Showing posts with label Tea Party Movement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party Movement. Show all posts

Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Fear & Loathing Shown Through Projection By The Progressive Left

This photo image was captured from the top of the Washington Monument and shows the following - about 200,000 people can fit directly around the Reflecting Pool and under the trees in the center of The Mall ... the large field on the left can hold an additional 350,000 people. There are no estimates for the people on the right that are spilling out from under the trees or the people gathered directly in front of the Washington Memorial and the WWII Memorial circle between the WM and the Reflecting Pool. The estimate derived from this image places the crowd at over 500,000 peaceful and trash-free citizens. Image Credit: AP as submitted to the Lake Oswego Review by Art Scevola

The Fear & Loathing Shown Through Projection By The Progressive Left

Last weekend, those who were paying attention to movements in our American Culture, were treated to an exhibition of the power of like-minded people gathering just to recognize and affirm that this American concept of self-rule was still alive.

Glenn Beck held a rally entitled "Restoring Honor" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, situated at one end of an area in Washington D.C. known as The Mall. The Mall is an area that stretches in a straight line for eight-tenths of a mile from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument obelisk which is adorned by a large rectangular body of water placed there to reflect the monuments stature from the surface of the water to anyone standing around this "Reflecting Pool".

On August 28, 2010, people came from all over the country to stand and listen to Glenn Beck and others talk about Restoring Honor and raise money for scholarships to be applied to the children left behind by their fathers who had died defending our country.

What was one of the most amazing elements of this Restoring Honor (honor equals TRUTH) rally is that it was estimated, through aerial photography of The Mall, that this crowd of like-minded people gathered around the Reflecting Pool and the adjacent open field was at least 500,000 people strong.

The newspapers and television broadcasts that reported on this event labeled the gathering as being influenced by Tea Party Movement of political activism yet this gathering, arranged by Glenn Beck, was purposefully non-political.

Absolutely no government policy agendas were presented, no political candidates gave speeches asking for support, and the crowd was treated to a challenge to restore their own honor in their lives by first re-connecting to the very power that gave them the rights to self-determination for their lives ... GOD, and not the Government ... the Judeo-Christian ethic that birthed this nation known as the United States.

Those that seek to have the Government be the primary source of wealth and power in this country (as opposed to the individual) are fearful of what this gathering was trying to accomplish and have just announced today September 2, 2010 a "counter-rally" to be held on October 2, 2010 on the very same mall. This gathering is also labeling itself as "non-political" however it is being sponsored and promoted by the NAACP, The Huffington Post, labor unions like the AFL-CIO and the SEIU, CODEPINK, and etc..

This excerpted and edited from an attendee and published in The Lake Oswego Review -

Honor to attend D.C. rally
By Art Scevola - Sep 2, 2010

Take it from this eyewitness, what took place was an old fashioned revival, mixed with a military tribute, sprinkled with healthy doses of humor, music and love of country. The Restoring Honor event may become the textbook case in how to organize and run a large charitable event in a peaceful but powerful manner. The budget for this event was designed and met some weeks in advance, resulting in several millions of net proceeds to benefit the Special Operations Warriors Foundation. Thus, this day will have the long term effect of helping that foundation fund a complete college education for hundreds of the surviving offspring of deceased special ops warriors.
Whatever else said, this was the very antithesis of a “tea party.” Ironically, by not focusing on the politics, the day could have, by its size and reach, put incumbents and candidates alike on notice. It was the polar opposite of the critics pronouncements about the hi-jacking of the MLK speech anniversary. It was of epic size and scope and proved freedom-loving Americans will protect and defend the Constitution, religious freedom and individual liberty even when and while many elected officials will not. As the day rally concluded, he suggested that the next great leader for freedom might be within the assembled, a child who, drawing inspiration to such ideals, would grow to be the next George Washington or Abraham Lincoln.

He suggested that we must now look deep within ourselves to keep faith with those principles and values set forth by the nation’s framers, that have made America the last beacon of light in an increasingly troubled and dangerous world, and the greatest country in the sweep of human history.

