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Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

CODE RED: The final push ... and rally

Code Red Logo - CTRL-CLICK image to find latest Congressman count. Image Credit: NRCC

CODE RED: The final push ... and rally

This is it. Today is the final day before a scheduled vote on a rule that will pass the Senate version of Health Care Reform (without actually voting on the legislation itself - Deem & Pass) and send the measure that will have the Federal Government in control of one-sixth of our economy and major decisions in our lives. If the measure passes with the required 216 YES votes cast, and President Barack Obama signs the measure into law, everyone's taxes will go up immediately, benefits of this takeover will NOT BEGIN for four years, the measure is scheduled to SPEND nearly one-trillion dollars on which we can see some of our collective projected debt be reduced by about one-hundred and thirty-five billion dollars (spend $10.00 to reduce debt by $1.35, doesn't make sense), and etc., and etc., and etc. ...

As of the posting of this dispatch, the Democrats are 9 committed votes SHORT out of an available uncommitted pool of 15 Congressmen. CTRL-CLICK image ABOVE to find latest Congressman count.

Also planned at the last minute, a public rally of people against the Senate legislation on Health Care Reform in Washington DC to have those Congressmen that are left see that most citizens in these United States would like to retain the right to make adult, not bureaucratic, decisions for the health of their own lives. The rally is set to start at 12:00pm EST and the gathering point is set for the West Lawn of the US Capitol.

Code Red Rally - West Lawn of the US Capitol - 3-20-2010 - 12:00pm. Image Credit: Washington DC Tea Party

This excerpted and edited from Virginia Right -

Code Red Rally Part Two – Saturday March 20, 2010
By Tom White, on March 19th, 2010, at 4:59 am

With the critical nature of a looming Congressional decision, a broad coalition of Tea Party organizations and leadership is launching the final push before a possible vote by the House. These events are being coordinated across the US and are aimed at communicating the frustration of the people while demanding the termination of this health bill legislation. While the DNC and the administration continue to obfuscate and confuse, this coalition is focused on getting activists involved prior to Pelosi’s maneuvering.

The following actions are planned:
·Code Red rally in Washington, DC at 12 noon on Saturday at Upper Senate Park

Nationwide “Virtual Vigil” on BlogTalk radio sponsored by

·Candlelight vigil around the Capitol on Saturday night

Featured speakers at the Washington, D.C. Rally on Saturday will include:

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)
Congressman Tom Price (GA)
Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)
Actor & Conservative Jon Voight
Dr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama’s second cousin who opposes Obamacare
·Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
Jim Martin, 60 Plus
Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity
Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Kathryn Serkes, Doctor Patient Medical Association
Mark Skoda, Memphis Tea Party
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express
Jennifer Hulsey, American Grassroots Coalition
FreedomWorks Representative
Ben Cunningham, Founder of the Tennessee Tax Revolt
Darla Dawald, Grassfire / Resistnet
The coalition of Tea Party organizations and leadership is committed to changing the dynamics of this legislative process. The Democratic led Congress is using procedural and legislative rules to ignore the overwhelming opposition to this bill. The will of the American people is being subverted by these actions and the grass roots activists who make up this coalition are focusing their energy to kill the bill.

The coalition includes:
60 Plus
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Concerned Women for America
Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
Constitutional Tea Party
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Family Research Council
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
Memphis Tea Party
Mom for America
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Taxpayer’s Union
Nationwide Tea Party Coalition
New Jersey Tea Party Coalition
Northern Virginia 912
Richmond Patriots
Take the Town Halls to Washington
Tea Party Express
Tea Party Patriots Live Radio Show
Washington DC Tea Party
We the People of Pennsylvania

For further information or to register and participate or assist others to come to Washington, DC, please check the above websites where details will be posted and updated regularly throughout the next 48 hours and

Reference Here>>

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