Monday, July 09, 2018

LATEST ... Progressive Victim Class/Oppressor Class Cudgel On Everyday Society

Many young men dream of working in oilfields because the money is excellent. Although being employed on an oil rig is difficult and involves lots of manual labor, this career has been around for centuries now. Image Credit: Rig Oilfield Services (2018)

LATEST ... Progressive Victim Class/Oppressor Class Cudgel On Everyday Society

The Left-Wing isn't happy unless, like sharks, they keep swimming on the push provided by another Victim Class/Oppressor Class talking point. Today's entry into the lexicon that hopes to gain traction in social conversation is Petro-Masculinity.

As with other Victim Class/Oppressor Class progressive beat-down points of contention - Toxic-Masculinity | Gender Identity |  Non-Binary | Gay Marriage | Gender Neutral - the progressive agenda of eliminating a cultural identification and role assumption of weak vs strong and etc. never ends and remains as fertile ground for chaos development.
Fossil fuels create a warped sense of “masculine identity” and “authoritarianism” among men, asserts feminist professor, Virginia Tech University, Cara Daggett - who issued a study paper titled “Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire” that explain her thoughts on the matter at the intersection of environment and toxic masculinity.

Screen grab - Alicia Massie: #masculinity & work morality in Canadian oilsands. Building on Coles (2009) and Anderson (2008), analysis shows family as the foundation of petro-economy and gender enacted in collective petro-economy identity (e.g. oilfield dad, oil wife). Image Credit: Twitter via Ping H. Wang

“Petro-masculinity, like fossil fuel systems, arguably has global dimensions,” Daggett asserts. “However, like other masculinities, petro-masculinity should be understood as manifesting in multiple, and locally specific, ways. Petro-masculinity approaches masculinity as a socially constructed identity that emerges ‘within a gender order that defines masculinity in opposition to femininity, and in so doing, sustains a power relation between men and women as groups.”


Words, so many words without an actual meaning other than to confuse and contort into a cudgel of pretzel-logic upon which to breathe new life into a Progressive style meme - Petro-Masculinity, indeed.

All Democrat leadership and its public relations firm, the Left-Wing Media Complex, are 100% in the camp of Identity Politics and as the comment/observation suggests - have taken the pointing out and exploitation of victims to a new level of oppression as a tool!

Democrats have to decide, and declare if they are "all in" on this tool upon which society is beat up so that Democrats believe they are gaining some power - or work for another way by gaining power through providing good solutions.

We, at MAXINE, wonder - if any of these progressives were in an automobile accident, or had a heart attack, what, exactly, would be responding to their emergency - a gas-powered, petro-masculinity based Ambulance?

TAGS: Petro-Masculinity, Toxic-Masculinity, Progressive, Victim Class, Oppressor Class, cudgel, #masculinity, work morality, #energydemocracy, Politisite, MAXINE

Monday, June 18, 2018

Will The 44th Presidency's, Carter's Second Term, FBI Ever Be Trusted Again?

Former FBI official: the Bureau has become corrupted by ideology and ego... and there's growing discontent among the rank and file (VIDEO). Image Credit: Tucker Carlson via FB (2018)

Will The 44th Presidency's, Carter's Second Term, FBI Ever Be Trusted Again?

MAYBE ... never ...

... include the whole of the Department Of Justice (DOJ) now that they just issued their Inspector General (IG) Report and it followed the exact template that then FBI Director presented nearly 2 years ago when he, Comey, went through the laundry list of law-breaking by Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) then ending with the conclusion that NO PROSECUTOR would take HRC to trial.

The DOJ IG Report went through nearly 500 pages of descriptions of Political BIAS, over-reaches in power, deviance of FBI procedure, and unequal justice - then ending with the concluding ruling that NO Provable Political BIAS existed in the illegal HRC private email server investigation.

These people distort process in order to pursue their collective progressive political ego and personality. Ego and emotion rules the day as these bureaucracies pile Bias upon Bias in order to undo the fair election of a 45th President that is anybody but Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The FBI was rigging an election for President of the United States on behalf of one political party over the other.

We, at MAXINE, see Bias upon Bias along with Fix upon Fix "being placed in" to insure a Clinton Presidency using a two-tiered justice system where anybody but Hillary Clinton would be arrested for the countless felonies in the mishandling of classified information on her illegal private email server.

If the FBI will ever be trusted again, the rank and file will have to step forward and become the face of  - first, justice - then proper process over ideology and ego. 

TAGS: DEEP STATE, James Clapper, John Brennan, Barack Obama, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, #BIAS, #corruption,#ego, #BHO44, MAXINE

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Happy Easter - Where An Emoji Meme Gets A Rite Of Spring Makeover

Emojis come to be iconic when they establish themselves quickly and without much fanfare. This particular shape, with eyes and a smile, may have originally been created to represent chocolate ice cream, but was doomed from the start for many obvious reasons. Not the least of which is found in the coarseness of Social Media communications posturing. This arena has always been the Wild West. Image Credit: Emojipedia via Business Insider (2015)

Happy Easter - Where An Emoji Meme Gets A Rite-Of-Spring Makeover

YES! It was a peg wall full of hang tag packaging Pile Of Poo 3-D emojis marked as FILLABLE EGGS in an assortment of Easter Egg colors (thank the stars none were brown).

