A light bulb won't solve global warming. This guy's bright ideas just might. A documentary that takes an alternative approach than just FEAR in dealing with the clarion call of the global warming crisis [ctrl-click photo to see trailer]. Image Credit: Imdb
Go to "Cool It" - In a very limited release before its roll out is a thoughtful and realistic stewardship approach to our consumption of energy on this blue orb. It makes Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, feel like the pandering, fright fest, ponzi-scheme that it was meant to be. In other words ... NO, the oceans will not rise 20 feet over this next century and coastal cities really have nothing to fear from the potential and realistic one foot rise in the oceans due to cyclic world climate swings that are primarily due to changes in radiation from the sun!
The last listed price for trading "carbon credits" was under $.10 a ton - OUCH. Al Gore may not be as rich as people were claiming he was a couple of years ago.
Go see "Cool It" and become less hysterically informed.
About Weather/Climate Events Data - There is an old saying that expresses the thought that 'climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.' This part of the NCDC web site provides summaries of weather and climate events. In essence, climate is a statistical analysis of weather. A basic example of climate would be to say that, for the month of June in a given location, temperatures should be near 80 degrees Fahrenheit and 5 inches of rain should fall. Such climate summaries are provided in a variety of formats, many based on a 'normal' base period of 30 years. Many U.S. businesses use climate and weather data to make informed economic decisions. Some examples of these businesses include agriculture, real estate, law firms, and research institutions. The links below offer climate and weather information for such parameters as temperature, precipitation, hurricane events, and snow extremes. Image and Caption Credit: ncdc.noaa.gov
AGW datasets discovery: 75% of all datasets corrupted
It has been discovered ... or more properly, uncovered ... that the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) made a practice of doing what the principles of the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (CRU) had been doing in their temperature data. The NCDC made a practice out of not including data from cooler temperature stations and thereby exaggerating a warming illusion in the datasets thus corrupting their data with a less than Scientific Method approach.
Reporters from USA Today had been sitting on this revealation for some time now just as the reporters from the BBC had been sitting on the knowledge that has now become known as Climategate.
Since proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) - human caused climate change - had become the coin of the rhelm with political progressives throughout the world upon which to create the justification to create laws to tax and limit human activity (read that as to CONTROL all humans in their pursuit of rights and happiness), and that the proof of AGW had been held by only four datasets worldwide, leaves the political progressives with only one dataset upon which to promote their agenda.
Climategate: Three of the Four Temperature Datasets Now Irrevocably Tainted With today’s revelation on Pajamas Media, only the Japan Meteorological Agency is left to save the warmists. Don’t bet on it. March 11, 2010 - by Christopher Horner
The warmist response to Climategate — the discovery of the thoroughly corrupt practices of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) — was that the tainted CRU dataset was just one of four independent data sets. You know. So really there’s no big deal.
Thanks to a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request, the document production of which I am presently plowing through — and before that, thanks to the great work of Steve McIntyre, and particularly in their recent, comprehensive work, Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watts — we know that NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) passed no one’s test for credibility. Not even NASA’s. ---- NASA’s temperature data is so woeful that James Hansen’s colleague Reto Ruedy told the USA Today weather editor:
“My recommendation to you is to continue using … CRU data for the global mean [temperatures]. … “What we do is accurate enough” — left unspoken: for government work — “[but] we have no intention to compete with either of the other two organizations in what they do best.” ---- So — Climategate’s CRU was just “one of four organizations worldwide that have independently compiled thermometer measurements of local temperatures from around the world to reconstruct the history of average global surface temperature.”
But one of the three remaining sets is not credible either, and definitely not independent. - Two down, two to go. ---- But NCDC has been thoroughly debunked elsewhere — Joseph D’Aleo and Anthony Watts have found NCDC completely incredible, having made a practice out of not including cooler temperature stations over time, exaggerating the warming illusion.
Three out of the four temperature datasets stink, with corroboration from the alarmists. Second-sourced, no less.
Why would reporters from major news organizations sit on information this damaging in the pursuit of the truth? Maybe these corporations that own the news outlets are heavily leveraged in one of Al Gore's carbon trading companies ... just speculating with a "follow the money" scenario.
Former Vice President Al Gore [trying to look Japanese] waves to the media at the Japanese premiere of his documentary film 'An Inconvenient Truth' in Tokyo in this January 15, 2007 file picture. Gore and the U.N. climate panel won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on October 12, 2007, for raising awareness of the risks of climate change [while actually doing completely NOTHING for world peace]. Image Cerdit: Kiyoshi Ota/File/Reuters
The United Nations (& Al Gore) Are Bestowed The Nobel Prize
The Nobel prize committee makes marginal the importance of its charter, again, by awarding its once impeccable reputation with a stretch of a bestowment for its 2007 “Peace Prize.”
