Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

HRC At Clintonian Best In Post 9/11 Anderson Cooper Interview

HRC At Clintonian Best In Post 9/11 Anderson Cooper Interview

It is this response in a phone interview to a question asked by Anderson Cooper about the occurrence:

This excerpted and edited from People Magazine -

When Cooper asked how many times she'd had experienced dizziness in the past five years, citing her concussion in 2012, she said it'd only happened a few times.

"I think really only twice, that I can recall,” she responded. "It is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life, I'm aware of it and can usually avoid it."
[Reference Here]

Only Twice and the word Few do not match up grammatically ... further, how does one develop a protocol on addressing the condition when the malady had occurred "Only Twice?"

Also, her husband Bill Clinton was right there in the Clintonian cabal of words explaining Hillary's condition:

This excerpted and edited from CBS News -

Asked if there was any chance her faintness on Sunday could be a sign of some more “serious” illness, Clinton said he did not believe that was the case.

“Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” he said, “because frequently — well not frequently, rarely — but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated.”
[Reference Here]

This pull quote "because frequently — well not frequently, rarely — but on more than one occasion" definitely leads we, at MAXINE, to conclude that, when matched up with Hillary Clinton's word "Few" as opposed to "Only Twice", that Hillary has had many episodes (definitely more than "Really Only Twice") and that this medical condition is way more common and serious ... so hence the confusion and Clintonian Cover-Up!

Laura Ingraham asks a medical expert on her morning program Tuesday 9/13/2016 (paraphrased) - "Why would a personal doctor need to be nearby at an appearance recognizing the 15 year 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center buildings in New York if this is a condition that had been stated as being Pneumonia?" - the medical expert suspected that given the known history of incidents (fainting, coughing, losing balance while walking, forgetfulness) that this suggests something much more serious.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let’s Try Four – CNN SCGOP Debate Tweet-By-Tweet

Ron Paul gives an answer during the last debate before the primary vote in South Carolina. Image Credit: CNN

Let’s Try Four – CNN SCGOP Debate Tweet-By-Tweet

With three days to go until the first-in-the south primary, Mitt Romney remains in the lead in the Palmetto State, but according to a new poll, his advantage over Newt Gingrich is rapidly shrinking.

A CNN/Time/ORC International poll indicates that 33% of likely South Carolina Republican primary voters say they are backing Romney, with 23% supporting Gingrich. The former Massachusetts governor’s 10 point advantage over the former House speaker is down from a 19 point lead two weeks ago. According to the survey, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania is at 16%, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is at 13%, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry stands at 6%.
(ht: CNN)

The following presidential hopefuls are participating in the event: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

The following audit trail of real-time postings are 140 character (or less) responses and reactions found on Twitter and this is a process of reporting termed “Tweet-By-Tweet”!

