Showing posts with label The Factor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Factor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pssst, Bush Volunteered For Viet Nam Theater Duty, Really!

Dan Rather - The "Poster Boy" for the cover of the scheduled release of "Media Bias For Dummies"! ... it's not happening, just kidding. Image Credit:

Pssst, Bush Volunteered For Viet Nam Theater Duty, Really!

An outside panel CBS brought into to get to the bottom of the so-called “Rathergate” mess says on Page #130 on an online report resource that George W. Bush had volunteered for fighter pilot service in the Viet Nam theater.

This little known information discovery was first brought forward on "The O'Reilly Factor" Tuesday night in an interview between Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg. What is interesting about this uncovered piece of information is that it shows to what lengths the producers and tellers of this story, that aired just 55 days before an election, went to hide an important fact about George W. Bush and his military service (beyond the phony documents).

This edited and excerpted from Bernie Goldberg's Between Manhattan and Malibu -

A "Lost" Fact in the "Rathergate" Mess

By Bernard Goldberg - Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at 7:58 pm

What seems like a long, long time ago Dan Rather was a very powerful force in American journalism. He not only was the anchorman of the CBS Evening News, he was also the face of the network’s renowned news division — the “Tiffany” network of bigger-than-life legends like Ed Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid, Mike Wallace and many, many others.

That was then.

Now Dan Rather is suing the network that employed him for 44 years, asking for $70 million dollars in damages. Technically, the lawsuit is about a dry legal issue — breach of contract. But it is also about something much more personal to Rather: his legacy. It is a lawsuit, fundamentally, about saving Dan Rather’s reputation.

That reputation took a turn for the worse back in 2004. As has been widely reported, just 55 days before a very close presidential election, Dan Rather and his producer Mary Mapes put a story on the weekday edition of 60 Minutes that brought on the media equivalent of World War III. There were accusations that Rather, Mapes, and maybe the entire CBS News Division had set out to deliberately destroy George W. Bush and get John Kerry elected President of the United States – a charge everyone at CBS vehemently denies.

The story was about how the young George Bush got preferential treatment during the Vietnam War; how he wangled his way into the Texas Air National Guard back in the 1960s to avoid service in Vietnam; and how he was able to do it because his father was a big-shot, a United States Congressman from Houston. The story portrayed the Bush as a slacker. Others have said it portrayed him as a “cowardly draft dodger.”

And to bolster their story, Rather and Mapes got their hands on “never-before-seen” documents (as Rather put it in his story) that supposedly backed up their months (and in Mapes’ case, years) of reporting. But in no time flat the documents came under attack, mainly by conservatives on the web who examined the typeface of the memos and concluded they were fakes.
In 2007, Rather filed his $70 million lawsuit against his old company saying he wasn’t allowed to defend his story because the top management of CBS’ parent company, Viacom, wanted to appease the Bush Administration and protect its business interests.

Until now, the controversy over the Rather/Mapes story has centered almost entirely on one issue: the legitimacy of the documents – a very important issue, indeed. But it turns out that there was another very important issue, one that goes to the very heart of what the story was about – and one that has gone virtually unnoticed. This is it: Mary Mapes knew before she put the story on the air that George W. Bush, the alleged slacker, had in fact volunteered to go to Vietnam.

Who says? The outside panel CBS brought into to get to the bottom of the so-called “Rathergate” mess says. I recently re-examined the panel’s report after a source, Deep Throat style, told me to “Go to page 130.” When I did, here’s the startling piece of information I found:

Mapes had information prior to the airing of the September 8 [2004] Segment that President Bush, while in the TexANG [Texas Air National Guard] did volunteer for service in Vietnam but was turned down in favor of more experienced pilots. For example, a flight instructor who served in the TexANG with Lieutenant Bush advised Mapes in 1999 that Lieutenant Bush “did want to go to Vietnam but others went first.” Similarly, several others advised Mapes in 1999, and again in 2004 before September 8, that Lieutenant Bush had volunteered to go to Vietnam but did not have enough flight hours to qualify.

This information, despite the fact that it has been available since the CBS report came out four years ago, has remained a secret to almost everybody both in and out of the media — one lonely fact in a 234- page report loaded with thousands of facts, and overshadowed by the controversy surrounding the documents.

