Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label immigration. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

It's Cinco de Mayo ... Celebrate With An Arizona Buy-Cott!

Image Credit: 4/27/2010

It's Cinco de Mayo ... Celebrate With An Arizona Buy-Cott!

Today not only marks the day Mexico recognizes a thwarted attack by France (as promoted and celebrated first in the United States by Corona Beer as a promotion to sell their product) ... today is the day independent American citizens can begin to show support for Arizona in its effort to localize Federal immigration law.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 8:00am (any timezone) marks the official start to Buy Arizona, where people intentionally purchase goods and services from companies that claim their headquarters in Arizona in a "Buy-Cott" - a reversal to the time honored consumerism activity known as a boycott.

Ahhhhh, to purchase, as opposed to ignore the goods or services produced, from a company just feels more affirming and, well, AMERICAN! After all, directed consuming is so Capitalistic and un-Obama Administration.

It's Cinco de Mayo, so go out and celebrate by first purchasing an American flag from the American Flag & Pole Co., then go online and pick up some protection in the form of a non-lethal deterrents from Taser International, followed by digital identity theft protection software and services designed by Lifelock, and finally ... go to dinner at PF Changs ... OK, so this food selection does not contain tortillas or salsa but it is time for a new tradition.

We, at MAXINE, believe the main activity for Cinco de Mayo, and beyond, is to begin the tradition of American self-reliance beginning with the show of support of a State that wishes to take control of its destiny in the service to its citizens over the actions (in this case, inaction) of the Federal Government.

BUY ARIZONA - Support Arizona based corporations, local businesses, on-line retailers, and tourism.

The following list is just a sampling of the great companies you can support directly with consumerism ... and there is something for everyone - this IS America. PLEASE SHARE!!

Be sure to check back at the folloing website regularly ... more companies will be added as soon as they are identified!

Buy Arizona begins today - Image Credit: Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition - Home of the San Diego Tea Party






• Allied Waste Industries

• America West Airlines

• American Flag & Pole Co.

• American Spirit Arms (Manufacturer of precision firearms)

• Arizona Artists

• Arizona Cardinals (Football)

• Arizona Diamondbacks (MLB Baseball)

• Arizona Highways (magazine)

• Best Western

• Bookmans (largest used book seller in AZ)

• Cerreta Fine Chocolates

• Candy's Apples (gourmet candied apples)

• Circle K (Convenience Store)

• CSK Auto (Checker Auto Parts, Schucks Auto Supply, Kragen Auto Parts, Murray's Discount Auto Stores)

• Clear Channel Outdoor

• Cold Stone Creamery

• Dial

• Discount Tire Company

Eleanor Joseph Confections (truffles & more!)

• Fairytale Brownies

• Fender Music Instruments

• Flight Miniatures (model aircraft)

• Grand Canyon Airlines

• (green corporate consulting)

• Greyhound Corp.

• GoDaddy

• Harkins Theatres

• Hollycake (Letterpress Stationery)

• Hopi Market

• Kona Grill

• Knight Transportation

• Lifelock

• Massage Envy

• Mesa Air Group (Mesa Airliines, Go!, Freedom Airlines)

• McClendon's Select (mail order organic fruit and honey)

• M. R. Designs & Gifts (Gift Baskets)

• My Computer Works (Scottsdale. Online computer repair)

• Navajo Fine Jewelry & Collectibles

• PF Changs

• Ping (Golf)

• Phoenix Coyotes (NHL Hockey)

• PetSmart

• Poore Brothers Pototo Chips

• Protégé Sports

• Ramada Hotels

• Robar (firearms & accessories)

• Set Enterprises (board games & brain puzzles)

• Seven Sisters Sweet Shop and Chocolate

• Sky Mall

• Surf City Squeeze

• Taser International

• U-Haul

• University of Phoenix

• US Airways


Sunday, May 02, 2010

Immigration Policy: Buying In ... Or Just Buy

This photo is the official May Day (Che Day!) 2010 image. Image Credit:

Immigration Policy: Buy In ... Or Just Buy

We begin this week after a May Day "call to protest" from the Hispanic immigration community that, at least here in Los Angeles, was a dismal failure.

