Friday, February 19, 2021

Washington D.C. Opens New Museum - NEWSEUM - REPRISED & UPDATED

NEWSEUM At Night - The museum is set to officially Friday, April 11, 2008. Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

Washington D.C. Opens New Museum - NEWSEUM - REPRISED & UPDATED 
Originally Published April 10, 2008 - 8:27am - Edmund Jenks, MAXINE

 The nation’s capitol city, Washington D.C., plays host to a new major museum dedicated to news, news gathering, news print, production and broadcast, news workers and memoriam, and a Newsroom where interviews are broadcast. 

 NEWSEUM – The interactive Museum Of News, is located adjacent to the Smithsonian museums on the National Mall at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.. 

The official dedication ceremony and opening is scheduled for Friday, April 11, 2008. The Newseum features seven levels of galleries, theaters, retail spaces and visitor services. It offers a unique environment that takes museumgoers behind the scenes to experience how and why news is made.

A $25 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to the Newseum — the largest investment from the news community to the newest museum in the nation's capital — will honor the news legacy of the Knight brothers. The grant gives the Knight name to two broadcast studios and a conference center at the Newseum, the largest single project ever devoted to journalism and the free flow of news. Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

This morning, NEWSEUM held one of its first broadcasts of a live news conference from a studio inside the museum. 

The joint news conference began with statements from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker on the status of conditions in Iraq, followed by questions fielded from the audience (presumably museumgoers and actual reporters) as a final appearance after their debriefing reports delivered to the Senate and Congress over the last couple of days.

5 Freedoms Walkway - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom

This excerpted from the NEWSEUM website – 

Newseum Blends High-Tech With Historical 

The Newseum — a 250,000-square-foot museum of news — offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. ---- 

"Visitors will come away with a better understanding of news and the important role it plays in all of our lives," said Newseum Executive Director and Senior Vice President Joe Urschel. "The new Newseum is educational, inspirational and a whole lot of fun." ---- 

What They're Saying - A look at media coverage of the Newseum 

“Were he alive today, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have appreciated the Newseum, opening April 11 on the last revitalized site along Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest. 

He spearheaded the four-decade-long effort to revive the inaugural parade route with distinguished buildings and open spaces worthy of “America’s Main Street.” The Newseum caps his vision with contemporary architecture far bolder than the last major design completed on the street. … It is sheathed in glass, not masonry, to reveal some of its activity inside and counter the sealed-up monumentality so prevalent in Washington.” 

— Deborah K. Dietsch, The Washington Times “An endless network of corridors and theaters contains a wealth of news materials that are, at least to someone of my generation, a wonderful and moving evocation of the past. … The Newseum is an attic simply packed with fascinating stuff.” 

— Robert Campbell, The Boston Globe “The new incarnation of the Newseum is dazzling, innovative and absorbing, a first-class addition to the capital's cultural institutions.” 

— Howard Kurtz, The Washington Post “From every frenetic corner, the Newseum fairly shouts, ‘News is necessary to a functioning democracy. News is fun, news is cool, news matters.’” 

— Maria Puente, USA Today “Many Washington museums document the nation’s history. ... As it elevates and illuminates the usually gritty, sometimes glamorous work of the press, the Newseum looks set to give its neighbors some competition.” 

— Owen Phillips, Men's Vogue The Newseum is "among the most prominent" museums in the world, "perched on the last buildable site on the presidential inaugural parade route between the Capitol and the White House. And it is one of the most ambitious, both in design and aspiration." 

— Katharine Q. Seelye, The New York Times "At a time when journalists are reeling from scathing rebukes and public skepticism about their profession, the gleaming Newseum is poised to become a welcome reminder of all that's good about the business." 

— Jessica Meyers, American Journalism Review "The importance of the First Amendment is hard to miss at the Newseum: Visitors are greeted with a three-story-high engraving of the amendment's words next to the front entrance. ... The new location has a commanding view of the Capitol." 

