Showing posts with label New Decade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Decade. Show all posts

Friday, January 01, 2010

Media Watch: Welcome to 2010 ... NOT the beginning of a new decade

JournalisN'T ... Photo taken at a Tea Party Patriots gathering - Organized by the Pasadena Patriots, Tea Party Patriots from all over Southern California on Tuesday afternoon December 29th, celebrated an incredibly successful 2009 and gathered to get ready for the exciting 2010 year ahead. We gathered at Riley's Farm in Oak Glen at 3p for fireside fellowship, hot cider, and Holiday cheer. The fireside gathering featured chili and fixins and we were all treated to a performance of "Take Our Country Back" - written and performed by Chris Cassone. Chris also took this occasion to announce a 125 city tour that will begin in March 2010 ... and end on election day, November 2010 in Las Vegas ... Senate leader Harry Reid's district. From the apple orchards to the fishin' hole, there was a lot to do at Riley's Farm in a gathering of like minded folks! Caption & Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Media Watch: Welcome to 2010 ... NOT the beginning of a new decade

Welcome to January 1, 2010 and the 10th anniversary of the bogus Y2K scare and the end of the ninth year of this millennium.

To watch the formal and recognized media outlets note this day is an act of definitive frustration ... it is like hearing someone call Valentines Day, "Valen-TIMES" day.

If one were to believe what the reporters are actually saying one would write the beginning of this posting ... Good Friday morning, 1/1/10. Happy New Year, and new decade, by popular acclaim ... just as they had ten years ago on January 1, 2000.

James (Jim) Riley, owner of Riley's Farm, a working apple orchard and living history farm featuring pick-your-own fruit, living American history education, dinner theater, group banquet facilities and extended, historically-themed overnight stays. He is pictured here next to the farm's flintlock rifle display and "Live Free Or Die" flag while reviewing video taken of the Tea Party Patriot gathering at the farm on the afternoon of Dec. 29, 2009. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

This edited and excerpted from Politico -

The N.Y. Times went with a large, classy, centered italic banner, '1/1/00,' and noted, '
Computers Prevail in First Hours of '00.' (earlier edition) The L.A. Times was slightly less poetic: 'Yeltsin Steps Down.' Others: 'Y2K A-OK,' 'Hooray 2K,' 'Green Bay cheers 2000,' 'Fears to cheers,' and the witty, 'Looks like we made it!'

[Today] In Honolulu, the WashPost's Anne E. Kornblut filed 'pool report #8' at 11:50 p.m. ET: 'It is my pleasure to push the button on this, the final White House pool report of the decade. Ten years ago tonight, we were all awaiting the Y2K meltdown, the 2000 presidential recount was still a year away – and Barack Obama was a 38-year-old state senator running a losing campaign for Congress. Ten years from now, on New Year's Eve in 2019, Obama will be an ex-president. And hopefully someone else will be sitting pool van outside the vacation home of the president. For now, however, what we know is this: Obama, after leaving the golf course at 6:33 p.m. local time, is back at his family vacation home in Kailua (they got back at about 6:40 p.m.). The president played more than five hours of golf with friends Greg Orme, Bobby Titcomb and Mike Ramos – and although he missed the final putt on the 18th hole, got a big cheer from the bystanders on the road next to the Mid-Pacific Country Club. The Obamas are now in for the night, and we have a full lid.'

On Chicago Tribune p. 1, a New Year's kiss: 'On to the next decade: Zachary Dixon, 17, and Melinda Craddock, 18, of Galesburg welcome 2010 ... during the 8:15 p.m. New Year's Eve fireworks over Navy Pier in Chicago. ... Chicago area temperatures expected to reach a low of 2 and high of 17 on Friday.'

*First rant of the year – Dr. Larry J. Sabato e-mails: 'I realize the world is nuts in major ways, and this is just a minor slice of fruitcake. But truly, is there any chance the media will stop declaring Thursday the end of the decade? The first decade of the 21st century ends a year from Thursday. Did the first decade A.D. end with the year 9? Of course not! There was no year zero, so Decade One ended on the last day of the year in 10 A.D. Ergo, we've got another whole year in which to name the decade. Maybe something will happen that will help us make sense out of the past ten years.' Good luck with that!

Reference Here>>

We just have to ignore logic and fact in this era of proclaimed "Transparency", "Hope", "Change", "Reform", and "Recovery" in the face of double-digit unemployment and looming inflation ... while we see votes being taken in Congress on 2,000 plus pages of proposed laws that takeover 1/6th of our economy, exert unconstitutional control over all and kill incentive to serve citizens in the name of healthcare reform ... as this Government chooses to impose new Multi-Trillion Dollar debts that will bankrupt economic opportunity and freedom of this and future generations - "The end of a decade".

Good-bye to 2009 and Happy New Year to 2010 ... a year that we still have the freedom to make choices and can resolve to take this country back.

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...