Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2020

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democrats are working toward an intended consequence that amounts to a hijacking of our criminal justice systems that had worked very well at assuring safety for citizens and working families everywhere.

In city after city, the Democrats have passed laws and implemented policies that do not recognize theft, that eliminate cash bail and promises to appear, restrict the powers of policing, and empty our jails. District Attorneys do not prosecute cases at the level they once did to keep criminals in check in an effort to create more put-upon victims so that Democrats have a base of potential voters to groom for their own path to power.

The chaos we have been seeing grow in our communities isn't a side effect, it is the goal. Unchecked illegal immigration, Sanctuary City policies, non-enforcement of vagrancy laws through transference from policing to city staffed social worker agencies (who stay in their air-conditioned offices), COVID-19 mass releasing of guilty known criminals from prisons and jails before their sentences are fully served (when Shelter-At-Home and Masks are required through governmental edict for everyday law abiding citizens), road and street "diets" imposed without a vote from citizens by city bureaucrats which impede and slow the pursuits of happiness and commerce on once major boulevard arteries, all intended to create a less than best practices impaired society Democrat political leaders can run on.

To be clear, Patrick Lynch, President of NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association, stated it best in his presentation during the final day of the Republican National Convention - “Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions. I have been a New York City police officer for 36 years…I’ve never seen our streets go this bad so quickly.”

“Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump matches his words with his actions,” Mr. Lynch said. “He gives law enforcement the support and the tools we need to go out there and put a stop to it - period, end of story.”

We, at MAXINE, wish to get our America and American Culture back where people are safe, have a criminal justice system that works as intended (keeping convicted criminals housed and in check), and operates peacefully under the full rights as guaranteed by God, not decreed by Government, as laid out in our country's founding documents - where people/individuals have more power than Government ... in the end.

As in the final comments made by Patrick Lynch - Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris', and the Democrat Political Party's America Equals "No Safety, No Justice, No Peace!"



TAGS: Patrick Lynch, #MAGA, #DJT45, Republican, Democratic, No Safety, No Justice, No Peace, Joe Biden, 2020, MAXINE

Friday, September 28, 2012

Reasons 21-30 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

It is time for a 45th Presidency - To this end, Hugh Hewitt has come up with 100 reasons to vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama and these series of posts will highlight ten (or so) points to consider for your vote to have a 45th President elected come November 6, 2012. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks

Reasons 21-30 Of Hewitt's 100 Reasons To Vote For Romney And Against Obama 2012

On Monday, September 24, 2012, Constitutional and environmental issues Lawyer/Professor, nationally syndicated afternoon issues talk show host, Hugh Hewitt delivered a tour de force presentation for three hours on the reasons why we need a change in executive leadership in the United States. This change can happen with our vote for president in the 2012 elections which early voting has already started in many states, but will officially take place November 6, 2012.

*** Hewitt’s reasons 21-30 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This edition explores reasons 21-30 which highlight: The pick of Congressman Paul Ryan as Vice President and his knowledge on budgets versus President Obama’s pick of … Joe Biden. Foreign relations, Israel, and its comparison with the Carter years. President Obama’s relationship with Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. America’s response to the Iranian “Green Revolution“, the “leading from behind” doctrine, Syria, and finally, the growth and influence of al Qaeda. America’s influence with China and Russia and how it has changed in four years.

In a presentation which Hugh Hewitt titled 100 reasons why you should vote for Mitt Romney and against Barack Obama, Hugh proceeded point by point with full explanation and in no particular order 100 specific reasons Mitt Romney would make a better president to lead our country mixed in with the specific reasons why Barack Obama has not been a successful leader in the more than 1,000 days he has been president.

Since a three hour presentation of dense information may be a little hard to chew on in one session, here is one of ten postings that breaks up the 100 reasons in approximately 10 reason apiece chunks that can be savored and digested upon which one can become fully informed before making a freedom and country saving vote in this most important election.

