ABC News Republican Debate At Drake University - Tweet-By-Tweet
Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos, and YAHOO question six of the seven remaining GOP candidates Santorum, Perry, Romney, Gingrich, Paul, and Bachmann. Noticeably, maybe not so noticeably, absent is Huntsman.
The following log was created through following 140 character responses to the action of the debate on Twitter. Hence, this is the debate as seen Tweet-By-Tweet.
Gingrich gets to respond first on a query by Diane Sawyer as to what makes him uniquely qualified (distinguishing idea) to run for President ... followed by Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Romney plans to kill Rick Perry w/ his eyes tonight.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
I get so excited when Perry talks flat tax.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Good start for Perry.
amandacarpenter Amanda Carpenter
Yes. Perry nails Fed for their $7T secret program. Would have liked to see him spell it out a bit more tho
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Rick Perry uses 3rd person. Drink!
prismsinc Ric
Rick Perry reminds us of one of those evil geniuses in a sci-fi movie LOL #ABCdebate #GOP #tcot #teaparty
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
You stole it from Charlie Sheen, didn't youRT @daveweigel: Bachmann is plagiarizing my #winning #winning #winning plan.
prismsinc Ric
Watch these moderators use their snubbing of Trump against them. Watch ... #ABCdebate #GOP #tcot
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann look better tonight. Ron Paul's jacket is too big again #IOWADebate
prismsinc Ric
BAMO! @RickSantorum hits Obama 1st #ABCdebate #tcot #GOP
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Or ask Obama that question. RT @TPCarney: Sawyer should ask them to pinpoint the gas price.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Very good response from Santorum on the idea of predicting job creation
ericfido Eric Bearse
first petri dish mention
LarrySabato Larry Sabato
Mitt thrilled that teacher Diane has saluted his answer. Headed for an A.
RichLowry Rich Lowry
when santorum isnt complaining or bragging in these debates, he's usually quite strong
ToadonaWire L
Santorum realizes Government doesn't create jobs! I like that.
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Right on. Payroll Tax cut is just a temporary gimmick by Obama.
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: There will be fewer questions tonight in light of the time it takes for Sawyer spit out a complete sentence.
TPM Talking Points Memo
Bachmann: We have candidates here on stage who are standing with Obama on the payroll tax cut tpm.ly/oYzwjR
instapundit instapundit.com
STEPHEN GREEN IS Drunkblogging The Iowa Debate….: STEPHEN GREEN IS Drunkblogging The Iowa Debate. bit.ly/vWt4Rv
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Romney is so orange.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Bachmann actually gives a solid "anti-payroll tax cut" answer. But she'd never raise taxes. #Confused
FLPolPress FL Political Press
@ToadonaWire Perry gets nervous when Perry speaks!
mmurraypolitics Mark Murray
So far, Romney is taking all of his swings at Obama, though the questioning hasn't allowed for any engagement with Newt, others
ToadonaWire L
Newt chuckles at Mitt's dumb joke!
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Romney: "Certain individuals raise the entire economy". So... which of *his* sons is named "Rand"
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: Santorum forcing smiles. Awkward, but a step in the right direction for his demeanor. #iowadebate
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @moelane: Mitt... I've seen your poll ceiling. You don't really have any room to talk about popularity.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Great answer from Newt. "the only reason you're not a career politician is because you lost [to Ted Kennedy]."
TPM Talking Points Memo
Newt: "It's a bit much" on Romney's claim saying he isn't a "career politician" tpm.ly/oYzwjR
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Wow -- Newt hits Mitt hard on the "career politician" attack. Audible reaction here in the filing room.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @toddstarnes: Gingrich just mussed up Mitt's hair. #iowadebate
jonkarl Jonathan Karl
Should the payroll tax cut be extended? Republicans split 3 - 3. Bachmann, Santorum, Perry opposed. Romney, Newt and Paul in favor.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Newt's "Lets put poor kids to work" theory just seems off putting.
EconomicMayhem Blame Government
RT @JeedBe: RT @donnabrazile: Following the #iowadebate. The candidates are discussing job creation. Weird they ... m.tmi.me/jdH0x
prismsinc Ric
NEWT ON FIRE! Look at pretty boy Romney's mad look! Hahaha! #ABCdebate #GOP
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: Gingrich's response: You've messed with the bull. Please enjoy these here horns. #iowadebate
TPM Talking Points Memo
Paul hitting Gingrich on his stint as a "historian" for Freddie Mac tpm.ly/oYzwjR
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
If Romney loses another exchange with Gingrich as bad, Mitt may end up behind Ron Paul in the polls #tcot
MelindaDC Melinda Henneberger
Mitt just gave up on 'career politician' rap against Newt by admitting that yeah, he woulda been one, too, hd he beaten Ted Kennedy in '94.
