Showing posts with label Sioux City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sioux City. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sioux City Iowa Final GOP Debate Tweet-By-Tweet

Seven candidates have taken the stage in Sioux City, Iowa, for the final debate before the Jan. 3 caucuses. Image Credit: FOX News

Sioux City Iowa Final GOP Debate Tweet-By-Tweet

The gloves will be thrown on the ice in tonight’s debate from Sioux City. The debate should be “Zany” and wholly “Madcap”! Good god, what in the H E double-toothpicks is Romney thinking and who uses language like this as an ad hominem attack, let alone in a “today” conversation. Leave It To Beaver (original series) hasn’t been on the air in nearly 50 years!

We follow the reactions via 140 characters or less via Twitter in a process entitled Tweet-By-Tweet:

pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale
All pumped up to livetweet #iowadebate! WHO’S EXCITED??!!?!?11!
New Post Fox News Live – Video – Fox News #tcot #p2 #PS
Why This Iowan Is Supporting @RickSantorum… for Now – Yahoo! News… via @YahooNews
If beating Obama is No. 1 goal for Repub’s, they seriously need a more robust vision of success.
This has got to be better than the biased #abcdebate last week. #iowadebate
CommentaryCommentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Electability? Can’t wait for Santorum to brag about winning in 94 and 00 & omitting landslide loss in 08. #IowaDebate.
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale
Orrin Hatch has a higher ACU rating than Newt. I’m unimpressed, Newt. #iowadebate
Paulbrow again #IowaDebate
paconnerPaul Conner
Newt says he balanced the budget four straight years. Actually, it was two years
RT @StevenErtelt: Paul: “Anybody up here could probably beat Obama” – totally avoi
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin
Santorum wants people to catch fire. Yikes.
BryanLongworthBryan Longworth
9:08pm: The reply from Rick Santorum was an #ANSWER
Santorum takes shot at Newt’s personal life? #iowadebate
Ron Paul’s foreign poilcy is not American majority. #IstandwithIsrael #iowadebate
mboyle1Matthew Boyle
Romney’s makes the private sector case against the field again
Romney: “I know what it takes to put Americans back to work with high paying jobs.” So they can afford $10,000 bets. #iowadebate
#iowadebate Michele Bachmann not afraid to tell people her age — 50 years being a “real person,” five as a congresswoman = 55
sanuzisSaul Anuzis
The GOP debate is on, good start and I agree with Paul…any of these candidates can beat Obama.
Rather than have this round of Qs for 15 mins, why not just allow the candidates a 1-min opening statement? #iowadebate
mboyle1Matthew Boyle
Rick Perry plays the Tim Tebow card….
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale
“I’m the Tim Tebow of the Iowa Caucus.” – Perry #iowadebate
currentCurrent TV
Huntsman uses his first question to take a shot at Donald Trump, who already pulled out of debate. #politicallydirect
JimPethokoukisJames Pethokoukis
Keep it family friendly, Huntsman “We are getting screwed as Americans”
michellemalkinMichelle Malkin
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale
Forreal. Ugh. RT @michellemalkin: MUTE BUTTON #iowadebate #huntsman
HeresAnotherTipUncle Mike
9:18pm: The reply from Rick Perry was a #DODGE
justin_hartJustin Hart
Santorum is a really good guy. He needs to work on his head shaking. Hold still. U will come across better #iowadebate
Newt just mentioned Saul Alinsky. #RedMeatForIowaConservatives #iowadebate
stix1972Doug Welch
Geez who needs to watch the debacle in Iowa when you have twitter #Iowadebate. snarkfactor is a 10
CommentaryCommentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: It’s a good way for Romney to trumpet his experience, but reminds voters he wrote bills w/Teddy Kennedy. #iowadebate
justin_hartJustin Hart
Newt’s tenor always has this underlying: “Everyone knows this to be true” quality #iowadebate
ReconChestyGunny Highway
Ron Paul…. Kooky as ever!!! Sheesh!! #tcot #IowaDebate
amandacarpenterAmanda Carpenter
There is something about John Huntsman that distinctly reminds me of Mr. Rogers.
guypbensonGuy Benson
I don’t think I learned anything in that first segment, except that Romney blew it on Jet Blue. #iowadebate

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