Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2021

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

Facebook Word Plate By Edmund Jenks

"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter

This is what all of this Woke-ness amounts to for DNA Females in our Democrat Political Party run America. 

If a man says he's a woman, you do not matter - your rights to compete on a level playing field in sports, the workplace given Identity Politics, in being picked for Federal or State Government Office - you do not matter if the man says so.

The PUSH For New "Equal Rights" Legislation

Red Eye Radio - Last night explored this whole issue that has been the Left-Wing agenda pushed too far so as to eliminate the 100+ years of the pursuit of Equal Rights for the Gender/Sex that are known as biological Women.

Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 1 - BEGIN @ 10:00 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
Look who is marginalized in this whole thing it is Democrats - think about it that is spoken out against us oh yeah and said we can't allow this to continue.

No, stand aside, it's gonna continue and Tiitle 9 is done, that's all.

If you if you are the parent of a daughter, and your daughter wants to play sports, your daughter won't have the same opportunity as before.

I don't know, for the mainstream media probably wouldn't touch it because they know that basically Americans would sit there and say "this is absolutely insane" - but this is what Joe Biden believes this is what the Democrat Leadership ... and remember they did this day one - and notice how whether it was the incoming education secretary or Merrick Garland - none of them will address the actual question - they ignore it because they know they can't win it ... yet they continue to push it.

They can't tell you the truth about what they're doing now.

They won't be blunt and say, "No, we believe boys should play girls sports!" ... What will this mean to girls and Title 9 opportunities? ... "We don't care whether women have opportunities, men believing their women supersedes anything that a woman wants!"

Men always lead, men are the ones that dictate to women, what can they do when men can say we are women and can remove the opportunity for biological women in sports.

What a man thinks, matters - what women think doesn't matter and your daughter just needs to get used to male genitalia! Your daughter needs to get used to male genitalia! That's not what we are saying, that's the Charlotte Observer and it's Editorial Board ... that's couple years ago! [the Charlotte Observer opined] your daughter is a bigot your daughter is evil for not accepting, and wanting, and embracing male genitalia in the Locker Room ... she just needs to get used to it man!

I love this paper's "the world the Left has built" - don't you picture, could you imagine, if that was actually our opinions [on Red Eye Radio] and we promoted it on the show, could you imagine the feedback? Oh my God, if we said that - just reverse it - we're in a Bizarro World, and you and I are on the left, and be the Antimatter world - that we're in the Antimatter world.

Can you imagine of Trump said this at the start - if Trump went through 2016 promoting that but saying it exactly how it would play up?

I believe that men who say they are women have the right over your daughter or a place over them on that thing ... because white men said What Men Say Matters.

Women! When does it matter? ... and your daughters need to get used to male genitalia.


CONTINUES - Red Eye Radio 2/24/21 Part 2 - BEGIN @ 39:20 minutes in:

Transcribed With Phone App. (not perfect)
What describes it really - I think really well - is that you must submit if you're a woman to what the man says ... if the man says "I'm a woman" - you have to submit and you have to submit your chance and opportunity, your chance to compete fairly, your feelings don't matter.

What? You have taken actions that are afforded you under Title 9 - will take a back seat to the protections that are afforded the man and you can ask yourself, well ... how did the man get these protections? Because he said because he said so!

So, any answer to "Why is this is going on?"

Because the man said so - and if you're the woman you must submit to the will of the man even if the man says I am a woman and, therefore, I just don't feel like a woman - feeling like a woman makes me a biological woman - and therefore you must submit to what I believe - and if you don't, you're the bigot - and if you don't become comfortable with my genitalia, you are an intolerant, evil bigot!

This is the common sense legislation that is coming out from the Biden Administration - this is what Joe Biden thinks, and if he didn't think it, it wouldn't be happening.

This is they call Joe Biden, a moderate Democrat, this is what today's moderate Democrat believes - if The Man Said So, you, the woman must abide by what the man says, even if it is not based in any science, or any type of rational critical thinking.

If the man says it, you, the woman, must submit your rights - and regardless of how long the battle to achieve those rights [over 100 years].

To understand ... here the news was celebrated by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, listen to what he said where told Associated Press "transgender girls are girls and every woman and girl deserves protection against discrimination. He lies, they're not girls ... and it doesn't protect against discrimination - in fact this absolutely discriminates against women and their life - its anti-women in it's massage.

Honestly, it's not based in any type of science. It's based on the philosophy if the what the man says matters what the woman thinks doesn't matter.