The esteemed inventor of Dynamite, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, must be rolling over in his grave.
Please educate us at MAXINE, what does bad climate science prediction have to do with the effort of reducing violent difference resolution between organized human beings around the world?
Rajendra Pachauri, the head of U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, delivers a speech in front of Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (L) during the opening ceremony of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Brussels, April 2, 2007. Pachauri, who chairs the U.N. panel on climate change that won the Nobel Peace Prize along with Al Gore, said on October 11, 2007, he was overwhelmed by the news. Picture taken April 2, 2007 REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/File (BELGIUM)
We are not naive, we understand the European calculation and thinking behind this particular bestowment. We know they had to have trouble with just giving the award outright to Al Gore alone. After all, it was the same calculated thinking that gave Al Gore an Oscar for his now legally, and offically discredited quasi-documentary and PowerPoint Presentation, “An Inconvenient Truth”.
Elite Europeans and Hollywood have an inbred thought process as it relates to the freedoms the United States has for its citizens. From capitalism, to gun possession, to health care, the template is the same - Hate Freedom, Embrace Socialism ... at any price and level of discredit.
This item from the Associated Press via the International Tribune –
British judge says Al Gore's climate change film contains 9 scientific errors The Associated Press - Published: October 11, 2007
LONDON: Al Gore's Oscar-winning environmental documentary contains nine scientific errors or omissions, a British judge said, ruling on a challenge from a school official who did not want the film shown to students.
High Court Judge Michael Burton said he had no doubt that the points raised in "An Inconvenient Truth" about the causes and likely effects of climate change were broadly accurate, but in a ruling published Wednesday he wrote that they were made in "the context of alarmism and exaggeration."
Gore's film "is substantially founded upon scientific research and fact," Burton said. "Albeit that the science is used, in the hands of a talented politician and communicator, to make a political statement and to support a political program."
The government's plan to show the film in English secondary schools violated laws banning the promotion of partisan political views in the classroom, Burton said. But he said the screenings could go ahead if they were bundled with written guidance to teachers designed to prevent Gore's views from being promoted uncritically to children.
The Former United States Senator & Vice-President, Oscar Winning, Nobel Laureate - Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. - Cartoon Credit: Gary Varvel
Burton's ruling follows a challenge from a part-time school official who complained that Gore's film was inaccurate, biased, and should not be shown to pupils.
Stewart Dimmock, who works part-time on a school governing board, said he was fighting to have his children educated in an environment "free from bias and political spin."
Burton outlined nine errors — including Gore's claim that sea level rises of 7 meters (23 feet) might occur in the immediate future — something Burton characterized as "distinctly alarmist." Other errors, he said, included the claim that Hurricane Katrina, the evaporation of most of Lake Chad and the melting of the snows of the Kilimanjaro were all the result of global warming. Burton said there was insufficient evidence to back his claims.
While "An Inconvenient Truth" will still be shown in English schools, the judge said teachers will have to be careful not to endorse Gore's political views when they present it to pupils. Reference Here>>
By the way, Al Gore donates the Nobel Peace Prize money to a non-profit organization - HIS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION!
Let the persistent accolades begin - "I can't think of anyone who deserves it more ... due to his sacrifices ... than Al Gore!"
Al Gore and Melissa Etheridge at the Oscars … “Going For The Gold” – Image Credit: Myung J. Chun / LAT
Al Gore Jr. Goes For The Gold Or ... Changing SOS (dot, dot, dot - dash, dash, dash - dot, dot, dot) into “ORO” (dash, dash, dash - dot, dash, dot - dash, dash, dash)
After watching and listening to some of the Live Earth presentations that were played out over the 7-7-07 weekend, we at MAXINE are beginning to understand a little more about the psyche of, and what is important to, Al Gore Jr.
On a day when “Live Earth – The Concerts For A Climate In Crisis” was trying to bring awareness to the perils of the Earth going through its process of climate transition from cooler to warmer to cooler again … Al Gore Jr. wants us (humans) to focus on reducing our carbon “footprint” and that this situation of the Earth’s temperature rising will be corrected if we just (and he really means this) “buy” in to the concept of carbon offsets.
Al Gore Jr., through Live Earth – “The Largest Entertainment Event Ever”, is “leading the charge”, “starting the avalanche”, and driving the groundswell of the global masses to think that if they just begin to feel better about their “choices” as it relates to the way they invest in the carbon reducing infrastructure, we will create a better, more stable Earth.
What a monumental task!
