Showing posts with label latest news for Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label latest news for Barack Obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump Gets Results ... Obama Finally Comes Clean

The 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate. Image Credit: The White House via NBC News (2011)

Trump Gets Results ... Obama Finally Comes Clean

President Barack Hussein Obama finally releases his long form birth certificate after over two years of speculation and clamor from Hillary Clinton, some private Democrat and Republican political party voters, and now the relentless and persistent Donald Trump.

The really sad thing about this tale is what it says about a man who has been given the great responsibility to lead a nation. This man played and toyed with this issue for over two years making a spectacle out of something that in the end, is only definitive to the rule-of-law, procedure, and little more.

Donald Trump did what the American press could not ... and would not do, which is to get results as to this point of legal definition. A person is not legitimate to be elected to the position of President of the United States without being a born citizen (versus naturalized) of the United States.

The 44th president of the United states finally places this proof of his citizenship to rest, but why did he wait until now to finally do what any standup person and legitimate contender for the office of the United states would have done when this issue was first raised by Hillary Clinton?

Barack Hussein Obama must be a sado-masochist and/or desperate to have this be an issue so that he would never have to answer the tough questions about his incompetent leadership on energy, the economy, and world affairs.

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This excerpted and edited from NBC News -

Trump 'proud' of himself, takes credit for birth-certificate release
From NBC's Shawna Thomas

Donald Trump is "proud" of himself for, as he puts it, "getting the president to release his birth certificate." In the minutes before Trump landed in Portsmouth, NH, to begin a day of stumping, the White House released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, and Trump told the press he heard about it while flying to the airfield.

"Today I'm very proud of myself, because I've accomplished something that no one else has been able to accomplish," Trump said, adding, "Our president has finally released a birth certificate."

However, he said he would have to check out the certificate himself and wondered why the president didn't do this "a long time ago."
Trump and the press moved away from the "birther" issue, allowing him the chance to disagree with the President on how he's handling rising gas prices in the country saying Obama "should be focused on OPEC and getting those prices down." As well as Libya where Trump said he would've handled that situation differently, "The rebels, I hear, are controlled by Iran and Al Qaeda...You could end up with worse than Khaddafy perhaps."
[Reference Here]

Maybe now the president can get back to what seems to be of most importance to him lately like the White House Correspondent's Dinner, being with Oprah, Basketball, WH Wednesday night live musical performance parties, and ... golf.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Obama Administration - Green Agenda Push Raises Aviation Safety And Security Vulnerability

Wind turbine farms give fits to air traffic control radar. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Obama Administration - Green Agenda Push Raises Aviation Safety And Security Vulnerability

Funny thing about priorities ... they always have a way of pointing out why the simple approach became the simple approach in the first place.

The Obama Administration, picking up and carrying majority of the water for the (largely socialist) Green Movement through its energy policy, highlights just WHY petroleum based products have become so widely used and continue to be the popular choice for power in the face of other proven alternatives.

The new Chevrolet (not Chevy, ever) Volt ... at only 40 miles per several hour recharge (receptacle shown above) and a list price of around $40,000 dollars ... is poised to place additional strains on an already taxed power grid with little positive benefit. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Take the creation of electricity for the general grid used for powering our homes, streetlights, and if you listen to what one United States Government owned automobile company has to say - automobiles like the Volt, for example. Many years have been invested into wind turbine technology to the point that it has become an economically viable contributor to the electric power that fuels the grid but as more turbine farms pop-up, incited by incentives provided by the Federal Government, an unintended problem is making itself clear.

Wind turbine farms, when located near military facilities, impair security and safety. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Wind turbine farms make the radar systems that keep our aviation traffic informed and secure in the skies above completely compromised. That's right, radar systems become confused when wind turbine blades begin to turn enmasse because the radar signal that returns reads or present themselves in many disturbing ways - heavy storm activity and blackout zones where air traffic and its control disappear completely from the radar screen.