— APME Gazette "The Newseum will be particularly exciting because officials expect it will be a place to spot news personalities and newsmakers alike." 

— Elizabeth Brotherton, Roll Call ----

NBC Newsroom - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom

Conference Center, Broadcast Studios to Be Named in Honor of Knight Brothers WASHINGTON — 

A $25 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to the Newseum — the largest investment from the news community to the newest museum in the nation's capital — will honor the news legacy of the Knight brothers.  

Opening April 11 on Pennsylvania Avenue, the new 250,000-square-foot, interactive museum of news will remind generations of Washington visitors of the importance of the First Amendment, free speech and the role of the media in a free society. 

The grant gives the Knight name to two broadcast studios and a conference center at the Newseum, the largest single project ever devoted to journalism and the free flow of news. ---- 

"The Newseum will immediately become one of the most important platforms for discussion of free speech in America," said Alberto Ibargüen, president of Knight Foundation. "We want to be part of that conversation, we want our journalism grantees to be part of that conversation and we want the values the Knight brothers stood for and defended to be integral to that conversation." ---- 

Once opened, the new museum's two Knight broadcast studios, including the Pennsylvania Avenue Studio overlooking the U.S. Capitol, will be the location of top-flight news programs and civic dialogue on the issues of the day. 

"Millions of Americans travel to the National Mall to learn more how to be an American," said Steiger, editor in chief of ProPublica. "It's fitting for the Fourth Estate to take up residence there." Knight Foundation joins a host of supporters from news and journalism contributing to the Newseum, including the Annenberg Foundation, The New York Times, News Corporation, Cox Enterprises, Hearst Corporation, ABC News, NBC News and Time Warner. ----

KSAS-TV Channel 5 News Heliocopter - Image Credit: NEWSEUM Pressroom 

Addmission Hours 
The Newseum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. 

2008 General Admission Rates * • Adults (13 to 64): $20 * • Seniors (65 and older): $18 * • Youth (7 to 12): $13 * • Children (6 and younger): Free * • Group discounts are available. School Groups Public and private school students in grades 1–12 in The Washington Post metropolitan market receive free, general admission through March 31, 2009. 

To qualify, schools must make group reservations in advance. The schools must be located in one of the jurisdictions listed below. College and university student groups located in the same areas listed below also receive free admission through March 31, 2009. To qualify, colleges must make group reservations in advance. 

One Question: 
(spawned after a review of the names of supporters contributing to the NEWSEUM) 

Will the New Media spur of the “fourth estate” get its own Wing and Blogging studio? 

 Anytime soon?


NowPublic Awarded

NEWSEUM closes it's doors for good on February 19, 2021 - and in this age of Social Media censoring, dubious "Fact Checking", and account suspension/cancellation along with outright social portal de-platforming from server farms (as what happened with the 1 Billion dollar social media platform PARLER being pulled off of Amazon Web Services server farm - without notice or cause given tenants of Free Speech) supported by America's Fourth Estate - this is good.
Yes, the Newseum’s First Amendment Tablet Is Coming Down. 
No, It’s Not Because Democracy Has Failed.
The 50-ton, 74-foot-tall marble tablet is going into storage, and maybe someday, a new home.

Yesterday, photojournalist Megan Smith tweeted out now-viral images of the tablet being disassembled from the building’s facade. Of course, because this is the internet, some folks decided this was an apt metaphor for the state of today’s media, or a reflection of the Biden administration’s approach toward journalists.
In reality, the tablet is coming down because…the museum is closed and the building has been sold. You can still check it out, though: The display hasn’t been fully taken apart, says a Freedom Forum representative. Once it is fully disassembled, it will go into storage, says the representative, with hopes to find it a home where it can be permanently displayed.