LarrySabato Larry Sabato
SO MUCH FOR NEWT STAYING POSITIVE! His above-the-fray stance lasted 20 minutes.
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @alanagoodman: Did.the audience just clap or break out into laughter over Gingrich's comments? #iowadebate
ToadonaWire L
My 11 yr old son just said "I like that old guy" -Ron Paul. I have a libertarian in the house. #abcdebate
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Obviously. RT @whitneypitcher: Bachmann's been a businesswoman since she was 5?!?
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @AlexPappasDC: Bachmann hits "Newt-Romney"
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Knute Rockney?
politicalmath PoliticalMath
RT @daveweigel: Newt-Romney really rolls off the tongue #iowadebate
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
RT @TXTrendyChick: Bachmann's strategy: distance herself from Obama and make Newt & Romney one entity #IowaDebate
SethAMandel Seth Mandel
Big diff between Dem and GOP debates. GOPers compete over "most conservative." Dems rarely admit "I'm the liberal here!"
michaelscherer michaelscherer
Totally agree. Most stunning thing. RT @benpolitico: The learning curve in these debates has been amazing. They're all pretty formidable.
ToadonaWire L
I like Bachmann way more than Newt.
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: "Newt Romney" is going to help Bachmann exactly as much as "Obamneycare" helped Pawlenty. #iowadebate
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Did Perry take a nap after his first answer? I mean. It was a good one.
TPM Talking Points Memo
Perry: "I'm stunned, Michele hit the nail on the head when it comes to the individual mandate." tpm.ly/oYzwjR
EconomicMayhem Blame Government
RT @usernamenuse: RT @2012_GOP: Newt #Gingrich: endorsed an individual healthcare mandate as recently as May of ... m.tmi.me/jdHZe
TPM Talking Points Memo
Perry, Bachmann, Paul, all piling on Mitt and Newt tpm.ly/oYzwjR
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Bachmann did a pretty good job going on the attack, Perry walking through the door she opened up. Romney & Gingrich on defensive.
NathanWurtzel Nathan Wurtzel
The trouble with MA plan as 10th Amendment example is federal money is involved. Not just contained within state.
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
"The fact of the matter is you're for individual mandates."-Perry to Mitt
amandacarpenter Amanda Carpenter
Smart. Perry follows Bachmann and starts lumping Mitt and Newt together on the individual mandate.
strongthought Carolyn
RT @Leo_Pusateri: Personally, I'm really looking forward to the primaries, so we can begin making (cont) tl.gd/elg1ar
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Back to the Gardasil government needle, Mitt? Yecch.
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
RT @hughhewitt: Romney wins the Perry-Romney exchange and shows how, if he is the nominee, he will tackle the Axelrod line of attack
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: Romney is coming apart at the seams. #iowadebate
hollybdc Holly Bailey
Romney buys his golf clubs at K-Mart but he tries to make a $10k bet with Rick Perry. Hmm. #iowadebate
current Current TV
Mitt Romney wants to make a $10,000 bet on national TV. Is that legal? #politicallydirect
politicalmath PoliticalMath
In terms of prep, Romney makes everyone else look like an amateur.
GingerGibson Ginger Gibson
Santorum on Bachmann, "She's been fighting and losing. I fought and won."
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @bdomenech: RT @lheal: Perry should have said "Sure, Mitt. I'll bet you Iowa." #abcdebate
EconomicMayhem Blame Government
Paul doesn't have any faults to explain. RT @mattklewis: Newt and Romney are both very good at explaining their faults.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Remember when you endorsed Arlen Specter and LOST, Santorum?
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Romney cornered by Perry offers him a $10K bet that he isn't right about his book. Not his finest moment. #IowaDebate.
nansen Nansen Malin
This is a good debate because the moderators aren't talking. #iowadebate
prismsinc Ric
LOL RT @Dana_Marie215: Oh, ABC, you're liberal with more things than time. #Iowadebate
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
As a LDS Mormon, I though Romney would be opposed to gambling - so what is up with the 10K bet remark? #Mittlookingbadtonight
bethanyshondark Bethany Mandel
Funny how those who are polling in the single digits (Bachmann & Santorum) only speak about themselves. "I did this..." #IowaDebate
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Stick to the rules, because we can't have you all DEBATING EACH OTHER! What were you guys thinking?