Previously Published Audio Links:

*** Hewitt’s reasons 1-10 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

*** Hewitt’s reasons 11-20 of 100 – LISTEN HERE>>

This excerpted and edited from – 

100 Reason To Vote For Mitt Romney Or Against Barack Obama
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 8:12 PM

After yet another dispiriting Browns’ performance yesterday, I decided to redeem the day by listing 100 reasons to either vote for Mitt Romney or against Barack Obama. I turned that list into a three hour monologue on today’s show — the first such in 12 years of radio.

It wasn’t hard to do. Not hard at all. Which is why I think Romney will win going away. The president is a failure, on every level and by every measurement. Americans don’t endorse failure.
[Reference Here]

As the “Chicago Way” Democrat Political Party is fond of saying … “Vote Early, and Vote Often” … but most importantly, vote informed and reviewing all of Hewitt’s 100 reasons to vote for Romney and against Obama 2012 may at least allow one to open up a discussion with themselves, and others, as to what issues might be the most important in this upcoming 2012 election.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Obama-Infomercial - The Shortcut To Everything

A Barack Obama quote from a 2001 NPR radio interview given to WBEZ Chicago 91.5 FM – “One of the I think tragedies of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement became so court focused, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributed change and in some ways we still suffer from that.” Image Credit: Rachel Nixon - NowPublic

The Obama-Infomercial - The Shortcut To Everything

What do ShamWOW, DermaWand, AB Rocket, Oreck, HeadOn, Awesome Auger, and the Barack Obama*Joe Biden campaign for president of the United States have in common? All have infomercials running on the television last night.

Shamwow! cloths wash, dry and polish any surface. They are like a towel, chamois and sponge all in one--except they're extremely absorbent and can be used over and over. Shamwow! towels are machine washable and bleachable, will not scratch surfaces, and will last for more than 10 years! Image Credit: ShamWOW

The problem these type of selling productions have comes down to getting the balance of repetitiveness, emotion, production value, and the sense of real information imparted to the witness of this type of show. Other than truthfulness, the Barack Obama*Joe Biden edition of infomercial wins on all counts.

Derma Wand uses incredible new technology that sends a gentle stream of impulses to your skin to temporarily renew dull, tired, aged looking skin, firming and toning, giving you a youthful lifted appearance! Image Credit: South Jersey Expo

I was left waiting for the line … “And if you call in right now, you will receive TWO Barack Obamas and TWO Joe Bidens when you sign on to this ONE political party solution (without the messy Checks and Balances) to your problems – This is your shortcut to everything!”

When Barack Obama states that he will go through government programs on a line-by-line basis and eliminate programs that are not working, does anyone believe that he has the judgment and background experience to actually pull this off (after all, this was promised by Al Gore both when he was running for his succesful bid as Vice-President and his unsuccesful bid as President)? Will ACORN and its practices ever be brought into question? Is this a time to increase taxes on anyone for any reason when business receipts are down due to the Mortgage Crisis created through the Social Engineering agendas put forth through Democrat Party federal government programs initiated during the Bill Clinton presidency? ... that he will actually give us a military that will protect us in a “21st Century” world when he plans to restructure our armed forces?

The Awesome Auger takes the hard work out of yard work! Its patented spiral design with laser sharp edge, gives you the muscle to blast through hard rock and clay, or cut through the thickest roots, and easily power out rocks and stubborn stumps! It also works great for digging post holes, removing weeds and dandelions or planting trees, shrubs, and bushes. Image Credit Awesome Auger

Does anyone think our safety would be in peril when he says, “Americans are tightening their belts, and Washington should be leading the way. Cutbacks are needed, Iraq funding should be first to go - this money could to go schools, hospitals, scholarships - back into America.”?

Can anyone believe Barack Obama is telling a truth when he stated, “No Liberal America, No Conservative America, just the United States of America.”, especially if he is successful in becoming the head of the Executive Branch in this country thus forming a one party Super Majority over the processes of a government that currently enjoys a single digit approval rating from the American public?

