Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sheehan: Don’t Cry For Me, America … Exit Stage Left

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007 where House Democrats were meeting. Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her monthlong protest outside President Bush's ranch, says she's done being the public face of the movement. 'I've been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush,' Sheehan told The Associated Press by phone Tuesday, May 29, 2007 while driving from her property in Crawford to the airport, where she planned to return to her native California. Image Credit: AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke

Sheehan: Don’t Cry For Me, America … Exit Stage Left

Moonbat and grieving mom, Cindy Sheehan, leaves Texas to pursue a “normal” life back in California.

In an open letter posted at the Daily Kos (a politically liberal commentary website), Sheehan finally comes clean as to her love of the country she lives in and will not leave.

Honestly, it is one thing to want to work for the things one wants to change about the country one lives in, it is clearly another to profess to want to better the country without recognizing what the majority of the people really want. In this case, Americans really want to pursue their freely lead lives without interruption … and that includes keeping ones focus on American Idol as opposed to responding to what Cindy Sheehan thinks or does.

I guess it really is “Up To Us Now” ... to live our lives without having to hear how horrible we are, while wanting to KEEP our freedoms.

Excerpts from the Associated Press -

'It's up to you now': Sheehan quits
By ANGELA K. BROWN, Associated Press Writer - 21 minutes ago

FORT WORTH, Texas - Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her monthlong protest outside President Bush's ranch, said Tuesday she's done being the public face of the movement.

"I've been wondering why I'm killing myself and wondering why the Democrats caved in to George Bush," Sheehan told The Associated Press while driving from her property in Crawford to the airport, where she planned to return to her native California.

"I'm going home for awhile to try and be normal," she said.

In what she described as a "resignation letter," Sheehan wrote in her online diary on the "Daily Kos" blog: "Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.

"It's up to you now."
"I have endured a lot of smear and hatred since Casey was killed and especially since I became the so-called "Face" of the American anti-war movement," Sheehan wrote in the diary.

On Memorial Day, she came to some "heartbreaking conclusions," she wrote.

When she had first taken on Bush, Sheehan was a darling of the liberal left. "However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the 'left' started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used," she wrote.

"I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of 'right or left', but 'right and wrong,'" the diary says.
Sheehan said she had sacrificed a 29-year marriage and endured threats to put all her energy into stopping the war. What she found, she wrote, was a movement "that often puts personal egos above peace and human life."
"Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human lives," she wrote. It is so painful to me to know that I bought into this system for so many years and Casey paid the price for that allegiance. I failed my boy and that hurts the most."

"I am going to take whatever I have left and go home," Sheehan wrote.

"Camp Casey has served its purpose. It's for sale. Anyone want to buy five beautiful acres in Crawford, Texas?"
Reference Here>>

We at MAXINE, Cindy, feel that your "boy" did not fail the rest of us that love the freedoms this country affords all of us ... including you. Your son died protecting our country and our way of life ... try to be proud of that while you pursue a normal life back in California.


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for cindy for losing her child, however, he joined the "armed" services of his own free will and served honorably. Shame she thinks he died for nothing, seems grief has really mudddied her thoughts. We all know it is a dangerous world and the reality of a lasting peace in this world is pure idealism, never gonna happen. Hopefully she will go home and really recover from the loss of her noble son.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you don't like America, there's always Cuba...or Iraq...or Afghanistan...take your pick.

Anonymous said...

this lady really ticks me off. Those brave men and woman are oversees protecting their country while she sits around and tells everyone what they are doing is wrong and they need to come home. if her son had enough courage and love for his country to go and fight for it she should have enough decency not to speak out against the cause he died for. what ever happened to patriotism?... she has issues.

Anonymous said...

I am sad that Cindy has given up the fight. I realize that it is hard to do what is right, but it only takes one person. It appears that she has given up a lot to devote her time to this just cause. It takes a little time to do the wrong thing, but it takes much time and energy to do what is right. My prayers go out out to Cindy and other family members and friends who have lost loved ones in this "unjust war".

ridetrike said...

When Cindy was in Chicago she was invited to go the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial where her son’s name was etched on granite as a hero of this nation. This
Memorial on the Illinois River was built by the funds and the hands of individual
citizens who hold in highest regard the respect and honor that these soldiers deserve. The Illinois Freedom Run together with the City of Marseilles have dedicated this wall to reach into history to tell the story of dedicated men and woman who chose not to debate but to hold back the war on foreign soil so we could continue to enjoy the freedom and safety of the United States of America. She was too busy to show honor and respect to her son and the other fallen soldiers. Please help us show her, We, the people, of this United States are not to busy or so heartless that we will not show honor and respect for these men and woman who sacrificed it all. Please attend the annual pilgrimage to the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial on June 16, 2007. For additional Information, please go to www.ilfreedomrun.org

Frank said...

Like many other voices of reason, wisdom and common sense, Cindy's fell on mostly deaf ears, beginning with the self-proclaimed "war president". We sorely need apeace president and government not run by corp[orate greed and war profiteers.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see you give up the good fight; but I can relate to your need for the 'oblivion of the honeysuckle thicket' and a chance to begin to heal. When I wrote this poem, I had in mind all mothers who have lost a child in this unnecessary and horrific war.

Freedom's Price
This is a senseless war, and it makes me want to cry to think I’ve nearly reached my three score and ten; and yet boys, barely men, who
have only begun to live are dying
to keep me out of harms way,
to prevent another September 11,
the one we failed to forestall,
thinking America was invincible
while we became unbelievably careless until the Twin Towers fell.
Revenge then became an obsession,
dealt in knee-jerk fashion,
when we could have been wise,
saving thousands of lives
by not inviting and inciting more
death and destruction than we already had suffered on
September 11.
Cindy Sheehans of America
and across the ocean, mothers
of sons lost in a war
they should never have begun,
mothers of daughters
sent into the slaughter...
Rise Up! Stand together!
You cannot remain silent
as your children are maimed or
slain, to be known from
that day forward as ‘heroes’
when all they wanted was to live their lives, but who instead we bury to the mournful sound of taps, while blood continues
to flow upon the streets in
that faraway land of horrific death and cries ringing out
amid the continual strife,
as more and more of our own
are sent into battle to be
forever grievously changed
or never to return, having
paid the ultimate price.
Cindy Sheehans of America
and across the ocean, mothers
of sons lost in a war
they should never have begun,
mothers of daughters
sent into the slaughter...
Rise Up! Stand together!
Can you remain silent as your
children are maimed and slain in a
war they should never have begun?

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