AlexPappasDCAlex Pappas – Think Progress, The Other McCain and TPM are only ones in press filing center standing for pledge
LessaTLessa – My thoughts: Marianne #Gingrich behavior is of a bitter,angry women out for revenge & $ #Wicked
IngrahamAngleLaura Ingraham – Make sure to watch me on The O’Reilly Factor tonight at 8pm!
Yeah …. riiiiiiight!
stix1972Doug Welch – RT @ohconservatism: Prediction for the night. Most people still hate everyone who isn’t their guy. Many end up drunk. Few change their mind.
kerpenPhil Kerpen – I really can’t take anything Wolf Blitzer says seriously after seeing Andy Richter embarrass him on Jeopardy.
PolitisitePolitisite – Watch the CNN Debate – Charleston, South Carolina GOP Debate Coverage #CNNDebate #sctweets
INTRO With John King
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Say his name 3 times in the mirror …. RT @rsmccain: Jon Huntsman, we miss you. (Just kidding.)
FlapGregory Flap Cole – Seriously, the CNN intros are laboring at best….get on with it!
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – So wrong. But not. RT @BlameTelford: Question for Gingrich: do you support gay open marriage? #CNNDebate
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – “The Fight for the South”? Er … #scdebate
EditMeDavidDavid Martosko – any one getting game-show deja vu as they emerge from between the set pieces?
kiradavis422Kira Ayn Davis – A year ago I’d have said u were effing crazy if 2 of the last 4 GOP candidates would be Newt and some guy named Santorum #CNNDebate
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – “I’m the only U.S. veteran on this stage tonight.” – Ron Paul
AKaczynski1Andrew Kaczynski – Shorter Ron Paul : Newt is a draft dodger!
So, Newt, do you want to comment on comments made by your ex-wife?
jamiedupreeJamie Dupree – Gingrich gives John KIng the Juan Williams treatment: “I AM APPALLED”
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Newt starts off on in his wheel house — hitting the media.
DrtySxyPoliticsDirtySex&Politics – NOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! They are really effing going there! Assholes. #CNNDebate
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Well, Newt won this debate. Let’s all watch Knight and Day now.
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Wow … this is a smackdown to end all smackdowns. #cnndebate
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – RT @KatiePavlich: “I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate” -Gingrich
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – “I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans.” – Newt
TheFixThe Fix – Smart by Romney too. “Let’s get on to the real issues.” #cnndebate
PolitisitePolitisite – Yeah, What about the corporations that run the media #Paul #cnndebate
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – John King: OK, let’s get started now that I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself and my network #cnndebate
SalenaZitoTribSalenaZito – Who knew that Ron Paul would be the first normal part of the debate? #CNNDebate
IngrahamAngleLaura Ingraham – Ron Paul on wife of 54 yrs…nice…
daveweigeldaveweigel – RT @AlexNBCNews: Speaking of Newt… where are his tax returns? They were supposed to come out tonight… #decision2012
FreedomWorksFreedomWorks – Ron Paul: “what about the corporations that run the media?” #CNNdebate #tcot #teaparty tells “govt. to get outta the way”
DanRiehlDanRiehl – OK, Newt, now try to not look at John King like u want to chew his nuts off on live TV.
IngrahamAngleLaura Ingraham – Newt needs to drop Bain Capital attacks…counterproductive for conservatives.
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – RT @StevenErtelt: Crony capitalism? Someone was listening at #BlogCon in Denver…
thebookguyPeter Marx – #CNNdebate I give John King credit for letting Gingrich clear the deck right off the bat
GottahrdtKarl – @@Politisite @alexwagner What a pile of crap #departed
DonIrvineDonIrvine – It is capitalism and freedom that makes America strong. @MittRomney #cnndebate
TPMTalking Points Memo – Romney on capitalism: “We’re going to stuff it down [Obama's] throat.”
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT @tobincommentary: Santorum goes populist and says he’s for capitalism for working people but not “high finance.”#CNNdebate
DonIrvineDonIrvine – Keep the focus on Obama. #cnndebate
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – Good rhetoric by Santorum. People are living in obama-caused economic squalor. #hhrs
Role Of Government
lesliecarbonelesliecarbone – Aren’t most of the Reagan Democrats dead by now?
DickMorrisTweetDick Morris - #cnndebate #hannity #tcot #gop #talkmaster Romney really scored with his answer and Newt made it an anti-Newt answer by his own attacks
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Good answer from Santorum, who also chooses to attack Obama rather than Romney. #CNNDebate
DanRiehlDanRiehl – RT @ktumulty: Ron Paul says they dnt need any “special programs” 4 military returning from WWII. Has he not hrd of the GI bill?
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – RT @JazzShaw: Nobody has boo’d Ron Paul yet. We must still be talking domestic policy. #cnndebate
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT @tobincommentary: Ron Paul uses question about unemployed veterans to brag about military support. #CNNDebate
BeregondTom Reynolds – Mitt is almost right, then he says “bundle it and send it to the state level.” That leaves DC in charge via strings. #CNNDebate
DailyCallerThe Daily Caller – SC treasurer on Romney endorsement: ‘There were some problems’ –
BlameTelfordErik Telford – The American People, fresh off their Herman Cain endorsement, are really killin’ it in this debate tonight.
prismsincRic = AmSpec: Newt Gets Two Standing Ovations #tcot
DickMorrisTweetDick Morris - #cnndebate #hannity #tcot #gop #talkmaster Romney is winning. Newt is so smart, but somehow it seems a sidebar to Romney’s focus on today
sanuzisSaul Anuzis – #cnndebate Santorum goes on the offensive – attacks both Romney & Gingrich – about to get womped back I’m sure:)
Romney – “Thank You.”
RichLowryRich Lowry – “playing footsies w/ the left”–rick s came ready to play on health care
DLoeschDana Loesch – This is a fantastic answer from Santorum. The best attack on Romneycare of the debates. If only the rest of his record matched.
