Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Let The Insults To The System Begin

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Moussaoui, the infamous "20th" highjacker files an appeal to have a new trial. He claims to only be part of a second wave of attacks and that he had never met with lead hijacker Mohamed Atta or any of the other terrorists that carried out the 9/11 attacks. He requested a new trial to prove his innocence to the September attacks. His appeal was rejected.

Excerpts from the Washington Post -

Moussaoui Fails in Bid to Withdraw 9/11 Guilty Plea
By Jerry Markon - Washington Post Staff Writer - Tuesday, May 9, 2006; Page A16

Facing transfer to the nation's toughest federal prison, Zacarias Moussaoui served up what may be his final legal surprise yesterday: The al-Qaeda conspirator said he was not involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror plot after all and wants a new trial to prove it.

His efforts were immediately rejected by a federal judge.

In a motion in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Moussaoui sought to withdraw his guilty plea and be granted a new trial "to prove my innocence of the Sept. 11 plot.'' The filing came four days after he was sentenced to life in prison, a punishment determined by a jury that heard Moussaoui testify during a seven-week sentencing trial that he had planned to fly a fifth hijacked airplane into the White House on Sept. 11.

Now, the French citizen says that testimony was "a complete fabrication.'' In an affidavit accompanying the motion, Moussaoui said he never met lead hijacker Mohamed Atta, didn't know the other 18 hijackers "or anything about their operation" and was taking flying lessons in the United States only to train for a second wave of attacks.

He also offered measured praise for the U.S. legal system he has spent the past four years attacking. Moussaoui said he lied on the stand because he assumed he would be executed "based on the emotions and anger toward me for the deaths on Sept. 11.'' But he was "extremely surprised" at the jury's verdict, he said, and now believes "it is possible I can receive a fair trial even with Americans as jurors.''

Even Moussaoui's attorneys acknowledged in a footnote yesterday that their motion could not be granted under federal rules, but they said they were filing it anyway "given their problematic relationship with Moussaoui."
Yesterday's motion was another twist in the case of Moussaoui, the only person convicted in the United States in connection with the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Moussaoui, 37, pleaded guilty last year to taking part in a broad al-Qaeda conspiracy to crash planes into U.S. buildings that led to the Sept. 11 attacks.
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We all know how this system works, spare a life, and support a phalanx of lawyers, judges, court clerks, MSM journalists, liberal cause/sympathy supporters, and etc. This will be the first of many challenges and "insults" to the system.

Hey Zackie, do you think that claiming to have regret that you were picked up before you were able to fly a plane into the White House might make a nation of innocent people be hostile toward YOU?

Guess what; feel good that the system saved your life so that you can participate in a bizarre form of capitalism ... The American Legal System.

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