Build A Digital Antenna/Converter Box For $8.00
The federal government's TV converter box program runs out of funding!
Is anyone surprised? We, at MAXINE, believe; give the government something to manage and they will manage to mess it up. Hey, why don't we have the government fix our economy that had been sent into a tailspin through the promotion of JUNK MORTGAGES backed by organizations create by .... the government? - oops!
Maybe the government can free up some of the 750 billion dollars that was supposed to be used to buy back JUNK MORTGAGES so that people in our society don't miss the new gameshow program, Million Dollar Password.
This excerpted and edited from the Washington Post –
TV Converter Program Runs Out of Funding
By Kim Hart, Washington Post Staff Writer - Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The government's billion-dollar program to help people prepare for the transition to digital television has run out of money, potentially leaving millions of viewers without coupons to buy converter boxes they need to keep their analog TV sets working after the switch.
As of this past Sunday, consumers who request a $40 coupon to help offset the cost of a converter box are being placed on a waiting list. They may not receive the coupons before Feb. 17, when full-power television stations will shut off traditional analog broadcasts and transmit only digital signals.
Members of Congress are now scrambling to find ways to allocate more money to the program.
Reference Here>>
Check out the video ... the one that teaches someone on how to build an analog to digital antenna for about $8.00, build an antenna, then watch Million Dollar Password!
The problem with your post is that an antenna has nothing to do with a converter box. You can build all the antennas that you want, but if you have an analog TV, you still need to buy a converter box
I agree with Anonymous--Obviously you don't know what you're talking about (no offense). A converter box converts the new digital signals to analog signals to be seen on an analog TV. Simply building an antenna will not enable you to watch DTV signals on an analog TV. I would recommend changing the title of your post.
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