When Barack Obama had a chance to speak directly to the American people through this medium of infomercial, he chose to speak only to the people who would support him the most … when he could have captured a nation with a realistic message in a John F. Kennedy moment; he played it safe and promised all things to everyone.

The Ab Rocket is a revolutionary way to work your lower, upper, middle abs and even your sides, giving you the body that you’ve always wanted. In just 5 minutes a day, the Ab Rocket will rocket your abs from flab to fab! Image Credit:

Politics via Oprah, Spelberg, Geffen, or just a slick BIG MONEY infomercial, is not what these challenging times require. Growing government so that one can grow the economy has been done and it has failed (the last time was during the Carter presidency).

If throwing tax money at poverty was a succesful strategy then why havn't the billions and billions of dollars that we have already spent over the last forty years of Democrat Party led programs made the war on povety less daunting? - this is because big government manged solutions do not work.

For those who have a differing opinion and vision to Barack Obama's big government view of America, if he wins … at least we will have a free and unregulated press to watch after our collective interests to fall back on - OUCH.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bradley Effect To Obama Effect - Change We Need

Attendees at an Obama campaign rally, listening to a speech delivered by Barack Obama, in Nevada. Image Credit: AFP

Bradley Effect To Obama Effect - Change We Need

After twenty-six years, we, at MAXINE, believe it is time for a change. The change we need would come in the form of a name change for the voter phenomenon that has come to be known as the “Bradley Effect.”

Former Los Angeles mayor Bradley dead at 80 of heart attack (11 a.m. EDT, September 29, 1998) - "This is a very sad day for Los Angeles, but also a day to remember all the great things Tom Bradley did for our city," said the city's current mayor, Richard Riordan. Riordan, who succeeded Bradley in 1993, also ordered all of the city's flags flown at half-staff in Bradley's honor. /// The five-term mayor suffered a paralyzing stroke that left him unable to speak in April 1996, a day after undergoing triple bypass heart surgery. Bradley had also suffered a heart attack in March 1996. Image Credit: the SoHo Journal

This definition excerpted and edited from Wikipedia –

Bradley Effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect, is a proposed explanation for observed discrepancies between voter
opinion polls and election outcomes in some US government elections where a white candidate and a non-white candidate run against each other.

The effect refers to a supposed tendency on the part of some voters to tell pollsters that they are undecided or likely to vote for a black candidate, and yet, on election day, vote for his or her white opponent. It was named for
Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 California governor's race despite being ahead in voter polls going into the elections.

The Bradley effect theorizes that the inaccurate polls were skewed by the phenomenon of
social desirability bias. Specifically, some white voters give inaccurate polling responses for fear that, by stating their true preference, they will open themselves to criticism of racial motivation. The reluctance to give accurate polling answers has sometimes extended to post-election exit polls as well. The race of the pollster conducting the interview may factor in to voters' answers.
Reference Here>>

We're looking to have the “Bradley Effect” be replaced with a more powerful and pronounced “Obama Effect”!

We would need to add a couple of more reasons added to the color issue, however (in order to have a name change to the “Obama Effect” take place), like the color of his politics, the tainted nature and color of his money, the color of his truthfulness when he pledged to go with Public Campaign Financing (as opposed to what he actually decided to do, go ahead and accept private donations thus breaking his pledge), the color and nature of the voter registration tactics of ACORN, the color of passion in values and right to life voters (feel free to add what you observe).

With Obama and his class “warfare/welfare” tax plan, we may be looking at a RAINBOW of colors in the new “Bradley Effect” … but if Obama looses, will the MSM report the reasons for the loss in this way? … we think not.

This is the (as stated on all of the Obama campaign rally signs) ... Change We Need.

Monday, October 20, 2008

“General WMD” Powell Endorses “Senator Speech” Obama

Colin Powell hailed the Sen. Obama as a "transformational figure" and expressed disappointment in the negative tone of Sen. John McCain's campaign, as well as his choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as running mate. Image Credit: Meet The Press – NBC

“General WMD” Powell Endorses “Senator Speech” Obama

Nobody can make this stuff up!

