Showing posts with label Aztlan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aztlan. Show all posts

Friday, January 09, 2015

Caliphate vs Caliphate - What The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Exposes

Spanish cartoonists are sharing this image with the message: "To arms, companions!" via @sicevis #CharlieHebdo #tcot

Caliphate vs Caliphate - What The Charlie Hebdo Massacre Exposes

The world is run by ideas and the people/forces that back them. Throughout time, the human effort of governance has always been held by ideas backed through force.

Most of the noise that consumes the information airways since 12 people who were involved with producing the cartoon based opinion publication "Charlie Hebdo" in Paris, France were murdered in an effort to silence their opinion that religion, any religion, and religious ideas that govern human behavior and social roles are not serious and a source for humor.

The Muslim religion, and its enforcers (informed through Sharia Law) are busy at the business of shutting down all parts of organized humanity, that do not agree with their view on how humanity should be governed, in order to set up their own structure of governance that is not based in geographically defined countries - a Muslim Caliphate.

Their most recent target in the Western world was aimed at one of the human freedoms modern society agrees is most important ... the freedom of speech.

Once one peels back the layers of commentary, however, this freedom is not as important to many of those this attack was aimed at, which is the current political leadership force that has formed over putting forward a non-religion/secular based human governance and control over activity - a Progressive Caliphate.

On this side of the struggle, Progressives are choosing not to look at these terrorist murderous acts in France as a war against their governance but more as a small outlier of activity performed by, as one news/opinion broadcaster (Christiane Amanpour) put it, "activists."

Many secular reporters are suggesting that if only Charlie Hebdo placed curbs on its freedom of expressing its secular opinion, these bloody murderous acts of killing 12 people, because the image Muhammad (the leader, through his teachings, of the Muslim religion) was defamed through published cartooning, would not have taken place.

Due to the lack of seriousness of religion and its effects on the formation of culture and governance, the Progressives who govern France have allowed a flood of immigration without an insistence on integration to the existing culture. What France now sees are a series of over 750 "NO GO ZONES" where the people who choose to live in these zones are governed through the Muslim based Sharia Law. If a fire, or murder, or other acts of potential criminal and/or damaging human activity to other humans happens, French first responders are never dispatched and control in these areas is abdicated to the current Muslim Caliphate that resides there.

This type of Muslim governance takeover is not just happening in France. The rest of Europe is at risk with this same set up of takeover through population concentration through immigration and non-insistence of cultural integration. A clash of civilizations.

AZTLAN Movement targeted at reclaiming control over the Western United States. The Mexican Cession (1848) is shown in red with the Gadsden Purchase (1853) in orange.
© 2004 Matthew Trump.

Europe is not the only group of countries at risk because the Progressive political leadership structures in Canada and United States are open to these same tactics.  Open borders policies aided by government welfare, health benefits, and legal driver's licenses to non-documented/illegal aliens are nothing new to our combined Progressive political landscapes.

We, at MAXINE, believe it's Caliphate vs Caliphate - Progressives vs Muslims - in an effort to establish a "New World Order", and what had been created in the establishment of a Constitution of governance (here in the United States) that was based in the idea that all Human rights, which also includes the Freedom Of Speech, are not granted to man from man (not a Monarch, a Prophet, or a Progressive government) ... but through God (a power greater than man), is in peril.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Abolish Absolut, From This World, Absolutely

"This particular ad, which ran in Mexico, was based upon historical perspectives and was created with a Mexican sensibility," said a statement identified as being from Paula Eriksson, with V&S, Absolut's parent company. Image Credit: Un-Named Mexico City ad agency with approval from Sweeden’s Vin & Sprit, soon to be owned by French spirit maker Pernod Ricard SA

Abolish Absolut, From This World, Absolutely

The beauty in the insult of this ad campaign is that at least this Vodka company will not be the problem it used to be in ones pursuit of being an alcoholic!

Absolut Vodka should not only be boycotted, it should be banished from the Red, White, and Blue United States of America.

