pure government spending without reading the 1,100 page (up from 700) appropriations bill they passed (this should be unconstitutional). The final version of the bill was released at 11:00 pm ET and by 3:00 pm the very next day the Senate and House of Representatives approved the spending with only three Republican Senators joining 100% of the Congressional Democrats. The Democrats want our economy to fail. The only way to pay for this type of spending is to have the government print more money without any consideration for wealth creation. Democrats are not interested in wealth creation so as a defacto position … they want wealth creation to fail

The Democrat Political Party would want any balanced budget to fail, for with a balanced budget they would not be able to make the Government bigger and thereby, more intrusive into everyone’s life.

Last week, President Barack Obama submitted his budget plan for the next year’s budget and if all of the provisions in the budget were to pass, he would want charitable giving to fail, he would want to have the growth in the value of houses and the housing industry to fail, and he would want his plan to increase taxes on ONLY those who earn $250,000 dollars to fail because of the following:

1) Obama proposes to eliminate tax credits on money that is given by all individuals to charitable causes and churches. Effectively, this is also an increase in taxes to people who earn less than $250,000 dollars (I supposed he lied).

2) He proposes to eliminate or reduce the tax credit for interest paid on any home mortgage … in other words, one has to pay tax on interest paid on the home mortgage loan. This will have the effect of making the house worth less the moment it passes because the house costs more to own … it will basically make a four bedroom house become the value of a three bedroom house. This provision is also an increase in taxes to people who earn less than $250,000 dollars (I supposed he lied, again).

3) Lastly, Barack Obama placed a provision of raising fees and taxes on all energy producing commodities by $634 Billion dollars. So, if someone purchases gas for their car, lights their home with electricity, cooks their food with natural gas, heats their home with heating oil they will pay more for it because the Federal Government through the leadership provided by the Democrat Political Party headed by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid will increase the cost of these goods. Effectively, this is also an increase in taxes to people who earn less than $250,000 dollars. I suppose that Barack Obama just wants our way of life to fail.

Let’s be clear, Democrats that are in office and those who vote for them want to have our stock markets (the DOW is down to 6,813.63 / -249.30 / -3.53% / today at 10:00 am PT alone, and devalued over 50% since Obama was elected), Capitalism, small business, free enterprise, and personal freedom to FAIL!

Barack Obama has passed and proposed more Federal Government spending and socialism in six weeks than has ever been put in place in the 233 years that our country has been in existence.

The Obama Salute - A Social Engineering Orgy ... And We ALL Lose Our Freedom Of Choice! The Government owns what once was a limitless future and has capped opportunity to those who would have benefited from it the most. Image Credit:

This excerpted and edited from the International Hearld Tribune -

Obama's budget plan sweeps away Reagan ideas

By David Leonhardt - Published: February 27, 2009

The budget that President Barack Obama proposed is nothing less than an attempt to end a three-decade era of economic policy dominated by the ideas of Ronald Reagan and his supporters.

The Obama budget - a bold, even radical departure from recent history, wrapped in bureaucratic formality and statistical tables - would sharply raise taxes on the rich, beyond where Bill Clinton had raised them.
After Obama spent much of his first five weeks in office responding to the financial crisis, his budget effectively tried to reclaim momentum for the priorities on which he had campaigned.

His efforts would add to a budget deficit already swollen by Bush's policies and the recession, creating the largest deficit, relative to the size of the economy, since World War II. Erasing that deficit will require some tough choices - about further spending cuts and tax increases - that Obama avoided this past week.

But he nonetheless made choices.

He sought to eliminate some corporate subsidies, for health insurers, banks and agricultural companies, that economists have long criticized. He proposed putting a price on carbon, to slow global warming, and then refunding most of the revenue from that program through broad-based tax cuts. He called for roughly $100 billion a year in tax increases on the wealthy - mostly delayed until 2011, when the recession will presumably have ended.
"The tax code will become more progressive, with relatively higher rates on the rich and relatively lower rates on the middle class and poor," said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center in Washington.
The details remain vague, but the budget begins paying for investments that would eventually allow Medicare officials to refuse to pay for medical treatment that does not show evidence of improving health. If successful, that change would vastly reduce the government's long-term budget deficit. It is also likely to bring down private health costs, because insurers typically follow Medicare's lead.
There are still many outstanding questions about Obama's efforts, starting with whether Congress will pass a budget that looks anything like his. His proposals on health care are likely to meet stiff opposition from some doctors and insurers. Spending more money on financial aid - absent other changes to the education system - may not lift the graduation rate very much. And if the economy remains weak into next year, as many forecasters expect, congressional Republicans will try to blame the affluent for the looming tax increases.