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @Atlasshrugs: oy, Diane Sawyer ....get over yourself
TobinCommentary Jonathan S. Tobin
Santorum reminds Newt that not all conservatives backed the individual mandate in 1994. True. #IowaDebate.
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
"we fought and we figured out a way to win". Rick Santorum
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Commerical time. Time to get mom ready for bed.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
I need a huge drink. Maybe cyanide.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Tonight's big winner so far: Huntsman. #NotShowingUpIsHalfTheBattle
bspward B SP Ward
I wonder which of these GOP candidates will be doing ads for reverse mortgages in 4 years? #GOPDebate
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Beats a booth review. RT @guypbenson: ABC already playing "highlights" of this debate? What?
EconomicMayhem Blame Government
Republicans and Democrats putting up commercials in favor of internet censorship j.mp/tS2n86 #tcot
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Possible General Election slogan: "Newt-Romney All-American: Win one for The Gipper."
TPM Talking Points Memo
Perry: If you would cheat on your wife, then you'd cheat on your business partner, or anybody tpm.ly/oYzwjR
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Cutting to Newt is cheap, cheap tv during this segment
TobinCommentary Jonathan S. Tobin
Bachmann and Santorum looking feisty. Gingrich looking confident. Romney holding on by his fingernails. #IowaDebate.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Perry handled that well, actually.
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
"I would not say it's a disqualifier." - Santorum on marital fidelity
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
I like Santorum's answer, which allows for redemption.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
RT @BlameTelford: Rick Perry has been in fidelity with his spouse. He speaks english real good. #IowaDebate
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
I'm squirming FOR Newt right now.
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Camera pans to Newt who is working hard not to change his expression. #IowaDebate.
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
Holier than thou discussion on marriage fidelity will swing independents to Obama - be careful here GOP
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
I like Newt's line about American's "loaning" the presidency.
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @rickklein: Gingrich: faith is a "real issue." "People have to render judgment." #iowadebate
Steele_Michael Michael Steele
Kudos to Bachmann, Perry, Romney, Paul and Santorum for keeping their answer on marital fidelity out of the gutter. Nice touch by Newt.
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @sethamandel: Only at a GOP debate. You could never ask the party of Clinton, JFK, and FDR about marriage fidelity. #iowadebate
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Immigration time! #Iowadebate #abcdebate
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
"Half marathoners on the right!"-Diane Sawyer #insidejoke
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Sawyer: "Of course you want to secure the borders, so shut up."
politicalmath PoliticalMath
RT @greggutfeld: would diane sawyer say to Obama, "we get it, enough with 'fair share?'"
current Current TV
What do you think about the questions being asked? What questions do YOU want answered? #politicallydirect
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Diane Sawyer trying to skip over the most important distinction between GOP and Obama. Nice for Obama
BestPhotosEver -
"So many people talk about immigration at their dinner tables." -@dianesawyer Right Diane, thats the topic at dinner. #sarcasm #iowadebate
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
Hahahaha-> RT @djcronin: @JennyErikson How about this? LET THEM ALL IN, WE NEED TO WIN THE WORLD CUP AND GET SEXIER.
ToadonaWire L
“@toddstarnes: What's wrong with Miss Sawyer's eye?”/Botox injection gone bad?
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Romney's answer on immigration makes enormous sense re incentives
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
RT @MonicaCrowley: Diane Sawyer calls them "undocumented," not "illegal immigrants." #LibPC
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Gingrich loses the immigration debate. #Iowadebate #abcdebate
TobinCommentary Jonathan S. Tobin
Romney swings hard to the right on immigration. He has to wonder why conservatives haven't made Gingrich pay for his plan. #IowaDebate.
EconomicMayhem Blame Government
RT @NewWorldRadical: Dear #TeaParty, Why don't you see #RonPaul is everything you've been fighting for. Wake up!
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Watching Perry debate is like rooting for the Skins: You know they won't dominate; you just hope they keep it close & kick a late field goal
prismsinc Ric
Would you have a special exception for an illegal immigrant that commits an act of heroism in your immigration plan? #IowaDebate
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Perry did a pretty good job on the immigration question. Next Q: Are Palestinians an invented people? Er ... topic, please?
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Ron Paul responds first reminding us why he's no friend to Israel. #IowaDebate.
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Gingrich hitting his stride now. 1st time tonight he's been aggressive.
