Showing posts with label Laura Ingraham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laura Ingraham. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The TeaPac Toll: Add Dorgan, Dodd, and Ritter - Ten for '10

Eric Odom, a conservative online organizer who played a key role in sparking the original Tea Party movement this spring, is unveiling Liberty First PAC. The goal, said Odom in an interview with TPMmuckraker, is to raise $1 million to defeat incumbents who supported health-care reform -- which he called "very dangerous to the fabric of this country" -- and to elect a new crop of lawmakers committed to small-government principles in 2010. Image Credit: TPM

The TeaPac Toll: Add Dorgan, Dodd, and Ritter - Ten for '10

Starting on Tax Day 2009, the Tea Party Movement showed its first signs of growing when over one-million people showed up halls and Federal Buildings throughout the country to protest the process and spending the Stimulus and Omnibus spending bills passed by Congress and signed into law by Barack Obama.

Over the summer, Tea Party rallies and town hall meetings were attended by millions of upset citizens wanting to have their representatives answer to them for their actions as opposed to voting in lock-step with the political party leadership ... especially if their representative did not read the legislation they were voting on to pass.

Democrats not wanting to face the music of their actions are now abandoning their political careers by dropping out of the next election cycle.Four top Democrats-including veteran Sens. Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan - all prepared to pull the plug on their campaigns in a 24-hour period that began Tuesday, and in the process, offered an unnerving glimpse at the perilous election year ahead. With Dorgan's stunning retirement announcement Tuesday evening, Democrats are now facing their bleakest election outlook in years - and the very real possibility the party will lose its 60-40 Senate supermajority after the November elections.

On the House side, the prospect of heavy 20-30 seat losses is already looking as an increasing possibility. Dorgan's announcement was accompanied Tuesday by Michigan Democratic Lt. Gov. John Cherry's decision to end his floundering bid for governor, and by the revelation that both Dodd and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter would announce today that they would not seek reelection.

The retirement announcements of two senior Democratic senators, and the suddenly altered landscapes in Michigan and Colorado, continue a wave of Democrat Political Party bail outs that began with a burst of retirements by veteran House Democrats representing competitive districts, followed by the stunning late December party switch by freshman Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith. ... Suddenly, the sad sack GOP is looking to have its best shot at being the party of change and representing the people's wishes in three election cycles and of making serious gains in November.'

TeaPac, the Tea Party Political Action Committees, may be our country's best beacon at finding candidates who wish to represent and protect citizens who want a country that listens to, and votes as the citizens they represent want them to vote. Less Government is better Government.

This excerpted and edited from California Tea Party Political Action Committee -

Just as the original Boston Tea Party was fueled by excess taxes imposed upon American Colonists, the 2009 Tea Party Tax Revolt is inspired by unfair taxes imposed by the United States and California Government. American Citizens are fed up with the excessive taxation and spending proposed by the Obama Administration. Additionally, the residents of California are now subjected to the highest tax burden in the United States with the recent $16 billion dollars imposed by the California Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The California Tea Party PAC, a California Political Action Committee, is a non-partisan organization that works to channel the energy of the grassroot anti-tax political movement and apply it to current California legislation and create real government change. All proceeds collected by the California Tea Party PAC are used to support the return to a reasonable rate of tax for all California citizens and fiscal responsibility in California Government regardless of political affiliation.
Reference Here>>

Back candidates that support Ten for '10 - a backbone of principles from which American governance can flourish.

This excerpted and edited from Laura Ingraham's website -

1) Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (TABOR)
. Limit federal spending growth to the percentage in population growth plus the rate of inflation; provide taxpayers the option of filing a post-card sized return using a low, flat tax rate of 15%

2) End Tax-funded abortions.
Stop federal payments to Planned Parenthood and prohibit any taxpayer-subsidized health insurance plan from covering abortion

3) Defend American Borders.
Complete America's border-protection initiatives using remaining funds from the so-called stimulus bill

4) King Dollar.
Preserve a strong dollar so that Americans' savings aren't wiped out by inflation and the U.S. dollar remains the world's reserve currency

