Thursday, July 13, 2006

When Wage Stratification Is A GOOD Idea!

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez testifies on Capitol Hill yesterday before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration reform. Photo Credit: Associated Press

Hey, vote for this bill. Honestly, we should vote for this bill so that we can finally stratify our labor force.

If we can not enforce our immigration laws, then we will have illegals lining up to claim alien status to receive higher wages. This "law" may have the self-regulating affect of employers wanting to hire the more "cost effective" native/citizen laborer.

Excerpts from The Washington Times -

Senate bill seeks more pay for aliens
By Charles Hurt (with contributions from Jeffrey Sparshott) - THE WASHINGTON TIMES - July 13, 2006

The Senate immigration bill would require that foreign construction laborers here under the guest-worker program be paid well above the minimum wage, even as American workers at the same work site could earn less.

The bill "would guarantee wages to some foreign workers that could be higher than those paid to American workers at the same work site," says a policy paper released this week by the Senate's Republican Policy Committee. "This is unfair to U.S. workers, inappropriate, and unnecessary."

"Two-thirds of the people who voted for that bill coming out of the Senate were Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid and Senator Kennedy. So, it's the Reid-Kennedy bill," House Majority Leader John A. Boehner said yesterday when asked why he refuses to credit any of the Republicans who were instrumental in drafting the bill or any of the 23 Senate Republicans who voted for it.

For their part, Democrats have begun calling it the "Frist-McCain" bill, a reference to Mr. Frist and Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican who has been one of the chief architects of the Senate bill.

A recent article he read about immigration in Time magazine, he said during a hearing on immigration, "was right on target in identifying the underlying racism and xenophobia which really grips us despite our denial of it."

But provisions of the Senate bill such as the wage guarantee for foreign workers raise concerns among more than just racists and xenophobes. “That certainly is negotiable to me," Mr. McCain said yesterday.

The Davis Bacon Act of 1931 (DBA) requires that the local prevailing wage be paid to all workers employed in federally contracted construction or projects done for the District of Columbia. Those wages -- up to four or five times higher in some fields than the federal minimum wage of $5.15 per hour -- are set by the Department of Labor.

The Senate's immigration bill would require that the higher wages be paid to foreign temporary workers in all construction occupations, even if the project isn't federally funded and doesn't otherwise fall under DBA.

"In other words, foreign workers employed in a construction job for which a DBA wage rate has been determined could be guaranteed wages higher than those paid to American workers doing the same job on the same private construction project for the same employer," the policy paper reports.

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When the construction business finally gets hip to this process, aliens will not get hired because they are too expensive ... or the Government could just heavily fine companies that hire the illegally documented/undocumented laborers which IS A LAW already on the books.

Of course, there would need to be an effort placed on muzzling groups like the ACLU and La Raza from the inherent discrimination that this law would set up ... not the discrimination of the wage stratification, but the discrimination brought about by a company wanting to save money by hiring the lowest cost labor.

Isn't this why we have an immigration problem in the first place!?

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