Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voting. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hugh Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For A 45th Presidency

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Hugh Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For A 45th Presidency 
... In 10 Easy To Digest Audio Files

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled "100 reason[s] why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama", Hugh proceeded point by point, with full explanation and in no particular order, 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country, mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

This excerpted and edited from -

100 Reason[s] To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns' performance yesterday [Sunday Sept. 23, 2012], I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today's show -- the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn't hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don't endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here are ten postings that break up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks, that can be savored and digested, upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links (10 editions) Of Hewitt’s 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012:

*** Hewitt's reasons 1-10 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 1-10 which highlight: Governor Mitt Romney‘s posture on “American Exceptional-ism” and a second American century, character,  and turn-around knowledge-ability and compares this to President Barack Obama’s generosity, political bi-partisanship, and personal attacks on Paul Ryan as well as the war on religion (Catholic church).

*** Hewitt's reasons 11-20 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 11-20 which highlight: President Barack Obama’s truthfulness and responsibility over our tax supported government spending and the programs it supports. The recognition of this 44th Presidency’s use of Czars and how disruptive this is to executive processes of governance. The tax investment in green energy and Solyndra. This Executive Branch’s use of power on labor relations and regulatory management. The Romney family that Mitt and Ann had created and raised. Mitt Romney can read and manage a balance sheet.

*** Hewitt's reasons 21-30 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 21-30 which highlight: The pick of Congressman Paul Ryan as Vice President and his knowledge on budgets versus President Obama’s pick of … Joe Biden. Foreign relations, Israel, and its comparison with the Carter years. President Obama’s relationship with Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. America’s response to the Iranian “Green Revolution“, the “leading from behind” doctrine, Syria, and finally, the growth and influence of al Qaeda. America’s influence with China and Russia and how it has changed in four years.

*** Hewitt's reasons 31-40 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 31-40 which highlight: From the muffed Russian relations “reset button” to the candid wink and nod between President Obama to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, “wait until I get elected to a second term” caution captured on an open microphone … opens this edition of 100 reasons to vote for a 95th presidency in November. The placing in disarray the nuclear deterrent used by Poland and the Czech Republic. Obama’s abandonment of the newly democratic Iraq without a status of forces agreement and his continued fumbling of Afghanistan with a “date certain” withdrawal resulting in needless insider murders of troops. MOST IMPORTANT – This 44th President’s over-reaching draw down of America’s military power and position in the world by first reducing our Naval power to critical levels. Under Reagan, our Navy totaled 600 ships – under common agreement with Congress, this level had been set to be no lower than 313 ships – under Obama, the Navy operates only 282 ships and if given another 4 years is expected to become 250 ships. This Commander-In-Chief’ s elimination of a march toward air superiority with the killing of the F22 Raptor fighter jet – the elimination of 100,000 standing troops from the Marines and Army.

*** Hewitt's reasons 41-50 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 41-50 which highlight: Mitt Romney’s very successful career at Bain Consulting and Bain Capitol where Bain Capitol had around an 80% successful turnaround rate at taking stumbling businesses and having them become profitable (almost unheard of). On a personal level, Mitt Romney gave a tremendous amount of his time and talent in volunteering for his Mormon Church as a leader and church community advocate. A review of Mitt Romney’s parents legacy and the impact this has had on the Mitt Romney family throughout these last decades. Mitt Romney has given over 30 million dollars in charitable contributions throughout his adult life. Barack Obama is legend for his side stepping issues that the corporate media characterizes as gaffes. From his “You didn’t build that” attack on self-interest free-enterprise, to his “blaming first” approach in discourse before ever assuming responsibility (if ever) … Obama trades on conceptual fraud in his approach to communicative leadership. This 44th presidency is probably most characterized, economically, as having run this government with NO BUDGET in over 1,2oo days and has put forth no effort to work on saving entitlements from their bankrupting path in nearly four years.

*** Hewitt's reasons 51-61 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 51-61 which highlight: Barack Obama’s lack of truthful response about the facts surrounding the Fort Hood massacre. The President’s arrogance and posture (example: “Paa-Key-Staan” for the traditional Pack-ah-stan). As a leader, Barack Obama responds to emergency with paralysis … after paralysis, he then acts with panic and over-reaction. We have seen ill thought out gifts, given (iPod of Obama speeches to the Queen of England). Leading from behind has seen the assertion of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law.The Obama Administration’s record of hyper-spending and its effects are noted along with the signing of the Dodd/Frank legislation that has hamstrung how Banks need to be able to operate freely in any economy. Lastly – Fast & Furious and its cover up.