politicalmathPoliticalMath – Just tuned in. Who is the new guy? He looks like Rick Santorum, but he’s also an effective speaker. I’m confused.
IngrahamAngleLaura Ingraham – Mitt as good as possible on Romneycare…but Rick scored a few pts…
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT @tobincommentary: Santorum’s point about how Obama will attack Romney is right. Strong moment for Santorum. #CNNDebate
mboyle1Matthew Boyle – Romney just took Santorum to school on healthcare. If you wanna be gov of MA, fine. I wanna be president.
foxnewspoliticsfoxnewspolitics – Gingrich: I’ll have Lincoln-Douglas debate with Obama. He can use teleprompter, I’ll just use knowledge
Jamie_WeinsteinJamie Weinstein – Newt finds it amazing that Santorum thinks he would have trouble debating Obama. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, RICK?
ColorMeRedOpionionated – Woo Woo #Newt! Let Obama use a teleprompter…I’ll rely on knowledge #CNNdebate
BREAK – Tease: Gingrich released tax returns online … we will ask what is in there!
DavidLimbaughDavid Limbaugh – Romney says he wants the federal government out of healthcare but he just said he wants to impose pre-existing coverage.
EditMeDavidDavid Martosko – NOTE: Newt’s 2010 tax return shows $19,800 for alimony. #cheap
SooperMexicanel SOOPer – ROn paul is a one trick pony.. he could turn a question about his favorite color into a slam against zionism #CNNDebate
Back From BREAK – Asked to get out of race
politicalmathPoliticalMath – RT @freddoso: SANTORUM: “Grandiosity has never been a problem with Newt Gingrich.”
Santorum – I’m steady, I’m solid, I’m here
WSJWall Street Journal – New filings: Gingrich and wife earned adjusted gross income of $3.1 million in 2010 and owed $994,708 in federal taxes
No Question By CNN On Newt’s Taxes
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Margaret Thatcher was also pushed out by her own party. I’m always surprised Gingrich the historian never mentions that.
jeff_poorJeff Poor – Here’s where Newt can win it all by saying he is on par with Churchill, Thatcher, Julius Caesar… #CNNdebate
Jamie_WeinsteinJamie Weinstein – Newt: I invented the airplane and I wasn’t even born yet, Rick. How do you like them apples?
Santorum slams Gingrich
foxnewspoliticsfoxnewspolitics – Gingrich: Long before Rick came to Congress I was a rebel. For 16 years — those are facts even if inconvenient for his campaign
ZekeJMillerZeke Miller – Yep RT @GarrettNBCNews: This battle between Santorum and Gingrich is Romney’s best moment of the night so far. #cnndebate
lesliecarbonelesliecarbone – Gingrich has ditched two wives. Of course he’s unreliable. Duh.
pinkelephantpunTabitha Hale – Santorum is having a really good night. First time I haven’t loathed his presence.
Dean_LDean_L – #cnndebate Mitt Romney’s holier than thou moment. He should have let Newt and Rick bash each other. But he couldn’t resist the face time.
EditMeDavidDavid Martosko – Mitt says he’s lived “in the real streets of America” — the ones paved with gold, perhaps?
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – GREAT line by Mitt: I don’t recall a single day when I said Oh thank heaven for Washington. #CNNdebate
mboyle1Matthew Boyle – Romney to Newt: You’re mentioned ONCE in Ronald Reagan’s diary. My dad was even mentioned once!
Jamie_WeinsteinJamie Weinstein – This is a losing argument for Gingrich methinks
OHCONSERVATISMAndrew Staroska – Who gives a crap about the damn tax returns. FFS!
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – Romney: A president who has played 90 rounds of golf….Keystone again… #hhrs #tcot
robertcostaNRORobert Costa – Noooooooo. As an avid golfer, who respects the prez’s bad lefty swing, i must object to this attack on O.
prismsincRic – RT @MicahSquires: So now @NewtGingrich is taking credit for his work in govt making the business environment better? PALEEEZE! #cnndebate
TPMTalking Points Memo – Newt on Mitt’s tax returns: “If there’s nothing in there, why not release it?”
foxnewspoliticsfoxnewspolitics – Santorum: I do my own taxes and they are at my computer at home. No one is there to get them. I will when I get home
SaveJerseyThe Save Jersey Blog – I really like Santorum’s tax return answer! Three cheers for #turbotax. #cnndebate
sanuzisSaul Anuzis – #cnndebate “I am not going to apologize for being successful.” — Mitt
andreamsaulAndrea Saul – .@MittRomney: I’m going to be able to talk to @BarackObama in a way no one else can #WorkedInRealWorld #CNNDebate
politicalmathPoliticalMath – RT @JonahNRO: Really, John. Apple’s success takes your breath away? Really?
ZillaStevensonZilla Stevenson – Tax returns? How about releasing the docs relating to Obama’s name change from Soetoro? Was he ever repatriated from Indonesian citizenship?
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – santorum going on too long about this china issue. clouding it rather than concise and with clarity. #hhrs
michaelemlongmichaelemlong – Rush: ABC’s Goal Was To ‘Take Mitt Out This Week,’ Newt Next Week – But Drudge ‘Messed Them Up’ #tcot #tcot_talk #right
SOPA & PIPA Question
Gingrich: You are asking me, a conservative, to weigh in on protecting the rights of Big Hollywood!
SueDTweetsSueDTweets – #CNNDebate Newt favors freedom and won’t let gov’t censor the internet!! He gets points!! #tcot —-
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – Romney understands SOPA, too. Very reassuring to me as an Internet guy. #hhrs
foxnewspoliticsfoxnewspolitics – Santorum on #SOPA: I’m all for free, but our products made in USA being stolen and sold back here … there oughtta be a law or something
DLoeschDana Loesch – Poor, more big government answer from Santorum. Again, this is why I question him.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis -Disappointed so little time has been devoted to gay marriage and contraception.
daveweigeldaveweigel – Weird. Santorum doesn’t like the idea of “anything goes” on the Internet. I’ll google his name and figure out why
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – New debate horror movie: I Know What You Did Last Marriage.
brooksbaynebrooks bayne – santorum gave an answer about individual liberties vs ip rights circa 1999 and napster. time machine response. geez. zzZZzzz..
christinakbchristinakb – yikes – it sounds like Santorum is quitting “to be here in the final four…” #cnndebate #tcot
