Showing posts with label Democratic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2020

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democrats are working toward an intended consequence that amounts to a hijacking of our criminal justice systems that had worked very well at assuring safety for citizens and working families everywhere.

In city after city, the Democrats have passed laws and implemented policies that do not recognize theft, that eliminate cash bail and promises to appear, restrict the powers of policing, and empty our jails. District Attorneys do not prosecute cases at the level they once did to keep criminals in check in an effort to create more put-upon victims so that Democrats have a base of potential voters to groom for their own path to power.

The chaos we have been seeing grow in our communities isn't a side effect, it is the goal. Unchecked illegal immigration, Sanctuary City policies, non-enforcement of vagrancy laws through transference from policing to city staffed social worker agencies (who stay in their air-conditioned offices), COVID-19 mass releasing of guilty known criminals from prisons and jails before their sentences are fully served (when Shelter-At-Home and Masks are required through governmental edict for everyday law abiding citizens), road and street "diets" imposed without a vote from citizens by city bureaucrats which impede and slow the pursuits of happiness and commerce on once major boulevard arteries, all intended to create a less than best practices impaired society Democrat political leaders can run on.

To be clear, Patrick Lynch, President of NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association, stated it best in his presentation during the final day of the Republican National Convention - “Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions. I have been a New York City police officer for 36 years…I’ve never seen our streets go this bad so quickly.”

“Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump matches his words with his actions,” Mr. Lynch said. “He gives law enforcement the support and the tools we need to go out there and put a stop to it - period, end of story.”

We, at MAXINE, wish to get our America and American Culture back where people are safe, have a criminal justice system that works as intended (keeping convicted criminals housed and in check), and operates peacefully under the full rights as guaranteed by God, not decreed by Government, as laid out in our country's founding documents - where people/individuals have more power than Government ... in the end.

As in the final comments made by Patrick Lynch - Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris', and the Democrat Political Party's America Equals "No Safety, No Justice, No Peace!"



TAGS: Patrick Lynch, #MAGA, #DJT45, Republican, Democratic, No Safety, No Justice, No Peace, Joe Biden, 2020, MAXINE

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reasons 41-50 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 41-50 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt's reasons 41-50 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 41-50 which highlight: Mitt Romney's very successful career at Bain Consulting and Bain Capitol where Bain Capitol had around an 80% successful turnaround rate at taking stumbling businesses and having them become profitable (almost unheard of). On a personal level, Mitt Romney gave a tremendous amount of his time and talent in volunteering for his Mormon Church as a leader and church community advocate. A review of Mitt Romney's parents legacy and the impact this has had on the Mitt Romney family throughout these last decades. Mitt Romney has given over 30 million dollars in charitable contributions throughout his adult life. Barack Obama is legend for his side stepping issues that the corporate media characterizes as gaffes. From his "You didn't build that" attack on self-interest free-enterprise, to his "blaming first" approach in discourse before ever assuming responsibility (if ever) ... Obama trades on conceptual fraud in his approach to communicative leadership. This 44th presidency is probably most characterized, economically, as having run this government with NO BUDGET in over 1,2oo days and has put forth no effort to work on saving entitlements from their bankrupting path in nearly four years.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt's reasons 1-10 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 11-20 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 21-30 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 31-40 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from - 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns' performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today's show -- the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn't hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don't endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the "Chicago Way" Democrat Political Party is fond of saying ... "Vote Early, and Vote Often" ... but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt's 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