Whatever happens, though, it has been a long time since any president has tried to use his budget to shape the government and the economy quite as much as Obama did on Thursday. On that score, he and Reagan have something in common.
Reference Here>>

If Barack Obama and the Democrat Political Party doesn’t want our existing economy and social structure of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to FAIL in the name of gaining even more oppressive power over our lives, they have a very funny way of showing it through their leadership.

We, at MAXINE, want these folks, and their agenda to FAIL so that the markets turnaround and grow, so that people have confidence in our economic structure again, so that small businesses can hire people because the owners who file personal income taxes of over $250,000 dollars will not be taxed into oblivion, and so that we all can make decisions about where we want to give our charitable contributions without being penalized for our giving.

This is a time in our country that is far worse than the trouble created by our 39th President, Jimmy Carter.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Obama-Infomercial - The Shortcut To Everything

A Barack Obama quote from a 2001 NPR radio interview given to WBEZ Chicago 91.5 FM – “One of the I think tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that.” Image Credit: Rachel Nixon - NowPublic

The Obama-Infomercial - The Shortcut To Everything

What do ShamWOW, DermaWand, AB Rocket, Oreck, HeadOn, Awesome Auger, and the Barack Obama*Joe Biden campaign for president of the United States have in common? All have infomercials running on the television last night.

Shamwow! cloths wash, dry and polish any surface. They are like a towel, chamois and sponge all in one--except they're extremely absorbent and can be used over and over. Shamwow! towels are machine washable and bleachable, will not scratch surfaces, and will last for more than 10 years! Image Credit: ShamWOW

The problem these type of selling productions have comes down to getting the balance of repetitiveness, emotion, production value, and the sense of real information imparted to the witness of this type of show. Other than truthfulness, the Barack Obama*Joe Biden edition of infomercial wins on all counts.

Derma Wand uses incredible new technology that sends a gentle stream of impulses to your skin to temporarily renew dull, tired, aged looking skin, firming and toning, giving you a youthful lifted appearance! Image Credit: South Jersey Expo

I was left waiting for the line … “And if you call in right now, you will receive TWO Barack Obamas and TWO Joe Bidens when you sign on to this ONE political party solution (without the messy Checks and Balances) to your problems – This is your shortcut to everything!”

When Barack Obama states that he will go through government programs on a line-by-line basis and eliminate programs that are not working, does anyone believe that he has the judgment and background experience to actually pull this off (after all, this was promised by Al Gore both when he was running for his succesful bid as Vice-President and his unsuccesful bid as President)? Will ACORN and its practices ever be brought into question? Is this a time to increase taxes on anyone for any reason when business receipts are down due to the Mortgage Crisis created through the Social Engineering agendas put forth through Democrat Party federal government programs initiated during the Bill Clinton presidency? ... that he will actually give us a military that will protect us in a “21st Century” world when he plans to restructure our armed forces?

The Awesome Auger takes the hard work out of yard work! Its patented spiral design with laser sharp edge, gives you the muscle to blast through hard rock and clay, or cut through the thickest roots, and easily power out rocks and stubborn stumps! It also works great for digging post holes, removing weeds and dandelions or planting trees, shrubs, and bushes. Image Credit Awesome Auger

Does anyone think our safety would be in peril when he says, “Americans are tightening their belts, and Washington should be leading the way. Cutbacks are needed, Iraq funding should be first to go - this money could to go schools, hospitals, scholarships - back into America.”?

Can anyone believe Barack Obama is telling a truth when he stated, “No Liberal America, No Conservative America, just the United States of America.”, especially if he is successful in becoming the head of the Executive Branch in this country thus forming a one party Super Majority over the processes of a government that currently enjoys a single digit approval rating from the American public?