Back From BREAK – Audience – Immigration
Gingrich – FIRST, control the border | English as official language | etc., etc.
DrtySxyPoliticsDirtySex&Politics – It’s really difficult watching the GOP debates and NOT use the following words..crazy, pussies, anger issues, certifiable
mmshowalter1Monica Showalter – Love Newt’s response on illegals, making it easier to immigrate legally than illegally! #cnndebate
Jamie_WeinsteinJamie Weinstein – How would Newt deal with an illegal grandfather or grandmother who is apart of a El Salvadorian gang?
JonahNROJonah Goldberg – These local draft-immigration boards wouldn’t attract bribes at all.
RMA_DougDoug Winegardner – No bueno
brooksbaynebrooks bayne – my family came here via lord balitimore’s commission in 1633. we didn’t sneak across the border. we just pushed indians aside. #CNNDebate
mboyle1Matthew Boyle – Santorum: Romney has flip-flopped on immigration/amnesty for illegal ALIENS. Just like other issues.
prismsincRic – SANTORUM great answer on immigration! #tcot
RadiobloggerDuane Patterson – santorum trying to pick nits w/mitt over immigration, when mitt is very clear what his position is, & it’s near identical to rick’s. #hhrs
kirstenpowers10kirsten powers – Romney always says that illegal immigrants shouldn’t get ‘preference.’ TOTAL STRAW MAN. Ted Kennedy agreed they shld go to back of line.
brooksbaynebrooks bayne – ron paul has no lips. #CNNDebate #importantissues
secuppS.E. Cupp – Ron Paul doesn’t like laws that prosecute illegal immigration, wants more legal immigration, but tighter borders to prevent immigration.
DickMorrisTweetDick Morris – #cnndebate #hannity #tcot #gop #talkmaster Ron Paul is wrong. Texas does not have to provide medicaid to illegals
JasonBWhitmanNatl Policy Chairman – There is a reason why I have been calling Santorum the Angry Candidate. Can’t hide it forever… #cnndebate
dmataconisDoug Mataconis – RT @Tom1247: Santorum has less than 27 minutes to keep this from being a 3-man race in Florida. My bet is he doesn’t make it. #ByeByeRick
MySecondEmpireChris Jones – I haven’t seen four white dudes with less stage presence since Bread.–
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – #hhrs #tcot #CNNdebate Romney should bring up Mary Ann Glendot -
CommentaryCommentary Magazine – RT @sethamandel: Santorum whispers into microphone. Not creepy, not creepy at all. #CNNDebate
benshapirobenshapiro – Mitt Romney’s attempt to run from his pro-abortion record in MA is weak in the extreme.
HowardKurtzHowardKurtz – Rick says Newt downplayed social issues as speaker. Problem is that most voters don’t care about internal House battles of the ’90s
SooperMexicanel SOOPer – Ron Paul is being marginalized at the kiddie table.. where he belongs. #CNNDebate
secuppS.E. Cupp – Haha. Audience reminds John King that Dr. Ron Paul is also on stage. How hard can this be? There are only four
of them now.
kathrynlopezKathryn Jean Lopez – that might be romney’s best defense of his record on life as governor ever
TPMTalking Points Memo – First time Mitt says ‘Romneycare’?
DavidMDruckerDavid M. Drucker – “I wasn’t even thinking about you when I was giving my opening statement so you were overly sensitive.” @RonPaul to Santorum #CNNdebate
HotlineReidReid Wilson – Paul, to Santorum: “Just for the record, I wasn’t even thinking about you when I was giving my statement, so you are overly sensitive.”
mkhammerMary Katharine Ham -#ronpaulfacts RT @KarolNYC: Ron Paul doesn’t even think of Rick Santorum.
Back From BREAK – John King: Closing pander comments please
politicalmathPoliticalMath – OK. Ron Paul should *never* say “my modest proposal”. It frightens me.
conor64Conor Friedersdorf – Looks like John King won’t ask anything about Iran, contra his comments on Hugh Hewitt’s show. #CNNDebate
TPMTalking Points Memo – Newt: “I want to thank CNN.”
christinakbchristinakb – Newt: “… a Saul Alinsky candidate who is incompetent cannot be re-elected …” zzzzzzzing! #teaparty #tcot #cnndebate
ToniNoBolognyToni Backdahl – Harry Reid makes the trend and Ron Paul doesn’t! That means that they r purposely blocking Ron Paul from trending on Twitter -
michaelemlongmichaelemlong – Is Newt Gingrich About to Be Herman Cained? #tcot #tcot_talk #teaparty #sgp #right #gop #con
SooperMexicanel SOOPer – WHo else calls Obama an Alinskyite? NO ONE. thats why i’m #WithNEWT #CNNDebate
hughhewittHugh Hewitt – #tcot #hhrs #CNNdebate @RickSantorum the question is who is the best person to take on Obama. That is the right question.
mattklewisMatt K. Lewis – Santorum calls himself a “conviction conservative.”
ToniNoBolognyToni Backdahl – Because the tweets were comparing Harry and Ron Pauls abortion records.. so that means if Harry trended Ron Paul should have too! #CNNDEBATE
FlapGregory Flap Cole – Santorum’s debate performance was the best, Newt was OK and held his own, Romney was shaky and if he doesn’t win on Saturday is in trouble
fivethirtyeightNate Silver – Here are those much loved/hated debate grades: Santorum A-, Gingrich B+, Paul B-, Romney C.
FoxieNewsDebbie – RT @ReconChesty: Tonight Newt will leave the Debate with John King Strapped to his Truck Hood!!! LMAO!! #CNNDebate #tcot // Heck Yeah!!!
EdMorrisseyEdMorrissey – Winners: Gingrich, Santorum, Paul. Romney fumbled the taxes question again, but otherwise did no harm. #CNNDebate
brooksbaynebrooks bayne – RT @irishspy: Of course, Santorum forgot to mention the race against a Democrat he lost… #CNNdebate
allahpunditAllah Pundit – Newt should have mooned King at the beginning for emphasis
sanuzisSaul Anuzis – #cnndebate Santorum had a good night & strong close; Romney perfermed very well under attack; Newt strong start then waned; Paul consistent
JohnAvlonJohn Avlon – Newt drinking game – “radically” or “fundamentally” -
DeanClancyDean Clancy – OK, so which guy is the conservative, again?
JsrRogerRogersdaughter – #cnndebate Newt Gingrich knows how to take on Obama – the others aren’t tough enough…or experienced enough to do it and win.
jdhenchmanJoe Henchman – Gingrich taxes: chipped into the presidential election campaign fund, lost $74 selling Campbell Soup stock, donated 2.5% to charity.
DrtySxyPoliticsDirtySex&Politics – Highlights tonight were Mitt using the term “Romneycare” Santorum crying and Newt throwing his shoe at John King #CNNDebate
secuppS.E. Cupp – Thought Santorum won the debate. Mitt lost. Newt and Paul were predictable. Anyone else miss Perry?