TAGS: Cox Enterprises, Hearst Corporation, Knight Foundation, Blogging, The New York Times, Annenberg Foundation, Time Warner Inc., ABC News, NBC News, New Media, Washington D.C., News Corporation, NEWSEUM, MAXINE

Monday, February 15, 2021

From Pathogen To Profit - A Review Of Legalizing Biological Health Events

It is important to know just how much societies are being manipulated by strong and powerful forces aligning themselves to cash in on extreme profit aided by Government forces that are into this fear and panic, not for profit, but for Control. Group profit and group slavery are tremendous motivators. Image Credit: Elevate (2020)

From Pathogen To Profit - A Review Of Legalizing Biological Health Events

IBM started digitizing Patent Filings in 1999 and filed around 1,000,000 Patents. What has been discovered from 1999 going forward, fully 33.3% of all Patents were forgeries based on changes in language in original filings of Patents on the same subject matter.

Unless one has unlimited resources to invest in legal actions to protect original Patents, that intellectual property will be stolen by any unscrupulous person, business, or Nation-State.

In 2003, everything began to coalesce around Patents starting with SARS - methods for producing recombinant coronavirus - Patent US 7279327.

Through all manner of National & International law, natural occurring biological agents are not subject to a Patent and not legal, further, biological weapons in the forms of any manipulation from chemical to biological variants are illegal.

Patents an "Gain-Of-Function" research and its political support through taxpayer funding raised the first Red flags on this war on Humanity in the pursuits of extreme profit. 

We, at MAXINE, recommend that one SEE this trailer video and make one's own judgements.

Then go to PLANDEMIC INDOCTORNATION found for free at:

TAGS: Mikki Willits, Elevate, Dr, David E. Martin, Plandemic, INDOCTORNATION, Patent US 7279327, SARS, 1999, 2003, Wuhan, COVID-19, illegal, Pathogen, Profit, MAXINE

Sunday, December 27, 2020

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control


It is rare for any of us to put our beliefs about control to the test. When companies have actually tested whether their advertising works, they often find surprising results, such as eBay’s revelation that the return on its advertising investment might actually be negative. So is it wiser to assume we’re not in control of either our own health or of how customers view us?  That can lead to the opposite error - to be underconfident about what we can control. It is easy to identify tragic missed opportunities that can arise from this belief. Caption Credit: The Berkley Blog - Image Credit: Pinterest (2020)

CBS Sunday Morning - What I Learned - 2020 Has Highlighted Illusions Of Control

Most elevators have some form of a “close door” button. Impatient elevator riders the world over push that button when they want the elevator to get moving. Unbeknownst to them, their button-pushing efforts are useless. The vast majority of building managers and elevator programmers think they know when the doors should close, and have deactivated the button. Pushing the button has no effect, yet people continue to push it. This is just one example of the “illusion of control”: Acting as if we control something that we don’t.
[ht: The Berkley Blog]
Someone needs to tell City, County, State, & Federal leaders that there is no such thing as controlling a virus, no matter where it comes from. The one thing we all know now, in spite of the Mass Media's love of "Panic Porn" is that given any general population of Humanity, the virus from Wuhan China is 99.95+% survivable no matter what others want you to believe.
ENTER life at one's own level of known risk given one's demographic of vulnerability, but do not be tempted to push the elevator "Close Door" button.
We, at MAXINE have this political footnote to impart that is also related to this year of our Lord 2020 - Think Dominion Tabulation Systems and a Republican vote - the vote will be diminished or not be counted.

TAGS: Close Door, Elevators, Button, Dominion, 2020 Election, CBS Sunday Morning, Berkley Blog, Democrat, Republican, Panic Porn, Wuhan Red Death, MAXINE

Friday, August 28, 2020

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democratic Agenda For 2020 & Beyond: Pat Lynch - President NYC Police Benevolent Association

Democrats are working toward an intended consequence that amounts to a hijacking of our criminal justice systems that had worked very well at assuring safety for citizens and working families everywhere.