I made an online check and discovered that while a few websites noted the CBS finding, the story got no ink (that I could find) on the news pages of any big mainstream paper. I did manage to find two opinion pieces about the CBS mess – one in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the other in the Miami Herald — that briefly, and only in passing, mentioned the “Bush volunteered” angle. But that was it! A check of network newscasts turned up nothing. And when I questioned two journalists with intimate knowledge of the story, both said Mapes never shared her information with them.

For the record: George W. Bush has always maintained that he joined the National Guard not to avoid service in Vietnam but because he wanted to be a fighter pilot.
Reference Here>>

Right there on Page #130 on an online resource it clearly states that George W. Bush had volunteered for fighter pilot service in the Viet Nam theater.

We, at MAXINE felt, the 43rd President of the United States may have been one of the most confounding Presidents this nation has ever seen given border security and Government spending ... at least until the current Administration took over, but George W. Bush did not join the Air National Guard to escape having to be put in harm's way in Viet Nam ... he actually volunteered for combat duty and this information was purposely suppressed because it just did not fit the direction of the intent of the 60 minutes piece!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mark Cuban - Support The Troops - An Open Comment - UPDATED With OReilly's Response

Mark Cuban while delivering the final Keynote speech for Blogworld & New Media Expo, Las Vegas Convention Center 11-09-2007 - Image Credit: Edmund Jenks - MAXINE

Mark Cuban - Support The Troops - An Open Comment

On Friday, Mark Cuban went off on a rant at his blog (Blog Maverick) about how FOXNews is somehow devoid of principle for taking his company’s advertising dollars because its chief political and cultural commentator is not in favor of Cuban’s latest Hollywood effort to Hate America.

Redacted, a bloody and hateful mock documentary-style movie put up by Brian De Palma was released throughout Mark Cuban-owned theaters yesterday. One suspects that this movie is so out-of-bounds at a time of live war … that regular distribution through wide-release, corporation owned theaters, was out of the question.

FOXNews is a capitalistic corporate enterprise that is willing to take anyone’s money, save child molesters – even Mark Cuban’s. Mark Cuban, however, is willing to spend his own money to Hate America and openly hurt our troops who are in harm’s way with an art piece that characterizes our military fighting forces as rapists and murderers through the mock documentary depiction of the actions of less than five people.

How cynical is it that when forced with not having any distribution takers … Mark Cuban places the movie into theaters he owns … it’s nice to be the Billionaire.

Mark Cuban while being introduced at the final Keynote for Blogworld & New Media Expo, Las Vegas Convention Center 11-09-2007 - Image Credit: Edmund Jenks - MAXINE

An Open Comment From MAXINE To Blog Maverick –

Support Our Troops

Please do not paint a whole volunteer, heroic, brave, and loyally connected-to-America group of honorable people and have them be compared with the actions of a couple of deviants.

I witnessed your performance at Blogworld. Your comments were spineless and hateful. Only about a third of the crowd in attendance at your keynote - just to hear you speak - applauded your comments about your pathetic Hollywood exploits. Your disrespect of Bill OReilly's honest attempt to push back on Brian De Palma’s “Hate America First” art piece just shows how corrupt and devoid of value your character has become. You really stand for very little except for attention to yourself and money.

Mr. Maverick, I ask you … where is the good? Where is the grateful? Where is the honorable? I suggest that you have no rudder. A ship without a guiding rudder is of little value to itself and to others it may serve.

I ask you to support our defenders and pull the movie from the theaters. Be really big and do not sell the DVD version so that our enemies will not be able to copy, broadcast, and paint the 99.9% of our defending forces by the artfully portrayed actions of the less than .01%

Become a defender yourself. Become a ship with a rudder … what a loving and grateful statement the actions in the above paragraph would make. Truthfully, I don’t believe you have the backbone to show Brian De Palma who’s the boss. We ALL know De Palma will never achieve “rudder status”.

As OReilly would be fond of saying … “What say you? … you HAVE the last word.”

Image Credit: EUR FILM REVIEW: Redacted

The above open comment is posted in response to this from Mark Cuban at Blog Maverick -

Bill OReilly - Principle vs Money ?
Nov 16th 2007 5:45PM

To say Mr OReilly has had it in for me the last month or so would be an understatement. Every day he seemed to take pride in calling me every name in the book and questioning my patriotism. I've already covered my feelings on that subject in blog posts here and here. I've talked about what I, or anyone can do to serve their country here.

What I was curious about was whether this really was important to Mr OReilly, or whether he was just a ratings whore and would say whatever he needed to say to get more people to watch.