All of the news media outlets (even FOX News) did their best to make this day of protest on the enforcement of US immigration law an issue that was compelling by stating "hundreds of thousands" join protests. People were out in the streets, waving flags and carrying signs sparked by a law passed by the State of Arizona that brings immigration enforcement to a local, as opposed to a Federal, level.

In Los Angeles, the papers were first predicting that over 100,000 people would take to the streets in a mime of the large 750,000 plus person gathering on May 1st, 2006 during the Bush Administration. While the LA Times touted the gathering at nearing 60,000 ... for a city that has a population draw of over 15,000,000 in the basin and at least a 40% Hispanic residency, that is 60,000 out of a potential of 6,000,000 people - weak.

Sign displayed at the 2006 May Day protest in Denver ... has anything changed? Aaaaaa, No! Image Credit: Michelle Malkin

Funny thing though, The Los Angeles crowd was one of the largest gatherings in protest against the Arizona law that makes it a crime to lack proper immigration papers and requires police to determine whether people are in the country illegally.

Civil rights activists say the law will lead to racial profiling but state officials have repeatedly emphasized that the bill expressly forbids law enforcement officers from stopping someone without, first having a probable cause such as in the enforcement of a seat belt law or a mechanical violation (these misdemeanor violations are cited as an add-on after someone is pulled over for a moving violation like running a red light or other probable cause).

Sign exalting "NO BORDERS" seen at an Arizona protest last week. This makes a lot of sense, especially, what, with the Mexican drug wars spilling over into this country and placing our citizens at harm. Image Credit: Mark Krikorian

Any United States citizen knows that to leave the house without proper identification, one can not purchase goods or services, drive a car legally, buy a drink at a bar (if under 21), and etc.. About the only place one does not have to show an identification is when one goes to the polls to vote - all the while, the 70% of the voting citizens in Arizona who favor the Governor, Jan Brewer, for passing this law are called crazy, or worse, bigots.

Instead of buying in to all of the hype about how wrong it is to want United States immigration laws enforced, why not show your support for Arizona where immigration is out of control and send a message to the Federal Government that they should enforce existing laws through purchasing goods and services made in Arizona ... that's BUY ARIZONA!

Now this person will probably not get pulled over for writing on their windows, but may get a ticket for having windows that are tinted too dark. Image Credit: La Shawn Barber

This excerpted and edited from the All Patriots Media Network

Buy Arizona!

Tony Katz, All Patriots Media Network - May 1, 2010

The Buy Arizona! Initiative is picking up steam. We are working with many other groups, and committed individuals, to support Arizona business owners and their employees.

The response is growing everyday. If you sent an email, you are in queue, and your ad will run on The Tony Katz Radio Spectacular, as well as with those hosts who join the Buy Arizona! Initiative.

Those radio hosts include:

Join the Facebook groups – here and here.

Follow @ArizonaBUYcott on Twitter.

To see the Press Release, click here.

To see the list, and reach out to Arizona businesses, click here.

To be a part of the Buy Arizona! Initiative, and get free advertising for your business, email us here. You can contact the Tony Katz Radio Spectacular by email.
Reference Here>>

We, at MAXINE, believe in a serious society that wants to know who they are talking to and doing business with. Carry your ID and immigration authorization papers proudly into any market and BUY ARIZONA!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

From Shades Of Grey To B&W – Obama Comes Into Focus

Comparison of warm and cool shades of grey. Image Credit: Knulclunk, vectorized by Fvasconcellos

From Shades Of Grey To B&W – Obama Comes Into Focus

This rocket ship ground swell of support for Barack Obama is pretty amazing when one just stands and watches what is actually going on. The press is in the tank for Obama, he never gets questioned on any subject that requires meat to be on the bone to answer … and when he gives only a bare bones response to a difficult question, no follow-up question that would flesh out a real answer is forthcoming.