When Barack Obama had a chance to speak directly to the American people through this medium of infomercial, he chose to speak only to the people who would support him the most … when he could have captured a nation with a realistic message in a John F. Kennedy moment; he played it safe and promised all things to everyone.

The Ab Rocket is a revolutionary way to work your lower, upper, middle abs and even your sides, giving you the body that you’ve always wanted. In just 5 minutes a day, the Ab Rocket will rocket your abs from flab to fab! Image Credit:

Politics via Oprah, Spelberg, Geffen, or just a slick BIG MONEY infomercial, is not what these challenging times require. Growing government so that one can grow the economy has been done and it has failed (the last time was during the Carter presidency).

If throwing tax money at poverty was a succesful strategy then why havn't the billions and billions of dollars that we have already spent over the last forty years of Democrat Party led programs made the war on povety less daunting? - this is because big government manged solutions do not work.

For those who have a differing opinion and vision to Barack Obama's big government view of America, if he wins … at least we will have a free and unregulated press to watch after our collective interests to fall back on - OUCH.

Monday, October 20, 2008

“General WMD” Powell Endorses “Senator Speech” Obama

Colin Powell hailed the Sen. Obama as a "transformational figure" and expressed disappointment in the negative tone of Sen. John McCain's campaign, as well as his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as running mate. Image Credit: Meet The Press – NBC

“General WMD” Powell Endorses “Senator Speech” Obama

Nobody can make this stuff up!

At this very moment with a little more than two weeks before the election, Senator Barack Obama had spent a total of 143 days on the floor of the United States Senate before declaring his intention to become the candidate nominee of the Democrat Party for the office of President of the United States. During the primary process before he was able to secure his political party’s nomination, he had to compete against Senator Hillary Clinton who characterized her opponent as a person who’s only accomplishment was a speech given stating a position as being against the war in Iraq.

Colin Powell is a Free Enterprise citizen making money from speeches he gives on behalf of his long list of accomplishments which include directing and winning the first Gulf War (an action opposed by then Senator and current Vice-Presidential candidate, Joe Biden) under George Bush, President #41, and being the Secretary of State and selling the invasion of Iraq by the United States to the United Nations for George Bush, President #43.

Step back in time with me for a moment and have your brain fire off in a synapse cluster.

After September 11, 2001, our Government was looking to respond and hunt down the forces that were aligned to attack the United States and thereby the free world.

In the run up to our impending invasion of Iraq, Barack Obama and Colin Powell were leading distinctly different lives.

This excerpted and edited from The White House website -

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council

This transcript includes the slides that were displayed during the remarks. They are placed in the text approximately where they were displayed in the address. To view the slides, click on the graphic (a pop-up window will appear).
February 5, 2003

For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the world's most deadly weapons is the ultimate trump card, the one he most hold to fulfill his ambition.

We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he's determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression, given what we know of his grandiose plans, given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond?

The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11th world.
Reference Here>>

Colin Powell said this with having all of his “skin-in-the-game” as Secretary Of State of the United States and delivered his presentation in front of the world representatives gathered at the United Nations.

At this very time of Colin Powell’s presentation to the United Nations, Barack Obama was gearing up his (eventually unopposed) run for the office of United States Senator from the state of Illinois.

This edited and excerpted from The Black Commentator -

The Black Commentator
Issue Number 45 - June 5, 2003

Barack Obama,
[an ACORN community organizer,] a constitutional law professor and state senator from the south side of Chicago, is a leading candidate for the US Senate in the March 2004 Illinois Democratic primary. It's an open seat with no incumbent. In a crowded field that includes three well-known and better-funded opponents, Obama is definitely a contender. But who is Barack Obama?
At an antiwar meeting last October, 2002, Obama was certainly pitching to that Democratic base in the progressive and African American community:

"I don't oppose all wars ... What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other arm-chair, weekend warriors in this Administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
"That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics .... "

Reference Here>>

Barack Obama said this without having any “skin-in-the-game” to a small crowd of like minded people gathered at an antiwar meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

This weekend with a little more than two weeks left before the election, Free Market citizen and professed Republican (speaking fees estimated at $100,000 per appearance), Colin Powell announced his endorsement for Barack Obama.