** Article first published as Reasons 41-50 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012 on Technorati **

Reasons 31-40 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 31-40 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt's reasons 31-40 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 31-40 which highlight: From the muffed Russian relations "reset button" to the candid wink and nod between President Obama to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, "wait until I get elected to a second term" caution captured on an open microphone ... opens this edition of 100 reasons to vote for a 95th presidency in November. The placing in disarray the nuclear deterrent used by Poland and the Czech Republic. Obama's abandonment of the newly democratic Iraq without a status of forces agreement and his continued fumbling of Afghanistan with a "date certain" withdrawal resulting in needless insider murders of troops. MOST IMPORTANT - This 44th President's over-reaching draw down of America's military power and position in the world by first reducing our Naval power to critical levels. Under Reagan, our Navy totaled 600 ships - under common agreement with Congress, this level had been set to be no lower than 313 ships - under Obama, the Navy operates only 282 ships and if given another 4 years is expected to become 250 ships. This Commander-In-Chief' s elimination of a march toward air superiority with the killing of the F22 Raptor fighter jet - the elimination of 100,000 standing troops from the Marines and Army.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt's reasons 1-10 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 11-20 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 21-30 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from - 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns' performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today's show -- the first such in 12 years of radio.
It wasn't hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don't endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the "Chicago Way" Democrat Political Party is fond of saying ... "Vote Early, and Vote Often" ... but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt's 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

** Article first published as Reasons 31-40 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012 on Technorati **

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

Bend over ... and kiss it (personal freedom and economy) goodbye! Image Credit: U.S. Government/Marines

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

The nation's largest healthcare insurer - Veterans Administration, Medicare, All Military and Armed Services - just got a lot larger today in the face of overwhelming opposition and through the expenditure of the political capital of the DEMOCRAT POLITICAL PARTY. By a partisan one-party vote and a little less that two-minutes remaining of 219-YEA to 209-NAY, with 2-NV (non-votes), the Senate version of the inappropriately entitled Health Care Reform bill was passed by the House of Representatives and adopted into law.

Kiss the adult level of decision-making over the direction of one's personal health and care during their own life ... from now on.

Today, March 21, 2010 is the day that the United States of America ceased to be a nation of self-reliance and personal freedom and a beacon to the rest of the world as an example of a strong Constitution that protected citizens rights over the Government that they have elected into office. We are all wards of the STATE. If the STATE makes decisions about one's health from a central office ... one life is OWNED by that STATE

We all will be fined is we choose to NOT purchase health insurance in a situation where we never have an option to pursue our lives as we see fit - as we do with driving a car.

Thank all members of the Democrat Political Party for saddling our country with additional unfunded debt heaped upon a broken ... and broke economy.

Welcome the era of Democrat Political Party chaos (here in Carter's Second Term) to the likes of which we have never visited, in our nation's history, and all of this enacted in just thirteen months.

This one vote will never be undone without totally resetting the political path of our nation and this will only happen with electing verifiable, small, smaller, smallest Government ... Constitutionalists ... beginning in November 2010 and doing the same in November 2012.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The case to retain Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid

Democrat Political Party Leadership - President Barack Obama is flanked by (L-R) Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT), Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in the Roosevelt Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on December 15, 2009 in Washington, D.C. President Obama met with members of the Senate Democratic Caucus to discuss health care reform legislation. Image Credit: AFP/White House Pool

The case to retain Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid

Over the last couple of days, quotes in the forthcoming book "Game Change" about President Obama's ethnicity attributed to Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid revealed that Harry Reid is as racist as the political party he represents. The Democrat Party is the most tolerant of people who hold power over, and make judgments on people from a racial perspective.

Reid praised Obama's electability as a "light-skinned" African American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one" insults all human beings and debases all voters in the United States as making voting judgments on the basis of human race first as opposed to political philosophy.

To the voter who is not from African decent, Reid comment asserts that they are softer on disapproval if someone spoke English in a clear diction and their skin color was not deep into the brown spectrum. To the voter who happened to be born from an African race decent, Harry Reid is stating that education and accomplishment are not as important as one's appearance and speaking ability.

Now if Harry Reid were just some person who sold soap to car wash operations around Nevada, he might be able to make a living and get by with attitudes of closure to humans he meets along the way ... but this is a man who is a lawmaker and has become the leader of all lawmakers in the most powerful Government lawmaking body in the United States, and these attitudes are not consistent with what is expected in a position of leadership and power over all human beings regardless of race.

We, at MAXINE, say keep Harry Reid. Why set the example of intolerance to racist attitudes that the Republican Political Party set? ... when then incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott made a comment in jest at a party honoring a former segregationist and Senate colleague, Strom Thurmond.

