Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Soros Money Gets Juan Williams Fired From NPR

So, with the news that George Soros is buying one hundred political “reporters” for National Public Radio (NPR), one waits with bated breath for the left to decry the fact that a famous anti-American leftist is buying and influencing the “news.” Image Credit: Big Journalism

Soros Money Gets Juan Williams Fired From NPR

Yesterday, Glenn Beck opened his show stating that he had something else planned to present for the hour but something came up in the form of an email that he had to address.

The email concerned itself with the new round of donations being issued by Billionaire progressive, George Soros and his campaign to get Glenn Beck fired from Fox News through boycotts by advertisers to his program. The memo confirmed that Soros had just given the left-wing hell-raising blog, Media Matters, a million dollars and asked them to broaden their boycott efforts to all of Fox News ... the declarations are on the MM website.

It turns out that recently, George Soros has also given a very large donation (1.8 million dollars for 100 reporters) to National Public Radio (NPR) as well.

This morning, NPR has just announced that it was firing longtime author and Democrat politics commentator, Juan Williams. NPR used as its reasoning that Jaun Williams' appearance on the Fox News top rated politics, culture information, and commentary show, The O'Reilly Factor, resulted in Juan expressing feelings that were inconsistent with its world view ... or something to that effect.

This excerpted and edited from The Atlantic -

Juan Williams Fired by NPR For No Particular Reason (UPDATED)
By Jeffery Goldberg - Oct 21 2010, 12:23 AM ET

National Public Radio has fired the political analyst Juan Williams for comments he made about Muslims on Bill O'Reilly's Fox show. These are two of the controversial comments in question, according to The New York Times:

'I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

And this, in reference to Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani immigrant who attempted to blow up Times Square with a car bomb:

"He said the war with Muslims, America's war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don't think there's any way to get away from these facts."

The first quotation reflects the views, I'm guessing, of the vast majority of people who fly in this country (and in Europe and Asia and other parts of the world, as well). With some regularity, Muslim men associated with radical Islamist organizations have been trying to kill American civilians, here and abroad. A group of 19 Muslim men succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in their mission nine years ago. The majority of Muslims abhor terrorism, and Muslims are the disproportionate victims of Muslim terror, but the essential truth remains that most of the world's spectacular terrorism today -- thwarted and achieved -- is committed by Muslims.

Juan Williams misunderstands one crucial fact: Muslim terrorists who are attempting to commit acts of terror seldom if ever dress in "Muslim garb"; they dress, for obvious tactical reasons, in a manner meant to help them blend in with surroundings. So Williams is wrong, I think, to be particularly suspicious of traditionally-dressed Muslims. But is he wrong to worry about Islamist terrorism? Of course not.
Reference Here>>

So, the real reason for the firing seems confused, at best.

What is consistent here is that both Juan Williams and Mara Liasson are (or were) longtime contributors to NPR and are contributors to Fox News and therein lays the rub. Soros money is now beginning to turn the screws and place pressure from where the money is placed and directed. Mira Liasson has said previously, that her participation on discussion panels at Fox News (primarily with Brit Hume and Bret Baier) has been questioned by the staff at NPR.

One wonders ... just when will all of the Soros money will catch up with her (Mara Liasson) and gets her removed from either NPR or have her resign from Fox News due to "pressures"?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

TeaPAC 2010 - Pasadena Patriots begin the year

TeaPAC logo - Taken from the Pasadena Patriots political networking website. Image Credit: Pasadena Patriots

TeaPAC 2010 - Pasadena Patriots begin the year

Last night, a tea party organization that spawned from last year's reaction to the incredible spending legislation, marked by the Stimulus and Omnibus bills passed by the Democrat Political Party led Congress, held its 2010 kick off organization meeting to take back the 29th Congressional district. More importantly, the meeting was the first of many to help people of all political strips who wish to maintain their freedoms in the face of an unparalleled expansion of centralized governmental power.