TPM Talking Points Memo
Big applause line from Newt: "Time for somebody to stand up and say: Enough lying about the Middle East." tpm.ly/oYzwjR
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Romney winning this argument with Gingrich on allowing Israel to speak for itself
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @jpodhoretz: The book that makes the argument Newt is talking about is "From Time Immemorial" by Joan Peters. #IowaDebate
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Mitt: Sobriety, care, stability. I am not a bomb thrower...wow
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
"Bibi" Netanyahu's a good friend of mine. You're no "Bibi" Netanyahu...
deadvoter deadvoter
Bachmann's not getting much opportunity to talk
justin_hart Justin Hart
The Romney / Newt exchange on Gingrich's comments abt Palestine was compelling on both sides. #iowadebate
BluegrassPundit Howard Notelling
Majority in my unscientific debate poll say Newt. Romney is 2nd choice.
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Why is Steffy asking #TeamBachmann who got the better of the Gingrich-Romney argument? Dumb question. #Iowadebate
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Gingrich says its time for America to have the courage to tell the truth about the Palestinians. #IowaDebate.
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Santorum is going to surprise in Iowa.
TheRickWilson Rick Wilson
Yep RT @jmartpolitico: Yeah, the "evil empire" comeback is gonna break the focus group button
JimMerrillNH Jim Merrill
Speaker Gingrich compares his incendiary words on Palestinians to President Reagan telling Gorbachev to 'tear down this wall'. Simply, no
nansen Nansen Malin
Perry pulls a Newt - attacking the media for asking dumb questions #iowadebate
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Leading from the "rear"?
kerpen Phil Kerpen
New Perry strategy is the old Gingrich strategy; criticize the question and pivot to attack Obama!
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
RT @ianessling: Perry: "This president is the problem, NOT something Newt Gingrich said." #iowadebate #tcot
BREAK - Then YAHOO Questions!
MajoratNJ Major Garrett
Santorum dissection of difference between Israeli-Palestinian situation and Soviet gulag prisoners nuanced, smart. #iowadebate
politicalmath PoliticalMath
RT @jstrevino: Sure, ABC, the president of the Center for American Progress is a totally appropriate debate analyst.
TPM Talking Points Memo
Video of Romney offering Perry a $10,000 bet. WATCH: tpm.ly/ulNUP5
prismsinc Ric
Next question by the moderators: isn't it true that poverty is always the fault of the #GOP ??? #IowaDebate #fail
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
This is a great question for Perry, who grew up in poverty.
nansen Nansen Malin
With this question - the drinking games are in full swing!
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
Sorry but Rick Perry just fades during the middle of his anwers and is painful to watch...
TPM Talking Points Memo
Romney: "I didn't grow up poor." [but I grew up with a dad who grew up poor and he imparted values - we had jobs]
amandacarpenter Amanda Carpenter
MT @MonicaCrowley: Question is all about, "tell us how rich you are & therefore how you can't relate to the average person."
MelissaTweets Melissa Clouthier
RT @BlameTelford: I bet you $10,000 that Romney didn't grow up poor.
HeresAnotherTip Uncle Mike
What is sad, that their are 2 liberals posing questions to the candidates to beat obama
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Romney: I didn't grow up but my dad did. Does that count? #IowaDebate.
DonIrvine DonIrvine
I do think that this question is meant to try and portray the GOP as being out of touch with the less fortunate, #Iowadebate #abcdebate.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
Good manipulation of question by Santorum to bring up social conservativism.
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Moms are doing heroic work trying to hold things together--Another Santorum answer that will connect with some caucus goers
ElianaBenador ✡ Eliana Benador ✡
#RickSantorum is right on target on the #marriage institution with #Mother and #Father, not Partner one and Partner two as this Adm has done
TPM Talking Points Memo
Bachmann: "We're still coupon clippers today." tpm.ly/oYzwjR
howardfineman Howard Fineman
Newt grew up above a gas station, but now shops at Tiffany's.... the American Dream
DonIrvine DonIrvine
Give me your poor, your tires, your biased mainstream media. #Iowadebate #abcdebate
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Mitt: "States can do whatever the heck they want to do." Finally.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
It's official. ABC has begun recycling questions from earlier in the debate. Time to go home now?
philipaklein Philip Klein
@KatiePavlich Huntsman wasn't polling well enuf in iowa to be included
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
MITT! We are learning from Romneycare that mandated health care doesn't work. #AdmitItDude
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Gingrich to Mitt: "You make me want to throw up" yfrog.com/kfpf2p
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
What the hell? Diane Sawyer is asking questions based on her single visit to a pharmacist?