Reference Here>>

And this excerpted and edited from The Daily Caller -

NAACP launches coalition watchdog site to ‘monitor’ Tea Party ‘racists’

By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller | Published: 4:16 AM 09/02/2010 | Updated: 7:04 AM 09/02/2010

The NAACP partnered with Media Matters, Think Progress and New Left Media to launch, a website that will specifically publish and monitor “racism and other forms of extremism within the Tea Party movement.”
As for what Media Matters, New Left Media, Think Progress and the NAACP plan to do with, Think Progress editor Faiz Shakir and Media Matters Vice President for Research and Communications Ari Rabin-Havt said the NAACP contacted them about sharing content related to the Tea Party.

Shakir said the website isn’t meant to attack the Tea Party, only to “hold it accountable.”
Conservative media guru Andrew Breitbart, who was once a victim of New Left Media’s trickery (though he says he doesn’t object to that type of journalism), said Think Progress and Media Matters shouldn’t, by any means, partner with an advocacy group, especially the NAACP, in trying to the paint the Tea Party a certain color.

“It’s called projection,” Breitbart said. “The alliance of the left, the Think Progress, the Media Matters and the NAACP are projecting onto the Tea Party. The accusations are a projection of who the coordinated, well-funded left is. They are manufacturing the racism. They are the ones who are fomenting the violence, the ones who are the only perpetrators of violence over the last year.”

Shakir thinks his organization, though, unlike the NAACP, has held itself to higher journalistic standards. He said Think Progress is a group of “advocacy journalists,” but that his staff values fact-checking and reporting truth.
Rabin-Havt and Shakir stressed the fact that they’re not changing their journalistic practices or funding the website — they’re only allowing their content to be published on it.

Rabin-Havt didn’t have a specific answer as to what publishing “racism and extremism” on could actually accomplish but Breitbart did.

“The Glenn Beck rally scares the left greatly and they have to figure out a way to taint that group of people so more people don’t join that group because if half a million people becomes a million people becomes 2 million people, 3 million people, the left is in deep trouble and they know it,” Breitbart said.

The long-term implications and effects of painting the Tea Party as a racist and extremist group, Breitbart said, then cause conservative minorities to be afraid to speak their minds for fear of being ostracized.
Breitbart called the NAACP a part of an “axis of division.” He said the “axis” — made up of the NAACP, the Democratic Party and several liberal media organizations including Media Matters and Think Progress — drives people away from an “integrated society” and keeps would-be-extinct social boundaries alive.

“My trajectory from left to right was born of recognizing that my desire for a more integrated society and a more colorblind society ran afoul from the Democratic Party’s multicultural model which separates people into their different tribes and manipulates those different tribes for political gain,” Breitbart said. “The NAACP doesn’t represent black people. It represents liberal politics and it is at the forefront of attacking black people who would dare differ on political philosophy.”

Breitbart also said the left is scared because conservatives finally discovered the power of protest – so left-wing politicians and media organizations are “manufacturing” racism to try to stop, or at least slow down, the budding movement.

“I can’t think of anything more un-American than a group telling people of a certain race that they don’t have the right to be conservative or disagree with liberal orthodoxy,” Breitbart said.

Reference Here>>

Love and the hope to restore American values had over 500,000 self-motivated citizens show up on The Mall August 28, 2010 ... we will wait and see what fear and loathing motivated by greed for Government control can bring to the 8/10ths of a mile between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument on October 8, 2010.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Political Definitions For A Difinative Tea Party Movement

Despite the dearth of any proof, the Religious Left climbed aboard immediately with the worst assumptions based primarily on their own projected stereotypes of conservatives. The UCC’s Rev. Black insisted that he was “not surprised because I have long suspected that racism and homophobia are some of the underlying motives.” He called upon his “brothers and sisters in the United Christ of Christ and our faith partners to resist entering into dialog or debate with such demonstrations of hate that go against our Christian understanding to love our neighbors.” Caption & Image Credit:

Political Definitions For A Definitive Tea Party Movement

Ever since the Tea Party began to receive real political traction when candidates they supported were winning elections, or primaries to elections, in impressive numbers, the Main Stream Media as well as the White House have tried to define just what the Tea Party Movement really is.

