Monday, April 17, 2006

Looney Left - Rant vs "One Long Sustained Scream"

Maryscott O'Connor says her liberal Web log, My Left Wing, is "one long, sustained scream." - Photo Credit: By David Finkel - The Washington Post

This from The Washington Post -

The Left, Online and Outraged
Liberal Blogger Finds an Outlet and a Community
By David Finkel, Washington Post Staff Writer - Saturday, April 15, 2006; Page A01

SHERMAN OAKS, Calif. -- In the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O'Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.

Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O'Connor's reputation is as one of the angriest of all. "One long, sustained scream" is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.

She smokes a cigarette. Should it be about Bush, whom she considers "malevolent," a "sociopath" and "the Antichrist"? She smokes another cigarette. Should it be about Vice President Cheney, whom she thinks of as "Satan," or about Karl Rove, "the devil"? Should it be about the "evil" Republican Party, or the "weaselly, capitulating, self-aggrandizing, self-serving" Democrats, or the Catholic Church, for which she says "I have a special place in my heart . . . a burning, sizzling, putrescent place where the guilty suffer the tortures of the damned"?

Darfur, she finally decides. She will write about Darfur.

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All by herself ... It is sad, really. With no facts. With no links. With little context or perspective. Driven to write about an African country without the internally developed sense of a religious or spiritual life (evidenced by the fact she feels the only way she can express herself is through "one long sustained scream"). To have to write about the Muslim genocide of Christians out of fascistic fear and hatred.

Be afraid, very afraid, if we do not show up at the polls to vote. The people she will elect get to run the country. They will run the global war on terror. They will watch over the country during the bird flu pandemic. Pray for her better mental health, peace, and serenity.

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