*** Hewitt's reasons 62-70 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 62-70 which highlight: The Obama Administration still wishes to close “Gitmo”, have terrorists housed and have court trials here inside the United States in an effort to just criminalize terrorism (acts of war). In general, laws passed by our law making institutions, and require implementation and defense do not matter to this 44th Presidency – he continually circumvents laws he does not like to enforce with Executive Orders … or his departments just ignore them. Three to five Justices on the Supreme Court are due to retire over the next four years so one has to consider the results of a Obama win over a Romney win. ObamaCare, how it became law, and its disruptive economic cost. This President has established a TAX on inactivity and instituted “Death Panels” of 15 appointees (not elected by the people).

*** Hewitt's reasons 71-80 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 71-80 which highlight: During the formulation of ObamaCare, Barack Obama and the Democrats did not take this opportunity to rein in trial lawyers out-placed power to bring malpractice lawsuits and end the restrictions on insurance companies as it relates to interstate commerce (to open competition throughout all states).ObamaCare CUT Medicare by $760 Billion dollars in order to fund other parts of the law that has passed. ObamaCare is NOT universal healthcare by any measure. Governor Mitt Romney has a proven record of being able to actually work within a partisan political environment. Romney answers questions and tells the truth – conversely, Barack Obama lied to get into office in 2008 (transparency, cut the deficit by 50% by end of first term, and etc.), takes many minutes to address any question and never answers with a YES or a NO.Loosing the Chicago Olympics and accepting the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishment are two activities that have a real understanding into Barack Obama’s character … just not the right things to do if one wants to actually be credible.

*** Hewitt's reasons 81-90 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 81-90 which highlight: This Administration’s ability to cope with international economics and the problem of the Chinese Government’s manipulation of their currency is a prime example. President Obama continues to lie about the facts surrounding the Benghazi, Libya 9/11 terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, one of them, a respected Ambassador. This 44th President hides from open questioning by ALL of the media and other open question town-hall settings. Obama will not appear on any Sunday or radio talk show venues (unless he gets snookered as he did with Univision Network last month). Barack Obama obstructs the path to school reform through his backing the NEA and its activities. GM stock is worth less than half of what this 44th Presidency paid for it with our tax money … General Motors is still not a success with the potential of 10′s of billions dollars still owed to the taxpayer.

*** Hewitt's reasons 91-100 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>
This edition explores reasons 91-100 which highlight: The Obama Administration has increased the budgets of all of the departments of Government by 20% while our economy only grows under 2% with the policies that they have enacted. Barack Obama promised to cut government programs and in four years this Administration has not been able to find just one department out of existence. The EPA's expansion of new regulations on business, especially carbon-based energy has cost this country and increased the cost of energy by 100% since Obama took office. Unemployment has remained above 8% for ovsr 42 months straight ... thi in the face of nearly 2 Trillion dollars between the Stimulus and Omnibus spending bills that passed in 2009 with Obama's insistence that he needed to spend this money to cap unemployment at 6% or less. Mitt Romney has stated that he will slash the size of the Federal Government and address entitlement reform. The Government spends way too much due to its size against the taxes it brings in. It is a spending problem, not a taxation problem. Mitt Romney has committed to restoring our Naval strength by maintaining a fleet of 340 ships. Lastly, Mitt Romney will address the economic aggression and foul play of China.

As the "Chicago Way" Democrat Political Party is fond of saying ... "Vote Early, and Vote Often" ... but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of "Hugh Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For A 45th Presidency" may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

** Article first published as Hugh Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For a 45th Presidency on Technorati **

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Reasons 81-90 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 81-90 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt's reasons 81-90 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 81-90 which highlight: This Administration's ability to cope with international economics and the problem of the Chinese Government's manipulation of their currency is a prime example. President Obama continues to lie about the facts surrounding the Benghazi, Libya 9/11 terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, one of them, a respected Ambassador. This 44th President hides from open questioning by ALL of the media and other open question town-hall settings. Obama will not appear on any Sunday or radio talk show venues (unless he gets snookered as he did with Univision Network last month). Barack Obama obstructs the path to school reform through his backing the NEA and its activities. GM stock is worth less than half of what this 44th Presidency paid for it with our tax money ... General Motors is still not a success with the potential of 10's of billions dollars still owed to the taxpayer.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt's reasons 1-10 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 11-20 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 21-30 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 31-40 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 41-50 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 51-61 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 62-70 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt's reasons 71-80 of 100 - LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from -

