Facebook Word Plate By Edmund Jenks |
"THE MAN SAID SO" Is Democrat Political Party Evolution On Women's Rights Where Women Don't Matter
Facebook Word Plate By Edmund Jenks |
Take, for example, the copy of these Tweets and ReTweets taken from a column in a "TweetDeck" array, over the course of an hour or so, found at The EDJE's Twitter account (yes, that is "MAXINE's account).
The subjects range from Rush Limbaugh's recent flap that originated when he tried to make an outrageous point from an outrageous press conference put on by Nancy Pelosi that featured a 30 year-old co-ed, Sandra Fluke, who read from a statement she (Fluke) wrote about how the taxpayers should pay for her birth control and contraception drugs because her sexual activity was such that it costs her over $3,000. To the reaction to the death of Conservative politics warrior, Andrew Breitbart and how we all might have to fill this void with our collective voice. To the actions of the, as Sarah Palin loves to coin it, Permanent Political Class (RINO's to others).
Read and enjoy ... follow the links provided and, of course, follow those you feel a connection with:
No matter how brief a man's life, he can impact and alter the future leaving his imprint on the face of the earth forever.#Breitbart
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
Proud Conservative @ConservativeGal
So we're suppose to pay for birth control 4 students going to schools we can't afford to send r own kids to? #tcot#teaparty #conservatives
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
Carbonite pulls ads from Rush to “contribute to a more civilized public discourse.” But keep Ed Schulz (called Laura Ingraham slut!) #tcot
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
@jtLOL @AndrewBreitbart. The left hated Andrew Breitbart because he used their absolute moral authority as his favorite toilet paper.
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
“@free_US_Citizen: Gov. Jindal Gives Amazing Republican Energy Policy Speech island-adv.com/?p=74124” #tcot#tlot #p2 #nrcc #mitt #newt #santo
WOW MT @soylentbeige Mitt Romney consulted Population Control Eugenics Czar John Holdren wp.me/ptUz8-32y#tcot #RickSantorum #teaparty
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
iWithNewtG @cantwaittillnov10m
This Election experience has changed my life. Media Types that I once trusted ... Now I Do Not ! #withNewt #GA #MI #AK#OH #MA #WA #TX
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
From Gut Punch by Derek Huntertownhall.com/columnists/der… - Who will replace Andrew Breitbart? No one, and everyone #tcot #tlot #p2 #nrcc #drudge
A Gut Punch-The Loss of Andrew Breitbart - Derek Huntertownhall.com/columnists/der…
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
“@WhineNot: Newt slapdown of David Gregory's question on trying to get him to diss Rush Limbaugh! Beauuuuuutiful!!!#MTP #SuperTuesday”
Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer53m
Someone should do a Kickstarter to buy things for Sandra Fluke she doesn't feel like buying herself.
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
This is a result of dance rehearsal ... or really just not knowing what your doing. :-) | Caption & Image Credit: Katharine McPhee via twitpic (2012)
@katharinemcphee - Looks like you were mugged in an alley by midgets or being kneecapped by a blindman! Good work.#smash #tv #dancing
in reply to @katharinemcphee - Reaction to photo re-posted HERE
@Politisite They are part of the fourth and third estate!
@EricBoehlert oh look for the last few weeks obama approval has been down to 43%... Forgot to mention that?
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
@iowahawkblog - Also, isn't actually having sex a choice as opposed to an ailment? Isn't having babies the same through consequence? #rush
Birth control is a foreseeable, regular expense. What idiot wants it covered by insurance? It's like having corn flakes insurance.
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
@prismsinc @EricCantor - DITTO!
“@ShannonBream: BREAKING: Rep Eric Cantor has just endorsed Mitt Romney”#politicalclass #newt #tcot #tlot #p2 #vp#hhrs #tkrs
@MMFlint @jtLOL - No bigger prostitute than you working from exaggerated circumstances to make the distorted opinion films you make #rush
“@kirstenpowers10: Hey @edshow you forgot to mention slutwalk. Also why don't u talk about the time you called me a "bimbo"?” #rush
David Limbaugh @DavidLimbaugh1h
i have to say it: Those of you who are saying Rush sold out don't have the courage in your entire universe that he has in his little finger.
Retweeted by @TheEDJE
So, it is on to "Super Tuesday" and whoever ends up being the Republican Political Party's nominee for the potential 45th President of the United States ... do not loose sight, VOTE for them! Then when they assume office, ride them HARD as we all did when Bush 43 tried to place on the Supreme Court, Harriet Ellan Miers or soften on the issue of Immigration!
Bob Dylan as played by Timothée Chalamet. Image Credit: Searchlight via IMDB (2024) See Times Change, Like A Rollin' Stone, Through ...