Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Passes Meatless Monday Resolution

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Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Passes Meatless Monday Resolution

Many in our society have “meatless Fridays” so what the secular left in our Government are trying to do is dilute a centuries old tradition … just because it can not bring itself to attach an additional, Government promoted secular meaning to what many in the Catholic faith are already doing (at least half-way) … giving red meat the day off!

Just why do Catholics eat fish on Friday – or, better said, why do Catholics abstain from warm-blooded flesh meat on Friday? The obvious answer that every Catholic should know is that it is a penance imposed by the Church to commemorate the day of the Crucifixion of Our Lord – to enable us (as a reminder) to make a small sacrifice for the incredible sacrifice He made for our salvation.

This excerpted and edited from New York Daily News -

Los Angeles City Council calls for ‘Meatless Mondays,’ cites health and environmental concerns
By Charlie Wells / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS - Saturday, November 10, 2012, 5:56 PM

The drive-thru capital of the world has declared Mondays meatless

In a unanimous vote, the Los Angeles City Council adopted a resolution encouraging residents to go vegetarian on the first day of the work week as part of an international movement aimed at reducing the planet’s meat consumption.

"Eating less meat can prevent and even reverse some of our nation's most common illnesses," Councilwoman Jan Perry said. "We've become disconnected in some ways from the simple truth that our health is directly affected by the foods we eat."
"We can reduce saturated fats and reduce the risk of heart disease by 19 percent," Perry said.

Environmentally, reducing meat consumption can shrink a community’s carbon footprint and help slow global warming.

Still, the city’s anti-meat motion doesn’t really have teeth: It is not backed by force of law and is merely a recommendation, but councilmembers hope it will encourage residents to take a few small steps to improve their health and the environment.

This move aligns the city with a larger meatless campaign launched in 2003 by affiliates of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. It has since been backed by 30 public health schools.
[Reference Here]

Why, then, is fish allowed? The drawing of a symbolic fish in the dirt was a way that the early Christians knew each other when it was dangerous to admit in public that one was Christian. Our Lord cooked fish for His Apostles after His Resurrection, and most of these men were fishermen. After He established His Church, these fishermen became “fishers of men” for the Kingdom of God.

Did you know that the Catholic practice of abstaining from meat on Friday was the reason for the creation of McDonald’s Filet-o-Fish sandwich? Because hamburger sales dropped off noticeably on Fridays, the owner of the franchise in Cincinnati introduced the new offering, and sales picked up again.
(ht: )

Sadly, many Catholics are not aware that the Friday abstinence rule is still in effect. Maybe the Government secular left should remind them through changing the day of their lecturing action of "Meatless Monday"!!

We, at MAXINE, believe it would be a nice gesture (changing Meatless Monday to Meatless Friday) that would allow our society to be on the same page - even if we are doing much of the same thing for different reasons.

Relate Video -  Agenda 21, "I Have Lived a Good Life"

** Article first published as Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Passes Meatless Monday Resolution on Technorati **

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Slide Continues - Gay Episcopal Bishop Backs "Muslim" For President

"Person Of The Year", 2007 Affirmation Conference Keynote Speaker, Episcopal bishop, the Reverend V. Gene Robinson - Image Credit: The Advocate via 2007 Affirmation Conference

The long, slow slide to the bottom rung of respected, tradition based, organized religion ladder in America ... continues - Gay Episcopal Bishop Backs "Muslim" For President

What ever happened to the separation between Church and State?

Obama feels his experience living in Indonesia, being taught in Muslim schools for four years as a child, and his ability to speak to Muslims could make him a better president. Apparently so does Episcopal bishop, Reverend V. Gene Robinson.

This is really rich … why don’t we all just throw standards to out the window entirely and not have an election at all! Why don’t we just appoint whomever the Episcopal Church of these United States endorses ... you know, the one that has a good percentage of traditional Episcopal churches seeking to be associated with Episcopal/Anglican governing bodies as far away as ... Africa!

This from the Boston Globe -

N.H.'s Episcopal bishop backs Obama's run
By JAMES W. PINDELL, Boston Globe - August 3, 2007

New Hampshire's Episcopal bishop, the Reverend V. Gene Robinson, endorsed US Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign, saying Obama had a background in faith and activism to which he could relate.

Robinson became an internationally controversial figure in 2003 when he became the first openly gay bishop of the Episcopal Church.

His appointment created a schism that led many to leave the church. The international Anglican Communion has threatened to split from the American church.

The public endorsement of Obama could set off even more uneasiness within the church, which has not been overtly involved in electoral politics.

In a conference call with reporters yesterday, Robinson said that after the Obama campaign reached out to him he became impressed with Obama and "shared his values."

"His experience as a community organizer and as one that did it from a faith background represents the kind of change we need," Robinson said.

Robinson said he has never publicly endorsed a candidate before and will not use the pulpit to advocate for Obama. Yet, his endorsement of Obama is the latest sign in Robinson's growing political profile. Earlier in the year Robinson lobbied New Hampshire lawmakers to become the first state in the nation to approve same-sex civil unions without a court mandate. He also said he plans to enter into a civil union with his partner.

In addition, he has been a public advocate against the state's death penalty.

When it comes to gay marriage, Robinson says he disagrees with Obama's stance of only favoring allowing civil unions.

"At this moment we have no viable candidate who is where we would like them to be on these issues," he said.

Unlike many Democratic candidates in the past the Obama campaign has actively sought out religious groups. In New Hampshire, Obama volunteers organized discussions around the state about the interplay of faith and activism.

Reference Here>>

And this excerpted from NewsMax -

Obama: My Muslim Ties Are a Strength
NewsMax - Tuesday, April 24, 2007 10:00 p.m. EDT

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday tried to reassure Jewish voters concerned about his Muslim ties, arguing that his commitment to Israel's security is unwavering.
"If I go to Jakarta and address the largest Muslim country on earth, I can say, 'Apa kabar,' — you know, 'How are you doing?' — and they can recognize that I understand their common humanity," Obama said. "That is a strength, and it allows me to say things to them that other presidents might not be able to say. And that's part of what's promising, I think, about this presidency."

Obama's stepfather was Indonesian, and the future senator lived in the country from ages 6 to 10.
Read All>>

This can only be a marriage ... ahhh - errr, “Union” made in Daily Kos heaven.

See Times Change, Like A Rollin' Stone, Through Bob Dylan At The Theater

Bob Dylan as played by Timothée Chalamet. Image Credit: Searchlight via...