Friday, June 02, 2006

This Mark Is No Lark-States Get Serious About RFID

About the size of a grain of rice, the microchip inserts just under the skin and contains only a unique, 16-digit identifier.

Image Credit: VeriChip Corporation

Automatic identification processes, which had their advent with the UPC (Universal Product Code) and its widespread use in the mid-seventies, are excellent at automating, identifying, and defining objects within a space.

Through the years, Auto ID technology has grown from a simple mark placed on an item to applications where that identifying mark or code can be transmitted via radio frequency and picked up by sensors (RFID) then carried to computers where software applications apply the database information associated with the code being processed.

This technological advance is pretty much okay if one wanted to have the advantage of driving on special freeway lanes or toll roads as with the use of a "FASTRAC" pass systems used in automobiles, but when one applies this type of Automatic Identification technology directly to human beings ... without their permission, "Houston (or in this case, Madison, Wisconson) we have a problem!".

Yesterday, the Governor of Wisconsin, Jim Doyle, signed a law making it a crime to require the implanting RFID tracking microchips into human beings. This action was precipitated by the invention and FDA approval of a RFID microchip, which is enclosed in a glass sheath, produced by VeriChip Corporation.

This from the VeriChip Corporation website -

VeriChip is the only company in the world today to offer an implantable FDA-cleared RFID microchip and offers this option in its VeriMed and VeriGuard systems.

Once inserted just under the skin, via a quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot), the VeriChip™ can be scanned when necessary with a proprietary VeriChip reader, whether handheld or wall-mounted. A small amount of radio frequency energy passes from the reader energizing the dormant microchip which then emits a radio frequency signal transmitting the individuals unique verification number. This number can then be used for such purposes as accessing personal medical information in a password-protected database or assessing whether somebody has authority to enter into a high-security area.
VeriChip offers the widest range of RFID tag technologies within its solutions - beyond just passive and active tags - including implantable, wearable, and attachable form factors. Associating the following icons with VeriChip products, you can easily determine which particular tag technology is available with each solution.

VeriChip products marked by the “Implantable” icon mean they utilize the implantable, passive RFID microchip, the VeriChip™, in their solutions for the purpose of automatic identification.

Link Here>>

Yesterday, Wisconsin took a major step toward protecting against the erosion of ones ultimate right in a free society, personal privacy.

Report excerpts from -

Wisconsin Bans Forced Human RFID Chipping
Groundbreaking Law Spotlights Opposition to VeriChip
From Katherine Albrecht -, 6-1-6

Civil libertarians cheered yesterday upon news that Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle signed a law making it a crime to require an individual to be implanted with a microchip. Activists and authors Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre joined the celebration, predicting this move will spell trouble for the VeriChip Corporation, maker of the VeriChip human microchip implant.

The VeriChip is a glass encapsulated Radio Frequency Identification tag that is injected into the flesh to uniquely number and identify people. The tag can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves from up to a foot or more away, right through clothing. The highly controversial device is also being marketed as a way to access secure areas, link to medical records, and serve as a payment device when associated with a credit card.

"We're not even aware of anyone attempting to forcibly implant microchips into people," says Albrecht. "That lawmakers felt this legislation was necessary indicates a growing concern that the company's product could pose a serious threat to the public down the road."

VeriChip Chairman of the Board Scott Silverman has been promoting the VeriChip as a partial solution to immigration concerns, proposing it as a way to register guest workers, verify their identities as they cross the border, and "be used for enforcement purposes at the employer level." He told interviewers on the Fox News Channel that the company has "talked to many people in Washington about using it."

The company has also confirmed it has been in talks with the Pentagon about replacing military dog tags with VeriChip implants.

Albrecht and McIntyre have dogged the VeriChip Corporation, revealing medical and security flaws in its human chip and warning about its serious privacy and civil liberties downsides in their book "Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID."
Wisconsin's new law was introduced as Assembly Bill 290 by Representative Marlin D. Schneider (D) and was passed unanimously by both houses of the Wisconsin State Legislature this spring. The law makes it illegal to require an individual to have a microchip implant and subjects a violator to a fine of up to $10,000 per day.
Read All>>

If one signs up and submits, it's all fair game ... but when a code becomes a requirement and implanted into your body to be passively scanned and processed? Uh-Uh!, No!, Nada! Iks-Nay!, No Thanks!, Get outta' here! Back-Off! Not with THIS body! ...

Post republished at Symblogogy, the automatic identification & data capture weblog for all things AIDC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. An RFID tag is a small object that can be attached to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person. Made tracking easy.

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