Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Senate Race For Republican Control Handicap - What To Watch For

Based on data from the Intrade prediction market. 10-30-2010

2010 Senate Race For Republican Control Handicap - What To Watch For

A Republican Party politico in the thick of watching the races for the Senate on November 2, 2010, explained the simplest way to do the math, with 9 pickups meaning a 50-50 Senate and 10 giving Republicans control.

The Senate seats that seem to be Republican Party locks are Indiana, Arkansas and North Dakota. All-but-sure things, in this Republican's view, are Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Illinois. THAT'S SIX. Then start adding states where margins are razor thin.

His order is: Nevada would be 7; Colorado would be 8; West Virginia would be 9; Washington would be 10; California would be 11.

Needless to say, a run of the table would become not just an undeniable and historic change of power in Washington D.C. but a restraining order on the 16% growth of spending in Government budgets applied over these last 19 months at a time the economy grew only 1.2%.

So ... get out there on November 2, 2010 and not just vote for a Republican Party candidate, issue a restraining order!

Monday, September 20, 2010

2010 MPG Track Day Banquet - Zoran Segina's Piano Serenade

The MPG Track Day event brings together the greatest cross section of Automotive Professionals for 2 days of diverse automotive focused activities. Two Days of diverse driving activities including special courses and events for product evaluation and comparative analysis, driving instruction from professional drivers and driving competitions. Shown is a photo from the Cocktail Reception, Dinner & Awards Banquet and Afterglow Party with interactive games, contests and prizes. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

2010 MPG Track Day Banquet - Zoran Segina's Piano Serenade

The 2010 Motor Press Guild's Track Day event is certainly an event dripping in automobile culture but no one expects the emphasis would ever shift from automobile to culture.

In this video caught at the mixer just before the attendees were called to sit down for a shared dinner banquet and awards ceremony for the 2010 MPG Track Day, member Zoran Segina ESQ. (LA Car) serenade's his fellow members with an impromptu, and fun, rendition of "New York, New York" on the Sheraton Ontario Airport's lobby piano.

Welcome to the cultured part of the Motor Press Guild's membership on display.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

Bend over ... and kiss it (personal freedom and economy) goodbye! Image Credit: U.S. Government/Marines

Obamacare: Nations largest insurance operation just got a lot larger - and more intrusive

The nation's largest healthcare insurer - Veterans Administration, Medicare, All Military and Armed Services - just got a lot larger today in the face of overwhelming opposition and through the expenditure of the political capital of the DEMOCRAT POLITICAL PARTY. By a partisan one-party vote and a little less that two-minutes remaining of 219-YEA to 209-NAY, with 2-NV (non-votes), the Senate version of the inappropriately entitled Health Care Reform bill was passed by the House of Representatives and adopted into law.

Kiss the adult level of decision-making over the direction of one's personal health and care during their own life ... from now on.

Today, March 21, 2010 is the day that the United States of America ceased to be a nation of self-reliance and personal freedom and a beacon to the rest of the world as an example of a strong Constitution that protected citizens rights over the Government that they have elected into office. We are all wards of the STATE. If the STATE makes decisions about one's health from a central office ... one life is OWNED by that STATE

We all will be fined is we choose to NOT purchase health insurance in a situation where we never have an option to pursue our lives as we see fit - as we do with driving a car.

Thank all members of the Democrat Political Party for saddling our country with additional unfunded debt heaped upon a broken ... and broke economy.

Welcome the era of Democrat Political Party chaos (here in Carter's Second Term) to the likes of which we have never visited, in our nation's history, and all of this enacted in just thirteen months.

This one vote will never be undone without totally resetting the political path of our nation and this will only happen with electing verifiable, small, smaller, smallest Government ... Constitutionalists ... beginning in November 2010 and doing the same in November 2012.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kelley Blue Book's top ten family cars ... and no Euros!

Audi TDI Diesel A6 - The diesel engine of today is one of the world’s most efficient internal combustion engines, period. Today’s technology equipped diesel engines use precision electronics, common-rail fuel injection systems, VVT, advanced VG turbos. The result is a quiet, efficient, clean powerful engine that returns excellent fuel economy. How much MPG you ask… try about 30% or more than traditional means. With today’s diesel engines and today’s ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel a reduction in harmful CO2 emissions by 25% + can be achieved. Caption Credit: Banks Diesel / Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2009)

Kelley Blue Book's top ten family cars ... and no Euros!

If safe, roomy and affordable are the characteristics that qualify a vehicle as a family car, then the American family has never had so many choices. One would think that with all of these choices, one car out of the Top Ten ... would include a nameplate manufactured by at least one from Europe, but with a tradition of building small, under-powered cars, Euros need not apply.

