Showing posts with label New Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Mexico. Show all posts

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Kid Nation - When Growing Up Is Hard - Party Nation

Guylan Age 11 - Makes it on to the home page of the Kid Nation website. He is the one in the "black" hat. Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

Kid Nation - When Growing Up Is Hard - Party Nation

Bonanza's very own "Town Journal" circa 1885 - Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

Ok! Now get this … the “Pioneers” are given a journal that was left behind from the original town fathers back in 1885 … right.

It Is Written! - The curfew order. Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

One of its primary suggestions is to have the “town council” set a curfew.

The Bonanza Town Saloon - Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

This is discovered when the “town council” opens this journal after one of the teams (districts) decides to have a party for its recent "showdown" challenge victory.

The party gets started in earnest. Bonanza Bar Images Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

The victory party was held at the Bonanza town saloon until late into the night. Faux drinking behavior ensued!

Do these producers actually think we, the viewing public, are all that gullible?

What example does faux drinking games and behavior bring to this experience?

So about half way into this third episode in the series, the non-Adult “Jeff Probst” wanna-be character narrates the challenge and hands out the rewards - giving instructions all the way.

One of the team/districts decides to choose a microwave oven and cocoa over pizza.

Does Bonanza have electricity? Yes!

That evening the whole town was back in the bar playing faux drinking games when one member of the town council reminds everyone that curfew is at 9:30 pm. Dang - we were just gettin' this party started!

This image sums up episode #3 (#103)Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

Through three episodes, our infamous socialist-communist, Fidel Castro admiring, Guylan: Age 11 is a relative no-show.

The $20,000 real gold star is awarded at the end of the night’s episode and this results into more drinking games at the saloon - fade to black.

Other than the introduction of "curfew", drinking issues were not explored.

Next week, issues of religion are explored, say the “tease” preview of episode #4. The producers warn that this issue nearly tears the Kid Nation apart.

Guylan: Age 11 ... Laying-In-Wait - up in a tree. Image Credit: Bio Photo - Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project), CBS

We, at MAXINE, believe that the producers are playing a lay-in-wait strategy to introduce this counter-culture character of Guylan (prove us wrong). Trust me, with a bio of nearly a page and a half long, these guys are not going to waste away a chance at making a liberal, socialist, and secular POV!

Really, this is such a cheesy attempt to cash in on … (fill in your choice at comments)

On TV, Gossip Girl is the real kid nation!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Kid Nation – When Growing Up Is Hard – The Contract

Contract For The Manhattan Project (project name for Kid Nation) - No Human Rights In "Kid Nation" - No liability for CBS in controversial "ghost town" reality series. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks copyright 2007 - ht: The Smoking Gun

Kid Nation – When Growing Up Is Hard – The Contract

The unreal nature of “Reality Television” has its drawbacks, especially when the premise is really to break down authority and make political points.

The length that some producers will go in order to, in their own mind (I can only imagine), make a point and “make a difference” brinks upon a “Wizard Of OZ” scenario where the Wizard of Emerald City pulled levers while the target audience remained on the other side of the curtain to be marveled and influenced through the illusion.

Kid Nation, which is set to air on CBS on September 19, 2007, presents itself as a case study of this unreal nature of reality television.

First off, the program bills itself as having the Kids take over a failed “Ghost Town” in New Mexico … this is only very partially correct. The truth is that the producers were able to find a location that was not too far a distance from Santa Fe, New Mexico where previous production companies had built a functional and working western town near the ruins of a real ghost town to be used for theatrical movie and television productions.

Secondly, the producers state that these Kids may be able to show us all how not to make the mistakes the previous occupants of the town made (ostensibly why the town became a ghost town in the first place), all without the influence of adults. We all know that the production staff and the behind-the-scenes support are adults and further, we know intuitively that when one brings a whole group of humans together, influence happens – GET REAL! This statement doesn’t even factor in the influence of the structure of the production plot itself as in the awarding of a real gold star (estimated to be worth $20,000) at the end of each weekly episode – who created this structure in the first place … Kids?

The entertainment reviewers have seized on another one of the most glaring points of the unreal nature of reality television and that would be … The Contract. That is the employment contract that the parents of the kids had to sign before the production was to begin. After all, the producers had to protect themselves from the people that did the work but remained, contractually, on the other side of the curtain.