Much has been made about the Tea Party movement ever since it showed itself as a real and growing, grass roots political phenomenon starting first on tax day, April 15, 2009, when nearly two million people gathered in front of city halls and federal buildings around the country. Even though little was reported about the impromptu gatherings in the Main Stream Media (MSM), the New Media web portals like Examiner, NowPublic, Pajamas Media, and a host of nationally recognized blog sites posted expose's on the events around the country.

Last summer, the tea party movement began to pick up steam, literally, when people from political points of view and affiliation ranging from conservative, to moderate, to independent, to Democrat, to Libertarian, to Republican wanted to have a voice in the workings of our Government when, at Town Hall meetings with their direct representatives ... began to ask questions. They found out that they did not like what they were hearing and/or how their point of view was being represented by their elected official. Many elected officials did not hold summer break town hall meetings because they did not want to hear what the people, who they were elected to represent, had to say about their governance.

Last night, the Pasadena Patriots placed their standard into the ground seeking to reclaim the right to ... as the Constitution states - "To form a more perfect union".

This excerpted and edited from the TeaPAC website -

TeaPAC is dedicated to providing funds and resources to Tea Party groups and grassroots candidates across America. Financial support of the Tea Party movement is both urgent and necessary. When you support TeaPAC you are also supporting the Patriot News Network and Neighborhood Tea Parties from coast-to-coast. While contributions aren't yet tax deductible, donors will receive a patriotic TeaPAC bumper sticker. We hope you'll partner with us in the battle to restore limited Constitutional government.
Reference Here>>

Constitutionality IS what this is all about. To maintain the ability to be treated as equal in a country of equals in terms of opportunity.

Yesterday, a prime example of how far the leadership of our country is working against the Constitution in the governance of our country happened when the Obama Administration saw fit to EXEMPT labor unions from the proposed 40% tax to be levied on Health Care Insurance plans that cover a broader range of health care procedures than the level of care that this Government is planning to set as the standard of ALL care offered in this country ... in the name of Health Care Reform.

Many believe that this exemption exceptional, along with the Government's intention to levy fines and jail time for all citizens who do not purchase the authorized Health Care Insurance plans that become available for sale once the health care reform legislation becomes law.

Corruption in the processes of Government is at the root of this TeaPAC movement ... it is time to STOP THE SLIDE!

John P. Colbert for Congress 2010 - Candidate for US Representative, CA-29. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2010)

In the 29th District, candidate John P. Colbert has committed himself to stop the slide of government corruption and he described, to those gathered at the TeaPAC Pasadena Patriots kickoff meeting, what aspects of his background experience has prepared him for this moment in time to help take America back. A CEO of a successful computer security and forensics software company combined with 13 years as an investigator in the LA County Sheriff's Department has John keenly aware of recognizing threats and how to dispose of them. If elected, John Colbert is committed to joining and/or forming a committee to address and prosecute corruption in Congress and government processes. He believes that this is the beginning of a war to take our country back to a limited and Constitutional central governance.

On the back of John P. Colbert For Congress 2010 business card is the following quote:

"...America must win this war. I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone" - Quote found in the diary recovered from the body of a World War One American solider, Martin Treptow.

This quote was first used by Ronald Reagan in a speech that helped to communicate to the citizens of the United States on his level of commitment to a Constitutional government.

Take the materials found at the TeaPAC website and organize community "Tea Parties" with people you know who wish to maintain their freedoms laid out in the Constitution and help to support candidates who pledge to stop the corruption that has taken hold of our governmental processes.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

FEAR FACTOR ... Not Just Another Reality TV Show

Although the peacock logo for the NBC television network was meant to be multi-colored, for one week each year it definitely “goes green!” For the second year NBC Universal presented over 150 hours of environmentally themed content in a variety of platforms. NBC and celebrated their talent in “The More You Know” PSA campaign. Using famous NBC regulars, they produced green-themed storylines in several of their daytime and primetime shows. Image Credit:

