Showing posts with label Harvey Weinstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvey Weinstein. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2019

Where In The World Is GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Why In-N-Out, Of Course

Ghislaine Maxwell proves that the burgers at IN-N-OUT have "universal" appeal. Image Credit: N.Y. Post shared via Facebook (2019)

Where In The World Is GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Why In-n-Out, Of Course

GHISLAINE MAXWELL - So, which Los Angeles In-N-Out Burger location was the former Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell found hiding in plain sight at?
MAXINE knows this because this is the closest In-N-Out to MAXINE's primary location and have had their favorite Double-Double with extra Spread served hot and ready to consume over, and over. Image Credit: Screengrab from Google Search (2019)

The location is the one closest to Universal Studios Hollywood next door to a Nissan dealership and across the street from the famous independent Italian restaurant Miceli's Universal City on Cahuenga Blvd.

That's Miceli's at the corner of Regal Place and Cahuenga Boulevard just over Ms. Maxwell's right shoulder (image left). Image Credit: N.Y. Post shared via Facebook (2019)

So? Just why was this very close associate of convicted (and now deceased) Sex Predator Jeffery Epstein hanging out in this very unique neighborhood over the hill from Hollywood and next door to Studio City?

Inquiring minds, and we at MAXINE, want to know - your speculation is as good as ours (hints found in the TAGS at bottom of post) - leave a note!

TAGS: In-N-Out, Universal City, Hollywood, Ghislaine Maxwell, Movie, Studio, Management, Hollywood Mogul, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Michael Ovitz, Kevin Spacey, Ralph Fiennes, Courtney Love, Dustin Hoffman, Jimmy Buffet, Alec Baldwin, David Blaine, Phil Collins, Richard Plepler, Chris Tucker, Bill Richardson, Prince Andrew, George Mitchell, sex trafficking, Peggy Siegal, Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, Nadia Marcinkova, Glenn Dubin, Jean-Luc Brunel, MAXINE

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ill Opening (continues) At The Boxoffice For SiCKO

“Castro said, under Political Prisoner Health Plan, I could easily lose 90 pounds in 90 days ... and that’s without surgery!” - Caption and Image Credit: Rocketman, Powerline Forum

Ill Opening At The Weekend Boxoffice For SiCKO

Screening Reviews are in:

B- (510 votes)

Slightly above Average but below Good ... not Excellent.

Backdrop From Pre-Release:

This from Internet Movie Database Inc. (IMBd) -

Thursday, June 21 2007

Michael Moore’s Sicko had been downloaded about 4,000 times from peer-to-peer websites PirateBay and Mininova as of Wednesday, according to figures posted on the sites.

Clips from the film were also viewed over 1,000 times on YouTube and Google Video before they were yanked following protests by the Weinstein Company, which produced the health-care documentary. (Trailers and interviews with Moore remain.) Moore has said that the piracy appeared to be an “inside job,” given the fact that a perfect digital print was posted on the file-sharing sites.

CNET News writer Greg Sandoval commented Wednesday that he doubted that the online piracy will hurt the film at the box office. “First,” he wrote, “the controversy ... generated plenty of headlines for Sicko.

Nobody associated with the movie is going to be distressed about that. On the sites where the bootlegs appeared scores of comments were posted and that’s the kind of word-of-mouth promotion marketers love.”

Reference Here>>

The results this weekend leave Michael Moore hoping to match “Bowling for Columbine” numbers as opposed to being able to heat up to “Fahrenheit 9/11”!

Excerpts from a FOX News report (7-2-2007) -

1. "Ratatouille," $47.2 million.

2. "Live Free or Die Hard," $33.15 million.

3. "Evan Almighty," $15.1 million.

4. "1408," $10.6 million.

5. "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer," $9 million.

6. "Knocked Up," $7.4 million.

7. "Ocean's Thirteen," $6.05 million.

8. "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End," $5 million.

9. "Sicko," $4.5 million.

10. "Evening," $3.5 million.

"Sicko," Moore's dissection of the ills of U.S. health care, played in 441 theaters, about half the number for his last movie, 2004's $100 million hit "Fahrenheit 9/11." With a $23.9 million opening, "Fahrenheit 9/11" did five times as much business, though.

Still, "Sicko" had the second-best documentary debut ever behind "Fahrenheit 9/11." By comparison, "Ratatouille" opened in nearly 4,000 theaters, about nine times as many as "Sicko."

Harvey Weinstein, co-chairman of the Weinstein Co., said he wanted to roll "Sicko" out slowly to give it a longer shelf life and keep Moore's stand for universal health care on the front burner.

"The idea is to hold during the summer and just continue to build this thing," Weinstein said. "I just think the debate in this country is going to catch up with the movie, so we've got to keep it slow."

Weinstein and Moore said they hoped "Sicko" would do in the range of the $21.6 million total for the filmmaker's 2002 Academy Award winner "Bowling for Columbine."