Children cooking on an old-fashioned stove on the "Kid Nation" set. Image Credit: Kid Nation (The Manhattan Project) - CBS

Excerpts from the Chicago Tribune –

How CBS went wrong with 'Kid Nation'
By Maureen Ryan - The Watcher - Originally posted: September 4, 2007

One of the most chilling documents to come down the pike in a while is the contract parents of participants in "Kid Nation" signed.
"Kid Nation" is now under investigation by New Mexico authorities, who are looking into whether producers broke any laws during the show's filming in that state a few months ago.

Though CBS denies any wrongdoing and has said that the making of the show did not violate any laws, some "Kid Nation" participants -- all of whom were between the ages of 8 and 15 -- were injured during the course of the filming, according to news reports. A few young participants accidentally drank bleach, one kid sprained an arm and one child sustained a burn from hot grease.

The kicker? The parents of these kids had to sign a contract saying they would not sue over anything that might happen to their kids -- up to and including death.

According to the document posted on, the parents were told, via the contract they signed, that the show was "inherently dangerous" and could expose their children to "uncontrolled hazards and conditions that may cause serious bodily injury, illness or death." The parents had to relinquish all legal claims on CBS if anything did happen to their children. Oh, and unless the families stick to the terms of a confidentiality agreement that the network is still enforcing, they could be liable for a $5 million penalty.

All for a $5,000 "stipend," which is what most kids got for participating in the show. (Some kids got an additional $20,000 if they won competitions within the show.)

By my calculation, many of the kids who participated in the show -- if they did work 14-hour days for 40 days -- got less than $9 an hour.

No wonder the broadcast networks aren't about to give up on reality TV, despite its relatively lackluster performance of late; the genre is not exactly bankrupting them.
That ominous contract language flies in the face of CBS' attempts to bill "Kid Nation" as a happy-go-lucky "summer camp" experience.

“In order for a reality show … to really get out there and change the landscape of television, you have to sort of stir public debate,” CBS entertainment president Nina Tassler said about “Kid Nation” at a press event in July. “We know we're going to create some controversy. … But I think the whole objective was to get out there, do something different, and try and reach out and have people talk about the show, which is what's happening.”

Yes, but at this point, the "Kid Nation" debate centers on how children were used to create an entertainment property for CBS, a network that plans to charge big bucks for "Kid Nation" commercial spots. The network could have done some things to prevent the "Kid Nation" buzz from going sour, but they would have cost money. And cutting corners when kids are involved -- that's not courting controversy, that's risking condemnation.

The fact is, the kids on the show should have been covered by entertainment-union contracts that would have protected their interests, limited the hours they could work and guaranteed appropriate on-set medical care and supervision.

Even if all that had been done, in my opinion, CBS shouldn't have used performers under 12. The idea that an 8-year-old could realistically consent to this kind of experience doesn't really fly.

And I hesitate to think of what these kids will think of the way they're edited. It's one thing for a contestant on "Survivor" to feel they were made to look villainous or stupid; it's quite another for a 5th grader to face the entire school after having been made to look foolish on national TV.

But maybe what the middle school critics -- or grown-up critics -- think of "Kid Nation" won't really matter in the end. After all, CBS is, as of press time, soliciting applications for "Kid Nation 2" on its Web site.
Article Reference & Article Comments Here>>

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Quality Of Life Begins With Corrected Immigration

Margaret Koenig, of California, chants with other anti-immigrant demonstrators across from the White House in Lafayette Square Sunday, April 22, 2007, in Washington. .Several hundred protesters gathered to kick off a week of lobbying against illegal immigration in Congress. Image Credit: Lawrence Jackson -- AP Photo

Quality Of Life Begins With Corrected Immigration

The sign of the protester says it all - "KICK ME! I'm A Citizen!"

A legal United States citizen is the last consideration in a long line of issues that surround the problems created by our Government's decade’s long inattentive attitude toward our existing immigration policies.

Respect for the sovereignty of the borders of the United States begins with enforcement of the laws that govern our country. Due to the decades of neglect to our immigration laws, all laws become less important and the quality of life of the average citizen get dragged down.

Congress, reacting to the increased pressure to correct the inattention our civil authorities to existing laws, has placed more border agents in the field to address the ills brought about through unchecked and illegal immigration. The agents arrest law breaking illegal immigrants and expect the prosecution infrastructure to finish its job and bring final justice to the equation.

Judges in the court system and local police who manage the jail infrastructure apparently did not get the memo.

The average legal citizen is serious about the quality of life brought about through the enforcement of our laws. It’s high time the people who manage the justice side of law enforcement step up and finish the task – Quit Whining ... roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Our elected and appointed officials need to step up now and make good on the job they are being paid for. The notes paid for their usefulness have become DUE IN FULL!