In city after city, the Democrats have passed laws and implemented policies that do not recognize theft, that eliminate cash bail and promises to appear, restrict the powers of policing, and empty our jails. District Attorneys do not prosecute cases at the level they once did to keep criminals in check in an effort to create more put-upon victims so that Democrats have a base of potential voters to groom for their own path to power.

The chaos we have been seeing grow in our communities isn't a side effect, it is the goal. Unchecked illegal immigration, Sanctuary City policies, non-enforcement of vagrancy laws through transference from policing to city staffed social worker agencies (who stay in their air-conditioned offices), COVID-19 mass releasing of guilty known criminals from prisons and jails before their sentences are fully served (when Shelter-At-Home and Masks are required through governmental edict for everyday law abiding citizens), road and street "diets" imposed without a vote from citizens by city bureaucrats which impede and slow the pursuits of happiness and commerce on once major boulevard arteries, all intended to create a less than best practices impaired society Democrat political leaders can run on.

To be clear, Patrick Lynch, President of NYPD’s Police Benevolent Association, stated it best in his presentation during the final day of the Republican National Convention - “Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and our institutions. I have been a New York City police officer for 36 years…I’ve never seen our streets go this bad so quickly.”

“Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump matches his words with his actions,” Mr. Lynch said. “He gives law enforcement the support and the tools we need to go out there and put a stop to it - period, end of story.”

We, at MAXINE, wish to get our America and American Culture back where people are safe, have a criminal justice system that works as intended (keeping convicted criminals housed and in check), and operates peacefully under the full rights as guaranteed by God, not decreed by Government, as laid out in our country's founding documents - where people/individuals have more power than Government ... in the end.

As in the final comments made by Patrick Lynch - Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris', and the Democrat Political Party's America Equals "No Safety, No Justice, No Peace!"



TAGS: Patrick Lynch, #MAGA, #DJT45, Republican, Democratic, No Safety, No Justice, No Peace, Joe Biden, 2020, MAXINE

Monday, March 16, 2020

Visualization On How Wuhan Virus Step Aside Works To Contain The Contamination

Image Credit: Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre (2020)
Visualization On How Wuhan Virus Step Aside Works To Contain The Contamination

This piece of video visualization captures what happens when the leadership in our country shuts down travel from Wuhan Virus hot spot countries and begins the process of having Americans of all ages hunker down and express social distancing when we all leave our safe, and warm, non-infected, homes to go out and about.

Artist couple Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre. Image Credit: Juan Delcan and Valentina Izaguirre (2020)

This excerpted and edited from "artnet News" -

The short animated video by the husband-and-wife team of Juan Delcan & Valentina Izaguirre shows a row of matchsticks lined up like dominoes. A first match is ignited, and the flame begins to spread rapidly from one match to the next, spelling certain doom for the entire group—that is until one of the matches comes to life, stepping out of the line and out of range of the fire.

Breaking the chain stopps the blaze, much the way that social distancing will keep more people from catching COVID-19.

“Do your part and stay home,” wrote Juan Delcan on Twitter.

Sharing the piece in a post that has since been liked over 4,000 times and shared over 2,000 times—including by actress Olivia Wilde, who has herself amassed nearly 50,000 likes and over 18,000 Retweets for her post of Safety Match. On Instagram, the 12-second clip has been viewed more than half a million times with upwards of 84,000 likes.
“We knew people were going to watch it, but I don’t think we expected this global response,” said Izaguirre. “We’ve been up since 3 a.m. giving interviews!”

What’s been the most rewarding is the response from young people, she added. “We get messages that say ‘hey, this really helped me understand the situation.'”

The couple, who have been together ten years, met on the set of a commercial. Delcan was the director; Izaguirre, the wardrobe stylist. “We started making art and collaborating basically on day one,” she recalled.

The artists have been making matchstick artworks for about a year, with Izaguirre designing the sets while Declan does the animation in Cinema 4-D.
[Reference Here]

We, at MAXINE, couldn't be more enthralled or informed through this really ingenious use of modern phone technology, animation, and matchsticks.