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns' performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today's show -- the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn't hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don't endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the "Chicago Way" Democrat Political Party is fond of saying ... "Vote Early, and Vote Often" ... but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt's 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

Reasons 71-80 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 71-80 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt’s reasons 71-80 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 71-80 which highlight: During the formulation of ObamaCare, Barack Obama and the Democrats did not take this opportunity to rein in trial lawyers out-placed power to bring malpractice lawsuits and end the restrictions on insurance companies as it relates to interstate commerce (to open competition throughout all states).ObamaCare CUT Medicare by $760 Billion dollars in order to fund other parts of the law that has passed. ObamaCare is NOT universal healthcare by any measure. Governor Mitt Romney has a proven record of being able to actually work within a partisan political environment. Romney answers questions and tells the truth – conversely, Barack Obama lied to get into office in 2008 (transparency, cut the deficit by 50% by end of first term, and etc.), takes many minutes to address any question and never answers with a YES or a NO.Loosing the Chicago Olympics and accepting the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishment are two activities that have a real understanding into Barack Obama’s character … just not the right things to do if one wants to actually be credible.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt’s reasons 1-10 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 11-20 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 21-30 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 31-40 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 41-50 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 51-61 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 62-70 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from – 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns’ performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today’s show — the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn’t hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don’t endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the “Chicago Way” Democrat Political Party is fond of saying … “Vote Early, and Vote Often” … but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt’s 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Reasons 62-70 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 62-70 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt’s reasons 62-70 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 62-70 which highlight: The Obama Administration still wishes to close “Gitmo”, have terrorists housed and have court trials here inside the United States in an effort to just criminalize terrorism (acts of war). In general, laws passed by our law making institutions, and require implementation and defense do not matter to this 44th Presidency – he continually circumvents laws he does not like to enforce with Executive Orders … or his departments just ignore them. Three to five Justices on the Supreme Court are due to retire over the next four years so one has to consider the results of a Obama win over a Romney win. ObamaCare, how it became law, and its disruptive economic cost. This President has established a TAX on inactivity and instituted “Death Panels” of 15 appointees (not elected by the people).

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt’s reasons 1-10 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 11-20 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 21-30 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 31-40 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 41-50 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 51-61 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from – 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns’ performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today’s show — the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn’t hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don’t endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the “Chicago Way” Democrat Political Party is fond of saying … “Vote Early, and Vote Often” … but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt’s 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

Reasons 51-61 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 51-61 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt’s reasons 51-61 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 51-61 which highlight: Barack Obama’s lack of truthful response about the facts surrounding the Fort Hood massacre. The President’s arrogance and posture (example: “Paa-Key-Staan” for the traditional Pack-ah-stan). As a leader, Barack Obama responds to emergency with paralysis … after paralysis, he then acts with panic and over-reaction. We have seen ill thought out gifts, given (iPod of Obama speeches to the Queen of England). Leading from behind has seen the assertion of the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law.The Obama Administration’s record of hyper-spending and its effects are noted along with the signing of the Dodd/Frank legislation that has hamstrung how Banks need to be able to operate freely in any economy. Lastly – Fast & Furious and its cover up.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt’s reasons 1-10 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 11-20 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 21-30 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 31-40 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 41-50 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from – 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns’ performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today’s show — the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn’t hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don’t endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the “Chicago Way” Democrat Political Party is fond of saying … “Vote Early, and Vote Often” … but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt’s 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

"Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!"

I Voted - And I voted in a way that my vote was not purchased through income re-distribution by the federal government or through a four to one commercial buy on television. The Main Stream Media did not suppress my vote or depress this voter even though I live in a bankrupt Blue State that is 18 Billion dollars in debt. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2008)

"Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!"

This IS the “Obama Effect” most people are looking for.

Yep! An Obama win will signal the end to self-determination, self-reliance, and the uniqueness that has made our country the envy of the rest of the world for the better part of 100 years.

What is wrong with this homemade political fence sign (photographed while standing in line at the polling station)? ... well, the sign is placed over 100 feet from the polling station so that not it ... Oh!, that is a Mercedes-Benz logo placed inside the Obama "O" ... NO, it's NOT a peace sign! We need high retention, better educated voters out here. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2008)

Opportunity will forever spelled with a small “O” because the big “O” will have been taken up with the tax-giveaway space that a Barack Obama presidency occupies.

