Showing posts with label Iowa Caucuses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iowa Caucuses. Show all posts

Monday, January 02, 2012

Best Argument For A Newt Gingrich GOP Nomination Out Of Iowa

In a tweet minutes after Deace announced his endorsement, Gingrich tweeted "my thanks to @SteveDeaceShow for his endorsement tonight." Image Credit: The Vault at

Best Argument For A Newt Gingrich GOP Nomination Out Of Iowa

Influential Iowa state based radio talk show host, Steve Deace, endorses a vote for Newt Gingrich as the next Republican nominee for President of the United States and puts forth the best argument placed so far.

Steve Deace, a popular social conservative radio talk show host whose program is heard statewide in Iowa is backing Newt Gingrich for president and puts forward his reasoning in a way that allows one to cut through the mountain of irrelevant talking points on every candidate, they are all fatally flawed. Deace comes forward with a standout nugget of truth as to how our country has wandered so far off of its personal-freedom based tracks and should appeal to all of those who hold to what the Tea Party movement brought forward in its activism over the past couple of years - simply stated, our country needs to get back to core values informed through the United States Constitution, the Bill-Of-Rights, and the Rule-Of-Law.

The nugget is the singular recognition by Newt Gingrich that one branch of Government is allowed to operate without any check or balance, the Judicial Branch, and needs to be put back in equilibrium with the other two branches ... The Executive Branch (the office of the President) and Legislative Branch (the House of Representatives and the Senate).

This excerpted and edited from The Vault at -

Why I Am Endorsing Newt Gingrich for President

30 December 2011 - 17:34 GMT - By Steve Deace

This country is in trouble and bold leadership is needed. As someone that has had the privilege to vet these candidates as closely as just about anybody else has, I’ve come to the conclusion there are several good, Christian people running that most years I would vote for.

However, this isn’t most years.

Sadly, there are only two candidates offering a real means by which to actually undo that which the Left has done to this country for the past 50 years, and not just conservative platitudes. One of those candidates is Ron Paul, but his foreign policy is naive at best and reckless at worst. The other is Newt Gingrich, who has campaigned on what I believe is the most important issue facing us as a people — the loss of the rule of law.

The Left has used unelected judges and judicial oligarchy to reinvent the American way of life, from secularism to the loss of the sanctity of life, to the redefining of marriage, the confiscation of private property, and the granting of imaginary rights. There is an entire chapter of my new book devoted to the need for conservatives and Christians to confront judicial oligarchy once and for all. I have spent the past two years of my radio program educating my audience on this issue, and was a vocal proponent of Iowa’s historic judicial retention election last year, and Newt’s assistance with that effort was vital.

After offering every candidate in the race the chance to show they understand the gravity of this issue, Gingrich is the only one who has demonstrated he does, and can also use the bully pulpit of the presidency to educate Americans on the need to return to the rule of law.
Electing another Obamney from the ruling class changes nothing. Electing another nice conservative with no proven ability to govern or a killer instinct to take on the system changes nothing, even if it makes us all feel warm and fuzzy inside.

This is a time for leadership, not warm fuzzies. The future is at stake, and we may never get another environment with the country so prepared to challenge the system as we have right now.
It is my hope the other Republican candidates will follow Gingrich’s bold leadership in providing the country a true alternative to President Obama.

It is my prayer that next year that for once we actually have something to vote for, and not just something to vote against. I am making this endorsement in the hopes that will be the case. Sometimes the most broken people are the ones God does the most tremendous work through. I know that has been true in my life.
[Reference Here]

The Constitution, the Bill-Of-Rights, and the Rule-Of-Law represent the recipe by which we begin to have the Government become right-sized and functional once again for all citizens who wish to recapture what Ronald Reagan called "the shining city on the hill" ... a personal-freedom based United States of America with equal justice and access to all of its citizens.