TAGS: Wuhan, Corona, Chinese, Virus, COVID-19, Wash Hands, Be Calm, Bump Elbows, Tap Shoes, Quarantine, Travel Restrictions, MAXINE

Friday, August 16, 2019

Where In The World Is GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Why In-N-Out, Of Course

Ghislaine Maxwell proves that the burgers at IN-N-OUT have "universal" appeal. Image Credit: N.Y. Post shared via Facebook (2019)

Where In The World Is GHISLAINE MAXWELL? Why In-n-Out, Of Course

GHISLAINE MAXWELL - So, which Los Angeles In-N-Out Burger location was the former Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell found hiding in plain sight at?
MAXINE knows this because this is the closest In-N-Out to MAXINE's primary location and have had their favorite Double-Double with extra Spread served hot and ready to consume over, and over. Image Credit: Screengrab from Google Search (2019)

The location is the one closest to Universal Studios Hollywood next door to a Nissan dealership and across the street from the famous independent Italian restaurant Miceli's Universal City on Cahuenga Blvd.

That's Miceli's at the corner of Regal Place and Cahuenga Boulevard just over Ms. Maxwell's right shoulder (image left). Image Credit: N.Y. Post shared via Facebook (2019)

So? Just why was this very close associate of convicted (and now deceased) Sex Predator Jeffery Epstein hanging out in this very unique neighborhood over the hill from Hollywood and next door to Studio City?

Inquiring minds, and we at MAXINE, want to know - your speculation is as good as ours (hints found in the TAGS at bottom of post) - leave a note!

TAGS: In-N-Out, Universal City, Hollywood, Ghislaine Maxwell, Movie, Studio, Management, Hollywood Mogul, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Michael Ovitz, Kevin Spacey, Ralph Fiennes, Courtney Love, Dustin Hoffman, Jimmy Buffet, Alec Baldwin, David Blaine, Phil Collins, Richard Plepler, Chris Tucker, Bill Richardson, Prince Andrew, George Mitchell, sex trafficking, Peggy Siegal, Sarah Kellen, Adriana Ross, Lesley Groff, Nadia Marcinkova, Glenn Dubin, Jean-Luc Brunel, MAXINE

Monday, July 09, 2018

LATEST ... Progressive Victim Class/Oppressor Class Cudgel On Everyday Society

Many young men dream of working in oilfields because the money is excellent. Although being employed on an oil rig is difficult and involves lots of manual labor, this career has been around for centuries now. Image Credit: Rig Oilfield Services (2018)

LATEST ... Progressive Victim Class/Oppressor Class Cudgel On Everyday Society

The Left-Wing isn't happy unless, like sharks, they keep swimming on the push provided by another Victim Class/Oppressor Class talking point. Today's entry into the lexicon that hopes to gain traction in social conversation is Petro-Masculinity.

As with other Victim Class/Oppressor Class progressive beat-down points of contention - Toxic-Masculinity | Gender Identity |  Non-Binary | Gay Marriage | Gender Neutral - the progressive agenda of eliminating a cultural identification and role assumption of weak vs strong and etc. never ends and remains as fertile ground for chaos development.
Fossil fuels create a warped sense of “masculine identity” and “authoritarianism” among men, asserts feminist professor, Virginia Tech University, Cara Daggett - who issued a study paper titled “Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire” that explain her thoughts on the matter at the intersection of environment and toxic masculinity.

Screen grab - Alicia Massie: #masculinity & work morality in Canadian oilsands. Building on Coles (2009) and Anderson (2008), analysis shows family as the foundation of petro-economy and gender enacted in collective petro-economy identity (e.g. oilfield dad, oil wife). Image Credit: Twitter via Ping H. Wang

“Petro-masculinity, like fossil fuel systems, arguably has global dimensions,” Daggett asserts. “However, like other masculinities, petro-masculinity should be understood as manifesting in multiple, and locally specific, ways. Petro-masculinity approaches masculinity as a socially constructed identity that emerges ‘within a gender order that defines masculinity in opposition to femininity, and in so doing, sustains a power relation between men and women as groups.”