“Yes We Can”, “Change You Can Believe In”, “Moving Forward Into The Future”, “The Audacity Of Hope”, is all we are fed on the way to the Democrat Party political convention to be held this summer. No real pushback on the issues of Gay Marriage, Abortion, the tensions developing in South America, Israel and the rocket attacks of 2008, the reality of a stronger, more Communist Russia, and the changing world economic landscape.

But now, we do not have to wait on the Mainstream Media (MSM) to do this work of definition for us anymore. Barack Obama, in an unguarded yet genuine moment, captured and reported on by a “citizen journalist” posting in the Huffington Post, Barack Obama has provided us with a glimpse of the core values embedded in his belief system.

By stating to a group of Democrat Party faithful at a fundraiser in San Francisco April 6, 2008, that the way to understand a large group of voters in small town America is to first explain why they “cling” on to religious faith and principles, personal freedom and gun ownership, the dislike toward open-borders immigration, and caution in the acceptance of people different than themselves is a bitterness built as a result of a 25 year shifting economic landscape.

This opinion by Jonah Goldberg excerpted from The Los Angeles Times -

Barack Obama, the yuppie candidate

By Jonah Goldberg - April 15, 2008

Barack Obama is finally coming into focus.

For a while now, the Obamaphiles have insisted that their candidate represents a profound break with the past. No more culture wars. No more "re-litigating the 1960s," in Obama's own words.

But what about re-litigating the 1980s?

There's always been a certain cultural lag time to Barack and Michelle Obama, a kitschiness that's been hard to pinpoint. But I think I've got it: They're self-hating yuppies straight out of the 1980s, which was to the Obamas what the 1960s were to the Clintons.

For those too young to remember, "yuppie" was shorthand for young urban professionals
Ironically, the biggest complaints about yuppie materialism came from self-loathing liberal yuppies -- like the Obamas.

The Obamas still seem stuck in that time warp, clinging to '80s-style resentments and political assumptions. Michelle Obama is never so eloquent as when she's complaining about the burden of student loans for her two Ivy League law degrees and covering the high cost of summer camp and piano lessons for her kids on her family's half-million-dollars-a-year income.
It's Ronald Reagan -- the president of the 1980s -- who seems to loom so large in Obama's world. (Recall how last year, Obama caught some flak suggesting he might be a new Ronald Reagan.) Reagan famously restored confidence in the nation while reducing confidence in government as the solution to our problems.
The Reagan Revolution moved the country durably to the right -- so much so that even Democrats saw the writing on the wall.
Bill Clinton's 1992 victory stemmed from the fact that he was a "different kind of Democrat" -- that is, one who understood the lessons of Reaganism, or at least claimed to, and rejected the "brain dead policies" of the old Democratic Party. He was a pro-death-penalty free-trader who oversaw the triumph of the Reaganite critique of welfare.

It's as if Barack Obama spent the 1990s in some kind of Democratic Brigadoon -- and I guess Cambridge, Mass., and the South Side of Chicago might qualify -- and didn't keep up with his party, let alone the nation. Barack Obama, the man of the future, in fact stands athwart that history yelling "Stop."

This is the best way to understand his recent comments at a San Francisco fundraiser as he explained his challenge of connecting with rural and small town voters.

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania," he said, "and ... the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. ... It's not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Later, when his comments sparked a controversy, he dismissed it as a "little typical sort of political flare-up because I said something that everybody knows is true."

But everybody doesn't know anything of the sort. Not in this decade anyway. Obama's merely recycling the liberal cliches of the 1980s, namely that Pennsylvania's "bitter" voters have been duped by "wedge issues" like guns, religion and racial resentment. New Democrats recognized that wedge issues are legitimate concerns. Old Democrats remain in denial.
Slate columnist Mickey Kaus has been waiting for Obama to "pivot" to the center as Clinton did in 1992. But it may be that America's most reliably liberal senator doesn't think he has to. He isn't a unifier. He's a counter-revolutionary. And waiting for him to pivot is like waiting for Godot.
Reference Here>>

These observations by Jonah Goldberg, we at MAXINE believe, are the best gauge on the what, why, where, when, and how a Senator Barack Obama’s presidency would look like and the shape it would take.