When Rand Paul won in an upset over all other Republican Senate nominee candidates in Kentucky, the MSM tried to characterize this and other wins as "Anti-Incumbency", "Anger", and worse ... "Racist Backlash" in an attempt to discredit the Movement. Taxed Enough Already (which many say what the TEA in Tea Party stands for), however, does not communicate enough to have people understand just how deep this Movement is and how deep the problems we have in our political system as it exists in Washington DC.

The Tea Party is gaining strength because people are beginning to understand that we all are in a Class Warfare but not the class warfare the MSM wants us all to be directed to - IE: Rich vs Poor / Haves vs Have Nots.

No, the Class Warfare we are all involved in is the Political Class vs the Country Class. It is this definition and its understanding that the Tea Party Movement really needs to make as its centerpiece above all other definitions ... Republican or Democrat.

South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan (L) U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (2nd-L), U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (2nd-R) and South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-Young (R) speak to the media at the UN truce village building that sits on the border of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), on July 21, 2010 in Panmunjon, South Korea. Secretary Gates and Secretary Clinton participated in talks with their Korean counter parts and South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak. Caption & Image Credit: Mark Wilson - Pool/Getty Images/Clarity Media

This excerpted and edited from The American Spectator -

America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution

By Angelo M. Codevilla - The American Spectator, from the July 2010 - August 2010 issue

... American people started referring to those in and around government as the "ruling class." And in fact Republican and Democratic office holders and their retinues show a similar presumption to dominate and fewer differences in tastes, habits, opinions, and sources of income among one another than between both and the rest of the country. They think, look, and act as a class.
Differences between Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are of degree, not kind. Moreover, 2009-10 establishment Republicans sought only to modify the government's agenda while showing eagerness to join the Democrats in new grand schemes, if only they were allowed to.

Sen. Orrin Hatch continued dreaming of being Ted Kennedy, while Lindsey Graham set aside what is true or false about "global warming" for the sake of getting on the right side of history.

No prominent Republican challenged the ruling class's continued claim of superior insight, nor its denigration of the American people as irritable children who must learn their place. The Republican Party did not disparage the ruling class, because most of its officials are or would like to be part of it.

Never has there been so little diversity within America's [POLITICAL] upper crust.
Today's ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints.

Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters -- speaking the "in" language -- serves as a badge of identity.

Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct.
America's ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government [the Country Class].
The gravity of such divisions points us, as it did Lincoln, to Mark's Gospel: "if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand."
The ruling class's appetite for deference, power, and perks grows.

The country class disrespects its rulers, wants to curtail their power and reduce their perks.

The ruling class wears on its sleeve the view that the rest of Americans are racist, greedy, and above all stupid.

The country class is ever more convinced that our rulers are corrupt, malevolent, and inept.

The rulers want the ruled to shut up and obey.

The ruled want self-governance.

The clash between the two is about which side's vision of itself and of the other is right and which is wrong. Because each side -- especially the ruling class -- embodies its views on the issues, concessions by one side to another on any issue tend to discredit that side's view of itself.

One side or the other will prevail. The clash is as sure and momentous as its outcome is unpredictable.
Reference Here>>

We, at MAXINE believe, the Tea Party Movement needs to be able to take up the cause of the Country Class. This is the only cause that will tip the balance of this "high school" power struggle, that will be able to maintain our country, and the individual freedoms it guarantees through the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Tea Party Nation: Of Palin, Progressives, New Deal, and party politics

Sarah Palin as she give the Keynote Speech to end the first political convention to recognize the Tea Party Movement - Tea Party Nation. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

Tea Party Nation: Of Palin, Progressives, New Deal, and party politics

Talking heads and news cast pundits are unanimous ... the Tea Party Movement needs, or has a leader in the visage of former Alaska State Governor, Sara Palin after her rather pointed keynote speech she delivered at the first, official convention put on by the Tea Party Nation organization (one of many grassroots organizations that have sprung up after seeing people gather in protest to this current Government's "progressive" expansion and spending agenda).

The truth about this Tea Party Movement is that it does not need a leader to follow, just a recognition of what many term American constitutional principles and American Culture. What has most people upset with our current political landscape is the direction embraced by politicians from both political parties. Simply stated, a progressive STATE-IST solution to all governance ... there is a governmental solution to all perceived problems in our society, culture, and process that effect our lives.