Excerpts from the Associated Press via the Sacramento Bee -

Immigration-related cases clog courts
By JENNIFER TALHELM -- Associated Press Writer - April 27, 2007

Immigration-related felony cases are swamping federal courts along the Southwest border, forcing judges to handle hundreds more cases than their peers elsewhere.

Judges in the five, mostly rural judicial districts on the border carry the heaviest felony caseloads in the nation. Each judge in New Mexico, which ranked first, handled an average of 397 felony cases last year, compared with the national average of 84.

Federal judges in those five districts - Southern and Western Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California - handled one-third of all the felonies prosecuted in the nation's 94 federal judicial districts in 2005, according to federal court statistics.
"The need is really dire. You cannot keep increasing the number of Border Patrol agents but not increasing the number of judges," said Chief Judge John M. Roll of the District of Arizona.

A bill by Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., and co-sponsored by Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and Texas Republican Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison, would add 10 permanent and temporary judges in Arizona, New Mexico, and Southern and Western Texas. This proposal, and others like it, have gone nowhere in the past two years.

"I can't even tell you how much we need that," Roll said.
During a push to crack down on illegal immigration last fall, Customs and Border Protection floated a plan for New Mexico that would have suspended the practice of sending home hundreds of illegal immigrants caught near the border with Mexico. Instead, these people would be sent to court.

The idea, called "Operation Streamline," was to make it clear that people caught illegally in the U.S. would be prosecuted.
"We said, 'Do you realize that the second week into this we're going to run out of (jail) space?'" Martha Vazquez, chief judge for the District of New Mexico, recalled telling Border Patrol chief David Aguilar.

"We were obviously alarmed because where would we put our bank robbers? Our rapists? Those who violate probation?" she said.

Border Patrol eventually dropped the idea. Officials said they could not get all the necessary agencies to agree to it.
Congress has made available more than $1.2 billion for reinforcements, including fences, vehicle barriers, cameras and other security equipment.

Homeland Security officials say the increased security is working. In Yuma, Bush said that the number of people apprehended for illegally crossing the southern border into the U.S. has declined by nearly 30 percent this year.

Court officials, however, say they are in crisis mode trying to deal with all the defendants.
Even lawmakers from border states say they cannot justify adding judgeships in one district when other districts also need them.
Court officials say they have had to be creative just to try the cases they have. Visiting judges help out in some districts. In Arizona, magistrates hold sessions on the weekends and have seen as many as 150 defendants in a day.

In New Mexico, Vazquez, the chief judge, and former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias went on a Spanish-language radio station broadcast in Mexico this winter to warn people about the penalties for illegally entering the country.

Court administrators have trouble keeping employees, such as interpreters, because of the grind. Judges' staffs struggle with burnout. Everyone fights to keep up morale as they hear countless sad stories from migrants who broke the law searching for a better life in the United States.

"It'd be swell to have another judge or two," said Judge George Kazen, who is based on the border in Laredo, in the Southern District of Texas. "It would mean a little more time to spend on civil stuff, and a little more time to reflect. We have to make quick calls and move on."

Reference Here>>

How about green-lighting the justice process of immigrants caught breaking the law and do not have proof of being in this country legally as the good Judge suggests ("We have to make quick calls and move on.")? Why not suspend the deference afforded to citizens and lower the standards used to actually try a case and incarcerate an offender?

How many people do you think will want to get caught up into a meat grinder of serious justice?

We all could take a lesson from the attitude of the Sheriff in Phoenix, Arizona. If one is suspected of breaking the law ... we have room for you, even if we need to fence off an area in the desert and erect tents to keep you for your court date.

A legal citizens Quality Of Life is more important than the basic consideration given to the quality of life of a suspected law breaker, especially if the suspected law breaker is in our country illegally (that's two counts of disrespect for the rule of law in the pecking order).

Monday, March 12, 2007

WHEREAS - New Mexico Declares Pluto A "Planet"

HUBBLE PORTRAIT OF THE "DOUBLE PLANET" PLUTO & CHARON - This is the clearest view yet of the distant planet Pluto and its moon, Charon, as revealed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The image was taken by the European Space Agency's Faint Object Camera on February 21, 1994 when the planet was 2.6 billion miles (4.4 billion kilometers) from Earth; or nearly 30 times the separation between Earth and the sun.