Al Gore Jr. has the answer, oh really, one might ask!
A state fair takes place in the parking lot of the Giants Stadium during Live Earth in New York. Image Credit: Bryan Bedder / Getty Images Jul 8, 2007
Excerpts from the Canada Free Press -
Maurice Strong, Al Gore [Jr.] Creators of carbon credit scheme cashing in on it By Judi McLeod - Tuesday, March 13, 2007
There's an elephant in global warming's living room that few in the mainstream media want to talk about: the creators of the carbon credit scheme are the ones cashing in on it.
The two cherub like choirboys singing loudest in the Holier Than Thou Global Warming Cathedral are Maurice Strong and Al Gore.
This duo has done more than anyone else to advance the alarmism of man-made global warming.
With little media monitoring, both Strong and Gore are cashing in on the lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.
Strong is on the board of directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange, Wikipedia-described as "the world's first and North America's only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil."
Gore buys his carbon off-sets from himself--the Generation Investment Management LLP, "an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 with offices in London and Washington, D.C." of which he is both chairman and founding partner.
To hear the saving-the-earth singsong of this dynamic duo, even the feather light petals of cherry blossoms in Washington leave a bigger carbon footprint.
It's a strange global warming partnership that Strong and Gore have, but it's one that's working. ---- The skeptics of man-made global warming believe that Gore and Strong have made climate change "the new religion". Climate change is not the first religion both parties have tried to make stick. Along with former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Strong, currently president of the Earth Council, has been boasting of replacing the Ten Commandments with the Earth Charter, a golden rule guide for how the masses should treat the environment.
Gore, who has given sermons at the United Nations sponsored Cathedral of St. John the Divine Church in New York City, is a promoter of the religion known as Gaia [and, of course the promoter of the 7 Point Pledge introduced at Live Earth].
The two environmental gurus also share a belief in radical Malthusian population reduction. According to them, too many people, particularly in the U.S. are polluting the planet, emitting excessive Freon through their refrigerators and jacking up the air conditioning. ---- The tawdry tale of the top two global warming gurus in the business world goes all the way back to Earth Day, April 17, 1995 when the future author of "An Inconvenient Truth" traveled to Fall River, Massachusetts, to deliver a green sermon at the headquarters of Molten Metal Technology Inc. (MMTI). MMTI was a firm that proclaimed to have invented a process for recycling metals from waste. Gore praised the Molten Metal firm as a pioneer in the kind of innovative technology that can save the environment, and make money for investors at the same time.
"Gore left a few facts out of his speech that day.
First, the firm was run by Strong and a group of Gore intimates, including Peter Knight, the firm's registered lobbyist, and Gore's former top Senate aide," wrote EIR.
"Second, the company had received more than $25 million in U.S. Department of energy (DOE) research and development grants, but had failed to prove that the technology worked on a commercial scale. The company would go on to receive another $8 million in federal taxpayers' cash, at that point, its only source of revenue.
"With Al Gore's Earth Day as a Wall Street calling card, Molten Metal's stock value soared to $35 a share." further stated EIR ---- But along the way, DOE scientists had balked at further funding. When, in March 1996, corporate officers concluded that the federal cash cow was about to run dry, they took action: Between that date and October 1996, seven corporate officers --including Maurice Strong-- sold off $15.3 million in personal shares in the company, at top market value. On Oct. 20, 1996 --a Sunday-- the company issued a press release, announcing for the first time, that DOE funding would be vastly scaled back, and reported the bad news on a conference call with stockbrokers.
"On Monday, the stock plunged by 49%, soon landing at $5 a share. By early 1997, furious stockholders had filed a class action suit against the company and its directors. Ironically, one of the class action lawyers had tangled with Maurice Strong in another insider trading case, involving a Swiss company called AZL Resources, chaired by Strong, who was also a lead shareholder. The AZL case closely mirrored Molten Metal, and in the end, Strong and the other AZL partners agreed to pay $5 million to dodge a jury verdict, when eyewitness evidence surfaced of Strong's role in scamming the value of the company stock up into the stratosphere, before selling it off." - EIR ---- In that year, Gore, still U.S. vice president, was making news for "taking the initiative in creating the Internet."
The leaders of the man-made global warming movement, you might say, get around.
Meanwhile Jumbo's still in global warming's living room, but the duo with the tiniest carbon footprints on earth continue to just tiptoe past him. Reference Here>>
In the aftermath of this weekend’s awareness and alarmist global warming crisis effort, Live Earth, we all need to keep an eye out to understand the answer to the following question … just when is a conspiracy a theory or a theory a conspiracy?
