Showing posts with label John Boehner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Boehner. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

It Is Time To Dump John Boehner As House Leader

Congressman Boehner caves to the nonfactual position and political tactics of the Senate Democrats led by the 44th President of the United States on tax policy extension. Image Credit:

It Is Time To Dump John Boehner As House Leader

John Boehner is the worst leader of the Republican party in the House of Representatives in over sixty years (maybe longer). The latest evidence of this horrible level of leadership is shown on how he continues to have trouble closing the door on original arguments made and legislation passed when the opposition is able to out-and-out lie and get away with it.

Facts are facts, and lies are lies ... it is time that the American people have a leader of the Republican party in the House of Representatives that knows how to communicate the difference and stand for the truth.

This excerpted and edited from The White House - Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President on the Payroll Tax Cut
South Court Auditorium - December 22, 2011, 1:00 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. (Applause.) Please have a seat. Good afternoon to all of you. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.
Now, on Saturday, we reached a bipartisan compromise that would do just that -- make sure that people aren’t seeing a tax cut the first of the year; make sure that they still have unemployment insurance the first of the year. Nearly every Democrat in the Senate voted for that compromise. Nearly every Republican in the Senate voted for that compromise. Democrats and even some Republicans in the House voted for that compromise. I am ready to sign that compromise into law the second it lands on my desk.

So far, the only reason it hasn’t landed on my desk -- the only reason -- is because a faction of House Republicans have refused to support this compromise. [this is because the Republicans and some Democrats in the House of Representatives passed an extension that was for one year and received back a bill to approve that was for only two months]

Now, if you’re a family making about $50,000 a year, this is a tax cut that amounts to about $1,000 a year [WRONG - the compromise amounts to only 1/6th of this amount or about $160.00]. That’s about 40 bucks out of every paycheck [for two months as opposed to what the House of Representatives had approved ... 12 months]. It may be that there's some folks in the House who refuse to vote for this compromise because they don’t think that 40 bucks is a lot of money. But anyone who knows what it’s like to stretch a budget knows that at the end of the week, or the end of the month, $40 can make all the difference in the world [the President is arguing for a continued return of $160.00 as opposed to $1,000.00].

And that’s why we thought we’d bring your voices into this debate. So many of these debates in Washington end up being portrayed as which party is winning, which party is losing. But what we have to remind ourselves of is this is about people. This is about the American people and whether they win. It's not about a contest between politicians [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year].

So on Tuesday, we asked folks to tell us what would it be like to lose $40 out of your paycheck every week [the President and Senate Democrats for eight (8) weeks as opposed to House Republicans fifty-two (52) weeks]. And I have to tell you that the response has been overwhelming. We haven't seen anything like this before. Over 30,000 people have written in so far -- as many as 2,000 every hour. We’re still hearing from folks -- and I want to encourage everybody who's been paying attention to this to keep sending your stories to and share them on Twitter and share them on Facebook.

The responses we’ve gotten so far have come from Americans of all ages and Americans of all backgrounds, from every corner of the country. Some of the folks who responded are on stage with me here today, and they should remind every single member of Congress what’s at stake in this debate. Let me just give you a few samples.

Joseph from New Jersey talked about how he would have to sacrifice the occasional pizza night with his daughters. He said -- and I'm quoting -- “My 16-year-old twins will be out of the house soon. I'll miss this.” [I thought that Michelle Obama and "My Plate" wanted the American people to eat healthier - no pizza | the President and Senate Democrats only wish Joseph and his family to have an occasional pizza night with his family two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for a one (1) full year extension]

Richard from Rhode Island wrote to tell us that having an extra $40 in his check buys enough heating oil to keep his family warm for three nights. In his words -- I'm quoting -- “If someone doesn't think that 12 gallons of heating oil is important, I invite them to spend three nights in an unheated home. Or you can believe me when I say that it makes a difference.” [The President and Senate Democrats only wish Richard from Rhode Island to have fuel to heat his home for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for a one (1) full year extension]

Pete from Wisconsin told us about driving more than 200 miles each week to keep his father-in-law company in a nursing home -- $40 out of his paycheck would mean he'd only be able to make three trips instead of four. [The President and Senate Democrats wish to allow Pete from Wisconsin to visit his father-in-law in a nursing home for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for a one (1) full year extension]