Hubble's corrected optics show the two objects as clearly separate and sharp disks. This now allows astronomers to measure directly (to within about 1 percent) Pluto's diameter of 1440 miles (2320 kilometers) and Charon's diameter of 790 miles (1270 kilometers). Caption & Image Credit: Dr. R. Albrecht, ESA/ESO Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility; NASA

WHEREAS - New Mexico Declares Pluto A "Planet"

Only in America can a Government (in this case, a state Government) declare that a scientific determination is wrong and overturn it.

Pluto is a planet because, according to New Mexico, Pluto was discovered from a facility located in New Mexico, by a longtime resident of New Mexico, with a telescope operated by a university in New Mexico!

So states a "Joint Memorial" put forth today at a session of the legislature of New Mexico.

This, of course, is what Al Gore wants all Governments to do on behalf of his Global Warming POV, in reverse.

Global Warming, or at least the argument that human activity and CO2 gasses created by human activity is the cause of the recent percieved changes in the climate on Earth, should not necessarily be proven, but declared FACT through Government action.

Of course, this would mean that the Government would be able to micro-manage every aspect of human activity to the detriment of our freedoms in the pursuit of happiness.

The Government has the obligation to first prove something is true beyond a shadow of a doubt before it enters into the "lemming march" process to wholesale communistic dictatorship.

Memorial text for HJM054, State of New Mexico -



WHEREAS, the state of New Mexico is a global center for astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science; and

WHEREAS, New Mexico is home to world class astronomical observing facilities, such as the Apache Point observatory, the very large array, the Magdalena Ridge observatory and the national solar observatory; and

WHEREAS, Apache Point observatory, operated by New Mexico state university, houses the astrophysical research consortium's three-and-one-half meter telescope, as well as the unique two-and-one-half meter diameter Sloan digital sky survey telescope; and

WHEREAS, New Mexico state university has the state's only independent, doctorate-granting astronomy department; and

WHEREAS, New Mexico state university and Dona Ana county were the longtime home of Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto; and

WHEREAS, Pluto has been recognized as a planet for seventy-five years; and

WHEREAS, Pluto's average orbit is three billion six hundred ninety-five million nine hundred fifty thousand miles from the sun, and its diameter is approximately one thousand four hundred twenty-one miles; and

WHEREAS, Pluto has three moons known as Charon, Nix and Hydra; and

WHEREAS, a spacecraft called new horizons was launched in January 2006 to explore Pluto in the year 2015;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO that, as Pluto passes overhead through New Mexico's excellent night skies, it be declared a planet and that March 13, 2007 be declared "Pluto Planet Day" at the legislature.
Reference Here>>

As for Pluto, hey, come on ... it WAS a planet for 75 years before it was determined that it wasn't.

Changes in the global temperature of the planet Earth have been happening all the while for hundreds of millions of years. There really isn't any need for a WHEREAS here.

UPDATE (3-13-2007):

The proof that the scientific community continues to be under threat from Governmental organizations (and the Al Gore imperative) is not that hard to find. Take this article from the Telegraph (UK) -

Scientists threatened for 'climate denial'
By Tom Harper, Sunday Telegraph - Last Updated: 12:24am GMT 11/03/2007

Scientists who questioned mankind's impact on climate change have received death threats and claim to have been shunned by the scientific community.

They say the debate on global warming has been "hijacked" by a powerful alliance of politicians, scientists and environmentalists who have stifled all questioning about the true environmental impact of carbon dioxide emissions.

Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five deaths threats by email since raising concerns about the degree to which man was affecting climate change.
"Western governments have pumped billions of dollars into careers and institutes and they feel threatened," said the professor.

"I can tolerate being called a sceptic because all scientists should be sceptics, but then they started calling us deniers, with all the connotations of the Holocaust. That is an obscenity. It has got really nasty and personal."

The tracking of the ice ages over time - based on scientific evidence. Image Credit: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Last week, Professor Ball appeared in The Great Global Warming Swindle, a Channel 4 [UK]documentary in which several scientists claimed the theory of man-made global warming had become a "religion", forcing alternative explanations to be ignored.

Richard Lindzen, the professor of Atmospheric Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - who also appeared on the documentary - recently claimed: "Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labelled as industry stooges.

"Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science."

Dr Myles Allen, from Oxford University, agreed. He said: "The Green movement has hijacked the issue of climate change. It is ludicrous to suggest the only way to deal with the problem is to start micro managing everyone, which is what environmentalists seem to want to do."

Nigel Calder, a former editor of New Scientist, said: "Governments are trying to achieve unanimity by stifling any scientist who disagrees. Einstein could not have got funding under the present system."

Read All>>

Maybe, just as a point of order, Pluto should go DOWN!