<Article first seen as Best Argument For A Newt Gingrich Nomination Out Of Iowa at Technorati>

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mitt - Gingrich Out-Demonize Each Other In Obama-Style Class-Warfare Attacks

Trading accusations of greed, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich challenged each other Monday to return millions made in private business as the race for the GOP presidential nomination turned increasingly acerbic and personal at the start of a three-week sprint to the Iowa caucuses. Image Credit: StarTribune

Mitt - Gingrich Out-Demonize Each Other In Obama-Style Class-Warfare Attacks

Yesterday, Mitt Romney made a point that Newt Gingrich should pay back monies he was paid by Freddie Mac, a money loosing, quasi-government mortgage funding organization, for a consulting services contract he had made with the management.

Newt Gingrich felt compelled to jump ugly back into the fray at Mitt Romney by saying Romney should pay back the monies he made through downsizing corporations to make them more efficient and profitable.

This is a lose-lose tennis match where on one side, it is no one's business what one gets paid for consulting services (just, why is Freddie Mac, and its partner organization, Fannie Mae in business on taxpayer money in the first place?), and on the other hand, the Communist/Socialist argument on Capitalism where corporate leaders are able to benefit personally from an increase in profits due to making a company, and its products more attractive to consumers and the needs the company's efforts fill.

This excerpted and edited from the StarTribune -

Greed is the issue this time: Romney and Gingrich trade barbs as 3-week sprint to Iowa begins

Article by: KASIE HUNT and STEVE PEOPLES , Associated Press - Updated: December 13, 2011 - 1:00 AM

Far from Iowa, the two men campaigned miles apart from each other in next-up New Hampshire, where Romney has long dominated in polls but where Gingrich is aggressively working to make inroads. Romney called on Gingrich to return the estimated $1.6 million he received for providing strategic advice to Freddie Mac, the quasi-government agency that guarantees home mortgages. Gingrich has said he acted as a historian, not a lobbyist.

"That would make him the highest paid historian in history," Romney told Fox News Channel during an interview from the Chez Vachon diner, a regular New Hampshire stop for presidential candidates. He suggested that Gingrich was an ultimate insider who leveraged his position as a former House speaker to line his pockets when he left office. Said Romney: "One of the things that I think people recognize in Washington is that people go there to serve the people and then they stay there to serve themselves."

Gingrich, campaigning in nearby Londonderry, countered quickly, saying that Romney should give back the millions he made working at Bain Capital, a venture capital firm that sometimes laid people off as part of its efforts to make businesses more efficient.
"If Governor Romney would give back all the money he's earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over the years at Bain, then I would be glad to listen to him," Gingrich said. "But I bet you $10 — not $10,000 — that he won't take the offer." That was a dig at Romney's offer of a $10,000 wager with Rick Perry at Saturday night's debate.

Unbowed, Romney chided Gingrich anew, saying: "There's a big difference between working in the private economy and working on K Street, and working as a lobbyist and working as a legislator, and working to connect businesses with government." Romney's campaign also pressed the notion of Gingrich as a Washington insider, with news releases labeling him an "unreliable leader" and pictured with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.

[Reference Here]

If one were to side with the Gingrich argument (in retort), one would be siding with Barack Obama and continue the the cultural and economic slide into the abyss of socialist class-warfare and Euroism. If one were to side with Romney in his attack on Gingrich, while this argument points out how one, as a Washington insider gets to support themselves, it is none of anyone's business what one gets paid for consulting services as long as these arrangements are legal.

What is much more important as a takeaway from Romney's query, however, is with all of the Government resources (read, TAXPAYER) laid at the doorsteps of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, why were the executives who ran Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae able to walk-away while making bonuses in the millions of dollars as these organizations took the worldwide economy into the massive junk-mortgage tailspin of a property value downgrade we find ourselves now? Four words (two hyphenated phrases): Ruling-Class Slush-Fund!

Next debate from Sioux City Convention Center in Sioux City, Iowa, to be aired on FOXNews, Thursday, December 15, 9:00pm ET ... the gloves will be thrown to the ice and it might be time for the more recognized Conservatives as seen in Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann to rise above the fray in the ugly, ankle-biting "Newt Romney" back-and-forth, Iowa Caucuses.

<article first published as Mitt - Gingrich Out Demonize Each Other In Obama Style Class Warfare Attacks on Technorati>

President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum

Tour de Force ... President Trump Gives Virtual Remarks In ZOOM Call To World Economic Forum TAGS Davos, Free Speech, #DJT47, World Eco...