Friday, February 15, 2008

Phony Faintings At Obama Rallies – MEDVED

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Phony Faintings At Obama Rallies – MEDVED

Today, during the second hour of the Michael Medved show, Michael alleged that he suspected that faintings had been staged at least six Obama campaign rallies.

He felt that after seeing and hearing several video's showing the faints he suspected that they were staged because:

1) The "faint" would always happened next to the stage.

2) Barack Obama showed calm and stated the same words over and over in each of the six occurrences - "Make some space for her. Make some space for her."

3) The "faintee" was ALWAYS a woman.

4) Each of the occurrences (6) when shown together all felt the same and process like.

We, at MAXINE would like to see what Michael Medved had seen ... we were only left with Michael's radio account and the playing of the audio of a recent Obama campaign stop from Santa Barbara, California.

We are waiting to hear (and, hopefully see) more.

YouTube of B. Hussian Obama in action. After watching this Video, scroll and click on other titles to compare performances! Has Obama ever met Benny Hinn? ... jus' askin'! (added 9:45 AM PST 2-16-2008)

UPDATE - 6:15 PM:

The following information is contained in the link from the comment left by Anonymous, below -

Obama Campaign Theatrics
The Dori Monson Show (Seattle) - Producer Phil writes - Friday, February 15, 2008 @ 5:23pm

A Wall Street Journal writer, James Taranto , has uncovered a hilarious and puzzling coincidence at 5 different Sen. Obama campaign speeches over the last few months, including the recent speech in Seattle.

Dori and listeners have found one other Sen. Obama incident posted on YouTube where a person near the stage faints. Sen. Obama responds to each incident with the same routine and phrases.

Is it phoney, orchestrated, manufactured campaign theatrics or is it merely physiological coincidence? ... You be the judge.

circa Feb. 24th, 2007-Sen. Obama in Los Angeles, CA

Sept. 8th, 2007--Sen. Obama in Santa Barbara, CA scroll to 6:29

Dec. 8th, 2007--Sen. Obama in Des Moines, IA scroll to 1:45

Jan. 8th, 2008--Sen. Obama in Hanover, NH

Feb. 4th, 2008--Sen. Obama in Hartford, CN scroll to 6:05

Feb 8th, 2008 Sen. Obama encountered another fainter at his Key Arena speech in Seattle


Anonymous said...

Certainly, this is an issue that requires investigation and a response ... this cuts to character. We already know where HE currently stands on - - - substance!

... notes from The EDJE said...

This comment was left in my inbox and never made it to the comments section:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Phony Faintings At Obama Rally's - MEDVED":

He got this info from a broadcastor in the same building in Seattle

They have posted the video here
And are finding more upto seven or more...incidents three more found by listeners during the show.

Posted by Anonymous to MAXINE at 2:57 PM PST - 2-15-2008

Anonymous said...

The insinuation here is that the faintings were staged by his side and the purpose is to show that Obama, who has very little experience to point to, is calm under fire. This is somewhat similar to how Hillary's campaign tried to make her look calm and confident by spinning the incident where some nut held hostages at one of her campaign spots to make it look like she resolved the situation.

The fact of the matter is that both Hillary's and Obama's campaigns are being built on appearances and they would do whatever it takes to make their candidate look better.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this issue does go to character. If indeed these faintings are posed, and Obama participates, then he is on the level with fake revival"healers" who have stooges in the audience to "be healed" in order to bilk the audience of contributions while gaining their trust and raising their hopes.

... notes from The EDJE said...

I was watching FOX & Friends this morning, and they had mentioned this "fainting" hub-bub surrounding the Obama campaign. Basically, Adam Housley and the two other hosts bandied about that this information was making the rounds on the web but they had doubted if there was anything to it.

They were clear that it seemed odd but that people stand around for up to five hours at these gatherings and that stuff happens.

It was obvious from their comments that there was no curiosity to dig a little deeper than just recognizing that this question of staged faintings was out there on the web.

All in all, with the resources that they have at their fingertips, a pretty LAZY position to take for a news organization.

Anonymous said...

Obama has lots of experience. St Peterburg alone should have proved that.

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