FEAR FACTOR ... Not Just Another Reality TV Show

FUTURE EARTH: Journey To The End Of The World ... with Lester Holt, on MSNBC

The title of this posting and the title of the NBC special program has to do with multinational corporation, General Electric, and it's attempts at using their extensive media arm NBC Universal and related properties (Bravo, CNBC, 13th Street, Sci-Fi Channel, Hallmark Channel, Universal Channel, DivaTV, KidsCo, MSNBC, mun2, NBC, NBC Universal Television Distribution, Universal Television Distribution, NBCU Cable Affiliate Support, NBCU Marketplace, Oxygen Pay Per View/VOD, Sci Fi, Telemundo, Universal Pictures, Universal Production Studios, Universal Studios Home Video, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Featured Attraction, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Hollywood, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Japan, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Mediterranea, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Orlando, Universal Studios Theme Parks: Tickets, Universal Television, USA Network, The Weather Channel) to manipulate, massage, and coerce public opinion to be acceptable to Government mandated Green policies that would take Billions of taxpayer dollars through Cap and Trade carbon emissions laws and transfer them to Green projects General Electric believes their company would be the beneficiary of.

For its part, NBC News correspondent, Lester Holt, disclosed in a two minute "ad" that aired during the Sunday Today program, NBC's version of what appeared to be Al Gore's speculation filled, junk science based, Oscar Awarded movie ... "An Inconvenient Truth", which claims that our planet is headed for disaster and that our oceans will rise up 20 plus feet in the very near (tens of years) future.

The real inconvenient truth is that our population is being subjected to coercion, and corruption by a multinational corporation that wants YOUR money to prop it up!

Case In Point: Ad from NBC's Sunday Today for NBC News program (2:25 min.)

This just does not seem right. Full disclosure should be expected from a large company like General Electric. What really makes this situation worse, is that the company has not run its business responsibly, which places it into a situation of desperation. To receive large amounts of Government money in the form of Green contracts looks to be the only strategy of revival for this once proud sponsor of Ronald Reagan when he hosted television programs in the early fifties (before he became a politician).

Case In Point: O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo

This excerpted and edited from NewsBusters -

O'Reilly Claims 'Corruption': GE Using CNBC, MSNBC to Promote Cap-and-Trade for Financial Gain
By Jeff Poor - April 23, 2009 - 21:11 ET

It has been something that there have been rumblings about, but no one has really put the x's and o's together entirely - that General Electric (NYSE:GE) is using its media arm, NBC Universal to promote President Barack Obama's so-called progressive agenda for its own financial gain.
O'Reilly outlined how Obama has gotten support from the NBC networks both pre-election and post-election.

"Will General Electric get paid for supporting President Obama - that is the subject of this evening's Talking Points Memo," O'Reilly said. "As everybody knows, GE, which owns NBC has been very aggressive in helping Barack Obama - first supporting the president in the election and now attacking his critics."
Certain on-air CNBC personalities had been outspoken in criticizing Obama's economic policies. However, that has changed somewhat and according to O'Reilly, CNBC Chicago Mercantile Exchange reporter Rick Santelli - the inspiration for the recent Tax Day tea party protests - had said he had been sent to a "reeducation camp."

"There is also emerging evidence that GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt and NBC News chief Jeff Zucker told CNBC personnel to stop criticizing Obama's economic policies," O'Reilly said. "Now, that would be a major breach of journalistic ethics.
O'Reilly played a clip from MSNBC' "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on April 16, when Janeane Garofalo, in a hateful tirade, called Tax Day tea party protest participants "nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks."
"That's no surprise, as also this week Forbes magazine labeled Immelt one of the worst-performing CEOs in the country."

O'Reilly also played the exchange between his producer Jesse Watters and Jeffrey Immelt at the April 22 shareholders' meeting, where he questioned the ethics of MSNBC. But, according to O'Reilly there is reason to believe the slant of MSNBC is allowed because GE stands to profit if Obama is successful in instituting his priorities, specifically cap-and-trade.

