The Real Survivor Fiji - Human Rights Or Human Writes
The country of New Zealand has a problem. They are giving support to the nation of Fiji and some of its support money is going to support the Fijian government's Human Rights Commission.
The problem comes, now that the Fiji Government is a ruling military junta, the Human Rights Commission believes it has the right to "write" recent historic events as it sees fit. In other words ... A Military Coup Is Better Than The Rule Of Democratic Law!
This from Radio New Zealand -
New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says a Fiji human rights booklet appears to have been perverted by a change in its language.
Radio New Zealand - Posted at 9:08pm on 14 Mar 2007
The New Zealand government aid agency, NZAID, had been financially backing the booklet from the Fiji Human Rights Commission but has asked for the latest version to be withdrawn because it implies a recognition of the coup last December.
Commission director Shaista Shameem says its contract with NZAID does not extend to determining content.
Mr Peters says the booklet was a good idea at the time of a democratically elected government but the new version contains clear implications of support or endorsement for the military regime.
"We cannot support an endorsement of a military junta, an undemocratic unmandated regime by - of all people - a human rights commission," Mr Peters said.
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We at MAXINE believe - Fiji Human Rights Commission director Shaista Shameem ought to just take a load off and go fishing at a neighboring island ... or neighboring island nation.