Connecticut Attorney General William Tong didn't include the entire sentence we've been saying, Liberals never finish the sentence - if he had finished the sentence, it would be it because you're asking "How do you know they're girls?" ... because The Man Said So - right, the man gets to dictate the sexuality of a woman!

Wow! That's women's rights - this is what we talked on how insane they are.

This is where they wish to go - the insanity continues on this issue to complete and total insanity - not based in any logic - any type of critical thinking any science - any time the Democrats [and Establishment Republicans] tell you that they are the party of science, you can tell them to go jump into the lake.

And so continues the Bizzaro World saga of the Left-Wing, Democrat, Establishment Republican, DEEP STATE of our "Bureaucracy For Life" Federal Governance here during the episode of the 2021 Carter's Second Term known as the Joe Biden 46th Presidency.

We, at MAXINE, say no to The Man Said So solutions to women's rights - there 'ya' go.

TAGS: Red Eye Radio, Gary McNamara, Eric Harley, #JRB46, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Political Party, Leadership, Woke, Connecticut Attorney General, William Tong, Bureaucracy For Life, Carter's Second Term, MAXINE

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Sunday Morning Tweet | ReTweets Review - Rush, Breitbart, & Etc.

Andrew Breitbart (1969 - 2012) - who has described himself in the past as “Matt Drudge’s bitch”- is the proprietor of the websites,,,, and ... sports a Snuggie for Derek Hunter. Image Credit: Derek Hunter, TownHall (2011)

Sunday Morning Tweet | ReTweets Review - Rush, Breitbart, & Etc.

It is funny what one can get into during a Sunday morning when they are involved in New Media and are interested in Culture, Politics, and what other folks are thinking about the current trend topics of the day.

Take, for example, the copy of these Tweets and ReTweets taken from a column in a "TweetDeck" array, over the course of an hour or so, found at The EDJE's Twitter account (yes, that is "MAXINE's account).

The subjects range from Rush Limbaugh's recent flap that originated when he tried to make an outrageous point from an outrageous press conference put on by Nancy Pelosi that featured a 30 year-old co-ed, Sandra Fluke, who read from a statement she (Fluke) wrote about how the taxpayers should pay for her birth control and contraception drugs because her sexual activity was such that it costs her over $3,000. To the reaction to the death of Conservative politics warrior, Andrew Breitbart and how we all might have to fill this void with our collective voice. To the actions of the, as Sarah Palin loves to coin it, Permanent Political Class (RINO's to others).

Read and enjoy ... follow the links provided and, of course, follow those you feel a connection with:


Opinionated @ColorMeRed

No matter how brief a man's life, he can impact and alter the future leaving his imprint on the face of the earth forever.#Breitbart

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

Proud Conservative @ConservativeGal

So we're suppose to pay for birth control 4 students going to schools we can't afford to send r own kids to? #tcot#teaparty #conservatives

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

The_Q @The_Q_is3m

Carbonite pulls ads from Rush to “contribute to a more civilized public discourse.” But keep Ed Schulz (called Laura Ingraham slut!) #tcot

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

John Difool @MCHblazer5m

@jtLOL @AndrewBreitbart. The left hated Andrew Breitbart because he used their absolute moral authority as his favorite toilet paper.

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE6m

@free_US_Citizen: Gov. Jindal Gives Amazing Republican Energy Policy Speech #p2 #nrcc #mitt #newt #santo

Ric @prismsinc10m

WOW MT @soylentbeige Mitt Romney consulted Population Control Eugenics Czar John Holdren #RickSantorum #teaparty

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

iWithNewtG @cantwaittillnov10m

This Election experience has changed my life. Media Types that I once trusted ... Now I Do Not ! #withNewt #GA #MI #AK#OH #MA #WA #TX

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE25m

From Gut Punch by Derek… - Who will replace Andrew Breitbart? No one, and everyone #tcot #tlot #p2 #nrcc #drudge

'Jim' 'Treacher' @jtLOL38m

A Gut Punch-The Loss of Andrew Breitbart - Derek…

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE39m

@WhineNot: Newt slapdown of David Gregory's question on trying to get him to diss Rush Limbaugh! Beauuuuuutiful!!!#MTP #SuperTuesday

Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer53m

Someone should do a Kickstarter to buy things for Sandra Fluke she doesn't feel like buying herself.