We, at MAXINE, found this experiment at documenting a political debate through the New Media Social Media portal of Twitter, Tweet-By-Tweet interesting but may be better used to be in addition to other assets in order to become more descriptive in capturing the moment.

Thank you for your time and involvement in reviewing this experimental effort.

Mitt Romney won the primary to lead the Republican Political Party into the 2012 election cycle to replace the 44th President, Barack H. Obama. Romney lost in a humiliating defeat primarily because he never fully defended the positions of strength through Capitalism a free market economic approach holds for all and the fact he had no response to the fact that ObamaCare (imposed upon the nation through a one-party political process - NO Republican Political Party votes) socialized medical insurance approach (as opposed to free market) was based on the state plans Romney implemented in Massachusetts during the time he was Governor.

He remained off of the political scene over the next three years until the next election cycle.

TAGS: #CNNdebate, CNN, Coverage, Debate, GOP, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, online, Republican, Rick Santorum, ricksantorum, Ron Paul, scdebate, SCGOP, South Carolina, MAXINE

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Post CNN Debate: The Trouble With Gingrich/Romney And Conservative Reality

Republican presidential candidates from left, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Texas Congress man Ron Paul, Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and former Utah Governor/former U.S. Diplomat under two presidents Jon Huntsman before the CNN AEI, Heritage Foundation debate on foreign policy. Image Credit: The Heritage Foundation

Post CNN Debate: The Trouble With Gingrich/Romney And Conservative Reality

Just as in the process of panning for Gold, debates help to have the heavy metal collect at the bottom of the pan. The 11th debate between GOP candidates for president of the United States sponsored by CNN and two of the most recognized conservative policy institutions, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and The Heritage Foundation, helped to have the heavy Conservative metal show itself at the bottom of the pan and, on immigration, Newt's (and by comparison - Mitt's) metal began to pour out of the pan.

Newt Gingrich is pithy and well tested in the public arena. He generally gives great answers to many of the problems a (as polls show time and again) politically Center-Right citizen populous confronts in a Big Government world. However, when one begins to peel away the layers of a Gingrich onion, one finds a person who has made his career on governing from a "Ruling Class" and liberal position that government can and should effect people's lives over the Rule-Of-Law, the Bill Of Rights, and the Constitution.

Let us take a simple comparison between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney on the issue of a health care system based on a government mandate. Mitt Romney has trouble with Conservatives as being "Ruling Class" and liberal because he implemented "Romney Care" in Massachusetts that many say the Democrats based the national "Obama Care" mandated health care law on. It was only a few months ago that Newt Gingrich was comfortable with a national mandate for health care but Mitt Romney has always come down on the side of a States solution to health care and that a government mandate for a health care system had no place in this country. On this point, Newt was for a large federal government solution, Mitt felt that any health care solution applied to a populous, should come exclusively at the state government level - this is a more Conservative position, not great ... but more Conservative.

Last night, Newt Gingrich articulated a position on immigration that may completely knock him out of the top tier of candidates for a Republican President of the United States, and rightfully so.

This excerpted and edited from Fox News -

Gingrich on Top of GOP Polls, Takes Big Risk Articulating Illegal Immigration Policy

Published November 23, 2011 |

The Republican presidential hopeful, who has sprung to the top of the polling charts in the past two weeks, warned against a policy that proposes deporting illegals who have been in the country for 25 years. Gingrich said he would not "expel" those who have come to the United States illegally if it happened decades ago.

And in an appeal to family values, he said long-residing illegal aliens shouldn't become citizens, but neither should they be torn apart from their families.

"I don't see how the party that says it's the party of family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families which have been here a quarter century and I'm prepared to take the heat for saying let's be humane in enforcing the law," he said.
[Reference Here]

Okay, so let's say anyone of us legal citizens did not pay their taxes for 25 years, but we were good citizens and good neighbors ... would the IRS just ignore the tax laws and not prosecute us and throw us in jail?

We were guilty of breaking the law for 25 years and now we have to pay the penalty ... would our family be able to join us in jail?

No, but those people who have been breaking the immigration law for 25 years, with nice families, been good neighbors, and good citizens can have their families join them when they leave the country if the current immigration laws were enforced.

In a 2007 Meet the Press interview, Mitt Romney outlined his views on illegal immigration and states the 12 million, or so, illegal immigrants should be granted citizenship (which allows for voting). During last night's debate, Newt Gingrich, on the other hand, only advocated for legality through amnesty, not citizenship ... a more Conservative position.

Without parsing, the "Gold Standard" for Center-Right voters has been, and will always be, the Rule-Of-Law, the Bill Of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States. Sadly, both Mitt Romney (with his lead in the polls, experience in business, and government leadership) and Newt Gingrich (with all of his smarts, historical Speaker of the House accomplishment/perspective, and articulatory gifts) are not members ... on immigration ... of the Gold Standard and should be slipping from the pan.

Up next: The CNN Debate from Arizona, sponsored by the Republican Party of Arizona - November 30, 2011.

<First published as Post CNN Debate: The Trouble With Gingrich/Romney And Conservative Reality at Technorati>

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ground Zero Imam Issues Threat To New Yorkers ... et al!

The project, known as the Cordoba Initiative, began soon after the terrorist attacks. Image Credit:

Ground Zero Imam Issues Threat To New Yorkers ... et al!

In what has to be a classic example of how the religion of perpetual outrage, Islam, takes a "finger in everyone's eye" approach to dealing with propriety, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the religious leader behind the proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero - yesterday spoke to CNN about the controversy and issues a threat to New Yorkers and the rest of the free world.

Said Rauf, "If this is not handled correctly, this crisis could become much bigger than the Danish cartoon crisis, which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world,” Rauf said later. “…. If we don't handle this crisis correctly it could become something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed.”

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf says the reason he can’t move the Islamic center now is because of national security concerns, saying parts of the Muslim world would be violently inflamed at the news of the center’s relocation.

“The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack… (there’s) the danger of the radicals in the Muslim world to our national security, to the national security of our troops,” he said.

“If we do move,” Rauf continued, “it will strengthen the argument of the radicals to recruit, their ability to recruit, and their increasing aggression and violence ... .”

"If we move from that location, the story will be the radicals have taken over the discourse," the imam told CNN in his first televised interview since returning from a two-week State Department-sponsored cooperation tour of the Middle East.

So he characterizes anyone who believes that Muslims have the right to build but object because of the context that Islam attacked us already by flying planes into the World Trade Center towers and killed thousands of innocent people not related to their outrage and grievance against freedom of thought of the free world ... as RADICALS.

We, at MAXINE, have to ask - Isn't flying hijacked commercial planes into buildings and killing thousands of people while destroying massive amounts of property ... RADICAL?

The truth is this mosque project, its location, its naming, and timing of its celebration of launch of September 11, 2011 ... exactly 10 years after radical Islams attack on the United States ... is the definition of RADICAL and it should not be allowed to stand.