Words, so many words without an actual meaning other than to confuse and contort into a cudgel of pretzel-logic upon which to breathe new life into a Progressive style meme - Petro-Masculinity, indeed.

All Democrat leadership and its public relations firm, the Left-Wing Media Complex, are 100% in the camp of Identity Politics and as the comment/observation suggests - have taken the pointing out and exploitation of victims to a new level of oppression as a tool!

Democrats have to decide, and declare if they are "all in" on this tool upon which society is beat up so that Democrats believe they are gaining some power - or work for another way by gaining power through providing good solutions.

We, at MAXINE, wonder - if any of these progressives were in an automobile accident, or had a heart attack, what, exactly, would be responding to their emergency - a gas-powered, petro-masculinity based Ambulance?

TAGS: Petro-Masculinity, Toxic-Masculinity, Progressive, Victim Class, Oppressor Class, cudgel, #masculinity, work morality, #energydemocracy, Politisite, MAXINE

Monday, June 18, 2018

Will The 44th Presidency's, Carter's Second Term, FBI Ever Be Trusted Again?

Former FBI official: the Bureau has become corrupted by ideology and ego... and there's growing discontent among the rank and file (VIDEO). Image Credit: Tucker Carlson via FB (2018)

Will The 44th Presidency's, Carter's Second Term, FBI Ever Be Trusted Again?

MAYBE ... never ...

... include the whole of the Department Of Justice (DOJ) now that they just issued their Inspector General (IG) Report and it followed the exact template that then FBI Director presented nearly 2 years ago when he, Comey, went through the laundry list of law-breaking by Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) then ending with the conclusion that NO PROSECUTOR would take HRC to trial.

The DOJ IG Report went through nearly 500 pages of descriptions of Political BIAS, over-reaches in power, deviance of FBI procedure, and unequal justice - then ending with the concluding ruling that NO Provable Political BIAS existed in the illegal HRC private email server investigation.

These people distort process in order to pursue their collective progressive political ego and personality. Ego and emotion rules the day as these bureaucracies pile Bias upon Bias in order to undo the fair election of a 45th President that is anybody but Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The FBI was rigging an election for President of the United States on behalf of one political party over the other.

We, at MAXINE, see Bias upon Bias along with Fix upon Fix "being placed in" to insure a Clinton Presidency using a two-tiered justice system where anybody but Hillary Clinton would be arrested for the countless felonies in the mishandling of classified information on her illegal private email server.

If the FBI will ever be trusted again, the rank and file will have to step forward and become the face of  - first, justice - then proper process over ideology and ego. 

TAGS: DEEP STATE, James Clapper, John Brennan, Barack Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, #BIAS, #corruption,#ego, #BHO44, MAXINE

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Happy Easter - Where An Emoji Meme Gets A Rite Of Spring Makeover

Emojis come to be iconic when they establish themselves quickly and without much fanfare. This particular shape, with eyes and a smile, may have originally been created to represent chocolate ice cream, but was doomed from the start for many obvious reasons. Not the least of which is found in the coarseness of Social Media communications posturing. This arena has always been the Wild West. Image Credit: Emojipedia via Business Insider (2015)

Happy Easter - Where An Emoji Meme Gets A Rite-Of-Spring Makeover

YES! It was a peg wall full of hang tag packaging Pile Of Poo 3-D emojis marked as FILLABLE EGGS in an assortment of Easter Egg colors (thank the stars none were brown).

Banner labeling marked as "Fillable Eggs" just under a pair of bunny ears to the left side of the label. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Seasons and celebrations come and go throughout our lives. The ebb and flow of our family and social experiences allow us to have a life filled with the excitement of anticipation.

On a recent trip to a local 99 Cents Only Stores, the seasonal aisles, which were previously filled with the red and green colors of the Christmas season, sported the rich red of Valentines Day cards and decorations as well the beginnings of the muted pinks, blues, purples, greens and yellows of Easter.