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

This is a result of dance rehearsal ... or really just not knowing what your doing. :-) | Caption & Image Credit: Katharine McPhee via twitpic (2012)

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@katharinemcphee - Looks like you were mugged in an alley by midgets or being kneecapped by a blindman! Good work.#smash #tv #dancing

in reply to @katharinemcphee - Reaction to photo re-posted HERE

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@Politisite They are part of the fourth and third estate!

in reply to @Politisite

Politisite @Politisite1h

@EricBoehlert oh look for the last few weeks obama approval has been down to 43%... Forgot to mention that?

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

in reply to @EricBoehlert

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@iowahawkblog - Also, isn't actually having sex a choice as opposed to an ailment? Isn't having babies the same through consequence? #rush

David Burge @iowahawkblog1h

Birth control is a foreseeable, regular expense. What idiot wants it covered by insurance? It's like having corn flakes insurance.

Retweeted by @TheEDJE

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@prismsinc @EricCantor - DITTO!

in reply to @prismsinc

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@ShannonBream: BREAKING: Rep Eric Cantor has just endorsed Mitt Romney”#politicalclass #newt #tcot #tlot #p2 #vp#hhrs #tkrs

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@MMFlint @jtLOL - No bigger prostitute than you working from exaggerated circumstances to make the distorted opinion films you make #rush

Edmund Jenks @TheEDJE1h

@kirstenpowers10: Hey @edshow you forgot to mention slutwalk. Also why don't u talk about the time you called me a "bimbo"?” #rush

David Limbaugh @DavidLimbaugh1h

i have to say it: Those of you who are saying Rush sold out don't have the courage in your entire universe that he has in his little finger.

Retweeted by @TheEDJE


So, it is on to "Super Tuesday" and whoever ends up being the Republican Political Party's nominee for the potential 45th President of the United States ... do not loose sight, VOTE for them! Then when they assume office, ride them HARD as we all did when Bush 43 tried to place on the Supreme Court, Harriet Ellan Miers or soften on the issue of Immigration!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Congressional Adjournment - The Food Stamp Party Versus The Paycheck Party

PELOSI: ... It is definitely an advantage for us because we have aligned ourselves with those who passed Social Security, Medicare and now health care for all Americans as a right not a privilege. Image Credit: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images via Examiner

Congressional Adjournment - The Food Stamp Party Versus The Paycheck Party

Democrat leadership over these last four years has given us nearly 10% unemployment, an increase in our debt through spending by nearly 25%, and an increase in people on welfare assistance by nearly 50%. Now, Democrats want to send Congress into recess without taking any action to cancel the tax hikes that will come at the end of the year, putting off the debate until after the midterm elections. They want to play the percentages that they can put the blame on Republicans for supposedly blocking the debate in an attempt to force Democrats to agree to an extension of all current tax rates, rather than letting "just" the highest income brackets get hit with a tax increase.

The big problem with this strategy is that centrists in Pelosi’s House of Representatives caucus can read the writing on the wall in their districts. They don’t want to go back home and explain any kind of tax hike, not even a class-warfare explanation about soaking the rich, in a recessionary environment. Their Republican opponents would use such a vote to paint them as tax-and-spend Democrats ... which they are, given their record over these last four years, and many of them would have to look for a new job.

This has led to a bipartisan consensus that would pass, TODAY, an extension of the current taxation plan put in place at the beginning of the previous administration - hence NO Tax Increase!

On Nov. 2, three of the temporary Senate appointments will expire. That means Illinois's Roland Burris, Delaware's Ted Kaufman and West Virginia's Carte Goodwin will all be out of a job. If voters do not allow this tactic of sending Congress into recess without taking any action to cancel the tax hikes that will come at the end of the year to stand by going to the polls in five weeks, and voting every Democrat party incumbent out - their replacements would be Republicans. Democrats could return to the lame-duck session with three fewer members of their party, making it less likely they can hold out against the efforts of Republicans and centrists Democrats who want to extend the "Bush Tax Cuts." They've also potentially made voters question the Democrat Party's determination to fix the economy in general.

As Newt Gingrich put it this morning - "This election is a fight between The Food Stamp Party versus The Paycheck Party [Democrats vs. Republicans]!"

This is not a time for Democrats to show a lack of guts and leadership for it will cost them for decades to come. When they lose power, who would ever take the progressive agenda seriously again?

UPDATE - September 29, 2010:

Pelosi's Congress votes to adjourn just as 47 Democrats commit to pass an extension to our current tax laws.

By voting to go on recess, the Democrats show that they wish to raise taxes on all citizens while continuing to spend money we do not have at record levels. This group of leaders have increased the debt in two years what it took forty Presidents to spend and add to our country's debt in over two-hundred years.

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...