Take this and all other Imam's threats of violence and throw them back into their face.

UPDATE - Additional Thought:

The highest level of threat that the Ground Zero Imam stated in his responses to Soledad O'Brian in the CNN interview-based article (Ground Zero Imam Issues Threat To New Yorkers ... et al!) is to label all of the people who do not think a Mosque should be placed at "Ground Zero" - named Cordoba, set to be launched exactly 10 years to the date of the attacks on the World Trade Center (about 70% of most American's asked) - RADICALS.

Just now on ABC, Meredith Vieira let a CAIR spokesman label these same Americans as Racists. When will the illegitimate name calling from Muslim Haters end?

This excerpted and edited from NewsBusters -

Vieira let Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Zead Ramadan go on, uninterrupted, as he proceeded to compare the protest surrounding the Ground Zero mosque to some of America's worst moments of intolerance as he went on to say:

"The issue with the public sentiment is that when an issue is related to bigotry, unfortunately our history has shown that sometimes we're on the wrong side. For example we interred Japanese during World War II, we segregated our military, our schools, and it took on Executive Order to undo that. And we also enslaved our fellow Americans. So I mean when it comes to bigotry we've got to be careful about the public sentiment."
Reference Here>>

This Ground Zero Mosque issue over principles is probably the clearest example that we are in a culturally-based Values War with Muslims and they are the ones looking for the fight. The Muslim culture would like to erase American culture and the freedoms it once guaranteed through the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution.

(ht: quotes excerpted and edited from CNN, Washington Post, & ABC News)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The New Name For Stupid? - "MAHER", Bill Maher

Comedian Bill Maher told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the United States is stupid. How so, Bill? Because this country can elect someone like Sarah Palin, Maher replied. Blitzer gave Maher a few chances to backpedal, but the comedian stood his ground [ctrl-click to launch video]. Image Credit:

The New Name For Stupid? - "MAHER", Bill Maher

Humankind has a fun habit for naming things, traits and events in this world. They love to attribute a trait or quality of something by honoring it with the name of a person that holds this trait or quality so that they never forget their response. Then this person shares their story for this thing, trait or quality of something with everyone else for their approval. If the story fits ... the name sticks ... like a Brand Name.

A few common examples of this would be:

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del., on left), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a candidate for his party's 1988 presidential nomination, said today that he had "made a mistake" by announcing his opposition to the nomination of appeals court Judge Robert H. Bork (pictured on right) to the Supreme Court before giving an in-depth explanation of his rationale. But in a speech here today to the Association of State Democratic Chairs, Biden reiterated that opposition and said the Senate has a constitutional responsibility to play an equal role with the president in choosing Supreme Court justices. Caption Credit: The Washington Post, July 19, 1987 - Image Credit: Terry Ashe/Time Life Pictures

"BORK", as in attempts to BORK Clarence Thomas were unsuccessful. - To totally mis-characterize someone, trash their record and character so that they would not be able to be taken seriously for anything. This naming came from a tactic employed by elected officials from the Democrat Political Party when they were in opposition to the nomination of appeals court Judge Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court back in 1987. Under the Constitution, the President has the power to nominate people to various offices. The Senate's role is to give "advice and consent." But in the case of Robert Bork, the Senate did a whole lot more. It unleashed a public relations campaign viciously attacking Judge Bork.

The story of Thomas Crapper and his achievements has been somewhat confused by Wallace Reyburn's 1969 book Flushed With Pride: The Story of Thomas Crapper, a heavily fictionalized satirical biography in the style of scholarship. Caption and Image Credit: Wikipedia

"CRAP", as in someone is full of CRAP ..., or, I feel like taking a CRAP! - This expression was derived from the last name of an enterprising person who decided to go into business. He founded the Thomas Crapper & Co. Ltd. in London and popularized the use of the flush toilet. Further, he developed some important related inventions, such as the ballcock. He was noted for the quality of his products and received several Royal Warrants. For this, he was honored with the slang term ... "CRAP"!

"MAHER", as in I'm so MAHER that I took a CRAP on the United States! - Actually, the term - MAHER - could qualify as a two-fer! After seeing the video of his statements made from his questioning by Wolf Blitzer on CNN's Situation Room, Bill Maher redefined both words of Stupid and Hateful, for claiming all Americans ... and America is a stupid country, and the example he cites is that he believed that this country would actually vote for Sara Palin as President and that made this country "Stupid" - that is hateful, not funny.

I have a question, if the United States is such a stupid country, why doesn't Bill Maher move to another country?

Answer - This country is so "MAHER", that it is willing to give stupid and hateful Bill Maher a television show ... when no other country would.

I guess this should sum it all up:

Basically, Maher "BORKS" the United States and Sarah Palin on CNN in one fell swoop ... and that makes his statements a load of CRAP! It's just Bill Maher being MAHER!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sidekick, Pitchman, Trusted Friend Ed McMahon Dead At 86

Ed McMahon while working on behalf of the MDA 2005 Telethon. Image Credit:

Sidekick, Pitchman, Trusted Friend Ed McMahon Dead At 86

It was a little over one year ago when all anyone could hear, and then remember about the famous, almost indelible sidekick of late night television, Ed McMahon was that he was about to loose his multi-million dollar mansion to foreclosure. He appeared on many entertainment shows, getting the word out so that he might get some help with his plight and use it as a story to maybe gain some additional attention for the causes he was involved in.

Well, Ed McMahon did not have to move out of his house, in the end, for he still called it his residence until today. Ed McMahon has passed away, and was pronounced dead at the Ronald Reagan/UCLA Medical Center, his publicist, Howard Bragman, reported Tuesday ... Ed McMahon was 86.