Politisite Politisite
Ahead of a #trumpdebate we are going on record to NOT cover a realityTV debate - #iowadebate
KatiePavlich Katie Pavlich
Diane Sawyer: I went into the land of peasants and visited a pharmacy #patsselfonback
Bret_Baier Bret Baier
Ron Paul is more than just formidable in iowa - he's a contender RT @BourbonDemocrat @Bret_Baier Ron Paul is gainin... tl.gd/elgsv0
drginaloudon Gina Gentry Loudon
I will bet $10,000 that if Ron Paul would fix his eyebrow, his polling would go up. #PaulBrow
current Current TV
Diane Sawyer asks softball about what to do about obesity. Or is it the usual challenge to Paul's libertarianism? #politicallydirect
TobinCommentary Jonathan S. Tobin
Paul: All government power is the use of force. Gets to the heart of libertarian ideology. #IowaDebate.
ToadonaWire L
“@StarlaMBrown: @angelamcglowan I miss Herman Cain”/ his absence is very noticeable
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Best debate by far, and it is because no bogus time limits and two candidates less allowing for better pacw
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
My take: Newt "wins" by surviving as the frontrunner. Mitt does well (as always). Bachmann has very strong night--which may hurt Newt.
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
So far in this debate, nothing has changed. Newt unhurt and no big gains by Romney or any of the others. Bachmann and Perry better though
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Newt lived in an apartment over a gas station; Reagan grew up in an apartment above a store. (Modern day "log cabin"?)
hughhewitt Hugh Hewitt
Nixon wouldn't debate in '72, and I wouldn't be shocked to see Obama dodge Romney or Gingrich or limit to one rather than 3.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
I'll take that over the here's-the-pinata questions RT @LarryColson: oh no, the "say something nice about each other" moment
mattklewis Matt K. Lewis
Santorum seems more likeable tonight than normal.
deadvoter deadvoter
Diane Sawyer asks the Rodney King question
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @bethanyshondark: Santorum just called Newt old. #IowaDebate
ToadonaWire L
Perry is smart to mention @SteveKingIA He's a great conservative. #gopdebate
Commentary Commentary Magazine
RT @tobincommentary: Perry says Ron Paul got him interested in the Federal Reserve. Scary thought. #IowaDebate.
TPM Talking Points Memo
Newt giving gold stars to Perry and Santorum.
AlexPappasDC Alex Pappas
How much is Ron Paul loving that Rick Perry said he got him to read about the federal reserve?
JonGarthwaite Townhall - HotAir
I found another good use for my TIVO. Political debates. Skip commercials AND questions. Watch the answers and try to guess the question.
current Current TV
Bachmann really wants Herman Cain supporters. She's referenced him a few times. #politicallydirect
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Quick! Someone tell Bachmann's prep team that Cain isn't in the race anymore. #NeinNeinNein
pinkelephantpun Tabitha Hale
Ron Paul: I am awesome. RT @KatiePavlich: candidates to each other, "no you're awesome, no you're awesome, no YOU are awesome"
prismsinc Ric
Michele Bachmann just had her best moment ... #IowaDebate
Debate Ends
politicalmath PoliticalMath
RT @fivethirtyeight: My debate grades. Pretty high all around. Bachmann A, Perry A-, Gingrich A-, Santorum B+, Paul B, Romney B-
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
My quick take: Perry, Santorum helped themselves significantly. Newt & Bachmann held position with good performances. Paul same as ever ...
Flap Gregory Flap Cole
Winner by default is Newt. Loser is Romney. Santorum and Perry are better. Bachmann = sideways along with Paul
marisanicole87 Marisa Papsin
My opinion is that Ron Paul not only won this Iowa GOP Debate but he may have just won over a lot of new voters. #iowadebate
TobinCommentary Jonathan S. Tobin
Biggest winner: Gingrich. Loser: Romney. His $10k bet will haunt him even if he was right about Perry misquoting him. #IowaDebate.
politicallogic Joel Palmer
RT @benshapiro: Perry really making a comeback in this debate.
JennyErikson Jenny Erikson
Ok. I have to say that I'm totally excited to go to the Iowa Caucus after this debate.
politicalmath PoliticalMath
Expect Romney to know every bad thing Newt has ever done by the next debate.
EdMorrissey EdMorrissey
... Romney blew that early attack on Newt and made a big blunder with the $10,000 bet challenge. Weird.
<Article first published as ABC News Republican Debate At Drake University - Tweet-By-Tweet on Technorati>