(ht: FOX News)
Regardless of the spin Harvey Weinstein is putting on the numbers, “SiCKO” NOT the success that Michael Moore was aiming for.

I guess with SiCKO, it is just going to be less for Moore!

UPDATE 7-10-2007:

LOS ANGELES — Robots were Hollywood's big wage-earners over the weekend as "Transformers," the sci-fi saga about warring machines, debuted with $70.5 million.

The top 20 movies at U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday through Sunday, followed by distribution studio, gross, number of theater locations, average receipts per location, total gross and number of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Media By Numbers LLC are:

1. "Transformers," Paramount, $70,502,384, 4,011 locations, $17,577 average, $155,405,412, one week.

2. "Ratatouille," Disney, $29,014,293, 3,940 locations, $7,364 average, $109,531,598, two weeks.

3. "Live Free or Die Hard," Fox, $17,730,149, 3,411 locations, $5,198 average, $84,424,123, two weeks.

4. "License to Wed," Warner Bros., $10,422,258, 2,604 locations, $4,002 average, $17,838,076, one week.

5. "Evan Almighty," Universal, $8,719,135, 3,460 locations, $2,520 average, $78,706,785, three weeks.

6. "1408," MGM, $7,088,979, 2,631 locations, $2,694 average, $53,738,325, three weeks.

7. "Knocked Up," Universal, $5,222,680, 2,213 locations, $2,360 average, $132,089,425, six weeks.

8. "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer," Fox, $4,239,993, 2,618 locations, $1,620 average, $123,881,586, four weeks.

9. "Sicko," Lionsgate, $3,600,179, 702 locations, $5,128 average, $11,452,560, three weeks.

10. "Ocean's Thirteen," Warner Bros., $3,525,366, 2,102 locations, $1,677 average, $109,145,316, five weeks.

SiCKO Only:

Date - Jul 6–8
Rank - 9 Weekend Gross - $3,600,179 % Change = -20.0% Theater Count - 702 Change - +261 / Avg. - $5,128 Gross-to-Date - $11,452,560 Week# - 3

Even Michael Moore would have to agree that the trend is not what he and Harvey Weinstein of Lionsgate (the film's distributor) would like to see ... operative number? ... % Change = -20.0%.

UPDATE #2 - 7-15-2007:

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Media By Numbers LLC. Final figures will be released Monday.

1. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," $77.4 million.

2. "Transformers," $36 million.

3. "Ratatouille," $18 million.

4. "Live Free or Die Hard," $10.9 million.

5. "License to Wed," $7.4 million.

6. "1408," $5.01 million.

7. "Evan Almighty," $5 million.

8. "Knocked Up," $3.7 million.

9. "Sicko," $2.65 million.

10. "Ocean's Thirteen," $1.9 million.

SiCKO Only:

Date - Jul 13-15
Rank - 9 Weekend Gross - $2,604,139 % Change = -27.7% Theater Count - 756 Change - +54 / Avg. - $3,444 Gross-to-Date - $15,830,046 Week# - 4

Again, "Moore" bad news ... operative number? ... % Change = -27.7%.

It is going to be a tall order for Michael Moore and Lionsgate to reach the hoped for $21,600,000 that "Bowling for Columbine" achieved for its domestic gross.

UPDATE - Week #5

Date - Jul 20–22
Rank Weekend - 11
Gross - $1,945,723
% Change -25.3%
Theater Count – 1,117
Change +361
Avg. - $1,741
Gross-to-Date – $19,185,853

... In a couple of more weeks, Michael Moore just might make the $21,600,000 he Grossed for “Bowling For Columbine” ... he will have to open in even more theaters though (up nearly 48%), if the take per theater drops any further (this weekend's average per theater gross ticket sales was down slightly over 50%).

UPDATE - Week #6 -

Date - Jul 27–29
Rank Weekend - 15
Gross - $1,173,740
Change -39.7%
Theater Count – 850
Change -267
Avg. - $1,380
Gross-to-Date – $21,493,605


Just shy of the re-established BIG GOAL!

This is a pretty poor showing for a film-maker who had "broken through" and made it to the big time. "Bowling For Columbine" numbers from an unknown film-maker is a grand feat ... but these numbers from somebody as well known as Michael Moore simply has to hurt ... and the pre-release to the internet can not explain this train wreck of a showing after six weeks!

Final UPDATE Aug. 9, 2007

Going, Going, … GONE!

SiCKO has played its hand and should be leaving us all soon to be replaced in short order by Blu-ray and DVD.

After seven weeks, SiCKO couldn’t hit the lofty target of $25,000,000 and even though the film only costs a reported $9,000,000 to make this has to be a big disappointment to Lions Gate Films and Michael Moore … especially in a world governed by “Hollywood Math”!

Date – Aug. 3–5
Rank Weekend - 20
Gross - $503,702
% Change -57.1%
Theater Count – 349
Change -501
Avg. - $1,443
Gross-to-Date – $22,640,294
Week# - 7

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...