Banner labeling marked as "Fillable Eggs" just under a pair of bunny ears to the left side of the label. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Seasons and celebrations come and go throughout our lives. The ebb and flow of our family and social experiences allow us to have a life filled with the excitement of anticipation.

On a recent trip to a local 99 Cents Only Stores, the seasonal aisles, which were previously filled with the red and green colors of the Christmas season, sported the rich red of Valentines Day cards and decorations as well the beginnings of the muted pinks, blues, purples, greens and yellows of Easter.

Once confronted with these displays one is drawn to the typical fare such as cards, centerpieces, and candy gift enclosures of the season ... like eggs, fillable eggs.

Typical plastic eggs folks use to hide candy and gifts in during Easter. Image Credit: Busy Body Kids

Being early into the Easter season, heck, Fat Tuesday hasn't even taken place, the selection was not as robust as one might anticipate.

One hang tag packaging section was quite attention getting, in that, it featured something that was, at once, current in shape, but just a bit odd. This is not an everyday egg!

Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Lest one think this might be inappropriate messaging for outside of the common Social Media platforms where we all may be exposed to this kind of light-hearted coarseness, consider that Apple Corporation has recently been airing a commercial in heavy rotation using a song by SOFI TUKKER titled Best Friend (click link) that features, momentarily, this same Pile Of Poo emoji.

Apple's Pile Of Poo emoji as it appears in Apple's commercial introducing the new iPhone X to the world. Image Credit: Apple Corporation via YouTube (2017)

One can almost imagine the discussions in the product planning boardrooms ... in China. Can anyone sense the disconnect here?

A glasses festooned face with a tooth style grin. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Then now, after the decision had been made to develop a product to be sold during the Easter celebration season in the West, the order goes down to the modeling department to create a mold that would be the right size, to be split in half, so that a parent, grandparent, friend would be able to insert an inclusion, a candy or other small object, for gifting purposes.

What goes on in the mind of a person with the engineering degree/training and crafts background to create such a thing so it would become ... a THING?

A laughing expression with drool coming out of one side. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Meeting after meeting, where the tests prove that this is now a product, until the next step where the other decisions have been made on differentiation, such as color(s), screened graphic faces, packaging considerations are applied.

A surprise "Oh!" expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Small groups of graphic designers come up with an assortment of face configurations. Each by each are approved and moved forward into the production process.

Faces include a surprise "Oh!" expression, a laughing expression with drool coming out of one side, a glasses festooned face with a tooth style grin similar to a Bugs Bunny (apologies to Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Mel Blanc) graphic, each coming to being approved and moved forward.

A squinty eyed, raspberry tongue expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Some of these screened faces are quite sophisticated requiring more than just one pass due to color and other considerations. Each face being applied, some with color first then the final pass of black.

A sad, "Woe is me!" style expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Each face having to go through a final inspection to make sure the registration of the application met minimum standards of graphic representation. Does the face impart the emotion it was originally designed to achieve?

A happy smile-faced wink expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

Through all of the process of preparing the product for sale and ... profit. The culture continues to shape the environment socially and politically.

Here in America, we have been confronted just this past week with an account of communication and expression found in our political discourse that boiled down to just one word ... s***hole. This word, similar in meaning to fecal-cavity, was picked up and used during the course of one full day of broadcasting by a cable news service about 195 times.

The term was used to describe countries that clearly operated politically and culturally with a complete lack of standards in cleanliness, building codes and aspiration to become operating at a higher level of standard through individual, family, and political governance conviction.

A bookworm-style pile of poo in shock expression. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

This may be a clue how this product, which was designed, developed, and finally produced for sale to a needy public, ended up at a close-out lots merchandising king, the 99 Cent Only retail store chain.

A Mmmmm, yum, yum expression with tongue. Image Credit: Edmund Jenks (2018)

All we, at Maxine, can surmise, with the production and sale of this rather odd display, once we bring these Pile Of Poo emoji memes home, fill them with treats to celebrate Easter, when given out and used as intended - does this act make us participants in a cultural rite-of-spring ... Turd-World Country?

Jus' askin'!

TAGS: Pile Of Poo, Emoji, Easter Egg, Easter, Egg, Rite-Of-Spring, SOFI TUKKER, Apple, iPhone X, Emojipedia, China, Shithole, 99 Cents Only Stores, MAXINE

"In Springfield: They're Eating The Dogs - They're Eating The Cats"

Inventiveness is always in the eye of the beholder. Here is a remade Dr. Seuss book cover graphic featuring stylized Trumpian hair posted at...