The Top 10 Family Cars for 2010 (VIDEO) today were named by the expert editors from Kelley Blue Book,, the leading provider of new car and used car information. In the list, the editors recommend what they feel are the very best of the best vehicles for families this year, highlighting specific important attributes for each car and detailing why it made the Top 10 for 2010.

The manufacturers hail from Korea, United States, and Japan with the majority (6 of 10) of the Family cars have their design from American companies with three sporting a Ford nameplate.

This excerpted and edited from KBB -

The KBB Top Ten Family Cars
Editors Compare Important Factors, Recommend a Wide Variety of Vehicles to Meet Every Family's Needs
Kelley Blue Book - IRVINE, Calif., February 16, 2010

Kelley Blue Book's assembles a list of the Top 10 New Family Cars, evaluating an ever-lengthening list of eligible vehicles on such factors as resale value, fuel efficiency, capability and kid-friendliness. This year's list features vehicles in a range of sizes and prices, offering something for a wide variety of families – everything from an SUV that can comfortably accommodate nine passengers to a compact, fuel-efficient wagon capable of taking the road less traveled.

"While the product landscape in the new-car world seems ever-changing, the vehicle needs of the typical American family remain fairly constant; capable versatility, value, safety and economical factors usually remain top-of-mind," said Jack R. Nerad, executive editorial director and executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book's "There are many competent choices available on the market today, but the editors chose a wide variety of what we feel are the Top 10 Family Cars that should be on every family's consideration list for 2010."

Select Choices from's Top 10 Family Cars for 2010 List:

2010 Hyundai Elantra Touring

2010 Ford Taurus

2010 Honda Accord Crosstour

2010 Chevrolet Equinox

2010 Subaru Outback

Reference Here>>

The Top 10 list, including full editorial commentary and reasoning behind each of the Kelley Blue Book editors' picks HERE>>

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The TeaPac Toll: Add Dorgan, Dodd, and Ritter - Ten for '10

Eric Odom, a conservative online organizer who played a key role in sparking the original Tea Party movement this spring, is unveiling Liberty First PAC. The goal, said Odom in an interview with TPMmuckraker, is to raise $1 million to defeat incumbents who supported health-care reform -- which he called "very dangerous to the fabric of this country" -- and to elect a new crop of lawmakers committed to small-government principles in 2010. Image Credit: TPM

The TeaPac Toll: Add Dorgan, Dodd, and Ritter - Ten for '10

Starting on Tax Day 2009, the Tea Party Movement showed its first signs of growing when over one-million people showed up halls and Federal Buildings throughout the country to protest the process and spending the Stimulus and Omnibus spending bills passed by Congress and signed into law by Barack Obama.

Over the summer, Tea Party rallies and town hall meetings were attended by millions of upset citizens wanting to have their representatives answer to them for their actions as opposed to voting in lock-step with the political party leadership ... especially if their representative did not read the legislation they were voting on to pass.

Democrats not wanting to face the music of their actions are now abandoning their political careers by dropping out of the next election cycle.Four top Democrats-including veteran Sens. Chris Dodd and Byron Dorgan - all prepared to pull the plug on their campaigns in a 24-hour period that began Tuesday, and in the process, offered an unnerving glimpse at the perilous election year ahead. With Dorgan's stunning retirement announcement Tuesday evening, Democrats are now facing their bleakest election outlook in years - and the very real possibility the party will lose its 60-40 Senate supermajority after the November elections.

On the House side, the prospect of heavy 20-30 seat losses is already looking as an increasing possibility. Dorgan's announcement was accompanied Tuesday by Michigan Democratic Lt. Gov. John Cherry's decision to end his floundering bid for governor, and by the revelation that both Dodd and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter would announce today that they would not seek reelection.

The retirement announcements of two senior Democratic senators, and the suddenly altered landscapes in Michigan and Colorado, continue a wave of Democrat Political Party bail outs that began with a burst of retirements by veteran House Democrats representing competitive districts, followed by the stunning late December party switch by freshman Alabama Rep. Parker Griffith. ... Suddenly, the sad sack GOP is looking to have its best shot at being the party of change and representing the people's wishes in three election cycles and of making serious gains in November.'

TeaPac, the Tea Party Political Action Committees, may be our country's best beacon at finding candidates who wish to represent and protect citizens who want a country that listens to, and votes as the citizens they represent want them to vote. Less Government is better Government.