We heard from a teacher named Claire from here in D.C. who goes to the thrift store every week and uses her own money to buy pencils and books for her fourth grade class. Once in a while she splurges on science or art supplies. Losing $40, she says, would mean she couldn’t do that anymore. [The President and Senate Democrats wish to allow Teacher Claire from D.C. to visit the thrift store every week and use her own money to buy pencils and books for her fourth grade class for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for a one (1) full year extension]

For others, $40 means dinner out with a child who's home for Christmas, a new pair of shoes, a tank of gas, a charitable donation. These are the things at stake for millions of Americans. They matter to people. A lot. [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year]

And keep in mind that those are just the individual stories. That doesn’t account for the overall impact that a failure to extend the payroll tax cut and a failure to extend unemployment insurance would have on the economy as a whole. We've seen the economy do better over the last couple of months, but there's still a lot of sources of uncertainty out there -- what's going on in Europe, what's going on around the world. And so this is insurance to make sure that our recovery continues. [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months an maintaining UNCERTAINTY as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year thus eliminating UNCERTAINTY for 12 months]

So it's time for the House to listen to the voices who are up here, the voices all across the country, and reconsider. What’s happening right now is exactly why people just get so frustrated with Washington. This is it; this is exactly why people get so frustrated with Washington. This isn’t a typical Democratic-versus-Republican issue [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year]. This is an issue where an overwhelming number of people in both parties agree {to extend current tax policy for one full year as opposed to a minority of Democrats holding this issue hostage and have it be talked about in another two months}. How can we not get that done? I mean, has this place become so dysfunctional that even when people agree to things we can't do it? (Applause.) It doesn’t make any sense. [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year]

So, enough is enough. The people standing with me today can’t afford any more games. They can’t afford to lose $1,000 [another lie - two months is only $160.00 as opposed to the $1,000.00] because of some ridiculous Washington standoff [by you, Barack Obama and the Senate Democrats]. The House needs to pass a short-term version of this compromise, and then we should negotiate an agreement as quickly as possible to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance for the rest of 2012 [NO - all of the Republicans in the House passed a bill for one (1) full year already]. It's the right thing to do for the economy, and it's, most importantly, the right thing to do for American families all across the country.

This is not just my view. Just a few hours ago, this is exactly what the Republican Leader of the Senate said we should do [NO - this is all about the President and Senate Democrats only wishing to extend the tax policy for two (2) months as opposed to all of the Republicans in the House passing a bill for one (1) full year - Senator Mitch McConnell needs to be dumped as well for he will not stand for the truth over lies]. Democrats agree with the Republican Leader of the Senate. We should go ahead and get this done. This should not be hard. We all agree it should happen [all Democrats and one Republican in the Senate]. I believe it's going to happen sooner or later. Why not make it sooner, rather than later? [EXACTLY - agree to the one full year extension NOW ... not later] Let’s give the American people -- the people who sent us here -- the kind of leadership they deserve.

Thank you, everybody. (Applause.)

1:08 P.M. EST
[Reference Here]

The fact of the matter is that we will hear the following on the Sunday news shows ... pre-taped for Christmas Sunday.

SNEAK PEEK - CBS News correspondent predictions for 2012, pre-taped for Christmas Day edition of "Face the Nation":

--Nancy Cordes, Congressional Correspondent: "I think a day of reckoning is coming between House Speaker John Boehner and his number two man, Eric Cantor, because they have been on opposites sides of almost every major fight this year."

--Bob Schieffer, Chief Washington Correspondent and "Face the Nation" anchor: "I think we'll see a wholesale turnover in the congress. I think we'll see more incumbents turned out of office, both Republicans and Democrats, than in any time since I've been in Washington, and that's been a long time." (41 years!)
(ht: Politico)

Again, facts are facts, and lies are lies ... it is time that the American people have a leader of the Republican party in the House of Representatives [an the United States Senate] that knows how to communicate the difference and stand for the facts.