Excerpts from The Alliance for Climate Protection website, the official website and business effort designed to change minds and attitudes of all who are directed to their cause -
The Alliance for Climate Protection Who We Are – Selected Biographies – 7 Point Pledge (first introduced in conjunction with the Live Earth event)
Who We Are
The people involved in the Alliance bring with them substantial cross-sectoral experience covering government, business, and civil society. They have a track-record of breaking through the din of background noise on issues related to climate change. They also bring with them substantial cross-sectoral experience covering government (both public service and political), business (including energy, technology, finance and media), and civil society (within and beyond the environmental communities). We will be completely non-partisan in pursuing our mission.
Board of Directors and Advisory Committee: The Alliance for Climate Protection has a highly experienced Board of Directors. The bipartisan Board has combined decades of experience in alliance-building with Wall Street, religious communities, local government, entertainment and other constituencies not traditionally engaged in environmental issues. Reference Here>>
Selected Biographies
Al Gore, Jr. Chairman of the Board, Alliance for Climate Protection Chairman, Generation Investment Management Former Vice President Al Gore is cofounder and Chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm that is focused on a new approach to Sustainable Investing.
Gore is also cofounder and Chairman of Current TV, an independently owned cable and satellite television network for young people based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism.
A member of the Board of Directors of Apple Computer, Inc. and a Senior Advisor to Google, Inc. Gore is also Visiting Professor at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Mr. Gore is the author of An Inconvenient Truth, currently a best-selling book on the threat of and solutions to global warming, and the subject of the movie of the same title, which has already become one of the top documentary films in history.
Since his earliest days in the U. S. Congress 30 years ago, Al Gore has been the leading advocate for confronting the threat of global warming. His pioneering efforts were outlined in his best-selling book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (1992). He led the Clinton-Gore Administration's efforts to protect the environment in a way that also strengthens the economy.
Al Gore was born on March 31, 1948, the son of former U.S. Senator Albert Gore, Sr. and Pauline Gore. Raised in Carthage, Tennessee, and Washington, D.C., he received a degree in government with honors from Harvard University in 1969. After graduation, he volunteered for enlistment in the U.S. Army and served in the Vietnam War. Upon returning from Vietnam, Al Gore became an investigative reporter with the Tennessean in Nashville, where he also attended Vanderbilt University's Divinity School and then Law School.
Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, reside in Nashville, Tennessee. They have four children- Karenna, Kristin, Sarah, and Albert III; and two grandchildren: Wyatt Gore Schiff and Anna Hunger Schiff.
Cathy Zoi has spent two decades in the energy and environmental sector in both the United States and Australia.
From 2003 until joining the Alliance in February 2007, she served as Group Executive Director at the Bayard Group in Sydney, Australia. Bayard is the world leader in smart metering systems with operations in 30 countries and revenues in excess of $1.2 billion. At Bayard, her work focused on energy markets in North America, Europe, India, China and Brazil.
Cathy served as Chair of the Board at the Climate Institute, a nonprofit Australian organization whose purpose is to focus public attention on the impact and importance of climate change. She was a member of the International Climate Change Taskforce (ICCT), a coalition of policymakers, business leaders, scientists, and non-governmental organizations from Britain, Australia and the United States. Launched in 2004, ICCT formulated a climate change strategy that went ‘beyond Kyoto (Protocol)’ and made specific recommendations to member governments in January 2005.
Prior to joining Bayard, Cathy was Assistant Director General of the New South Wales EPA. She co-chaired the Australian government’s Sustainability Environmental Advisory Council and was the founding CEO of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority, a $50 million fund to commercialize greenhouse-friendly technology.
Prior to arriving in Australia in 1995, she served as Chief of Staff at the Council on Environmental Quality in the Clinton-Gore Administration, where she managed the staff working on greenhouse and energy policies, the “Forest Plan” (innovative regulatory schemes for reducing pollution), and the “Greening of the White House.” She was also a manager at the US Environmental Protection Agency where she pioneered the Energy Star Program. Previously, she worked as an energy analyst at ICF Incorporated and Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Reference Here>>
Earth Live 7 Point Pledge - Image Credit: ecj-MAXINE (still lifted from Earth Live video from press conference)
7 Point Pledge
(first introduced in conjunction with the Live Earth event)
I pledge, you pledge, we all win
Talk is cheap, but inaction is expensive, especially when the climate is in crisis.
Take this pledge and then post it on your fridge, make it your screensaver, tape it near the back door or put a tiny version inside your wallet. Then explain to others why this is important so that they too will take the pledge.