People, as teenagers, really never rebelled against their parent’s control over their lives in earnest … they could not have been serious, because if they were, they would NEVER vote for an agenda that the Democrats and a Brarck Obama will bring to their lives.

Operation Enduring Freedom - The proven path toward peace. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2008)

The amount of control the federal government will expect if one has a dissenting voice while receiving a handout will become unstoppable.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Uh-Huh! Hillary Wears An “Elvis” Collar To Win (UPDATED)

Hillary Clinton with an Elvis collar on her derss jacket as she celebrates her win in the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Saturday. Image Credit: Associated Press via CNN

Uh-Huh! Hillary Wears An “Elvis” Collar To Win

Elvis is back in the building. Look at these photos of Hillary Rodham Clinton wearing what we, at MAXINE, believe to be a collar design lifted directly from the costumes of Elvis Presley in his living and performing heyday.

Image from 1973 television broadcast, "Elvis:Aloha from Hawaii." - Image Credit: Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. and RCA Records.

Hillary has a lot to be happy about, even with the strong union endorsement support for Barack Obama and impromptu caucus polling stations being set up where people work as opposed to the traditional polling stations only being where people live … Clinton pulls out a convincing 6% win.

Sen. Hillary Clinton celebrates her win in the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Saturday. Image Credit: Associated Press via CNN

Poll Answers

This excerpted from CNN News –

Clinton claims Nevada caucuses with help from women, Latinos
CNN - Jan. 19, 2008 - 4:20 pm PT

In Nevada's contest, Clinton led rival Barack Obama by 6 percentage points with 97 percent of precincts reporting in Saturday's Democratic caucuses.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards was a distant third.

"I guess this is how the West was won," Clinton told supporters Saturday.

Clinton issued a special thanks to her supporters from the 60,000-strong Culinary Workers Union. Clinton had been encouraging members of the union, which endorsed Obama, to vote their conscience.

Zachary Conine, a permanent caucus chairman in Las Vegas, said Clinton's campaign organization helped hand her the win.

"Her people are efficient, fervent. They were there first, they were calling people, they had a list of voters they were using to call people, making sure people came out. They had signs, they had shirts, they had a clear chain of command," he said.
"Right now, things are very uneasy in the black community," said Donna Brazile, a CNN analyst who managed former Vice President Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. She said her own relatives in South Carolina are split between Clinton and Obama.
In Nevada, Obama also led strongly among voters under 30, while Clinton took the over-45 category.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., greets workers at the Mandalay Bay hotel and casino in Las Vegas on Saturday. Image Credit: Rick Wilking - Reuters

Like Republicans, Democratic caucus-goers called the economy their top issue in 2008 -- and they preferred Clinton, whose husband presided over a lengthy economic boom in the 1990s, by a 49-38 margin over Obama.

And in the last days, both Clinton and Edwards blasted Obama over comments he made to the editorial board of a Reno newspaper, in which he praised former president and Republican icon Ronald Reagan's "clarity" and "optimism" and said the GOP had been "the party of ideas" for the last 10 to 15 years.

"There's no nostalgia in the Democratic Party for Ronald Reagan," Brazile said. "Hillary Clinton may have benefited from not just the love that people have for Bill Clinton, but also criticizing Obama in the last 24 hours about his support for Ronald Reagan."

The war in Iraq and health care were the No. 2 and No. 3 issues for Democrats, and Clinton led strongly among voters who chose those as their top issues, the entrance polls found.

Edwards has based his campaign on a strong populist pitch targeting corporate interests, whom he said have "rigged" Washington in their favor. But he drew the support of just 10 percent of caucus-goers who called the economy their top issue, and 11 percent among those who viewed health care their biggest concern.

Nevada Democrats said they had a record turnout for Saturday's caucuses, with more than 107,000 people taking part.

The caucuses were held after a dispute between two of the state's largest labor organizations, the 60,000-member Culinary Workers Union and the 28,000 strong Nevada State Education Education, which represents teachers.

The state Democratic Party gave the nearly 200,000 workers on the Las Vegas strip a chance to take part in the caucuses by setting up nine "at-large" precincts in casinos. That was expected to give a boost to Obama once the culinary workers endorsed the Illinois senator.

