It's Official - Obama Is The Democrat Party Candidate
A month ago, Barack Obama held a 15 point lead in the national polls while he was the "presumptive nominee" for the Democrat Political Party to be their candidate for President of the United States.
This afternoon, with Barack Obama and running-mate Joseph Biden holding down a 2 point deficit (that is a 17 point downturn) in the national polls made history while they became the official nominees for the Democrat Political Party to be their candidates for President, and Vice-President of the United States.
Hillary Clinton put an end to the roll-call vote procedure by having the process move to make the junior Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, be made the nominee by Acclamation!
This from NowPublic -
Obama is NOMINATED! By Acclamation!
by politisite August 27, 2008 at 03:24 pm
Obama is NOMINATED! By Acclamation! Obama will accept publicly Thursday.
Video - Barack Obama Nominated by Acclamation
This is History, Many folks are being interviewed who suffered as people of color are in tears and never thought a moment like this would occur in their lifetime. An African-American has been nominated to a major Democratic party. I must note here that Cynthia McKinney, an African-American woman was nominated to the Green party earlier. 2008 will be remembered as a historical date in the history books.
Update: 5:30 pm ET - Hillary Clinton has just been put into nomination and seconded. They then went on to Nominate Barack Obama by using a Iraq War Veteran Republican Medic who said that he wants a President that will consult with his enemies.
Update: 5:35 pm ET - Ken Salazar of Colorado has risen to Second the motion to nominate Barack Obama for President, says that Bush has truned his back on America and McCain will do the same.
Update 5:39 pm ET - Congresswoman Rep. Wasserman-Schultz of FL seconds the second. Says not to believe McCains ads. He will continue the failed policies of Bush. She reminds delegates that McCain wants to overturn Row v. Wade and who voted against the Equal Pay for woman (note he votes against any bill that has earmarks)
Update 5:44 pm ET- US Rep. Artur Davis of Alabama seconds, the seconds, second tp place Obama nomination.
Update 5:48 pm ET - Pelosi: "We will now proceed to the roll call of the states." Roll call will continue untill they have a nominee.
Update 5:50 o ET Alabama - 48 Obama 5 Clinton
Alaska 3 Clinton 15 Obama
American Somoa - 9 votes Obama
Arizona - 40 Obama, 27 Clinton
Arkansas - 47 Obama
California- Passes
Colorado - 55 Obama, 15 Clinton
CT - 38 Obama, 21 Clinton
DE-23 votes Obama
Abroad 2/12 votes for Clinton, 8 1/2 Obama
Note: the reason that California passed is that it did not want Clinton to lead Obama at any time and thus they passed so that would not occur
DC - Wants equal representation, 33 Obama, 7 Clinton
FL - 136 Obama, Clinton 51, 1 abstain
Barack Obama has currently a total of 452.5 votes (Clinton has 131.5). A total of 2,210 are needed for the nomination.
GA- 18 Clinton, 82 Obama
GUAM 4 Obama, 3 Clinton
HI - 26 Obama, 1 Clinton
ID - 3 Clinton, 20 Obama
IL- Passes - probably to be the last to push Obama over the needed delegates
IN- 75 Obama, Clinton 6
IA - 48 Obama, 9 Clinton
KS - 6 Clinton, 34 Obama
KY- 24 Clinton, 36 Obama
LA- 43 Obama, 7 Clinton
ME- 24 Obama, 7 Clinton
Barack Obama has currently a total of 844.5 votes (Clinton has 216.5). A total of 2,210 are needed for the nomination.
MD- 94 Obama, 6 Clinton
MA- 52 Clinton, 65 Obama
MI- 27 Clinton, 125 Obama
MN - 8 Clinton, 78 Obama
MS- 8 Clinton, 33 Obama
MO- 6 Clinton, 82 Obama
Barack Obama has currently a total of 1,321.5 votes (Clinton has 323.5). A total of 2,210 are needed for the nomination
MT- 7 Clinton, 18 Obama
NB- 31 votes 3 Clinton 28
NV - 8 Clinton, 25 Obama
NH- 30 Obama
NJ-127 Obama
NM- Yelded to IL
IL- Yelded to NY
NY- Clinton is on the floor will motion to end the vote, there needs to be a second, and an I vote, Obama is nomintated! by Acclimation.
Obama has accepted the nomination and will give his acceptance speech Thursday.
Hillary really moved the audience to tears and cheers. She concluded this in such a classy manner. It appears that it will bring the party together as they concluded in a great way.
The first African American EVER nominated by a Major party.
Reference Here>>
This all happened on a day that news about the connection of Barack Obama to the American Terrorist William Ayers was beginning to come out.
This on a day when pictures of the stage that Barack Obama plans to make his acception speech tomorrow at Invesco Field in front of an estimated 70,000 people. The backdrop features a larger than life Greek Architecture Acropolis type of structure and it causes a pause to many who see it ... is it over the top?
Will this type of event have Obama and Biden connect with the middle America fly-over conservative Democrats or will this venue have the same effect as Barack Obama's trip to Europe which caused much of the decline of his popularity in the polls?
Here, at Mr. Obama's neighborhood in the Democrat Party ... Can you spell F-I-A-S-C-O?
... we knew you could!

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