I needed to design a very simple test to determine Mr OReilly's motivation. It occured to me to see if FoxNews would take an ad for the movie Redacted.

I had someone call FoxNews and tell them specifically, unequivocally that we wanted to run an ad for the movie Redacted. The same movie Bill OReilly was so upset about.

They said no problem. Do you want to run the ads in both the live show and the repeat ?

Our first reaction was that this was just the sales department and at some point , someone at FoxNews would step in and stop the ads from running. The call to say they were stopping the ads never came.

The ad ran in both shows. Here is a link with Bill's smiling face at the end.

So Mr OReilly , the king of the OReilly Factor, the man who called this movie Anti American and said erroneously it could cause harm to American Troops, was willing to overlook those points and take our money to promote the movie.

We aren't talking about an ad in a show that Mr OReilly has an interest in. This is an ad in the TV show that bears his name. This is a show that he controls from top to bottom. He knowingly took multiple ads for a movie that he he hasnt seen, but believes to be vile. What does that say about Mr OReilly

Of course Mr OReilly can make the argument that he is not involved in the sale of ads, he leaves that to other people. OK, but lets think about the scenario at Fox News if that is the case.

If Mr OReilly doesnt know about the ads, I would think that the people at his show would know and care about his positions, wouldnt you ?" So the question is, do they know that Mr OReilly is all about the money first , last and every bit in between and thats why they took the ad ?

Or is it that they know exactly what Mr OReilly stands for and hate him for it, or could care less what he thinks and they took the ad to spite him ?

Is it that no one involved with Mr OReilly actually watches the show ? Which is why after the ad ran in the live show, no one caught it and had it replaced in the replay ?

its about responsibility Mr OReilly.

And while Im on the subject of Mr OReilly and his ethics, let me add a couple thoughts:

In response to Mr OReilly's comments that "he is going to be my worst nightmare". Well you have succeeded Mr OReilly. The people who take you literally took it upon themselves to call my businesses with bomb threats, threaten employees, myself and others with physical harm and wish every manor of death , injury and illness on us all. They also managed to fill up the telephone lines of the Fallen Patriot Fund so that we couldn't conduct business, and maybe its coincidence, but the fund's website went offline for the first time ever yesterday.

What say you Mr OReilly?
Reference Here>>

UPDATE: 10:15 PT - 11-18-2007 - Mr. OReilly's answer to the Hate America and Hate American Troops, Mark Cuban

This in from HOT AIR -

Hot Air exclusive: Guess who’s visiting the troops at Bagram Air Base? posted at 10:34 am on November 18, 2007 by Bryan

Former Marine and embedded blogger
Matt Sanchez spotted Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly arriving and getting ready to spend some time with the troops. Says Matt:

O’Reilly pulled into Afghanistan to say hello to the troops, but was spared the red carpet treatment.

Here he is at Billeting getting a standard-issue pillow and blanket. Image Credit: Hot Air

Reference Here>>

'NUFF SAID, Mr. OReilly!

... What say you Mr. Maverick?

Well the audiance voted and this is what they had to say to the unguided/rudderless and un-American Mr. Mark Cuban:

This from The New York Post, Page Six -

Richard Johnson - New York Post - Page Six - November 25, 2007

IT'S hard for Hollywood pacifists like Brian De Palma to capture the hearts and minds of America if Americans won't see their movies.

While the public is staying away in droves from “Rendition," “Lions for Lambs" and “In the Valley of Elah," audiences are really avoiding “Redacted," De Palma's picture about US soldiers who rape a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, then kill her and her family. The message movie was produced by NBA Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who insisted on deleting grisly images of Iraqi war casualties from the montage at the film's end. Cuban offered to sell the film back to De Palma at cost, but the director was too smart to go for that deal.

“Redacted" - which “could be the worst movie I've ever seen," said critic Michael Medved -took in just $25,628 in its opening weekend in 15 theaters, which means roughly 3,000 people saw it in the entire country. “This, despite an A-list director, a huge wave of publicity, high praise in the Times, The New Yorker, left-leaning sites like Salon, etc. A Joe Strummer documentary [of punk-rock band The Clash] playing in fewer theaters made more in its third week," e-mailed one cineaste. “Not even people who presumably agree with the movie's antiwar thesis made the effort to see it."