This edited and excerpted from Meet The Press, October 19, 2008 –

'Meet the Press' transcript for Oct. 19, 2008
Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell (Ret.), Chuck Todd, David Brooks, Jon Meacham, Andrea Mitchell, Joe Scarborough

[Colin Powell]

I know both of these individuals very well now. I've known John for 25 years as your setup said. And I've gotten to know Mr. Obama quite well over the past two years. Both of them are distinguished Americans who are patriotic, who are dedicated to the welfare of our country. Either one of them, I think, would be a good president. I have said to Mr. McCain that I admire all he has done. I have some concerns about the direction that the party has taken in recent years. It has moved more to the right than I would like to see it, but that's a choice the party makes. And I've said to Mr. Obama, "You have to pass a test of do you have enough experience, and do you bring the judgment to the table that would give us confidence that you would be a good president."
So, when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we've got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president. But which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of time? And I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities--and we have to take that into account--as well as his substance--he has both style and substance--he has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.
Reference Here>>

So there you have it, former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell endorses junior Senator fom Illinois, Barack Obama for President of the United States. He does so by sighting Style and Substance and not one word about his life accomplishments, and possible philosophical ideals that would be good for all of America to embrace.


This is a Republican who sold the world on the fact that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) and was heralded for his prowess as a successful chief warrior when our country was called on by the world to move the invasion army of Iraq out of Kuwait in the first Gulf War.

This is also a Republican who opposes the right to life for the unborn, opposes the appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States; Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. Does he also disapprove of his appointments to being a Four-Star General in the Army (President Ronald Reagan, #40), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Military (President George H.W. Bush, #41), and Secretary of State of the United States (President George W. Bush, #43)?

With a Republican like this ... who needs Democrats?

We can only imagine what type of position a Colin Powell has negotiated for himself in a Barack Obama administration. Oh, and do not forget ... this endorsement isn't about race.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Of Howdy-Doody and WAMU

Now children of all ages can join Howdy, Buffalo Bob, Clarabelle and the lovable Doodyville characters in a good family atmosphere, the way it used to be. You will agree ... GREAT CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING IS ETERNAL. You and your family will love that old fashioned feeling of fun and love that Howdy Doody will bring into your home. Image Credit: Doodyville

Of Howdy-Doody and WAMU

Just WHO does late night television entertainer and talkshow host David Letterman think he is … after all, he is just the Howdy Doody of the evening television airwaves who helps most people promote books, movies, and events as we all try to get some sleep at the end of a long day.

This week, Senator John McCain, the Republican Party nominee running to be the next President of the United States and leader of the free world decided to suspend his activities campaigning so that he could direct his attention on his duties as a senior Senator and presumptive head of the Republican Party on the pending liquidity crisis looming over the housing mortgage industry.

This excerpted and edited from the Associated Press –

Letterman unloads on McCain for not showing up

NEW YORK (AP) - September 25, 2008

"Late Show" host David Letterman treated John McCain's decision to cancel an appearance on his talk show more like a stupid human trick than the act of a statesman.
"This doesn't smell right," Letterman said. "This is not the way a tested hero behaves. Somebody's putting something in his Metamucil."

McCain spokeswoman Nicole Wallace said Thursday that the campaign "felt this wasn't a night for comedy."

"We deeply regret offending Mr. Letterman, but our candidate's priority at this moment is to focus on this crisis," Wallace said on NBC's "Today" show.
Letterman later asked: "Are we suspending it because there's an economic crisis or because the poll numbers are sliding?"
McCain told the CBS show that he was immediately flying back to Washington, Letterman told his audience. Then Letterman showed a TV feed of McCain being made-up for an appearance on news anchor Katie Couric's "CBS Evening News."

"Doesn't seem to be racing to the airport, does he?" Letterman said. "This just gets uglier and uglier."

As McCain spoke to Couric, Letterman shouted at the feed: "Hey, John, I've got a question. Do you need a ride to the airport?"