Ed McMahon in his most familiar pose, next to Johnny Carson - He's one of the few stars who used to answer his phone or return calls, without the intercession of an army of millionaire publicists or managers or agents. Image Credit: The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson

This excerpted and edited from CNN -

Ed McMahon dies at 86
CNN - By Todd Leopold - 6-23-2009

Carson made cracks about McMahon's weight, his drinking and the pair's trouble with divorce. McMahon was married three times; Carson, who died in 2005, had four wives.

McMahon was also the show's designated pitchman, a talent he honed to perfection during "Tonight's" 30-year run with Carson, even if sometimes the in-show commercial spots fell flat.

For one of the show's regular sponsors, Alpo dog food, McMahon usually extolled the virtues of the product while a dog eagerly gobbled down a bowl. But one day the show's regular dog wasn't available, and the substitute pooch wasn't very hungry.

McMahon recalled the incident in his 1998 memoir, "For Laughing Out Loud."

"Then I saw Johnny come into my little commercial area. He got down on his hands and knees and came over to me. ... I started to pet Johnny. Nice boss, I was thinking as I pet him on the head, nice boss. By this point the audience was hysterical. ... I just kept going. I was going to get my commercial done. 'The next time you're looking at the canned dog food ...' -- he rubbed his cheek against my leg -- " ... reach for the can that contains real beef.' Johnny got up on his knees and started begging for more. I started petting him again ... and then he licked my hand."
Though McMahon was well-rewarded by NBC -- the 1980 People article listed his salary between $600,000 and $1 million -- his divorces and some poor investments took their toll. In June 2008, The Wall Street Journal reported that McMahon was $644,000 in arrears on a $4.8 million loan for a home in Beverly Hills, California, and his lender had filed a notice of default.

McMahon and his wife, Pamela, told CNN's Larry King that McMahon had gotten caught in a spate of financial problems. "If you spend more money than you make, you know what happens. And it can happen. You know, a couple of divorces thrown in, a few things like that," said McMahon, who added that he hadn't worked much since the neck injury.

McMahon later struck a deal that allowed him to stay in the house.

He is survived by his wife, Pamela, and five children. A sixth child, McMahon's son Michael, died in 1995.

McMahon, 86, was hospitalized in February with pneumonia and other medical problems.
Reference Here>>

What was the actual character of Ed McMahon? Well, this article written by Verne Gay about a year ago for Newsday in the TV Zone section was quite revealing and exposes another character quality that seems in short supply in our culture today, here in the early 21st Century.

This excerpted and edited from Newsday -

Ed McMahon: Pass the Hat?
The TV Zone - Posted by Verne Gay on June 5, 2008

Ed was trusted by Johnny Carson. The best I can tell, Carson trusted him COMPLETELY. Very few people earned a Carson seal-of-approval, including his former wives. Besides his nephew, Jeff Sotzing, and longtime friend, producer, confidante, Peter Lassally, Ed is the only person who comes immediately to mind who, in fact, did.

Now, what did this mean? After a lifetime in the business, Carson knew - intuitively and through practical experience (Joan Rivers!!) - that most of the people who were nice to him were BS-artists who trafficked in the fluff and ephemera of show-biz. They were NICE but only superficially "nice." Ed was the real deal.

Evidence? He could have sold a Carson memoir for millions - you know, one of those hideous tomes about the "real" Johnny Carson that would have forced you to take a shower after/ or while reading... And don't think that for someone who lost hundreds of millions, as Ed did over the last few years, that that wouldn't have been a temptation.

For almost half a century, Ed was the consummate loyalist: He never said a cross word about JC, and never told tales out of school. He was - in other words - a genuine friend, in a place (Hollywood) where genuine friends are as common as polar bears.

So here's to Ed, lying in bed with a broken neck and wondering when the repo man will come knocking. He's a good man and a loyal friend. Nothing wrong with that.
Reference Here>>

Hhhheeeeeerrrree, at MAXINE, we will long live the memory, and style of Ed McMahon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ladeen's Analysis: Iran And The Lust For Freedom

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

Ladeen's Analysis: Iran And The Lust For Freedom

The world, especially the President of the United States, Barack Obama, expected that Ahmadinejad would be replaced as President in Iran's national election over the weekend but this was not the case.

Barack felt that the speech he gave a few days earlier would have convenienced the ruling class Mullahs to allow a different result than to have Ahmadinejad serve another term as their figurehead as President. As far as an election goes, there are no real elections in Iran unless the ruling Mullahs want to spend the time to actually count all of the individual paper ballots that were cast.

The citizens, however, actually believed that their vote counted and wondered how this could be that Ahmadinejad could win as President since everyone else they talked with, voted for ... the other guy - Mousavi.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

To get people caught up, Hugh Hewitt decided to devote his three hour nationally syndicated radio program on the election and the street protests that were happening throughout Iran's capitol city, Tehran. The BBC reported that an estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets on June 15, 2009 to protest the declaration of Ahmadinejad the winner in just a couple of hours after the polls closed.

The following is a transcript of an interview of Michael Ladeen, long recognized as a leading expert on Middle East affairs.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

This transcript has been excerpted and edited from Hugh Hewitt's Townhall Blog -

Michael Ledeen's take on the Iranian election crisis.

Monday, June 15, 2009 at 9:42 PM

HH: I’m joined now by Michael Ledeen, who probably has forgotten more about Iran than almost everyone commenting on it right now. Michael, welcome, it’s great to have you on today.

ML: Thank you.

HH: Is the regime in Iran in trouble enough that conceivably it could be toppled?

ML: Yes, it certainly is, and the fact that they’re apparently bringing in foreigners for crowd control shows that they do not have confidence even in their own thugs. They seem to have brought in Hezbollah from Syria and Lebanon.

HH: And the fact that…

ML: And there are stories, and there’s rumors, I mean, who knows, but there’s rumors that there are Venezuelans running around, too.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: Given that, what are you looking for, Michael Ledeen, as a sign of the regime cracking?