The problem with this view is that it does not match up with what is stated in the document that is the keel-board upon which our country was founded ... the United States Constitution.

We have had many attempts to turn this country into a fascist, socialist, "PROGRESSIVE" paradise starting at the turn of the last century, reaching major strength through the Herbert Hoover' 31st Presidency, through the Franklin Delano Roosevelt five terms as President (and the main reason why the elected office of President has been term limited to just two terms), and now with a one-party Democrat Congress (House of Representatives & Senate) and 44th Presidency of the politically radical Democrat Party Obama Administration.

Democrats, however, are not the only politicians who can lay claim to a progressive agenda, many recognized Republican Party standouts are very "Big, Bigger, Biggest Government" state-ist as well. Chief among them are George H.W. Bush, the 41st President, Geoprge W. Bush, the 43rd President, Colin Powell, former military Chief of Staff and one-time presidential hopeful, Charlie Crist, former Governor of Florida and Senate seat hopeful, the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, William Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts, and the jury is out on the politician and successful business mogul who replaced Weld as Governor and 2008 presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, and current United States Senators, John McCain (his progressive stand cost him the 2008 presidency), Lindsey Graham, Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins.

The Tea Party Movement is not Republican, Democrat, or Independent registered voter driven or, for that matter, owned. That really is the issue here, the Tea Party Movement is about washing out Progressive politics and re-establishing a Constitutional Government that is smaller and attempts to be responsive -- to, for, and by the voting citizen!

Sarah Palin seemed very much in her element addressing the crowd of 1,100 conservative activists, who had each paid several hundred dollars to see the former governor deliver her most-anticipated speech since the 2008 campaign. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

This partial definition of the Tea Party Movement excerpted and edited from ABCNews-

Palin: 'America Is Ready for Another Revolution' Ex-V.P. Candidate Assails Obama at Convention, Fuels Acolytes' Passion
By STEVEN PORTNOY - NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 7, 2010

former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said the Tea Party movement is the "future of politics in America," and it's got Democrats "running scared."

Delivering the keynote address at the first-ever National Tea Party Convention, Palin brought the audience to its feet several times, taunting the Obama administration, mocking its supporters and warning Democrats that their agenda is "out of touch, out of date, and if Scott Brown is any indication, it's running out of time."

Referring to the Republican who won the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat in the Bay State, Palin told activists, "If there's hope in Massachusetts, there's hope everywhere."
"I caution against allowing this movement to be defined by any one leader or politician," Palin said, calling the conservative populist Tea Party "bigger than any king or queen."

"And it's a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter," Palin said, delivering her first of many swipes at President Obama and his administration.

Taunting those who voted for the Democratic ticket in 2008, Palin asked to laughs, "How is that 'hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for ya'?" While criticizing the administration for its record of transparency on stimulus spending, and accusing Democrats of committing "generational theft" amid a sharp rise in deficit spending, Palin saved her strongest rhetorical fire for the president's handling of terrorism.

"We can't spin our way out of this threat," Palin said, referring to Obama's reticence to call the effort against al Qaeda a "war on terror."

"To win that war," Palin said, "we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lecturn." The line brought her another standing ovation, and some of the biggest applause of the night.
The Tea Party movement, Palin argued, is "about the people. Who can argue with a movement that is about the people and for the people?"
Palin took questions submitted in advance to the Web site of Tea Party Nation, the group that organized the event at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.
Palin urged a return to fiscal restraint, an expansion of domestic oil exploration, and for leaders to not be "afraid to kind of go back to some of our roots as a God-fearing nation."

"It would be wise of us to start seeking some divine intervention again in this country, so that we can be safe and secure and prosperous again," Palin said.
Addressing the notion that the Tea Party should become the nation's third major political party, Palin instead said, "The Republican Party would be really smart to absorb as much of the Tea Party as possible."
Palin urged fellow conservative politicians to "plow right on through" attacks by the "irrelevant, lamestream media."

"The political potshots that they want to take at you for standing up and saying what you believe in and proclaiming the patriotic love that you have for country -- a lot of those in the 'lamestream' media, they don't want to hear that."