A counter-revolutionary Marxist willing to place socialism over personal freedom in order to bring proper definition to a group of people HE doesn’t understand or relate to ... Americans!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Barack Obama's Judgement Of Us Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow

The Modern-Day Pied Piper Of Hamlin - Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) addresses supporters during a campaign stop at Columbus East High School in Columbus, Indiana, April 11, 2008. Image Credit: REUTERS/John Sommers II

Barack Obama's Judgement Of Us Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow

Obama touched off controversy with his remarks at a closed San Francisco fundraiser over this previous weekend. The remarks became public late Friday afternoon via the very liberal internet politics posting site The Huffington Post.

He said jobs had been disappearing in small towns in Pennsylvania and across the Midwest for 25 years with nothing to replace them and that people become "bitter".

"It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," said Barack Obama.

In short, Barack Obama declared in front of a crowd of politically friendly people that one of the root causes of racism, the dislike toward open-borders immigration, the perceived need for personal gun ownership, and a deep and entrenched focus on religious principles is bitterness.


Friday, June 29, 2007

National Sovereignty … It’s A Good Thing

“Sanctu-Harry” Reid (Sanctuary/Harry), in a final attempt to stitch together a few more votes to gain passage of the cloture vote, took to the Senate floor and waxed about a phone call he had receive from “Tommy”. Image Credit: - January 11, 2007

National Sovereignty … It’s A Good Thing

The Senate finally listens to the very strong opinion of the American people and shot down the revived effort to legalize the status of 12 to 20 million Human Beings. These Human Beings choose to continue to break our laws to be accepted and live here in the United States in a properly identified manner.

“Sanctu-Harry” Reid (Sanctuary/Harry), in a final attempt to stitch together a few more votes to gain passage of the cloture vote, took to the Senate floor and waxed about a phone call he had receive from “Tommy”.

While standing and addressing the whole of the Senate, Harry Reid stated that he was withholding the last name of Tommy for fear of the government would look him up and possibly deport him. Tommy had called the leader of the Senate to urge him on to pass the immigration reform bill so that he or his friend would not have to live in fear any more.

This is the leader of the Senate … sworn to uphold the laws of our land and he admittedly pursued a process of sanctuary for Tommy by withholding his last name. With leadership like this, no wonder we can not get funding for the border fence that had been approved last year.

Recognition of the 53 members of the Senate that believe National Sovereignty is a good thing should take place. A particular mention should be made for Senator Brownback of Kansas, who changed his vote from Yea! To Nay! during the course of the roll call vote process.

Voting "no" were 15 Democrats, 37 Republicans and 1 independent.

Democrats No

Baucus, Mont.; Bayh, Ind.; Bingaman, N.M.; Brown, Ohio; Byrd, W.Va.; Dorgan, N.D.; Harkin, Iowa; Landrieu, La.; McCaskill, Mo.; Nelson, Neb.; Pryor, Ark.; Rockefeller, W.Va.; Stabenow, Mich.; Tester, Mont.; Webb, Va.

Republicans No

Alexander, Tenn.; Allard, Colo.; Barrasso, Wy.; Bond, Mo.; Brownback, Kan.; Bunning, Ky.; Burr, N.C.; Chambliss, Ga.; Coburn, Okla.; Cochran, Miss.; Coleman, Minn.; Collins, Maine; Corker, Tenn.; Cornyn, Texas; Crapo, Idaho; DeMint, S.C.; Dole, N.C.; Domenici, N.M.; Ensign, Nev.; Enzi, Wyo.; Grassley, Iowa; Hatch, Utah; Hutchison, Texas; Inhofe, Okla.; Isakson, Ga.; McConnell, Ky.; Murkowski, Alaska; Roberts, Kan.; Sessions, Ala.; Shelby, Ala.; Smith, Ore.; Stevens, Alaska; Sununu, N.H.; Thune, S.D.; Vitter, La.; Voinovich, Ohio; Warner, Va.

Others No

Sanders, Vt.

In the same regard, one should shun the following Senators for NOT protecting the sovereignty of the country they represent. Most surprising of these names voting to extend amnesty through the “Z-Visa” is the pro war-on-terror Senator Joseph Lieberman, Connecticut.