<Article first seen as It Is Time To Dump John Boehner As House Leader at Technorati>

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obamacare - The Law: CBO re-projects to over $1 TRILLION in expenses

The democrats where so excited when the CBO's estimated the savings over ten years will be $130 billion because of the new health care reform bill. There is a big "but". The CBO also estimates, according to Barack Obama's budget, the United States National debt will rise $9.8 Trillion dollars in the same period. Thus, Obama is going to spending $9.8 Trillion more money than the government earns from tax revenues. How? By borrowing and printing money to cover the shortfall. This will raise the National Debt from 2010 levels of $12.5 trillion to $22 Trillion - or a debt held by the average family of four of $293,326.00. Image Credit:

Obamacare - The Law: CBO re-projects to over $1 TRILLION in expenses

This week the Congressional Budget Office, formed and mandated to provide objective and impartial economic analysis assistance to the House of Representatives and the Senate, readjusted the estimate of spending ordered through the recent passage of the Health Care Reform Bill into law ... Obamacare. Discretionary spending could add another $115 billion-plus to the 10-year cost of health-care overhaul. Since there are only 300
million people living and under control of this Obamacare law to pay for this additional spending, this translates to a projected cost to every man, woman, and child to $383.33 each.

Do the math ... which should have been done before our leaders voted this Government Control Agenda known as Obamacare into law ... for every family of four ( a mother, father and two rug-rats), this translates to a family bill to come due at some time of an additional $1,533!

We, at MAXINE, ask - Where is the accountability? Where is the real social justice in a process that intentionally hides the truth of a projected action until it becomes the law of the land so it becomes almost impossible to undue such a corrosive act to living a life in freedom?

In a letter to Rep. Jerry Lewis, the CBO estimated that administrative costs for implementing the legislation will total between $10 billion and $20 billion. Various grants and programs ranging from the small ($45 million for young women's breast-health awareness) to the big ($39 billion for Indian health programs), will add up to about $105 billion. The CBO couldn’t provide an estimate for another group of grants and programs whose funding levels weren’t specified by the bill, it said.

The A.P. notes that the costs weren’t included in earlier CBO estimates because the funds are considered discretionary, to be approved by Congress as needed.

Spending is spending and this discretionary spending is spending that can not be decided upon by the individual but decided upon by a Government worker from money that the Government will collect from each of us in fees and taxes. This collected money that one earns will not be spent by the individual as he or she sees fit for their needs, but spent by the Government as they see fit and without specific and open approval of the people who pay for this spending.

This excerpted and edited from ABC News -

CBO: Health Care Bill Will Cost $115 Billion More Than Previously Assessed

Jake Tapper, Political Punch - ABC News | May 12, 2010 9:08 AM

The director of the Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that the health care reform legislation would cost, over the next ten years, $115 billion more than previously thought, bringing the total cost to more than $1 trillion.
CBO had originally estimated that the health care reform bill would result in a net reduction in federal deficits of $143 billion from 2010-2019; this revised number would eliminate most of that savings.

In a statement, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said that the new CBO analysis "provides ample cause for alarm. This comes just weeks after the Obama administration itself released an analysis confirming that the new law actually increases Americans’ health care costs. The American people wanted one thing above all from health care reform: lower costs, which Washington Democrats promised, but they did not deliver. These revelations widen the serious credibility gap President Obama is facing."
Reference Here>>

And this excerpted and edited from the New American -

ObamaCare Already Exceeds Projections
Written by Michael Tennant, New American - Wednesday, 12 May 2010 10:16

Benjamin Franklin famously said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. It’s time to add another certainty to that list: Any government program will end up costing far more than estimated at its inception.

Medicare is probably the most famous illustration of this truism. In an outstanding article entitled “The Medicare Monster” in the January 1993 issue of Reason, Steven Hayward and Erik Peterson wrote:

At its start, in 1966, Medicare cost $3 billion. The House Ways and Means Committee estimated that Medicare would cost only about $12 billion by 1990 (a figure that included an allowance for inflation). This was a supposedly “conservative” estimate. But in 1990 Medicare actually cost $107 billion.
Reports the Associated Press: “President Barack Obama's new health care law could potentially add at least $115 billion more to government health care spending over the next 10 years, congressional budget referees said Tuesday.” According to the Congressional Budget Office, these costs were not included in earlier estimates for two reasons: (1) because they result from discretionary spending that Congress may or may not approve (though when was the last time Congress refused to fund anything, let alone something as sensitive as healthcare?); and (2) because the legislation was rushed through Congress so quickly that the CBO didn’t have enough time to calculate the costs fully before passage.

Thus, just seven weeks after Obama signed his healthcare “reform” bill into law, it is already likely to cost 12 percent more than projected. You don’t have to be Nostradamus to foresee actual costs dwarfing the $1 trillion estimate long before the next decade is out.