This excerpted and edited from The New York Times -

Wind Turbine Projects Run Into Resistance
By LEORA BROYDO VESTEL - NYT - Published: August 26, 2010

The United States military has found a new menace hiding here in the vast emptiness of the Mojave Desert in California: wind turbines.

The wind turbines pose an unacceptable risk to training, testing and national security in certain regions, Dr. Dorothy Robyn, deputy under secretary of defense, recently told a House Armed Services subcommittee.

Because of its concerns, the Defense Department has emerged as a formidable opponent of wind projects in direct conflict with another branch of the federal government, the Energy Department, which is spending billions of dollars on wind projects as part of President Obama’s broader effort to promote renewable energy.

“I call it the train wreck of the 2000s,” said Gary Seifert, who has been studying the radar-wind energy clash at the Idaho National Laboratory, an Energy Department research facility. “The train wreck is the competing resources for two national needs: energy security and national security.”
Collisions between the industry and the military have occurred in the Columbia River Gorge on the Oregon-Washington border and in the Great Lakes region. But the conflicts now appear to be most frequent in the Mojave, where the Air Force, Navy and Army control 20,000 square miles of airspace and associated land in California and Nevada that they use for bomb tests; low-altitude, high-speed air maneuvers; and radar testing and development.
The military says that the thousands of existing turbines in the gusty Tehachapi Mountains, to the west of the R-2508 military complex in the Mojave Desert, have already limited its abilities to test airborne radar used for target detection in F/A-18s and other aircraft.

“We cannot test in certain directions because of the presence of wind turbines in the Tehachapi area,” said Tony Parisi, the complex’s sustainability officer. “Our concern is construction in other areas will further limit where we can do this kind of testing.”
As a result of the military’s opposition, Horizon Wind Energy recently withdrew three project applications in the area. AES Wind Generation said it found out in May, after nine years of planning, that the military had objections to its proposal to build a 82.5-megawatt, 33-turbine wind farm.
The impact of wind turbines on radar had been a back-burner concern for years, but it heated up in March, when the Defense Department put a last-minute halt to the $2 billion, 338-turbine Shepherds Flat wind project in Oregon out of concern the turbines would impair the effectiveness of long-range surveillance radar.
Eliminating turbine clutter on radar is complicated. Part of the challenge is that many radar systems in use in the United States date back to the 1950s and have outdated processing capabilities — in some cases, less than those of a modern laptop computer. While there are technology fixes to ease interference on these aging systems, it can be tricky to filter out just the turbines.

On radar, “a wind turbine can look like a 747 on final approach,” said Peter Drake, technical director at Raytheon, a major provider of radar systems. “We don’t want to have the software eliminate a real 747.”
Mr. Debenham just wants his three individual turbines to win approval. The concerns of the local military have been directed to Washington for review. In the meantime, millions of dollars in financing and renewable energy incentives are, well, twisting in the wind.

“I’m in limbo. My customers are in limbo,” he said. “Can you tell anyone in Obama’s office?”
Reference Here>>

The fact is, and there's plenty of evidence over these last 19 months in office to suggest, no one can tell anyone in Obama's office - or even Back Obama himself - ANYTHING! This crowd is hell bent on placing this country into a full-steam ahead position on every idealistic political agenda they hold no matter how simple the solution or how damaging the alternatives may be.

The Obama Administration is the "Ruling Class" and that is just tough for those who, or what, may be injured from their view and lack of representation of the citizens who supposedly own (Country Class) this country ... remember "by the people, and for the people?"

Monday, March 08, 2010

The Obama twist in his renewed push to pass Obamacare

Fable - Scorpion, River and Frog - Parody here shown with the USA as a frog, the Scorpion as Iran and the issue needing assistance as Iraq. Image Credit:

The Obama twist in his renewed push to pass Obamacare

You know the fable of the scorpion or snake wanting to cross to the other side of a river ... and after convincing a good-hearted yet suspicious frog to give it a ride on his back, the scorpion/snake gets half-way across the river, stings or bites the frog (as the case may be) ending its life and putting itself in peril as well.

Before succumbing to the sting or bite, the frog asks the scorpion/snake, "You have killed me and p0ssibly yourself as well. Why have you done this?