At this very moment with a little more than two weeks before the election, Senator Barack Obama had spent a total of 143 days on the floor of the United States Senate before declaring his intention to become the candidate nominee of the Democrat Party for the office of President of the United States. During the primary process before he was able to secure his political party’s nomination, he had to compete against Senator Hillary Clinton who characterized her opponent as a person who’s only accomplishment was a speech given stating a position as being against the war in Iraq.

Colin Powell is a Free Enterprise citizen making money from speeches he gives on behalf of his long list of accomplishments which include directing and winning the first Gulf War (an action opposed by then Senator and current Vice-Presidential candidate, Joe Biden) under George Bush, President #41, and being the Secretary of State and selling the invasion of Iraq by the United States to the United Nations for George Bush, President #43.

Step back in time with me for a moment and have your brain fire off in a synapse cluster.

After September 11, 2001, our Government was looking to respond and hunt down the forces that were aligned to attack the United States and thereby the free world.

In the run up to our impending invasion of Iraq, Barack Obama and Colin Powell were leading distinctly different lives.

This excerpted and edited from The White House website -

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council

This transcript includes the slides that were displayed during the remarks. They are placed in the text approximately where they were displayed in the address. To view the slides, click on the graphic (a pop-up window will appear).
February 5, 2003

For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way. For Saddam Hussein, possession of the world's most deadly weapons is the ultimate trump card, the one he most hold to fulfill his ambition.

We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he's determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression, given what we know of his grandiose plans, given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond?

The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11th world.
Reference Here>>

Colin Powell said this with having all of his “skin-in-the-game” as Secretary Of State of the United States and delivered his presentation in front of the world representatives gathered at the United Nations.

At this very time of Colin Powell’s presentation to the United Nations, Barack Obama was gearing up his (eventually unopposed) run for the office of United States Senator from the state of Illinois.

This edited and excerpted from The Black Commentator -

The Black Commentator
Issue Number 45 - June 5, 2003

Barack Obama,
[an ACORN community organizer,] a constitutional law professor and state senator from the south side of Chicago, is a leading candidate for the US Senate in the March 2004 Illinois Democratic primary. It's an open seat with no incumbent. In a crowded field that includes three well-known and better-funded opponents, Obama is definitely a contender. But who is Barack Obama?
At an antiwar meeting last October, 2002, Obama was certainly pitching to that Democratic base in the progressive and African American community:

"I don't oppose all wars ... What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other arm-chair, weekend warriors in this Administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.
"That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics .... "

Reference Here>>

Barack Obama said this without having any “skin-in-the-game” to a small crowd of like minded people gathered at an antiwar meeting in Chicago, Illinois.

This weekend with a little more than two weeks left before the election, Free Market citizen and professed Republican (speaking fees estimated at $100,000 per appearance), Colin Powell announced his endorsement for Barack Obama.

This edited and excerpted from Meet The Press, October 19, 2008 –

'Meet the Press' transcript for Oct. 19, 2008
Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell (Ret.), Chuck Todd, David Brooks, Jon Meacham, Andrea Mitchell, Joe Scarborough

[Colin Powell]

I know both of these individuals very well now. I've known John for 25 years as your setup said. And I've gotten to know Mr. Obama quite well over the past two years. Both of them are distinguished Americans who are patriotic, who are dedicated to the welfare of our country. Either one of them, I think, would be a good president. I have said to Mr. McCain that I admire all he has done. I have some concerns about the direction that the party has taken in recent years. It has moved more to the right than I would like to see it, but that's a choice the party makes. And I've said to Mr. Obama, "You have to pass a test of do you have enough experience, and do you bring the judgment to the table that would give us confidence that you would be a good president."
So, when I look at all of this and I think back to my Army career, we've got two individuals, either one of them could be a good president. But which is the president that we need now? Which is the individual that serves the needs of the nation for the next period of time? And I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities--and we have to take that into account--as well as his substance--he has both style and substance--he has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.
Reference Here>>

So there you have it, former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell endorses junior Senator fom Illinois, Barack Obama for President of the United States. He does so by sighting Style and Substance and not one word about his life accomplishments, and possible philosophical ideals that would be good for all of America to embrace.