"Now, most CEOs would have stopped NBC's corruption a long time ago, but Immelt may be looking for a major payoff," O'Reilly said. "According to reporting by the Washington Examiner, GE is heavily lobbying the Obama administration for bailout money. The company is also pushing for the proposed cap-and-trade program. Apparently GE has set up a joint venture it hopes would manage billions of dollars in cap-and-trade transactions should that corporate carbon tax pass Congress."

NBC has been actively promoting green issues and this revelation by O'Reilly happens to fall during the NBC Universal networks "Green is Universal" week.

"Now think about this ladies and gentlemen - a failing corporation, General Electric might reap billions of dollars if the Feds OK the carbon deal," O'Reilly said. "By the way, GE is already getting taxpayer bailout money for its financial unit. So it's not a stretch to assume Immelt would want to help President Obama as much as possible."

According to O'Reilly, the level of corruption is so big, it stands to make Watergate look small.

"This is obviously a major story - when a powerful corporation, which controls a major part of the American media, may be using its power and the airwaves to influence politics, in order to make money from government contracts," O'Reilly said. "That kind of corruption would make Watergate look small. We hope it is not true."
Reference Here>>

We, at MAXINE, think Bill O'Reilly is on to something, this Non-Reality television program is just another naked shake-down perpetrated by a major media arm of a hurting and failing consumer products company that is suffering from mismanagement.

Do not submit to the FEAR FACTOR of these tactics ... they are intended to have you agree with the transfer of Billions of your dollars to this corporation's bottom line.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Real Survivor Fiji – Military Rule Slaps Hard

The Real Survivor Fiji – Military Rule Slaps Hard

This can not be good for a tribal peoples just wanting to be able to pursue and share their lives with others in a modern world.

In the last week, The Commodore dispatches the Council of Chiefs because they felt that they had the right to voice their opinion as to whom the second in command should, or should not be. The Commodore did not like the fact that their opinion would be different than his … but isn’t this the reason why Frank felt he had the right to take charge of a democratically elected Government in the first place? That anyone in a leadership role might actually have thinking powers that were different than HIS own?

The Free World needs to step in and save Fiji before Commodore Frank Bainimarama gets down to firing the “Dog Catcher” … or have the population die from poor Governmental Health management factors!

These excerpts from Bloomberg (Austrailia) -

Fiji Anti-Corruption Body Given `Draconian' Powers, Lawyer Says
By Emma O'Brien - April 23 - Bloomberg

A body set up by Fiji's caretaker government to investigate corruption has powers of arrest and interrogation that break the law and constitution, a spokeswoman for the country's law society said.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is empowered to issue its own arrest and search warrants and seize people suspected of living beyond their means. Those charged will be considered guilty until they prove themselves innocent.

``It's sinister, the fact they have all these powers which appear to be Draconian,'' Tupou Draunidalo, vice president of the Fiji Law Society said in a telephone interview from the capital, Suva, on April 19. ``It's so fundamental, that you're innocent until proven guilty in this country.''

The decree establishing the commission, approved by the president of the Pacific island nation several weeks ago, was published April 18, President Ratu Josefa Iloilo's spokesman Rupeni Nacewa said last week from Suva. Army chief Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama promised to ``clean up'' Fiji after he overthrew the government of Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase in December, accusing it of corruption.

Iloilo was re-appointed president in January after being deposed in the Dec. 5 coup, the country's fourth takeover in 19 years. Bainimarama became interim prime minister a month after the takeover and said elections may not be held until 2010.

The commission will be made up of a chief investigator assisted by about eight corruption investigators.

Common Law

The power given to the panel ``appears to break various sections of the constitution and common law,'' Draunidalo said.

Fiji's legal system is based on British common law, which enshrines the right to be regarded as innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.

The interim government is justifying the sweeping powers through the doctrine of necessity, she said. Fiji's constitution allows for decrees to be made by the president if the country is so unstable that parliament can't meet.

``There's no reason the parliament can't meet,'' Draunidalo said. ``The military just won't let it happen.''