Letterman later said: "We're told now that the senator has concluded his interview with Katie Couric and he's now on Rachael Ray's show making veal piccata. ... What are you going to do?"
Reference Here>>

Last night, we were greeted with the news that Washington Mutual (WAMU), one of the largest banks that participated in the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac social engineering concept which got its start in 1995 during the Clinton administration, FAILED.

President Bill Clinton wanted to try and achieve a potential 70% home ownership by the citizens of our country. He felt that in order to allow people who could not come up with the standard 20% down payment - which was the custom - the federal government could stand behind a looser, eaiser set of qualifying rules with its money (taxpayer money … read that OUR money) and help more people into home ownership.

WAMU commercial where a potential customer shouts "Whoo hoo!" as she imagines herself blistering along in a dragster on the Bonneville saltflats in an illustration as to how fast one could set up an account. Presumably, this also what happened when people applied for a home loan ... the real parachute to slow the dragster down came from JP Morgan. (Ctrl-Click to see video) Image Credit: AdFreakyFan

This Excerpted and edited from the Guardian (UK) –

America's largest banking failure sees JP Morgan pick up Washington Mutual

Julia Kollewe,, Friday September 26 2008 11:23 BST

The escalating crisis in the global financial system has claimed its biggest victim yet with the collapse last night of the US savings and loan group, Washington Mutual.

In America's largest-ever banking failure, Federal regulators seized the group's assets in the early hours of this morning and sold them to JP Morgan Chase for $1.9bn (£1.03bn).

Founded in Seattle in 1889 and known as WaMu, the group is the nation's biggest savings and loans company - the US equivalent to a British building society. The deal will make JP Morgan the largest bank in the US, ahead of Bank of America.
The face of the global financial industry has changed dramatically in the past fortnight. The US government has taken over mortgage finance giants Fannie Mac and Freddie Mac and bailed out the insurer American International Group for $85bn. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, and Merrill Lynch has been sold to Bank of America. In Britain, Lloyds TSB has agreed the takeover of the troubled mortgage lender HBOS.
The move came as the Bush administration's $700bn bailout plan for the financial sector ran into trouble. The package could have helped WaMu, but regulators decided that waiting any longer "was not a responsible decision to make," Bair said.
WaMu has seen its share price virtually wiped out after it made thousands of mortgage loans that its borrowers cannot repay, saddling it with billions of dollars in bad debts. The company has posted losses for the last three quarters, including a loss of $3.3bn for the most recent quarter, ending in June. It put itself up for sale last week but could not attract any bidders.
JP Morgan's chief executive Jamie Dimon said he was undeterred by WaMu's financial problems. "We're getting franchises of this company for a long period of time," he said. The bank will gain long-desired presence on the west Coast as WaMu's branches are concentrated in California.

In March, WaMu rejected an offer of $8 a share from JP Morgan. The company's then-chief executive was subsequently fired.
Reference Here>>

To make a long story short … WAMU, as many other banks had done, granted loans on houses with little or no collateral by people who had no ability or intention to pay and were now left being responsible for assets that were worth at least 40% less value than they had used to secure additional operating capital. Hence, the liquidity (money) dried up and the operations had to be sold to another organization … the bank FAILED to continue operations.

What John McCain did was to stop the endless promotion of his run for the highest office in the land so that he could do his job as Senator to help negotiate and focus on the interest of taxpayers.

What Howdy Doody-David Letterman did was to whine and throw a hissy fit because John McCain canceled a campaign stop-over to appear on Mr. Doody’s neighborhood due to the fact he really had better, more important things to do.

With his efforts to forge an agreement between both political parties … and to protect taxpayer interests, maybe a few less banks will succumb to the lack of cash in the housing and mortgage banking system which has its additional ripple effects on business in general.

Maybe Howdy Doody should just go to his corner of the peanut gallery and shut his pie hole on the subject … Barack (present!) Obama may not be ready for primetime but John McCain, in this time of our country’s leadership activity, does not need to be taking any “Howdy Doody Time.”

We, at MAXINE, graduated from watching “Howdy Doody Time” a long time ago – Whoo hoo!

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...