5) Empower American Business.
Immediately slash corporate tax rates to 15% and scrap the capital-gains tax altogether

6) Defend America.
Strengthen America to defend our homeland and fully fund an operational, layered missile-defense system

7) Statism Exit Plan.
De-fund czars; immediately cease bailout payments to failed companies; ban future bailouts

8) End Generational Theft.
As few believe America's entitlement programs will be able to pay benefits to future generations, provide younger workers the choice of diverting payroll/Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts

9) Restore America's System of Justice.
Introduce penalties for frivolous lawsuits, where those who launch unsuccessful lawsuits are liable for the defendants' legal bills

10) American Energy Independence.
All-of-the-Above strategy that embraces alternatives, expands and accelerates exploration and production of oil and natural gas, and jumpstarts dramatic increases in nuclear power
Reference Here>>

Jump in ... the water is fine! Take our country back.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John McCain Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

Making An Entrance: McCain and Clinton head to the stage as co-hosts of a movie premiere in Washington – Image Credit: Brooks Kraft For TIME / Corbis

John McCain Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

Sometimes, listening to the radio can be really depressing. John McCain wins in the Florida primary last night and it is discovered that if the conservative vote was not diluted between three candidates, Mitt Romney would have won walking away. Tonight, the Republicans debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

This morning, Laura Ingraham pointed out (humorously) that John McCain had once been caught on tape endorsing Hillary Clinton as a potential "Good President".

In an interview from Tim Russert on Meet the Press given to John McCain and Hillary Clinton when the two of them were on a tour of Iraq, John McCain stated the Hillary Clinton would make a good president. The interview took place on the February 20, 2005 airing of Meet the Press.

Ahhhh, admiration! - Image Credit: New York Times/The Caucus Blogs

This excerpted from MSNBC -

Meet the Press
Transcript for Feb. 20 - Guests: Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz; Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.; Katty Kay, British Broadcasting Corp.; Andrea Mitchell, NBC News; Dana Priest & Robin Wright, The Washington Post
NBC News - updated 4:48 a.m. PT, Wed., Feb. 23, 2005 - MODERATOR/PANELIST: Tim Russert - NBC News

MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: Iraq. Who will emerge as the next prime minister? How widespread is the terrorist insurgency? And how long before the Iraqis are able to secure their own country without American troops? With us: from Baghdad, Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton of New York and Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona. Clinton and McCain from Iraq, only on MEET THE PRESS.
MR. RUSSERT: Senator McCain, a serious question: Do you think the lady to your right would make a good president?

SEN. CLINTON: Oh, we can't hear you, Tim. We can't hear you.

SEN. McCAIN: Yeah, you're breaking up. I am sure that Senator Clinton would make a good president. I happen to be a Republican and would support, obviously, a Republican nominee, but I have no doubt that Senator Clinton would make a good president.

MR. RUSSERT: Equal time, Senator Clinton. The gentleman to your left?

SEN. CLINTON: Absolutely.

MR. RUSSERT: We may have a fusion ticket right here.

SEN. McCAIN: Thanks for doing that to us. Thanks for doing that to us, Tim.

MR. RUSSERT: A fusion ticket.

SEN. McCAIN: We're both in trouble.

SEN. CLINTON: Yeah. We're in trouble now. Thanks a lot.

SEN. McCAIN: We're both in trouble.

MR. RUSSERT: Be safe, everybody.

SEN. CLINTON: Thanks, Tim.

SEN. McCAIN: Thank you.
Reference Here>>

What we, at MAXINE, are afraid of (after this vote and win by John McCain in Florida) is that Super Tuesday may give us a watered down version of a Democrat to run for the office of President ... THEN we would all be - "in trouble now".

Conservatives are in trouble and it is because John McCain is willing to negotiate away the conservative principles (in the hopes of forging political harmony) that Ronald Reagan held and pursued, without waiver, for the eight years he was in office.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Gee! Let Us Just Enforce 287G ... Really!

DEPORT THEM NOW Logo - Image Credit: Owner and Operators of the website

Gee! Let Us Just Enforce 287(g) ... Really!