On behalf of thretened scientists worldwide, we all should proclaim our rights and not allow New Mexico to trifle with the ruling on Pluto ... Pluto is NOT a planet!

UPDATE - March 18, 2007:

Pluto Casts It's Non-Planet Shadow Today

Even though Pluto has been demoted in status, it still exists. Today the "object" passes between the Earth and a distant star.

Excerpts from via Yahoo! -

All Eyes on Pluto Sunday
By Jeanna Bryner, Staff Writer - - Thu Mar 15, 10:45 AM ET

Telescopes all over the southwestern United States will turn toward Pluto as it meanders Sunday across the face of a star in the constellation Sagittarius. The observations could help researchers better understand the dwarf planet's atmosphere.

Called an occultation, the phenomenon is akin to a solar eclipse. Just as our Moon casts its shadow onto Earth when it passes directly in front of the Sun, other planets also cast their shadows onto Earth when they pass in front of a star.

"Occultations are the only way we can monitor the atmosphere of Pluto from the Earth," said William Hubbard of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.

Occultations occur about once every 5 to 10 years for Pluto, but the phenomenon will become more frequent now that Pluto has moved between Earth and the central region of the Milky Way where most of our galaxy's stars reside. With so many chance star encounters, Pluto is expected to experience one or two occultations each year.
Pluto will pass in front of the star at 6 a.m. Eastern, and take about six minutes to complete its journey. This is about three times longer than typical Pluto occultations. In addition to the relatively long show, the shadow will be cast on the southwestern United States, a region heavily populated with giant telescopes.

The average skywatcher will miss out on a view of the event, unless they are equipped with a 20-inch or larger diameter telescope.
Depending on where along its orbit Pluto is in relation to the Sun, its atmosphere ranges from -391 to -274 degrees Fahrenheit (-235 to -170 degrees Celsius).
'What we get at the Earth is just a shadow of Pluto-a guest in the starlight,' Hubbard told 'The radius of the shadow is related to the radius of the atmosphere, how far the atmosphere goes above the surface.'

The observations could also inform future work done by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, en route to Pluto now.

Read All>>

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

… And, They Call This “The Land Of Enchantment”

Governor Richardson recently visited the Santa Fe River to announce his Year of Water agenda. This (ed. $100+ million package) includes funding for needed infrastructure projects, conservation and environmental restoration. Caption & Image Credit: New Mexico Office of the Governor

… And, They Call This “The Land Of Enchantment”

In a move that might have had political ramifications for the 2008 presidential campaign, the State of New Mexico has decided to use audio indoctrination to change the behavior of its citizens.

The original idea was to program the audio devices with the message “Vote, Gov. Bill Richardson, a candidate with real executive experience, for president - 2008”. But, that idea was flushed in favor of this:

Excerpts from the Associated Press via Yahoo! News -

N.M. orders 500 talking urinal cakes
Associated Press - Wed Feb 14, 9:48 PM ET

SANTA FE, N.M. - New Mexico is taking its fight against drunken driving to men's restrooms around the state. The state has ordered 500 talking urinal cakes that will deliver a recorded anti-DWI message to bar and restaurant patrons who make one last pit stop before getting behind the wheel.

"Hey there, big guy. Having a few drinks?" a female voice says a few seconds after an approaching male sets off a motion sensor in the device. "It's time to call a cab or ask a sober friend for a ride home."

A talking urinal cake is displayed in the men's room at Turtle Mountain Brewing Company in Rio Rancho, N.M., Monday, Feb. 12, 2007. New Mexico aims to keep bar-hopping drunks off the road by nagging them at a place they're likely to visit just before getting behind the wheel: the men's room urinal. The state Transportation Department recently bought about 500 talking urinal cakes to put in men's restrooms at various bars and restaurants. Image Credit: AP Photo/Jake Schoellkopf

Transportation Department spokesman S.U. Mahesh said the urinal cakes are a way to reach one group that's a target of state safety campaigns. Men commit about three times as many drunken-driving infractions as women.
"The idea is based on the concept that there is no more captive audience than a guy standing at a urinal," Deutsch said. "You can't look right and you can't look left; you've got to look at the ad."

In New Mexico, the device uses the state DWI slogan "You drink, you drive, you lose."
The state spent $21 for each talking urinal cake for the pilot program but will ask bars and restaurants to pay for future orders if the idea catch on, Mahesh said.

The cakes have enough battery power to last about three months.
Read All>>

Imagine being the person tapped to replace all of the batteries!

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...