Response - "Because ... this is my nature."

President Barack Obama is a scorpion or snake asking the froggish House of Representatives (who represent the American people) to pass the Senate version of its 60 vote passed healthcare bill without modification.

The way this President and the Democrat political party plans on getting this final and verifying vote is to convince the members of the House of Representatives that if they pass this unchanged and unmodified bill, it will go back to the Senate for a "Reconciliation" vote that will fix the bill so that most damaging parts of this legislation will be amended ... then voted on and passed by the Senate with a simple majority vote.

The problem with this strategy is that if the current Senate version of this legislation gets passed on promises that it will get fixed in the Senate ... instead can go directly to the office of the President and be signed into law by Barack Obama.

The only way a true "Reconciliation" process can happen is if the Senate sends a BI-PARTISAN group of Senators (Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell needs to approve and appoint Republican political party Senate members to participate) to meet with members of the House of Representatives in order to fashion an agreeable, modified version of their bill for the House to vote on so this bill can be passed through the House, sent to the Senate, who then can pass this version with a simple majority ... then signed into law by the President.

What needs to be fixed before members of the House of Representatives would be able to come to an agreement on the Senate version of its healthcare bill follows here:

This excerpted and edited from the Daily Caller -

Obama doubling down on health care reform; time to call his bluff

By Rep. Joe Barton 03/08/10 at 12:01 AM

Democrats are currently cutting deals behind closed doors in the Capitol. Their plan is to abuse the legislative process by skipping regular order to pass this monstrosity by turning to a parliamentary trick called reconciliation. It has been used by both parties in the past, but never on anything as important or far reaching as health care.

To justify the move, the president and his Democratic cronies have flooded the media with half-truths and exaggerations, each designed at convincing people this isn’t a government take over of the health care system. But let’s look at the facts:

It will mandate private citizens purchase health care, whether they need it or want it.

It will cause millions of employers to cancel the health insurance they currently offer employees and force tens of millions of Americans into a government-run exchange.

It will create a health care czar to impose price controls on private health insurance that will lead to shortages and force even more people into government-run care.

I don’t doubt the president’s sincerity about the need to change health care in America, but despite his claims of compromise he has just paid lip service to Republican ideas.

There is a more effective and more affordable way to reform health care.

Instead of government intervention, we need to look to the marketplace—free choice, not mandates.
Reference Here>>

Watch for the sting or bite from this President aided by the Democrat political party leadership by having the House of Representatives pass the 60 vote Senate version of Obamacare INTACT ... on the promise of having it fixed in the Senate ... but it will go directly to the President's desk for Barack Obama to sign.

Write, call and fax your Congressman and have him or her to refuse to take a vote on any heathcare legislation and Kill The Bill!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Media Watch: Barack Obama and the amazing "Ellie Light"

Ellie Light, a single identifiable letter writing respondent to opinion pages in newspapers and supporter of the current administration of this 44th Presidency, seems to be too prolific to be a real single person - it defies the odds. Image Credit:

Media Watch: Barack Obama and the amazing "Ellie Light"


What does the term "fainting spells" paired with Barack Obama trigger in your mind when they are mentioned together?

Well, we are beginning to witness another chapter of "put-up" jobs out of Barack Obama and the people who surround him.

Just as we have seen no more fainting spells since they were pointed out as defying the odds of a realistic occurrence ... even down to Barack Obama's scripted reaction to the discovery that someone in the audience gathered to hear him campaign - "Is there a doctor in the audience?"

Ellie Light, a single identifiable letter writing respondent to opinion pages in newspapers and supporter of the current administration of this 44th Presidency, seems to be too prolific to be a real single person - it defies the odds.

The core of Ellie Light's letter, defending President Obama, reads, in part:

"During his campaign, Obama clearly said that an economy that took eight years to break couldn't be fixed in a year, that Afghanistan was a graveyard of empires and would not be an easy venture for us. Candidate Obama didn't feed us happy talk, which is why we elected him. He never said America could solve our health care, economic and security problems without raising the deficit. Instead, he talked of hard choices, of government taking painful and contentious first steps towards fixing problems that can't be left for another day."