The teachers union went to court last week to block the plan, arguing it gave hotel and casino employees an unfair advantage over other workers and granted outsized weight to the "at-large" precincts. A federal judge in Las Vegas rejected the suit Thursday, ruling that caucus procedures were up to the state party to decide.

Reference Here>>

New Elvis Collar Outfits!

Dark Blue Elvis Collar outfit featured in a campaign ad released by the Hillary Clinton campaign for president entitled "Night Shift" - Image Credit: hillaryclintondotcom via YouTube (2-19-2008)

Hillary Clinton at the University of Texas debate 2-21-2008 - The Elvis Collar! (black with white piping) - Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (MAXINE)

Hillary Clinton in her mid-blue Elvis Collar suit - Whitmer High School Fieldhouse, Toledo, Ohio – 2-23-2008. Image Credit: The Toledo Blade

UPDATE - Super Tuesday 2.0:

Hillary accepts applause from the crowd Tuesday night March 4, 2008 after posting campaign saving wins in Ohio and Texas. Again, Elvis is baaaaack in the building!

Hillary Clinton addresses the crowd in Columbus, Ohio in her Elvis suit that she first wore in Nevada. Stop the bus, the tour has come full circle. Image Credits: Associated Press (AP)

Yes, the plural of 'Elvis' is 'Elvi'. Thank you ... thank you very much!

... and now, a word from Elvis, himself.

Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley - Hawaii 1973.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Voting Machines Sinking On Security In California

ES&S iVotronic voting machine - Image Credit:

Voting Machines Sinking On Security In California

A team from the office of the California Secretary of State found that voting machines manufactured by Dibold and Sequoia have significant security vulnerabilities. A new round of testing that focused on the machines sold by ES&S found that these machines were just as insecure than the rest.

Image Credit: California Secretary of State

While we all would like to see honest and open elections take place here in the good ol” Golden State, we are not delusional. We know that being a conservative in California places us solidly in second place.

Why would any conservative fear insecure voting machines here in this state?

Image Credit: California Secretary of State

This excerpted from Ars Technica, LLC -

ES&S e-voting system used in California cracked wide open
By Ryan Paul Published: December 05, 2007 - 09:01AM CT

Earlier this year, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen established strict new standards for electronic voting machines, requiring independent code audits, Red Team security testing, and support for paper records. The Red Team testing process primarily involves subjecting the machines to review by security experts who attempt to hack the software and bypass the physical security mechanisms. Recent Red Team tests of ES&S voting machines have uncovered serious security flaws.

The first round of tests focused on the physical security of the Polling Ballot Counter (PBC), which the Red Team researchers were able to circumvent with little effort. "In the physical security testing, the wire- and tamper-proof paper seals were easily removed without damage to the seals using simple household chemicals and tools and could be replaced without detection," the report says. "Once the seals are bypassed, simple tools or easy modifications to simple tools could be used to access the computer and its components. The key lock for the Transfer Device was unlocked using a common office item without the special 'key' and the seal removed."

After bypassing the physical security of the voting machines, the Red Team researchers were able to gain direct access to all of the files on the systems, including password files. "Making a change to the BIOS to reconfigure the boot sequence allows the system to be booted up using external memory devices containing a bootable Linux copy," according to the researchers. "Once done, all the files can be accessed and potentially modified, including sensitive files such as the password file which can be cracked by openly available cracker programs. New users may be added with known passwords and used by the same attacker or other attackers later."
The Election Loader System is populated with data from an Election Distribution CD, which is generated by a special Election Converter Application. The researchers were able to break the encryption used on the generated CD to "breakdown the CD, revise the election definition, and replace the CD with a new encrypted CD with an alternate election definition." The researchers note that this tactic could be used to alter vote tallies.
The results of the Red Team test, which demonstrate beyond doubt that the security of ES&S voting machines is utterly inadequate for use in elections, make it seem unlikely that ES&S will be able to continue peddling their defective products in the state.
Reference Here>>

Image Credit: California Secretary of State

Liberals with socialist, bigger government leanings (read that Democrats and Decline to State) will always get elected by large margins ... and our state, which sports a 10 billion (with a “B”) budget deficit, will eventually sink from the lack of fiscal responsibility.

We, at MAXINE feel that having incorrect and corruptible automated voting results in California is a little like moving chairs on the Titanic. Who cares?

Let the voting begin. Paddles will not matter!

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