But, Palin said, "At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter what they have to say about you, because I really believe that there are more of us than they want us to believe."
Reference Here>>

Q & A with Sara Palin after Tea Party Nation convention Keynote Address. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks from C-SPAN broadcast (2010)

Jay Carroll Jenks, a gentleman who resided on North La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California and lived through the last great expansion of Progressive Government in the FDR era and suffered through "The New Deal" as an independent letter-set printer (and my Grandfather) left notes describing his frustration copeing with a control, over personal freedom approach tucked in an envelope titled on the front "PET PEEVES ... thru 1938"

Here is a sample of what was written in his own hand:

PET PEEVES against the NEW DEAL from start to and through 1938

F.D.R. and Mrs. F.D.R.
-- Too much GAB

Roosevelt Family
-- Too much GRAB

-- Although blamed for Retrenching - who wouldn't with unsound Democratic Principles being involked every week, and no encouragement to plan for the future

EXCESSIVE TAXES -- in Higher Brackets - discouraging to Big Business, with no incentive to make Sky the Limit

REORGANIZATION THREAT -- Another retarder of Big Business

RELIEF -- Too easy to start with - then too much Politics mixed in

RADIO and SCREEN -- overflowing with Propaganda and Soft Soap

Nat. LABOR BOARD -- Too Much POWER - Too Much C.I.O. [Congress of Industrial Organizations] - Too Much MEDDLING / All Reaching for Regimentation
POWER -- Too Much given to all Federal Bureaus and Agencies - Usurping States Rights
TARRIFFFF -- Too Hard to keep out (too low) Forign Goods which are produced much cheaper than possible in U.S.A.

AGRICULTURAL CONTROL -- Killing Hogs. Restricting Production, etc. Killing the "Land of Plenty" and creating a "Land of Scarcity"

CONGRESS -- Rubber Stampers. Thinking more of Vote Baiting than of the Needs and Welfare of their constituents

PURGE -- what a Mess of Tripe. What the Beginning of the End of all of the above (I HOPE)
OBSERVATION -- HITLER obtained a "SEEMING" Victory. I don't believe it! The English are noted for their DIPLOMACY and the eventual result (in Time) will prove that the "Chess Play" of Chamberlain, et al, was "premeditated" to the Nth degree


We all know what happened after 1938 ... the World became involved in a bloody world war, the second of the century, and the progressive policies that preceeded WWII were eclipised with the purge of McCarthyism and a free enterprise flood of pent up demand and creativity.

The Tea Party Movement is a response to many of the same type of reflections our country is going through right now ... as if it were 1938. The more things change ... they remain the same.

Let us all get back to the Constitution and the pursuit of happiness.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bachmann "House Call" Delivers Viral Response To A Sick Government

Image Credit: anthropocon03

Bachmann "House Call" Delivers Viral Response To A Sick Government

Rep. Michele Bachmann's message for conservatives traveling to Washington to attend her Capitol Hill House Call event today is simple: "Go into the Capitol and find members of Congress," she told activists Wednesday night. "Don't bring your pitchforks, bring your video cameras. And get them on record saying how they're going to vote and why. And tell them, 'Take your hands off my health care!' "

Image Credit: anthropocon03

Bachmann (R-Minn.) gave the marching orders on a conference call of top activists, many of whom planned to board buses in New Jersey and North Carolina Thursday morning to attend the event that the congresswoman thought up last week. "Nothing is more influential than an eyeball-to-eyeball meeting between a freedom-loving constituent and a member of Congress," she explained. "Nothing scares a member of Congress more than freedom-loving Americans."

Image Credit: anthropocon03

Bachmann said the idea came to her as she lamented the speed with which the Democrats' health care reform bills were moving through Congress. "I was near despair," she said. "I was thinking, 'It looks like this bill is going to go through.' But then I thought, 'This is it. This is the Super Bowl of Freedom.' "

Image Credit: anthropocon03

Initial reports of THOUSANDS of people are flooding in ... it may well be over 20,000 by the time Google turns back on its cameras that cover the streets of the Capital Mall! (confirmed on the Sean Hannity radio program)

One hour into the gathering, #housecall just made a "TRENDING TOPIC" on Twitter!

