Showing posts with label Indoctrination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indoctrination. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

… And, They Call This “The Land Of Enchantment”

Governor Richardson recently visited the Santa Fe River to announce his Year of Water agenda. This (ed. $100+ million package) includes funding for needed infrastructure projects, conservation and environmental restoration. Caption & Image Credit: New Mexico Office of the Governor

… And, They Call This “The Land Of Enchantment”

In a move that might have had political ramifications for the 2008 presidential campaign, the State of New Mexico has decided to use audio indoctrination to change the behavior of its citizens.

The original idea was to program the audio devices with the message “Vote, Gov. Bill Richardson, a candidate with real executive experience, for president - 2008”. But, that idea was flushed in favor of this:

Excerpts from the Associated Press via Yahoo! News -

N.M. orders 500 talking urinal cakes
Associated Press - Wed Feb 14, 9:48 PM ET

SANTA FE, N.M. - New Mexico is taking its fight against drunken driving to men's restrooms around the state. The state has ordered 500 talking urinal cakes that will deliver a recorded anti-DWI message to bar and restaurant patrons who make one last pit stop before getting behind the wheel.

"Hey there, big guy. Having a few drinks?" a female voice says a few seconds after an approaching male sets off a motion sensor in the device. "It's time to call a cab or ask a sober friend for a ride home."

A talking urinal cake is displayed in the men's room at Turtle Mountain Brewing Company in Rio Rancho, N.M., Monday, Feb. 12, 2007. New Mexico aims to keep bar-hopping drunks off the road by nagging them at a place they're likely to visit just before getting behind the wheel: the men's room urinal. The state Transportation Department recently bought about 500 talking urinal cakes to put in men's restrooms at various bars and restaurants. Image Credit: AP Photo/Jake Schoellkopf

Transportation Department spokesman S.U. Mahesh said the urinal cakes are a way to reach one group that's a target of state safety campaigns. Men commit about three times as many drunken-driving infractions as women.
"The idea is based on the concept that there is no more captive audience than a guy standing at a urinal," Deutsch said. "You can't look right and you can't look left; you've got to look at the ad."

In New Mexico, the device uses the state DWI slogan "You drink, you drive, you lose."
The state spent $21 for each talking urinal cake for the pilot program but will ask bars and restaurants to pay for future orders if the idea catch on, Mahesh said.

The cakes have enough battery power to last about three months.
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Imagine being the person tapped to replace all of the batteries!

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