This Ellie Light seems to have multiple addresses across the country - in each case Ellie Light claimed to be a local resident. According to Michelle Malkin's Hot Air, virtually the same letter from the same person has appeared in at least sixty-two (62) newspapers, some as large and well known as USA Today and the Washington Times while others were small and local with names like the Los Banos Enterprise and the Danbury News-Times.

The facts and commonality were discovered when the Cleveland Plain Dealer, also a recipient of the letter, had a reporter investigate Ellie Light's "bona fides" and found little to make them feel comfortable. The Plain Dealer reporter has also published an email exchange with Ellie Light that has to be read to be believed.

The best suspicion so far has led to a twitter account run by a public relations outfit and additionally, the letters may have originated out of Long Beach.

Here is speculation excerpted and edited from Left Coast Rebel -

The Light Shown on the Ellie Light Mystery: Ellie Light Origin, is Ellie Light a Journalist named Samantha Power?
by the Left Coast Rebel - 1.23.2010

Like a detective on a trail, I'm all over this Ellie Light thing (still), the next tidbit I will point you to is the actual meaning of the name and the potential allusion to the Obama campaign symbol and a few other theories like the Cass Sunstein/Samantha Power possibility. As everyone knows by now, the 'transparency' of the Obama administration is an illusion, I think that this story is another (potential) determining factor of just that as well. I also read a report that Ellie Light has been featured in over 60 newspapers as of now. Readers have opined that 'Ellie Light' probably votes in each city/district that the papers are located in as well.

As anyone that can do a quick Google will find, the name 'Ellie' comes from Greek name Helen lending it the meaning of "light". So obviously we can then see that the name is most likely a pseudonym for something of meaning, something particular - light. Bungalow Bill has this insight:

El, a term used often in Chicago since they call their system of trains running to Chicago's loop and throughout the city on multiple lines also means horizon--like horizon in Obama's campaign symbol. We have two connections here to common themes with Obama.

Bungalow Bill also mentions that one must not forget Obama's campaign symbol featuring an 'O' with a setting sun, etc, obviously the term 'light' and 'Ellie Light' come to my mind when thinking of the symbol:

Moving along, reader Cambridge Lady checks in with an angle that I hadn't even considered - that Ellie is also short for Eleanor Roosevelt, she writes that it is maybe a reference to FDR's New Deal.....bringing light to America?

Proving how fascinating and hot this story is as well, I just got another note from a reader known as Piperbaye, he actually thinks that Ellie Light is a journalist, a certain Samantha Power. He notes as well that there is a Cass Sunstein connection to this Samantha Power and that Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals may be in play (the name Lucifer which Rules for Radicals was dedicated to means 'bearer of light'. Here's what he wrote to LCR:

I believe Ellie Light is a journalist by the name of Samantha Power. The meaning of the name ellie is light. An Ellie is also a national magazine award which Ms. Power won in 2005 for a piece in New Yorker magazine, entitled Dying in Darfur.

She worked for Senator Barack Obama and then on his presidential campaign before she was forced to resign for referring to Hillary Clinton as a monster.

While there, she met then later married Cass Sunstein who works in the Obama administration as Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs .

While at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-"independent" advocates to "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites.

In addition to this , the latin word, Lucifer, means bearer of light. Saul Alinsky, in Rules for Radicals, dedication is to Lucifer.
Reference Here>>

Needless to say, this intrigue has got some people buzzing - watch the letters under the name Ellie Light ... stop! - to paraphrase Barack Obama while directing the fainting scenes staged at one of his fainting spells events ... Is there a postman in the house?


Does anyone believe that this same letter (roughly), "penned" by the same author could accidentally make it into SIXTY-TWO (62) different papers without a coordinating effect somewhere?

From Emotional Incontinence Of Marc Andreessen To American Reinvention Of Jordan Peterson

Convergence of ideas expressed on Joe Rogan and Greg Gutfeld shows allows for a very positive view on what's ahead in our new world post...