Voting "yes" were 33 Democrats, 12 Republicans and 1 independent.

Democrats Yes

Akaka, Hawaii; Biden, Del.; Boxer, Calif.; Cantwell, Wash.; Cardin, Md.; Carper, Del.; Casey, Pa.; Clinton, N.Y.; Conrad, N.D.; Dodd, Conn.; Durbin, Ill.; Feingold, Wis.; Feinstein, Calif.; Inouye, Hawaii; Kennedy, Mass.; Kerry, Mass.; Klobuchar, Minn.; Kohl, Wis.; Lautenberg, N.J.; Leahy, Vt.; Levin, Mich.; Lincoln, Ark.; Menendez, N.J.; Mikulski, Md.; Murray, Wash.; Nelson, Fla.; Obama, Ill.; Reed, R.I.; “Sanctu-Harry” Reid, Nev.; Salazar, Colo.; Schumer, N.Y.; Whitehouse, R.I.; Wyden, Ore.

Republicans Yes

Bennett, Utah; Craig, Idaho; Graham, S.C.; Gregg, N.H.; Hagel, Neb.; Kyl, Ariz.; Lott, Miss.; Lugar, Ind.; Martinez, Fla.; McCain, Ariz.; Snowe, Maine; Specter, Pa.

Others Yes

Lieberman, Conn.

The 46-53 roll call vote by which the Senate voted to block final action on a bill that would have legalize millions of unlawful immigrants took place June 28, 2007.

Let the celebration of the sovereignty and power of the American people begin.

Also, let the vigorous enforcement of or borders and immigration laws begin as well.
(ht: Associated Press, Laura Ingraham)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Of Amnesty Burgers And Beltway Fools

Image Credit: Michelle Malkin

Of Amnesty Burgers And Beltway Fools

The people we elect to run our Government and protect us ... Do Not Care!

This from Michelle Malkin (with edits from MAXINE)-

The J. Wellington Wimpy immigration plan:
Amnesty now, enforcement later
By Michelle Malkin - May 18, 2007 - 01:10 PM

It was true in 1986. It's as true as ever in 2007. Wimpy will get his amnesty burgers and the Beltway fools who keep deluding themselves about the false promise of immigration enforcement will be left empty-handed. Again.

Amnesty is the hamburger. Enforcement is the payment that will never come. I've reported this reality over and over and over and over and over again. All the leaked memos and graphs and analysis in the world, however, cannot sum up the deportation/enforcement/border security sham--and the mess at DHS--more clearly than the reality expressed by an illegal alien quoted by the Associated Press today:

"If I get deported and need to cross the border again, that's not a problem," he said.

Republicans in Washington who are embracing the Bush-Kennedy amnesty will tell you the package is tough on enforcement because the millions of illegal aliens who are here now will be deported later if they fail to meet the requirements of their so-called "Z visas."

Here is how the clueless Republican National Committee is selling it:

No Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants: Illegal immigrants who come out of the shadows will be given probationary status. Once the border security and enforcement benchmarks are met, they must pass a background check, remain employed, maintain a clean criminal record, pay a $1,000 fine, and receive a counterfeit-proof biometric card to apply for a work visa or "Z visa." Some years later, these Z visa holders will be eligible to apply for a green card, but only after paying an additional $4,000 fine; completing accelerated English requirements; getting in line while the current backlog clears; returning to their home country to file their green card application; and demonstrating merit under the merit-based system.

Those who refuse to return home, comply with the visa provisions, or who remain here illegally and don't apply, supposedly would be deported ... Later.

Department of Homeland Security chief and Ted Kennedy cheerleader Michael Chertoff regurgitated the same talking points at a press conference earlier today. Open-borders Republicans in the Senate are committing them to memory pronto.

Image Credit: Michelle Malkin

Does this empty promise of the amnesty/deportation trade-off sound familiar?

Why, yes, yes it does.

Let me boil it down to fundamentals: Bush-Kennedy amnesty is the J. Wellington Wimpy plan:

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."
Reference Here>>

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...