Thurmond ran as the presidential nominee of the breakaway Dixiecrat Party in the 1948 presidential race against Democrat Harry Truman and Republican Thomas Dewey. He carried Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state of South Carolina, of which he was governor at the time.

During the campaign, he said, "All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, our schools, our churches."

Thurmond's party ran under a platform that declared in part, "We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race."

The comment that then incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott made suggested the United States would have avoided "all these [race] problems" if then-segregationist Strom Thurmond had been elected president in 1948.

Trent Lott was removed in short order after he issued an apology on Monday, December 9, 2002, stating "A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embraced the discarded policies of the past," Lott said. "Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement."

The Republican Political Party knew all human beings were offended, regardless of race, leadership, and power considerations.

Democrats ... please retain Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader of the United States Senate. It will give all voters an example of support for institutionalized racists attitudes and show them exactly what the attitudes about race of the Democrat Political Party are ... and what level of institutionalized racism they are willing to tolerate.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Real Survivor Fiji – Military Rule Slaps Hard

The Real Survivor Fiji – Military Rule Slaps Hard

This can not be good for a tribal peoples just wanting to be able to pursue and share their lives with others in a modern world.

In the last week, The Commodore dispatches the Council of Chiefs because they felt that they had the right to voice their opinion as to whom the second in command should, or should not be. The Commodore did not like the fact that their opinion would be different than his … but isn’t this the reason why Frank felt he had the right to take charge of a democratically elected Government in the first place? That anyone in a leadership role might actually have thinking powers that were different than HIS own?

The Free World needs to step in and save Fiji before Commodore Frank Bainimarama gets down to firing the “Dog Catcher” … or have the population die from poor Governmental Health management factors!

These excerpts from Bloomberg (Austrailia) -

Fiji Anti-Corruption Body Given `Draconian' Powers, Lawyer Says
By Emma O'Brien - April 23 - Bloomberg

A body set up by Fiji's caretaker government to investigate corruption has powers of arrest and interrogation that break the law and constitution, a spokeswoman for the country's law society said.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is empowered to issue its own arrest and search warrants and seize people suspected of living beyond their means. Those charged will be considered guilty until they prove themselves innocent.

``It's sinister, the fact they have all these powers which appear to be Draconian,'' Tupou Draunidalo, vice president of the Fiji Law Society said in a telephone interview from the capital, Suva, on April 19. ``It's so fundamental, that you're innocent until proven guilty in this country.''

The decree establishing the commission, approved by the president of the Pacific island nation several weeks ago, was published April 18, President Ratu Josefa Iloilo's spokesman Rupeni Nacewa said last week from Suva. Army chief Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama promised to ``clean up'' Fiji after he overthrew the government of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase in December, accusing it of corruption.

Iloilo was re-appointed president in January after being deposed in the Dec. 5 coup, the country's fourth takeover in 19 years. Bainimarama became interim prime minister a month after the takeover and said elections may not be held until 2010.

The commission will be made up of a chief investigator assisted by about eight corruption investigators.

Common Law

The power given to the panel ``appears to break various sections of the constitution and common law,'' Draunidalo said.

Fiji's legal system is based on British common law, which enshrines the right to be regarded as innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.

The interim government is justifying the sweeping powers through the doctrine of necessity, she said. Fiji's constitution allows for decrees to be made by the president if the country is so unstable that parliament can't meet.

``There's no reason the parliament can't meet,'' Draunidalo said. ``The military just won't let it happen.''

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Fiji's interim attorney-general said the new commission was based on Hong Kong's anti-corruption body.
The penalties for engaging in bribery have been stiffened, Sayed-Khaiyum said, with the sentence increased from the current six to nine months to 10 to 15 years under a prevention of bribery promulgation enacted last week.

Holding Elections

Fiji is considering holding elections some time in the next 36 months, following a meeting between European Union and Fijian government officials last week in Brussels, Sayed-Khaiyum said.

In an April 20 statement, the EU called on Fiji to hold a poll within two years and to lift in May a state of emergency in place since the coup. In return, the EU said it expects ``to avoid the loss of development cooperation'' that provides aid to the Fijian sugar industry, the statement said.