This excerpted and edited from California Tea Party Political Action Committee -

Just as the original Boston Tea Party was fueled by excess taxes imposed upon American Colonists, the 2009 Tea Party Tax Revolt is inspired by unfair taxes imposed by the United States and California Government. American Citizens are fed up with the excessive taxation and spending proposed by the Obama Administration. Additionally, the residents of California are now subjected to the highest tax burden in the United States with the recent $16 billion dollars imposed by the California Legislature and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The California Tea Party PAC, a California Political Action Committee, is a non-partisan organization that works to channel the energy of the grassroot anti-tax political movement and apply it to current California legislation and create real government change. All proceeds collected by the California Tea Party PAC are used to support the return to a reasonable rate of tax for all California citizens and fiscal responsibility in California Government regardless of political affiliation.
Reference Here>>

Back candidates that support Ten for '10 - a backbone of principles from which American governance can flourish.

This excerpted and edited from Laura Ingraham's website -

1) Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (TABOR)
. Limit federal spending growth to the percentage in population growth plus the rate of inflation; provide taxpayers the option of filing a post-card sized return using a low, flat tax rate of 15%

2) End Tax-funded abortions.
Stop federal payments to Planned Parenthood and prohibit any taxpayer-subsidized health insurance plan from covering abortion

3) Defend American Borders.
Complete America's border-protection initiatives using remaining funds from the so-called stimulus bill

4) King Dollar.
Preserve a strong dollar so that Americans' savings aren't wiped out by inflation and the U.S. dollar remains the world's reserve currency

5) Empower American Business.
Immediately slash corporate tax rates to 15% and scrap the capital-gains tax altogether

6) Defend America.
Strengthen America to defend our homeland and fully fund an operational, layered missile-defense system

7) Statism Exit Plan.
De-fund czars; immediately cease bailout payments to failed companies; ban future bailouts

8) End Generational Theft.
As few believe America's entitlement programs will be able to pay benefits to future generations, provide younger workers the choice of diverting payroll/Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts

9) Restore America's System of Justice.
Introduce penalties for frivolous lawsuits, where those who launch unsuccessful lawsuits are liable for the defendants' legal bills

10) American Energy Independence.
All-of-the-Above strategy that embraces alternatives, expands and accelerates exploration and production of oil and natural gas, and jumpstarts dramatic increases in nuclear power
Reference Here>>

Jump in ... the water is fine! Take our country back.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Media Watch: Welcome to 2010 ... NOT the beginning of a new decade

JournalisN'T ... Photo taken at a Tea Party Patriots gathering - Organized by the Pasadena Patriots, Tea Party Patriots from all over Southern California on Tuesday afternoon December 29th, celebrated an incredibly successful 2009 and gathered to get ready for the exciting 2010 year ahead. We gathered at Riley's Farm in Oak Glen at 3p for fireside fellowship, hot cider, and Holiday cheer. The fireside gathering featured chili and fixins and we were all treated to a performance of "Take Our Country Back" - written and performed by Chris Cassone. Chris also took this occasion to announce a 125 city tour that will begin in March 2010 ... and end on election day, November 2010 in Las Vegas ... Senate leader Harry Reid's district. From the apple orchards to the fishin' hole, there was a lot to do at Riley's Farm in a gathering of like minded folks! Caption & Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

Media Watch: Welcome to 2010 ... NOT the beginning of a new decade

Welcome to January 1, 2010 and the 10th anniversary of the bogus Y2K scare and the end of the ninth year of this millennium.

To watch the formal and recognized media outlets note this day is an act of definitive frustration ... it is like hearing someone call Valentines Day, "Valen-TIMES" day.

If one were to believe what the reporters are actually saying one would write the beginning of this posting ... Good Friday morning, 1/1/10. Happy New Year, and new decade, by popular acclaim ... just as they had ten years ago on January 1, 2000.

James (Jim) Riley, owner of Riley's Farm, a working apple orchard and living history farm featuring pick-your-own fruit, living American history education, dinner theater, group banquet facilities and extended, historically-themed overnight stays. He is pictured here next to the farm's flintlock rifle display and "Live Free Or Die" flag while reviewing video taken of the Tea Party Patriot gathering at the farm on the afternoon of Dec. 29, 2009. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

This edited and excerpted from Politico -

The N.Y. Times went with a large, classy, centered italic banner, '1/1/00,' and noted, '
Computers Prevail in First Hours of '00.' (earlier edition) The L.A. Times was slightly less poetic: 'Yeltsin Steps Down.' Others: 'Y2K A-OK,' 'Hooray 2K,' 'Green Bay cheers 2000,' 'Fears to cheers,' and the witty, 'Looks like we made it!'