10:30am PT - Twitter is reporting that Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO.) had his constituents arrested when they showed up at his office and asked to meet with him!

The Speaker at the podium has just announced to have the gathered crowd to locate their representative and ask them where they stand on Socialized Health Care.

POTUS just made a "quick-hit" update speech on Obama-Care at the WH press briefing then turned and left without taking any questions.

Representative Greg Wilson (R-OR.) is reported on Twitter to have said "The Pelosi anthem is -'Leave No Child A Dime'"

10:57am PT - On Breitbart TV, Michelle Bachmann tells the gathering that they have two copies of the bill and that each attendee take a page ... or a half-a-page and ask their representative to read and explain what he just read.

This from FOX News - Republican Rep. Joe Wilson proposed an amendment Wednesday that would force all members of Congress to receive health insurance coverage through the government-run plan proposed in the House's reform bill.

Though Republicans oppose the so-called "public option," the South Carolina gadfly -- who gained notoriety for shouting "you lie" at President Obama during his address to Congress two months ago -- is proposing the requirement to draw attention to what he sees as the plan's flaws.

"They know the government-run option will not be in the interest of the American people, either individually or for the American citizens at large," Wilson said Wednesday, arguing that's the reason Congress does not require its members to sign up.

The current House health care legislation states that members of Congress "may enroll" in the public plan. Wilson wants that changed to "must enroll."

Activist organization, "Flip This House" located HERE>>

11:32am PT - Protesters roaming the halls of Congress were heard chanting in unison - "KILL THE BILL"!

House Republicans offer alternative healthcare proposal - Their modest, incremental approach focuses on controlling costs through market-oriented measures. But its larger purpose is to show that they're not just the 'party of no.'It is about time and only 219 pages, compared to the 1,990 pages that the Pelosi plan is. Plus this one addresses TORT Reform and breaking the red tape that would allow us to purchase insurance across state lines.


Additional Photo & Video Assets HERE>>

Sunday, September 13, 2009

9/12 "Million MOB March" A Success Without MSM Help

9/12 "Million MOB March" - Image Credit: Mary Kathrine Ham

9/12 "Million MOB March" A Success Without MSM Help

Here, in the beginning stages of the 44th Presidency, many thought that life would carry on in a business as usual, politics as usual kind of approach.

Sure, Barack Obama made history by becoming the first man with African DNA in his blood to be elected as President of the United States, and sure, he ran and campaigned on being the one man who could reach across the divides in this country by being the first "post-racial" and "post-partisan" chief executive to hold the office ... but that was not meant to be.

Under his leadership (and the leadership of the Democrat-Party controlled Congress), the debt has quadrupled with the passage of two large spending bills (Stimulus and Omnibus), a further executive spending initiative known by TARP, started by the previous Administration (Bush) but expanded and used as a tool to take-over two of the three domestic automobile manufacturers in the United States and change the ownership matrix away from investors and place labor unions in the majority ownership position, along with the Federal Government. A serious attempt to take-over about one-sixth of our economy and bring into a single-payer Government program of CONTROL making all decisions about ones health the power of government boards (death panels) while driving out free enterprise. And lastly, an energy policy that would make some forms of common energy (coal and petroleum) virtually unavailable if not very expensive and scarce.

9/12 "Million MOB March" - View of Capitol Dome from adjacent grounds packed with small government, lower taxes activists - Image Credit: Twitpiv via Prisminc

Enter the Tea Party movement.

Named after the uprising and revolt that eventually led to the formation of this country after, as a colony of England, the territory occupied by people who, for the most part left England to start a life free from excessive Monarchical control over their lives from the King of England, had large taxes places on many goods and services produced or imported in the country. A revolt in Boston led to the dumping of bales of tea being imported into the country but this tea had new taxes placed on its sale and so, in a show of defiance, the tea was dumped into the harbor and the Boston Tea Party was born into the lore of the United States.