The 27-nation body threatened to cut all ties with Fiji following the coup, and scrap a $422 million aid package. Fiji's sugar industry, which employs 45,000 people, would collapse if the aid was withdrawn, the Sugar and General Workers' Union said shortly after the coup.
Read All>>

Yep! That is what a former freely elected democratic nation needs - More Decrees from Commodore Frank!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Quest For Hollywood Cash & Caché

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks to supporters at a rally in Austin, Texas February 23, 2007. Image Credit: REUTERS/Peter A. Silva

The Quest For Hollywood Cash & Caché

It’s a small pond with a lot of very big and influential fish. Hollywood political money, for some on both sides of the process, is more about position and stature than the value of the money and the power it brings.

Rob Reiner, through his political appointment and failed attempts to direct how Californians live and pursue their lives, is only one example of the abuses that may take place when Hollywood money and influence meet up with the potential of placing someone with real political power into office … any office.

All one needs to do is review the events of the past week after a major fund raising event to see how important it is for liberals to court and carry the majority of the “Hollywood Cash & Caché”.

Excerpts from the World Socialist Web Site (a liberal insider’s POV) -

The “scramble for Hollywood:” the Democratic Party and entertainment industry liberals
By David Walsh - 24 February 2007

The squabble that erupted this week between the camps of Democratic Party senators and presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois might best be described as a skirmish in the “scramble for Hollywood.”

The dispute brought to the foreground a sordid reality of contemporary American politics: the general hustling for cash from corporate contributors and wealthy donors that dominates US election campaigns, and the role, in particular, of studio executives and other major figures in Hollywood in funneling tens of millions of dollars to the Democratic Party.

Two Democratic heavyweights for the 2008 presidential nomination - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Barack Obama - decided to bring their arsenals into the open. And the first salvo has been fired by Clinton in response to remarks made by Obama fundraiser, David Geffen. Image Credit: EARTHTIMES

Clinton and Obama, along with the other Democrats, are presently battling over Hollywood’s treasure trove of campaign funds.

As everyone in America knows and the media brazenly acknowledges, winning the presidential nomination of one of the two major parties depends in large measure on collecting more money than any of your rivals. Success in fund-raising is the principal indication that you are a “serious” candidate. It both confirms that you have the backing of powerful corporate and financial figures, the people who count, and encourages further support from these circles.
During the Presidents’ Day recess of Congress this week, many politicians found themselves fund-raising in southern California. Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland, Senator Barbara Boxer of California, Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois and Senator Joseph Biden, another presidential hopeful, were among those who held one or more events in the Los Angeles area.

Obama’s campaign grabbed the spotlight by organizing a $2,300-per-ticket Beverly Hills reception Tuesday evening, the most significant event this month, attended by film stars, studio executives and others. The affair raised some $1.3 million.

Jennifer Aniston, Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Morgan Freeman, George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Ron Howard and Dixie Chicks’ lead singer Natalie Maines were reportedly among those who attended. Obama, according to press reports, told the mostly film industry crowd, “Don’t sell yourself short. You are the storytellers of our age.”

The Hillary Clinton-Obama dispute broke out the following day after remarks made by the host of the event, film and recording mogul David Geffen (along with Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg, one of the founders of DreamWorks SKG), appeared in Maureen Dowd’s column in the New York Times. Geffen, who raised $18 million for Bill Clinton during his presidency, has thrown his support and considerable influence behind the Illinois junior senator and rival of Hillary Clinton. Geffen asserted that Hillary Clinton was “overproduced and overscripted,” according to Dowd. He criticized her for not apologizing for her 2002 vote in support of the Iraq war.

Dowd wrote that relations between Geffen and the Clintons ruptured in 2001, when the president, during his last hours in office, pardoned international commodities trader Marc Rich while refusing to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier, the American Indian Movement leader who was framed up for the deaths of two FBI agents in 1977.