[Today] In Honolulu, the WashPost's Anne E. Kornblut filed 'pool report #8' at 11:50 p.m. ET: 'It is my pleasure to push the button on this, the final White House pool report of the decade. Ten years ago tonight, we were all awaiting the Y2K meltdown, the 2000 presidential recount was still a year away – and Barack Obama was a 38-year-old state senator running a losing campaign for Congress. Ten years from now, on New Year's Eve in 2019, Obama will be an ex-president. And hopefully someone else will be sitting pool van outside the vacation home of the president. For now, however, what we know is this: Obama, after leaving the golf course at 6:33 p.m. local time, is back at his family vacation home in Kailua (they got back at about 6:40 p.m.). The president played more than five hours of golf with friends Greg Orme, Bobby Titcomb and Mike Ramos – and although he missed the final putt on the 18th hole, got a big cheer from the bystanders on the road next to the Mid-Pacific Country Club. The Obamas are now in for the night, and we have a full lid.'

On Chicago Tribune p. 1, a New Year's kiss: 'On to the next decade: Zachary Dixon, 17, and Melinda Craddock, 18, of Galesburg welcome 2010 ... during the 8:15 p.m. New Year's Eve fireworks over Navy Pier in Chicago. ... Chicago area temperatures expected to reach a low of 2 and high of 17 on Friday.'

*First rant of the year – Dr. Larry J. Sabato e-mails: 'I realize the world is nuts in major ways, and this is just a minor slice of fruitcake. But truly, is there any chance the media will stop declaring Thursday the end of the decade? The first decade of the 21st century ends a year from Thursday. Did the first decade A.D. end with the year 9? Of course not! There was no year zero, so Decade One ended on the last day of the year in 10 A.D. Ergo, we've got another whole year in which to name the decade. Maybe something will happen that will help us make sense out of the past ten years.' Good luck with that!

Reference Here>>

We just have to ignore logic and fact in this era of proclaimed "Transparency", "Hope", "Change", "Reform", and "Recovery" in the face of double-digit unemployment and looming inflation ... while we see votes being taken in Congress on 2,000 plus pages of proposed laws that takeover 1/6th of our economy, exert unconstitutional control over all and kill incentive to serve citizens in the name of healthcare reform ... as this Government chooses to impose new Multi-Trillion Dollar debts that will bankrupt economic opportunity and freedom of this and future generations - "The end of a decade".

Good-bye to 2009 and Happy New Year to 2010 ... a year that we still have the freedom to make choices and can resolve to take this country back.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Real World Survivor Fiji – No Civilian Rule

Commander Frank Bainimarama toppled elected Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase in a bloodless coup on Dec. 5, claiming Qarase's largely indigenous government was corrupt and too soft on those responsible for the previous coup in 2000. Image Credit: fijivillage

The Real World Survivor Fiji – No Civilian Rule

Back in early December 2006, the military commander of Fiji (Commodore Frank Bainimarama) decided that the legally elected Government of Fiji wasn’t handling affaires to his liking – so, he ordered the military to take over the Government and oust the Prime Minister.

Since this event, Fiji’s economy has plummeted, the country has been suspended from its participation in networking trade organizations, and the coup has been roundly rejected by the United Nations and Fiji’s neighbors.

The latest development of this coup saga has the now Interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama, stating that he would retain both the Interim PM and Commander's positions to ensure that the interim government's mandate is properly implemented - Government and Military as one.

Further, “He” had laid out a "road map" to democracy which included plans for a constitutional review, a census of Fiji's 900,000 people and an examination of electoral boundaries in the next two years.

"Under this roadmap, Fiji will be ready for a general election and a full restoration of parliamentary democracy in 2010," Interim Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama said in a statement.

Excerpts from a posting at fijivillage -

Commander Has No Faith in Civilian Rule, Will Remain Interim PM
By fijivillage - Feb 21, 2007, 12:53

According to the Pacific Islands Forum Eminent Persons Group report obtained by Village News, Commodore Bainimarama has said the RFMF holds the view that it does not have confidence in any civilian authority to conduct the exercise unsupervised.

While the EPG has said that the December 5th takeover was unlawful and the Commander should vacate the position of Interim PM, it also said that it recognizes that the legality of the events must ultimately be determined by the court of law and the EPG does not presume to preempt such decisions.

The report also states that the EPG heard conflicting opinions on the level of support for the interim government and the ousted government. It said that the support for the ousted government amongst the Indigenous Fijians reportedly remains strong while the interim government seems to have gained support among other communities.

The EPG report also said with the national census, review of the constituency boundaries, voter education and registration and the implementation of an electronic voting system, the interim government believes that the next elections could be held within three to five years.

The EPG said it recognizes that political issues in Fiji are complex and have a long history but it has restricted its report to the key events immediately leading up, or directly relevant to the events of 5th December 2006 and since.

In its recommendation, the Eminent Persons Group clearly states that the next democratically elected government of Fiji should be encouraged to examine the roots of Fiji's coup culture and the steps that need to be taken to eradicate it.

Reference Here>>

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...