9/12 "Million MOB March" - View of Tea Party Movement protest rally from the Capitol Building Dome down the mall to the Washington Monument tower ... one mile away - Image Credit: Hutch123

Today, people (53% and rising) are not happy that their elected representatives are not listening to them. The representatives are voting on, and passing legislation into law without reading the bills that they are voting on. The government is not even allowing any time or the ability for the people to see and read proposed legislation so that they understand what the representatives are committing WE THE PEOPLE to pay for and to do!

September 10, 2001, our country was safe and life was good. September 11, 2001, our country was viciously attacked by a group of 19 islamo-fascist terrorist that wanted to take away the freedoms we enjoy in this country. The day, September, 12 of any year has stood as a response that our freedoms will never die and we will all stand up as Americans to proclaim this to be true.

September 12, 2009, a perfect storm of grass-roots protest came together in Washington DC and it did not have the sponsorship of any political party, no support from special interest groups and/or unions, and absolutely no help from the established "Fourth Estate" known in this country as the Main Stream Media (MSM).

This excerpted and edited from Michelle Malkin -

Celebrating the 9/12 rallies; Turnout estimated at 2 million
By Michelle Malkin • September 12, 2009 10:06 AM

It’s been an unprecedented year for limited government activism. It would never have been possible without the early initiative of grass-roots leaders in the #tcot community on Twitter, Smart Girl Politics #DontGo — and concerned women like Keli Carender and Amanda Grosserode who stood up in their communities against reckless spending in Washington before anyone was listening. Before the cable news was paying attention. Before it became fashionable for politicians to latch on.

Activists were derided as amateurs who couldn’t turn out a crowd. Then they were smeared as corporate shills. They were criticized for not having a coherent message. Then they were mocked for ideological single-mindedness. They are resented by professional strategists who accuse them of organizing empty protests that won’t translate into electoral gains. But the movement has given birth to a new generation of movers and shakers who have rejected establishment partisan politics for nimble, Internet-facilitated, issues-based advocacy.
The Tea Party Express blog is here.

12:34pm Eastern: Police estimate 1.2 million in attendance. ABC News reporting crowd at 2 million — tweets Tabitha Hale from D.C.

Teeny, tiny fringe, huh?
Update: Tabitha Hale says Parks & Rec estimated 1.2 million. An ABC News correspondent says it wasn’t national ABC News network that reported 2 million figure. I take them at their word — and am checking to find out more info.

So, how many were there? Allah looks at the numbers reports here.
Reference Here>>

9/12 "Million MOB March" - Taking it to the streets in Washington DC - Image Credit: Twitpiv via Brooks Bayne

COMMENT (on attendance article made at a social media portal):
ABC News, citing the DC fire department, reported that between 60,000 and 70,000 people had attended the tea party rally at the Capitol. By the time this figure reached Michelle Malkin, however, it had been blown up to 2,000,000. There is a big difference, obviously, between 70,000 and 2,000,000. That's not a twofold or threefold exaggeration -- it's roughly a thirtyfold exaggeration.

The way this false estimate came into being is relatively simple: Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, lied, claiming that ABC News had reported numbers of between 1.0 and 1.5 million when they never did anything of the sort. A few tweets later, the numbers had been exaggerated still further to 2 million. Kibbe wasn't "in error", as Malkin gently puts it. He lied. He did the equivalent of telling people that his penis is 53 inches long.

Malkin, who to her credit later corrected the error, frets that it might be used to by liberals to "discredit the undeniably massive turnout". She's right to be worried -- it absolutely will be used that way. If you don't want to be discredited, then don't, as Kibbe did, tell a ridiculous (and easily disprovable) lie.

RESPONSE (to comment by blog author on attendance article made at a social media portal):
The photos do not lie but maybe the MSM did a little pumping up so that people who still support this style of leadership could make the counter-argument that you are making.

The truth is that the New York Times, the Washington Post and many other MSM print outlets are embargoing (not mentioning) the fact that a march ever took place. The photos confirm that one of the largest gatherings EVER in the mall at the nation's capitol took place.

Just because official estimates have been done away with through policy after the much hyped "Million Man March" (remember that socialist and race-focused fiasco? ... 200,000 at best) was such a bust, let us just half the estimate of a few broadcast MSM outlets and call it a solid million people ... and report it as a very successful protest against the policies of a One-Party rule government.

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Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...