Geffen commented, “Yet another time when the Clintons were unwilling to stand for the things that they genuinely believe in. Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”

The Clinton camp quickly shot back and the battle of press releases was on.
The stakes are high for the Democratic candidates. According to Eric Alterman in the September 2004 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, “During the 2000 election cycle, zip-code areas on average yielded slightly more than $35,000 in political contributions, while residents of Beverly Hills, 90210, ponied up slightly more than $6.2 million. In the same year Pacific Palisades, Bel Air, and Brentwood were each good for $1.7 million to $3.3 million.

“In 2002 entertainment ranked first among all industries funding Democratic Party committees, and roughly 80 percent of the industry’s party contributions went to Democratic candidates and committees; just 20 percent went to the Republican Party. From 1989 up to the start of the current election cycle Hollywood had given the party nearly $100 million for federal elections alone—close to the $114 million Republicans received from their friends in the oil and gas industries. Together with organized labor and the trial bar, Hollywood is now one of the three pillars of the Democrats’ financial structure.”
The Hollywood elite is not a monolith. Film studio and entertainment industry executives, leaders of the handful of enormous conglomerates that largely determine what Americans and much of the world see on cinema and television screens and listen to on CD and radio, belong to the same financial-corporate oligarchy that has a stranglehold over every aspect of American life. These are multi-millionaires and billionaires who have a very large say in determining who should hold political office and protect their interests.

The Center for Responsive Politics notes that the film industry has specific issues which it pursues with the politicians it helps bankroll, including “trade, copyright protection and free speech concerns.” The CRP continues, “While many of the big-name stars give mainly for ideological reasons, the corporate executives who run the industry take a more pragmatic view in dispensing their campaign dollars.
“A perennial concern of the industry is copyright protection, particularly as it concerns the practice of sharing music and video files via the Internet.
The film industry executives lean toward the Democrats for cultural and political reasons. The success of their business in this day and age depends on a certain “permissiveness” in the social atmosphere. The dominance of the Christian Right, for example, would not be helpful to those often attempting to market violence and sexual suggestiveness, nor would it accord with the temperaments and lifestyles of writers, directors, actors and musicians by and large.
The economic concerns of studio chiefs and their general political inclinations merge and overlap with the outlook of the extremely well-heeled layers who make up the upper echelons of the film and music industry in Hollywood and organize support for the Democratic Party — figures like Geffen, Spielberg, Streisand, Rob Reiner, Laurie David (producer-comic Larry David’s wife) and others.

No doubt, in many cases, a sincere desire to see social reform and improve the general conditions of life motivates such people in supporting liberal politicians, as well as environmental and charitable causes.
However, this is a privileged layer that sees the world and the political process in the US through a thick haze. Its particular brand of liberalism is shaped by a terrible distance from the working population and its concerns, the degree to which it is shielded from everyday life in general by managers, assistants and intermediaries of every sort, and its essential satisfaction with its own lot.
The continued flow of Hollywood cash to the Democrats, whatever the motives or intentions of its organizers, is a deeply reactionary fact of American political life.
Read All>>

At Maxine, we wonder why all of this Hollywood Cash & Caché can't be directed toward issues of self-reliance and the kind of social reform that leads toward self-determination in the pursuit of happiness here in America … what is so really wrong with that?

I was reminded this morning in a presentation at the church I am prone to attend … with all of the liberal bashing that George Bush gets for being “dumb”, one assumes that the point these people seem to be making is that they posses greater knowledge than others … any others, save themselves.

1 Corinthians 8:1 states that “knowledge puffs up, but love builds up” - I am beginning to think with the more I listen and watch to what is being said this last week in Los Angeles, that people from the upper echelons of the film and music industry in Hollywood like those who organize support for the Democratic Party - figures like Geffen, Spielberg, Streisand, Rob Reiner, Laurie David (producer-comic Larry David’s wife) and others feel they have great knowledge … but lack love.

The Oscars are on tonight so here at MAXINE we plan on tuning in to "feel the love".

NOTE: After watching last nights Oscar presentations ... the key to get Hollywood Democrat CASH a flowin'? ... one word - CRISIS!

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...