The additional cost also wipes out nearly all of Obama’s alleged deficit reduction, which was supposed to be $143 billion over the next 10 years. (This claim of deficit reduction in itself barely resembles truth: The Obama bill assumes that future healthcare spending will explode and that the new bill will merely reduce the future exploding costs by $143 billion.) Of course, the administration claims it won’t allow this to happen, saying that “Obama would demand that added spending be offset with cuts in other domestic programs,” according to the AP. Don’t hold your breath.
Congress generally dismissed fears of cost overruns. Rep. Claude Pepper (D-Fla.) said: “The cost will not be greater than our present efficient [sic] and wasteful fee-for-service system. According to experts the charge to the average family under a national health-insurance program will actually be less than it pays now, partly because the employer and government will contribute to the fund.”

Here’s one more certainty to tack on to Franklin’s maxim: In Washington, the more things change — even when it’s “change we can believe in” — the more they stay the same.
Reference Here>>

Right now, it is time to begin the actions to reduce the influence and size of our current Government and we start in November by voting for anyone who wishes to put forth the effort to REPEL OBAMACARE!

There, right there ... is over $1 TRILLION in expenses that can be cut which translates to a family-of-four savings of $13,333 - it's just a start against the nearly $300,000 this Government expects to take from each family of four over the next decade.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Obama Wants HIS Government To Help You Sell ... Your House

Cap and Trade C-Span Debate -- Representative John Boehner - Ohio, reading Representative Waxman's 300+ page amendment (Ctrl-Click to launch video). Image Credit: C-SPAN

Obama Wants HIS Government To Help You Sell ... Your House

The man who worries about being able to address, and make more efficient, the 7% of all electricity usage here in this country with the push to change the efficiency standards in the manufacturing of CFL and Neon light bulbs, now wants to be able to have a say in how one is able to sell their largest personal asset, their home.

The level of control that was passed by Congress early Friday morning of this last week (June 26, 2009) in the form of an energy efficiency bill (CAP & TRADE) had a 300+ page amendment be attached to it at the last minute, just before the vote ... allowing NO time for the congressmen to read what they were actually voting on, sound familiar?

The House Minority Leader, Republican John Boehner wasn't happy with the way the people's representatives were being railroaded and he decided to use the only power he had to get some of the word out about the destructive nature to personal freedoms of the CAP & TRADE bill as it was written.

"I hate to do this to all of you, I do, but when you file a 309 page amendment at 3:00 in the morning, someone needs to work on it," Boehner told his colleagues. "I want to make sure everyone understands what's in this 300 page amendment."

A press statement put out by Boehner's office confirmed he was launching the House equivalent of a Senate filibuster.

"We expect it may take a while, but Members of Congress, and - more importantly - the American people have a right know what the House is voting on," the statement said.

What John Boehner was able to do in sixty short minutes is to highlight many of the most damning aspects of this bill designed to aid in the reduction of CO2 and/or help the environment.

This excerpted and edited from Newsvine "Comments" -

Boehner protests last-minute climate amendment

Comment by, Lisa Schneider - Posted #1.2 - Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:22 PM EDT

I watched Rep. John Boehner for the entire thing.

This "amendment", if not the whole CAP & TRADE Bill, will ruin our country ... I am an independent, having voted for Obama, and unless you watched his entire hour going through this amendment, then you have no clue how bad it is ... it is bad.

Just to give you a taste:

Carbon credits will be commodities and traded as such on the open market (not too unlike bundled sub-prime mortgages to unsuspecting investors).

Every single licensed contractor in this country will have to go through an additional licensing process so they know how to meet the new green codes, and all building materials used by the contractor will need to meet those green codes too.

Imports will be regulated forcing other countries to either not import or meet our guidelines ... hello trade warfare ... amendments try to force other countries to abide by our regulations.

No citizen in the United States (or anyone else) will be able to sell their home to another citizen of the United States (or anyone else) until they pay to bring the older home up to new green code standards ... complete overhaul of appraisal industry will be needed to properly evaluate home values within strict Government guidelines for valuation/regulations.

The list goes on and on ... extends from home lending to well, everything.
Think of it like this ... if you emit methane as a natural digestive process, the Government will be watching and there will be a price to pay.

If you value your freedom, thank Representative John Boehner for reading this amendment and making sure we knew as much as possible about it ... then call your Senators and literally beg them to vote no.
Reference Here>>

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...