Reference Here>>

UPDATE: December 27, 2006 - Boxoffice Mojo


Domestic: $ 65,388 29.7%
+ Foreign: $154,919 70.3%
= Worldwide: $220,307


As: - 3.7%
Bs: - 1.9%
Cs: - 0.9%
Ds: - 2.8%
Fs: - 90.7%

Ultimately, the public has the final say as to weither a movie is good or has a meaningful, worthwhile message. The public has clearly stated to Cuban and DePalma that their movie product and artistic effort neither good or has a meaningful ... or worthwhile message, and they said NO, Uh-Uuh, terrible, F, don't spend your money, it's a hatchet job, $220,307 in gross receipts after one month ... distributed into theaters owned by Cuban!

Mark Cuban, please do not release this disgusting movie to DVD. The only people who will buy this excuse for an anti-war film will be the type of people who just assassinated Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto. It has great propaganda value to those who actually want to damage others as opposed to the U.S. Military who are actually trying to free others.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Somebody Tell "Morning Joe" About The Memo

HULU website "Browse Page" -Image Credit: Press Kit provided by HULU website

Somebody Tell "Morning Joe" About The Memo

Somebody tell the really bad replacement broadcast for the Don Imus Show, cable simulcast timeslot aired on MSNBC - Morning Joe, that they need to quit hammering on FOX News Channel and the FOX broadcast personalities. While you are at it, teach Keith Olberman to read as well.

What the memo said is that NBC Universal (parent company of MSNBC) and News Corporation (parent company of FOX News) are now business partners in a new service venture to debut on the internet and compete with YouTube and Google Video.

The memo is in the form of a formal press release announcing Hulu.

HULU LOGO - Image Credit: Press Kit provided by HULU website

This excerpted from the HULU Press Release –




LOS ANGELES, October 29, 2007 – Hulu today announced the beta launch of its online video service, offering viewers a vast selection of streaming, on-demand, premium programming on a free, ad-supported basis. Hulu content includes full-length current and archived television programming as well as clips and an initial selection of feature films.
"Consumers are clearly interested in easily accessing a broad spectrum of programming," said Peter Chernin, president and chief operating officer, News Corporation. "As a single source of free, on-demand programming from some of the most popular studios and online networks, Hulu helps consumers quickly and easily find and enjoy the premium content they are looking for."

“NBC Universal is excited to give consumers the flexibility to enjoy our most popular shows online when, where and how they want,” said Jeff Zucker, president and chief executive officer, NBC Universal. “Hulu’s clean and crisp destination site, broad distribution network, and embeddable video player make for a powerful combination and will provide substantial reach to consumers online.”
“Hulu is bringing together a wide array of premium content that will engage audiences and meet their rapidly growing demand for quality online video,” said Jonathan M. Nelson, chief executive officer of Providence. “We are pleased to partner with News Corporation, NBC Universal and Jason and his talented team to support Hulu’s growth.”

Dedicated to providing users with an enhanced online video experience, offers an elegant interface that makes content the central focus. At the same time, innovative features allow users to enjoy, share, and embed videos in new and exciting ways. The beta period will give users an opportunity to test the service and provide valuable feedback which will help to shape the Hulu service.

To sign up for the private beta, users can go to

Reference Here>>

We, at MAXINE, plead with the management and talent of both News Corporation and NBC Universal to bury the hatchet on negative and competitive rhetoric in the name of business partnership.

Your efforts are now linked in a family of entertainment based companies and we hope that you show this partnership spirit in your broadcast content now and in the future.

Truth is, over the course of this last month, the Morning Joe broadcast wouldn’t have much to say outside of what they read directly (into the camera) from major newspapers if it weren’t for the existence of Media Matters created gossip and News Corporation success, so this request will probably strike them as out-of-bounds. All we are really asking, we suppose, is that Morning Joe just read the papers.

And this from the HULU website -

Hulu's ambitious and never-ending mission is to help you find and enjoy the world's premium content when, where and how you want it. We hope to provide you with the web's most comprehensive selection of premium programming across all genres and formats – television shows, feature films, clips, and more. Additionally, we want to give you more choices of when and where you can enjoy your favorite programming, while creating innovative experiences that let you watch and participate in online video in new and exciting ways.

We realize not everyone will have access to the beta on day one, so we've taken some screenshots to give you a sneak peak at the experience.
Reference Here>>

With this announcement of HULU, Morning Joe and FOX are friends, sort of … THAT is “what we learned today!”

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...