Ghislaine Maxwell proves that the burgers at IN-N-OUT have "universal" appeal. Image Credit: N.Y. Post shared via Facebook (2019)
Where In The World Is GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Why In-n-Out, Of Course
GHISLAINE MAXWELL - So, which Los Angeles In-N-Out Burger location was the former Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell found hiding in plain sight at?
MAXINE knows this because this is the closest In-N-Out to MAXINE's primary location and have had their favorite Double-Double with extra Spread served hot and ready to consume over, and over. Image Credit: Screengrab from Google Search (2019) |
The location is the one closest to Universal Studios Hollywood next door to a Nissan dealership and across the street from the famous independent Italian restaurant
on Cahuenga Blvd.
So? Just why was this very close associate of convicted (and now deceased) Sex Predator Jeffery Epstein hanging out in this very unique neighborhood over the hill from Hollywood and next door to Studio City?
Inquiring minds, and we at MAXINE, want to know - your speculation is as good as ours (hints found in the TAGS at bottom of post) - leave a note!