This morning, we at MAXINE were listening to Laura Ingraham having a chat with Michelle Malkin and her new website – Deport Them Now.

Through their discussion, it was revealed that a federal law exists that cuts through the worst of what the sanctuary movement has brought to our cities here in the United States. This federal law, 287(g), supersedes any law that the local authorities choose to put forward and/or ignore.

The criminal activity that accompanies illegal immigration is a double assault on our way of life and the freedoms we seek to maintain and legally share … an assault on the real American Way!

Michelle Malkin believes that it is high time that we citizens put pressure on the federal authorities to enforce a law that is already on the books and DEPORT criminals who happen to not be citizens!

One of the latest, well publicized crimes to hit the news cycle - the execution style murders of three innocent, non-criminal, students in New Jersey - involved a person who should NOT have been in the United States … an illegal alien. What has added insult to this criminal murderous act is that this person is a career criminal with a very long rap sheet.

What is wrong with just enforcing the laws we have on our books already? Gee, why don’t we just enforce 287(g) … really!

This from Deport Them Now website –


Law-abiding Americans and legal immigrants are sick of the revolving door that allows convicted criminal aliens to be set free to wreak havoc and violence across the country. These crimes were 100% preventable. How many more criminal alien rapists, kidnappers, and murderers will be let loose before politicians finally act? If you would like to join a grass-roots campaign to pressure Washington to stop this insanity, register here:

Excerpts from a column by Michelle Malkin posted at TownHall –

Sanctuary Nation or Sovereign Nation: It's Your Choice
By Michelle Malkin - Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Will the execution-style murder of three young students in Newark, N.J., finally turn the tide in the immigration enforcement debate? Will we at last abandon the deadly, chaotic, lawless sanctuary nation experiment and restore America's lost status as a sovereign nation under the rule of law?

The death of six innocent men and women and the injury of more than 1,000 at the hands of several illegal alien 1993 World Trade Center bombers wasn't enough to convince politicians in New York and across this country to end illegal alien sanctuary policies.

The death of nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children at the hands of the 9/11 jihadists who exploited our lax entrance and visa enforcement policies in 2001 wasn't enough.

The death of 10 innocent men and women in the Washington, D.C., area at the hands of an illegal alien sniper and his bloodthirsty mentor in 2002 wasn't enough.

But now we are in the heat of a presidential election cycle. The open-borders opportunists in immigration enforcement clothing are professing to see the light. With illegal alien murder suspect Jose Carranza and his alleged MS-13 gang-banging boy helpers who are being sought in the brutal Newark murder case dominating the news on the Eastern seaboard, politicians can't find a camera fast enough to condemn the very sanctuary policies they promoted and tolerated for decades -- sanctuary policies I've highlighted for years in this column.
From New York to Newark to Seattle to Portland to San Francisco to Los Angeles to San Diego to Houston to Miami, lawmakers have taken this go-with-the-flow attitude toward illegal alien border-crossers and visa overstayers and deportation fugitives. "Let 'em come."

But in the wake of the Newark murders and the illumination of illegal alien gang crime penetrating the country, a new rallying cry came from the lips of Newark Mayor Cory Booker: "Get this evil out of my city." That won't happen without a demonstrated commitment to cooperate with the feds to enforce immigration laws and deport violent and dangerous criminal aliens first.

A few weeks ago, I launched Nearly 8,000 volunteers have signed up to make their voices heard. Our top priorities will be to push for the adoption of a program known as 287(g) to identify criminal illegal aliens in as many cities as possible; to repeal "don't ask-don't tell" sanctuary laws; and to support lawmakers like Newark City Councilman Ron C. Rice, who is pushing a resolution to coordinate efforts between law enforcement when an illegal immigrant is charged with a felony, and New Jersey Assemblyman Richard Merkt, R-Morris, who proposed prohibiting jail officials from releasing illegal immigrants and requiring them to be remanded to federal authorities.

It's time for ordinary Americans to come out of the shadows and remind Washington every day in words and actions that we are a sovereign nation, not a sanctuary nation.

No more promises. No need to wait for Election '08. Just do it.

Read All>>

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...