Once confronted with these displays one is drawn to the typical fare such as cards, centerpieces, and candy gift enclosures of the season ... like eggs, fillable eggs.

Typical plastic eggs folks use to hide candy and gifts in during Easter. Image Credit: Busy Body Kids

Being early into the Easter season, heck, Fat Tuesday hasn't even taken place, the selection was not as robust as one might anticipate.

One hang tag packaging section was quite attention getting, in that, it featured something that was, at once, current in shape, but just a bit odd. This is not an everyday egg!

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Lest one think this might be inappropriate messaging for outside of the common Social Media platforms where we all may be exposed to this kind of light-hearted coarseness, consider that Apple Corporation has recently been airing a commercial in heavy rotation using a song by SOFI TUKKER titled Best Friend (click link) that features, momentarily, this same Pile Of Poo emoji.

Apple's Pile Of Poo emoji as it appears in Apple's commercial introducing the new iPhone X to the world. Image Credit: Apple Corporation via YouTube (2017)

One can almost imagine the discussions in the product planning boardrooms ... in China. Can anyone sense the disconnect here?

A glasses festooned face with a tooth style grin. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Then now, after the decision had been made to develop a product to be sold during the Easter celebration season in the West, the order goes down to the modeling department to create a mold that would be the right size, to be split in half, so that a parent, grandparent, friend would be able to insert an inclusion, a candy or other small object, for gifting purposes.

What goes on in the mind of a person with the engineering degree/training and crafts background to create such a thing so it would become ... a THING?

A laughing expression with drool coming out of one side. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Meeting after meeting, where the tests prove that this is now a product, until the next step where the other decisions have been made on differentiation, such as color(s), screened graphic faces, packaging considerations are applied.

A surprise "Oh!" expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Small groups of graphic designers come up with an assortment of face configurations. Each by each are approved and moved forward into the production process.

Faces include a surprise "Oh!" expression, a laughing expression with drool coming out of one side, a glasses festooned face with a tooth style grin similar to a Bugs Bunny (apologies to Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Mel Blanc) graphic, each coming to being approved and moved forward.

A squinty eyed, raspberry tongue expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Some of these screened faces are quite sophisticated requiring more than just one pass due to color and other considerations. Each face being applied, some with color first then the final pass of black.

A sad, "Woe is me!" style expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Each face having to go through a final inspection to make sure the registration of the application met minimum standards of graphic representation. Does the face impart the emotion it was originally designed to achieve?

A happy smile-faced wink expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Through all of the process of preparing the product for sale and ... profit. The culture continues to shape the environment socially and politically.

Here in America, we have been confronted just this past week with an account of communication and expression found in our political discourse that boiled down to just one word ... s***hole. This word, similar in meaning to fecal-cavity, was picked up and used during the course of one full day of broadcasting by a cable news service about 195 times.

The term was used to describe countries that clearly operated politically and culturally with a complete lack of standards in cleanliness, building codes and aspiration to become operating at a higher level of standard through individual, family, and political governance conviction.

A bookworm-style pile of poo in shock expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

This may be a clue how this product, which was designed, developed, and finally produced for sale to a needy public, ended up at a close-out lots merchandising king, the 99 Cent Only retail store chain.

A Mmmmm, yum, yum expression with tongue. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

All we, at Maxine, can surmise, with the production and sale of this rather odd display, once we bring these Pile Of Poo emoji memes home, fill them with treats to celebrate Easter, when given out and used as intended - does this act make us participants in a cultural rite-of-spring ... Turd-World Country?

Jus' askin'!

TAGS: Pile Of Poo, Emoji, Easter Egg, Easter, Egg, Rite-Of-Spring, SOFI TUKKER, Apple, iPhone X, Emojipedia, China, Shithole, 99 Cents Only Stores, MAXINE

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at...