Hang it up in the coffee room at work. Post it on the community bulletin boards downtown or at the local library. This is all about doing something for yourself and your loved ones. For your wife, husband, partner, mom, dad, sister, brother, niece, nephew, cousin; it's for your neighbor, your teacher, your car mechanic, your mailman, your doctor, your best friend, your worst enemy; it's for your children... it's for everybody's children. It's for today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow that follows.
Take the pledge for you and for everyone. I pledge:
To demand that my country join an international treaty within the next 2 years that cuts global warming pollution by 90% in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth;
To take personal action to help solve the climate crisis by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become "carbon neutral;"
To fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2;
To work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation;
To fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal;
To plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests; and,
To buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crisis and building a sustainable, just, and prosperous world for the 21st century. Reference Here>>
Talk about becoming a mind-numbed ROBOT … what the left loves to call anyone who might tune-in and listen to Talk Radio!
We, at MAXINE, are struck by the extreme conflict of interests outlined in the biographies contained in the backgrounds of the figureheads of this organization (ACP) that professes in its mission (About) statement that it is bi-partisan, and have a track-record of breaking through the din of background noise on issues related to climate change.
Correct us if we are wrong, but wasn’t Live Earth and the 7 Point Pledge a play at creating a single point-of-view approach (not bi-partisan) and add to the global din of background noise on the issue of the Earth’s normal climate transitioning from cool to warm and back to cool again while creating the argument as to why people should give their money and voting power away to those who stand on one side of an unresolved scientific issue?
When Conspiracy is as Conspiracy does … it no longer qualifies as a theory!
At Live Earth it was SOS (for Save Our Selves) but the real effort for Al Gore Jr. and the companies he is involved with .. it is all about ORO (as in spanish for Gold) dash, dash, dash - dot, dash, dot - dash, dash, dash.
Al Gore Jr.'s real family: SOS [Save Our Selves] founder Kevin Wall is joined by Cameron Diaz and Al Gore [Jr.] to announce the launching of Save Our Selves, the Campaign for a Climate Crisis which includes Live Earth, a 24-hour concert on 07 July 2007, in seven continents. Image Credit: MATA/AFP/Getty
Leadership: What Does Al Gore Jr. Choose To Do?
July 7th looms very large as a date on which the Gore family will define itself. July 7th is the date for a concert that is being put on to promote awareness to the “Global Climate Crisis” but July 7th is also a day on which Al Gore Jr. can show the world what he is really made of.
This morning on MSNBC, screenwriter John Ridley put forth a plea to the importance of the argument of family leadership. He made the point that one of the strongest, most effective acts that any man can do is to raise competent and balanced family. Ridley went on to say that the greatest ill effecting the black family is the lack of fatherly leadership in the family dynamic.
Earth Live 7 Point Pledge - Maybe Al Gore Jr. should create a pledge in support of the value of raising and supporting the family worldwide! Image Credit: ecj-MAXINE (still lifted from Earth Live video from press conference)
John Ridley argued that Al Gore Jr. should tape a video to be shown at the concert and hop on his private jet and stand beside his youngest son at a time of Al Gore the third’s greatest need of fatherly leadership.
John went on … Where will the Earth be twenty years from now, well it is going to be here, but more importantly, where will Al Gore III be twenty years from now if Al Gore Jr. does not step up and BE the father to the younger Al at a time of his greatest need!
I agree with John Ridley. Al Gore Jr. has not been elected to the office he NOW appoints himself to be – Supreme Leader of the Green World.
The Real Al Gore Jr.!
Al Gore Jr. would actually come out on the backside of this situation in a grand way by attempting to save the direction of his only son’s life while maintaining the mantle of the instigator of Live Earth – The Concert for “Global Climate Crisis” awareness … or as Al himself stated in an interview at this very moment – “the largest live entertainment performance EVER.” “A chance to deliver a wake-up call and sign a pledge to solve this crisis of global climate change!” “An ‘SOS’ [Save Our Selves] call to action.”
Well there you have it – The Ridley imperative to family values verses an SOS call to action. I think the real SOS (Save Our Society - Save Our Son) call to action is a car full of drugs flying down the road at 100 miles an hour putting anyone in the way at risk … and the fact that Al Gore the third is truly a person at risk.
Earth Live 7 Point Pledge - Maybe Al Gore Jr. should create a pledge in support of the value of raising and supporting the family worldwide ... And SIGN it! Image Credit: ecj-MAXINE (still lifted from Earth Live video from press conference)
We, at MAXINE, think the case has been made by screenwriter, John Ridley ... but Al Gore Jr. is NOT up to the task or the responsibility of family leadership.
Sadly, How Al Gore Jr. Sees Himself ... NOT Answering The Important SOS "Call" ... dot, dot, dot - dash, dash, dash - dot, dot, dot!