Showing posts with label British Petroleum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British Petroleum. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2010

With Obama, when everything is critical, nothing is critical

President Barack Obama checks for tar balls washed ashore at Port Fourchon Beach Friday. The President visited the Gulf Coast of Louisiana to assess the latest efforts to counter the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Image Credit: David Grunfeld

With Obama, when everything is critical, nothing is critical

Lately, President Barack Obama has become less and less popular primarily because his policies do not seem to be working, people are finding out what is actually in the new Healh Care law (Obamacare), and the Obama Administration more than ever, operates in a business as usual payoff process as government is use to being run in Chicago (see Joe Sestak).

Yesterday, the 44th President decided to hold a press conference for the first time in 308 days. Many issues are beginning to come to a head, not the least of which would be the continuing disaster of oil being discharged out of a damaged oil well that took 11 lives about 40 days ago. During the presser, Obama stated clearly that HE was in charge of everything, but when asked about wither Elizabeth Birnbaum, the head of the troubled U.S. agency that oversees offshore drilling - which President Obama said was "plagued by corruption" at the beginning of his presidency - had resigned or was fired (the event of her departure was reported earlier in the day), Obama stated, "Now, with respect to Ms. Birnbaum, I found out about her resignation today. Ken Salazar has been in testimony throughout the day, so I don't know the circumstances in which this occurred." So, is this a man really in charge?

Today, Friday, President Obama flew down to the Gulf Coast and visited for three hours. Oil is still spewing out of the breached well and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal still has yet to receive all of the approvals he needs from the Federal Government to make sand barriers along the outer islands along the coast. In Barack Obama's own words about Louisiana lifted from his administrations website at WhiteHouse.Gov/Issues/Additional-Issues -

Katrina - President Obama will keep the broken promises to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

He and Vice President Biden will take steps to ensure that the federal government will never again
[NEVER AGAIN] allow such catastrophic failures in emergency planning and response to occur.
Reference Here>>

Memorial day is celebrated this weekend and this President has decided to spend his time around Chicago, vacationing with his wife and kids as opposed to visiting Arlington National Cemetery in honor of our soldiers that have died and to stand up as the Commander-In-Chief of our troops that are currently fighting two wars and are dispatched in harms way to protect our personal freedom anchored way of life.

Here are some of the commitments Barack Obama has made over the last month about what he believes have the highest priority.

This excerpted and edited from National Review Online -

Obama’s Ever-Changing Top Priorities

By Jim Geraghty - May 27, 2010 1:20 PM

Today President Obama said that stopping the oil spill has been his “highest priority.”

He seems to have a lot of top priorities; he’s identified several in his remarks since the initial explosion on the oil rig April 20.

President Obama with Mexican president Felipe Calderon, May 19: “We agreed to continue working aggressively on our highest economic priority, which is creating jobs for our people.”

Obama with Hamad Karzai, May 12: “This is a reaffirmation of the friendship between the American people and the Afghan people. When I came into office, I made it very clear that, after years of some drift in the relationship, that I saw this as a critical priority.”

Obama at the Business Council, May 4: “More broadly, spurring job creation and economic expansion continues to be our number one domestic priority.”

Obama at a town-hall meeting in Ottumwa, Iowa, April 27: “I don’t want to close off trade with other countries — I want to open those countries because that’s a lot of where the growth is and that’s where we can sell our products and we’ve got a competitive advantage. But we’ve got to keep on pushing and be tough in our negotiations, and that’s something that’s going to be a top priority.”

Obama in Fort Madison, Iowa, April 27: “And that’s why our energy security has been a top priority for my administration since the day I took office.”
Reference Here>>

One learns early in a business life, when all memos are stamped IMPORTANT ... nothing is IMPORTANT!

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