At MAXINE, we understand that this ad was really not an oversight. While the map might have been in Spanish … the headline copy of the ad was produced in ENGLISH ONLY. The speculation on why any ad agency would take this tact is because of the BUZZ and free advertising it would create.

Once we finally resolve to close our borders and enforce our laws, Absolut had better hope that the cockeyed thinking Mexicans that agree with the logic of Reconquista shown in the 1830’s era ATZLAN map switch to Vodka from Tequila once they are forced to go back across the border (due to the lack of opportunity) to the country they are citizens of – Mexico. You know, the country that lost California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and parts of Idaho & Washington State in a formal treaty that ended a war and, further, was actually paid 15 million dollars to release all claims.

As claimed by the spokesperson for Absolut, is an ENGLISH ONLY banner copy – was "This particular ad, which ran in Mexico, was based upon historical perspectives and was created with a Mexican sensibility." - Image Credit: Un-Named Mexico City ad agency with approval from Sweeden’s Vin & Sprit, soon to be owned by French spirit maker Pernod Ricard SA

This excerpted from World Net Daily -

Ad expanding Mexico 'hearkens to ideal time'
Absolut vodka promo puts California, Arizona beyond U.S. borders
Posted: April 04, 2008 - 8:49 pm Eastern - © 2008 WorldNetDaily

A vodka advertisement that put California, Arizona and several other southwestern states within the borders of Mexico "hearkens to a time which the population of Mexico may feel was more ideal," according to the sponsor.

WND reported earlier when a new ad for Absolut vodka reconfigured North America according to the aspirations of many Mexicans, who believe the U.S. Southwest was stolen and should be returned. Over a redrawn map of the U.S., the ad by the Swedish Absolut Spirits Co. declares, "In an Absolut World," noted columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin.

Major Hispanic civil rights groups in the U.S., such as the National Council of La Raza, are tied to movements advocating a "reconquista," or reconquest, of territory lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War.

Malkin points out the
Mexico City-based firm that created the ad, Teran, says its philosophy is advocating "disruption" as a "tool for change" and "agent of growth." The firm encourages "overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas that help create a larger share of the future."
The vodka company, however, has tried to explain:

"In no way was this meant to offend or disparage, nor does it advocate an altering of borders, nor does it lend support to any anti-American sentiment, nor does it reflect immigration issues," she wrote to a Missouri vodka fan who expressed his concern.

"Will your company be running like advertisements in Denmark and Germany illustrating Sweden as the property of those respective countries, as they were in the historical past?" the fan responded. "You know, in an 'Absolut World of
Denmark,' or an "Absolut World of Germany' advertising campaign!

"Of course not," he continued, "because doing so would be an insult to all Swedes worldwide. Do you see the fact-based common sense in my argument now?
As WND reported in 2006, Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., called on La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – which sees "The Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.

In 2002, a prominent Chicano activist and University of California at
Riverside professor, Armando Navarro, told WND he believed secession is inevitable if demographic and social trends continue.
"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is never going to happen in the United States," he [Navarro] contended. "Time and history change."

Reference Here>>

Please add these names to the list of non-consumable liquors produced by French spirit maker Pernod Ricard SA, Absolut’s parent company – Jamison Irish Whiskey (no wonder we, at MAXINE, liked Bushmill’s), Wild Turkey Bourbon, Chivas Regal (scotch whisky), The Glenlivet (single malt scotch whisky), Kahlua coffee liqueur, Tia Maria liqueur, Malibu coconut-flavored rum, Mumm champagne, Seagram’s gin, Ballentine’s scotch, Beefeater gin, Stolichnaya vodka (USA distribution arm), Courvoisier cognac, Sauza tequila, Maker’s Mark bourbon, Jacob’s Creek and Montana wines.

You know, if one were to take this insult and it’s reaction seriously … people in our country would all have become clearer thinkers, have respect for our own sovereignty, and we probably would have sealed up our borders long ago.


President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...