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Fiji's interim attorney-general said the new commission was based on Hong Kong's anti-corruption body.
The penalties for engaging in bribery have been stiffened, Sayed-Khaiyum said, with the sentence increased from the current six to nine months to 10 to 15 years under a prevention of bribery promulgation enacted last week.

Holding Elections

Fiji is considering holding elections some time in the next 36 months, following a meeting between European Union and Fijian government officials last week in Brussels, Sayed-Khaiyum said.

In an April 20 statement, the EU called on Fiji to hold a poll within two years and to lift in May a state of emergency in place since the coup. In return, the EU said it expects ``to avoid the loss of development cooperation'' that provides aid to the Fijian sugar industry, the statement said.

The 27-nation body threatened to cut all ties with Fiji following the coup, and scrap a $422 million aid package. Fiji's sugar industry, which employs 45,000 people, would collapse if the aid was withdrawn, the Sugar and General Workers' Union said shortly after the coup.
Read All>>

Yep! That is what a former freely elected democratic nation needs - More Decrees from Commodore Frank!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Real Survivor Fiji - Legitimate Corruption vs. Illegal Government

Interim talk...Mahendra Patel, Kamlesh Arya & Interim Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama after the budget. Image Credit: Fiji Times

The Real Survivor Fiji - Legitimate Corruption vs. Illegal Government

As time carries on, questions about the legitimacy of a "takeover" Government to rule, as cream rises to the top of a container of milk, begin to come into focus.

A news item about reports that there have been over 400 complaints registered with a newly formed operating unit of the interim Government has one asking the obvious question, once the alleged corruption case has been investigated by a takeover government, which is more corrupt ... the reported corruption or the methods and legitimacy used by the investigating entity?

Two news items - first report from the Fiji Times -

400 corruption cases alleged
REIJELI KIKAU - Tuesday, March 27, 2007

THE interim government's new anti-corruption unit has been receiving complaints at the rate of more than 130 a month.

So far the unit, formed in early January, has 400 cases on its books.

Unit head, Senior Superintendent of Police Nasir Ali, said it was overwhelming to see common people coming up with reports of all sorts and all forms of corruption, some backed with documentation.

SP Ali said cases alleging corrupt practises of past governments were also included.

"These are complaints of corruption of all sorts, from the government to whatever you can name and imagine," he said.

SP Ali said the team of investigators, including police and military personnel and the Attorney-General's office, would work out a priority list of cases to be investigated.

"We have started on complaints that have been supported with documents because it was easier for us but the rest we have to investigate and substantiate the allegations," he said.

People making complaints had to make a statement or provide investigators with a letter or documents outlining the alleged corruption. "It becomes easier if evidence is provided,'' he said.

Yesterday 25 officers from the unit, including police, military officers and Attorney-General's office staff, completed a two-day training course on how to investigate corruption cases.

SP Ali said the officers started the training on Friday and for the first time this had involved staff from the Attorney-General's office.

He said there would be a series of similar seminars for other officers involved in the probes.

Reference Here>>

And this obvious reaction reported from Radio New Zealand International -

Fiji NGO says government anti-corruption unit has no legitimacy
Posted at 07:01 on 27 March, 2007 UTC

Fiji’s anti-corruption unit says it is working out priorities in dealing with the 400 complaints it already has on its books.

The interim Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khayum, says the response has been overwhelming.

But the whole basis of the unit is being questioned.

A spokesperson for the Fiji Women’s Rights Centre, Virisila Buadromo, says her organisation still believes the interim regime is illegal, therefore any body set up under this government also lacks legitimacy:

“The mechanisims created to set it up were illegal and the people don’t fully understand that and it seem like should the current regime be taken to court and then it found to be illegal or the coup that they put in place is illegal then all the institutions and decisions that they made then become null and void.”

Reference Here>>

In the meantime, SENIOR officials of the interim Government met with executives of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat yesterday to discuss the setting-up of a joint working committee to help Fiji back to democratic rule.

How well does one think this will go? What is the motivation of the current interim Government of Fiji to go back to democratic rule when there are so many cases of corruption to investigate?

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...