Showing posts with label Rupert Murdoch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rupert Murdoch. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Blue-mmm Is Off The Rosie

Rosie O'Donnell - I've always thought she had one of the most bizarre smiles in all of the celebrity world. Image and Caption Credit: Von Roeder via Flickr

The Blue-mmm Is Off The Rosie

For most people, Rosie O’Donnell is just a former comedic daytime talk show host who feigned a crush for Tom Cruise and got her start in standup comedy clubs .

For others, like Matrix Award honoree and social columnist Cindy Adams, Matrix Awards managing director Beth Ellen Keyes, and O'Donnell's publicist, Cindi Berger she is an acceptable Icon to a generation of women in media who are looking for recognition through “outing” herself as a lesbian and bullying behavior.

For MAXINE’s money, the blue, bawdy master of ceremonies performance at an awards fete being held to honor the achievements of New York's most accomplished women in media at the Waldorf-Astoria Grand, should get her BLACKBALLED.

It is not so much that Rosie is not happy with Donald Trump, The President, Republicans, Catholics, and anyone else who she perceives as not having the lesbian, socialists, elitist, Move-On.Org point-of-view she stands on. No, not really – It is more about how she chooses to express herself through inappropriate and vulgar language.

Rosie O'Donnell should be given a media and broadcasting "Code Blue"!

These excerpts from Page Six of the New York Post –

Richard Johnson, New York Post, Page Six - April 24, 2007

ROSIE O'Donnell's blue humor made faces red when she emceed the Matrix Awards in front of 2,000 feting New York's most accomplished women in media at the Waldorf-Astoria Grand Ballroom yesterday.

The loose-lipped lesbian dropped the F-bomb as Barbara Walters lowered her head on the dais and covered her face with her hand. O'Donnell concluded a rant about Donald Trump by grabbing her crotch and shouting, "Eat me!"

O'Donnell also said she was sad when Trump called her "disgusting" and "fat" because, "it was always my dream to give an old, bald billionaire a boner."

The annual luncheon of N.Y. Women in Communications - which honored Cindy Adams, Meredith Vieira, Joan Didion, Susan Lyne, Arianna Huffington and Lisa Caputo, among others - featured as presenters News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch, Joy Behar, Nora Ephron, Martha Stewart and Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Also on hand were 17 sweet-faced high school girls who won scholarships to pursue their dreams of careers in media.

"I was offended by how vulgar and common O'Donnell was," said Robert Zimmerman, a Democrat active in progressive causes. "It was especially inappropriate with young people present."
Among those in the crowd were Judith Giuliani, her predecessor Donna Hanover, Judge Judy Sheindlin, Helen Gurley Brown, Sue Simmons, Geri Laybourne of Oxygen Media, Jane Friedman of HarperCollins, and Hearst president Cathie Black.
N.Y. Women in Communications was evidently happy with O'Donnell. The group's managing director, Beth Ellen Keyes, sent an e-mail to her handlers saying, "Rosie was fabulous. Please let Rosie know how much we appreciated her being there. She was just great."
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UPDATE - April 25, 2007:

It's Code Blue ... for Rosie on The View!

That's right, the "bumble ball" disaster of a comedy performer, Rosie O'Donnell has not been invited back to sit on the dais of the daytime TV talk program.

On Laura Ingraham this morning, Laura observed that Elizabeth Hasselbeck (the only conservative-to-center counter-point to the rest of the four person co-host dais) has to be performing the "Snoopy Dance" right about now in reaction to the news.

Of course, Rosie will say it is her idea but it is well understood that gran dame, Barbara Walters is the producer and has the final say as to how the show is framed.

We at MAXINE say, "Stick a fork in it ... she's done!"

NEWS ITEM: Rosie O'Donnell leaving `The View' (AP)
AP - Rosie O'Donnell's stormy tenure on "The View" will be a short one. The opinionated host was unable to agree on a contract with ABC, and she'll leave the show in June.

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