This is a Republican who sold the world on the fact that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) and was heralded for his prowess as a successful chief warrior when our country was called on by the world to move the invasion army of Iraq out of Kuwait in the first Gulf War.

This is also a Republican who opposes the right to life for the unborn, opposes the appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States; Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. Does he also disapprove of his appointments to being a Four-Star General in the Army (President Ronald Reagan, #40), Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Military (President George H.W. Bush, #41), and Secretary of State of the United States (President George W. Bush, #43)?

With a Republican like this ... who needs Democrats?

We can only imagine what type of position a Colin Powell has negotiated for himself in a Barack Obama administration. Oh, and do not forget ... this endorsement isn't about race.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11 Tribute: The Price Of Freedom

An Iraq Veteran (Joe Cook) has a personal message for Barack Obama.
(Ctrl-Click to launch YouTube video)

Here at Carter's Second Term, we believe this is the best way to recognize this anniversary of the day Islamic terrorist, in an attempt to reduce the freedoms we enjoy in this country, hijacked passenger jet airplanes, full of innocent people intending on getting to their destination city, and intentionally flew them into the two World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon, and into the ground in an open field in Pennsylvania (one intended for the White House in Washington D.C. but foiled and retaken by passengers).

Over 3,000 innocent souls were taken that day and our effort to right the wrongs that were created by this act perpetrated on September 11, 2001 are embodied in this video about the price of freedom by Iraqi theater veteran Joe Cook.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Empty Suit Embraces Gas Bag To Form Democrat Ticket!

CNN is reporting through a source which CNN says that they can not reveal that Joseph Biden was offered the Vice-President slot on the ticket by Barack Obama and that he, Biden accepted. Image Credit: Richards/Getty

Empty Suit Embraces Gas Bag To Form Democrat Ticket!

Was there ever a better Democrat Party marriage made in heaven?

What a ticket – Barack Obama who was against going into Iraq as a front on the war on terror when HE had nothing on the line (he had NO vote and no position of power on the issue) has picked as a Vice Presidential partner,

a longtime Senator (35 years) who argued and voted for our involvement in Iraq,

was in complete agreement with his Senator friend, John McCain, on pursuing a Surge strategy in order to put down the build up of al Qaida terrorist forces and former Baathists in Iraq,

and even stated that he would make a good VP choice for the presumptive Republican Party nominee for President, Senator John McCain if Senator McCain wanted to cross political parties for a dramatic choice to fill out the ticket!

That person is the very senior Senator from Delaware (near Pennsylvania) – Joe Biden.

So now we will all be treated to a doubling down of the Gaffe factor what with an inexperienced junior Senator from Illinois who should be saying less away from a teleprompter is teamed up with a speech plagiarizing (1988) egomaniac who should talk less when he is asked a question … Biden is the type of person who, when asked “what time is it?” is inclined to tell you how to build the watch, how he helped with some of the original watch makers on construct of their designs, how he made a suggestion on the type font used to form the numbers on the face of the watch, that there should be many types of watches like ones for a pocket, a broach, put a strap on one so that it can be worn on a wrist, make watches that would appeal to different genders, and call it a timepiece – all very helpful stuff. Joe Biden has NEVER held an executive, leadership position … he has always been a legislator.

Sound the gun, ring the bell, and let the alarm begin the Democrat race for President of the United States and let us hear how we can become citizens of the world out of the mouths of;

1.) an empty suit with little in the way of accomplishment at the top of the ticket and,

2.) a world champion policy wonk, gas bag at the bottom of the ticket.

Let the Gaffe war, begin.

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at...