ML: I’m looking for two things. I’m looking for denunciations of the regime and of the elections and of the violence by senior ayatollahs, and I’m looking for significant defections from the Revolutionary Guard. And that may be happening.

HH: And why do you say may be happening?

ML: Because there’s, you know, there’s reports of Revolutionary Guard guys that refused to shoot and wouldn’t beat up people, and told people we’re with them. I mean, this whole thing is being chronicled on Tweeter, as you undoubtedly know.

HH: Yeah…

ML: And I mean, even while we’re, the short time that you and I have been talking, there’s 215 more posts on Tweeter…

HH: Twitter.
ML: Twitter, yes.

HH: Michael Ledeen, in terms of the American response from the Obama administration, how do you rate it? What do you want them to do?

ML: I want them to support Iranian freedom. I want them to support the Iranian people. I want them to denounce the violence against peaceful demonstrators. I mean, I want them to stand up for American values all over the world, but they’re not doing it. They’re running away from it.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: What did you make of Biden’s comments on Meet The Press yesterday?

ML: Incoherent, as usual.

HH: Yeah.

ML: I mean, Biden is a marvel of incoherence.
HH: Now I talked to Amir Taheri a couple weeks back, and he described this convoluted governing structure that they’ve got, the six to ten different sources of authority in Iran. Does the Iranian Army have an independent will divorced from the mullahs, Michael Ledeen, that might bring it…

ML: Oh, absolutely. No, the army has made it clear that they’re not going to intervene in this. They’re not going to start shooting citizens. No way. And the regime knows it. And the regime doesn’t even trust the Revolutionary Guards. I mean, what they’re using mostly here are Basij, who are the fanatical, religious sadists that have always been used to put down demonstrations of women and children and so forth, and then these foreigners. I think the regime is extremely worried.

The Basij are a volunteer force who are sworn to defend the regime and the Supreme Leader at all costs. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: Explain to people who the Basij are.

ML: The Basij are a volunteer force of mostly young, religious fanatics who are sworn to defend the regime and the Supreme Leader at all costs, and so forth, and they’re not very well paid, and they’re not very well treated. I mean, they’re sort of a proletarian force, and widely despised by educated and cultured people. But they are effective at intimidating, and they’re the ones probably who have been doing the killing. They’re undoubtedly the ones who assaulted the University of Tehran, broke into the dormitories and started killing people. And they’re probably the ones who have been doing the shooting in the big rallies. By the way, BBC of all places, which most Iranians think is not sympathetic to their cause, said that there were between one and two million people at that demonstration today.

The Basij are a volunteer force who are sworn to defend the regime and the Supreme Leader at all costs. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: Yeah, Michael Ledeen, you’ve written not one but two comprehensive books on Iran. Have any of the American major networks called you yet?

ML: No.

The Basij are a volunteer force who are sworn to defend the regime and the Supreme Leader at all costs. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: Now I am appalled at the nature of the coverage we’re getting. Is anyone doing a good job? I actually think Totten and Sullivan are doing pretty good jobs, but who else?

ML: Yeah, I think Sullivan’s been doing a good job. I agree that Michael Totten’s doing a good job. I mean, but these are blogs. Pajamas Media is doing a great job where I blog. Huffington Post is doing a good job, interestingly enough, even though you know, they’re pro-Obama by and large. I don’t know about the networks. I don’t watch television. People tell me Fox News has been trying to keep up. It’s very hard to keep up with this. I mean, it’s hard for a TV network, because the feed out of Iran is of course censored. And I’m sure that foreign journalists have been thrown out by now. One was arrested, a Belgian journalist.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: Now important is Western media coverage to the actual events on the ground, Michael Ledeen?

ML: I don’t know. There are these heartbreaking posts on Twitter and on YouTube from kids over there who are saying where are world leaders? Why is nobody standing up for us? And they follow it, and I’ve seen a couple of enthusiastic things saying ABC News was pretty good. There’s a whole site on Twitter now called #CNNfail, which you can imagine what that’s all about.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: What did you make of Ahmadinejad’s press conference with Christianne Amanpour throwing him a softball, having him discard it, and having her throw the softball again?

ML: Well, she’s one of the worst. She’s always been one of the worst on Iran, so that’s no surprise. We knew that.
HH: Michael Ledeen, I’m going to have a guy named Frank Dowse on to end the show today. He’s an international security consultant, because he and I agree if the regime gets desperate enough, they’ll start grabbing any Westerner they can, preferably Americans as a way of diverting attention. Do you believe that’s a genuine threat?

ML: Well, they might do that, but this has gone way beyond things like that. I mean, this is an all-out street confrontation right now. And there’s going to be a winner and a loser, and that’s all there is to it. And if the regime loses, we’re going to see hanging from streetlights.

An estimated 1.5 to 2 million citizens took to the streets of Tehran June 15, 2009. Image Credit: mousavi1388's flickr photostream

HH: I just had a caller say Mousavi’s got bloodier hands than Ahmadinejad from the beginning of the regime, but it doesn’t matter, he was the vehicle for people’s repressed desire for freedom. Do you agree with that assessment?

ML: Well, we’ve had revolutionaries who turned against the regime in the past. There’s nothing new there.

HH: Interesting.

ML: I mean, the fact is that all kinds of experts, including CIA experts, have been saying for years to people like me who said that revolution in Iran was easy if we would just support it. They were saying that you can’t have a revolution, because there’s no leader. Well, of all the unlikely leaders, here’s Mousavi, who was you know, who was there at the beginning, who was a loyal servant of the Ayatollah Khomeini, and all of that, and yet he is a revolutionary figure. Even more than he is his wife. That’s the revolutionary fact that a lot of people have missed.

HH: Michael Ledeen, we’ll check with you throughout the week. Thank you, friend.

End of interview.
Reference Here>>

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