Friday, October 27, 2006

Democrat Positions Once Secret, Now Revealed

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. - Image Credit: Chuck Kennedy, MCT

Democrat Positions Once Secret, Now Revealed


I must have missed it ... where is Total World Peace and the Elimination of All Greenhouse Gasses.

Excerpts from NACSonline (National Association of Convenience Stores) -

Memo From Washington
By John Eichberger, Vice President - Government Relations, NACS - October 27, 2006

The midterm elections are now only 11 days away and the polling in the field is fierce.

Depending upon which poll you review and on which days that poll was conducted, you may reach radically different conclusions about what might happen on November 7. I think it is safe to say that this election will be a nail-biter, especially for those watching the House of Representatives. Republican members and their staff are wondering if they will have jobs in January, while Democratic members and their staff are trying not to think too much about assuming committee chairs and establishing the agenda for the next Congress.

That said, of course the leaders in the parties have to think ahead and lay out their plans for the future. This week, the aspiring majority party
issued a document, "New Direction for America: Six for '06." This represents the legislative agenda of the Democratic party as it prepares for what it hopes will be its 110th Congress.

I note the release of this document primarily to give readers a snap shot of what the priorities will be next year should control of the House of Representatives switch parties. For years, we have been watching the Republicans call the shots and, should the Democrats win the majority, it will be very helpful to know where they will set their priorities.

"Six for '06" lays out the six priorities Below, I have provided a short, unbiased synopsis of their proposals (full details are available from the
actual document). Obviously, their descriptions of the priorities are more politically angled and punchy than those which follow, and you may agree or disagree with their agenda. Either way, it's important to understand what the agenda of the Congress could be in the coming months:

1. Real Security at Home and Overseas: Articulates the party's vision for the future of the U.S. military and the nation’s campaigns overseas, specifically in Iraq and against the forces of al Qaeda.

2. Better American Jobs-Better Pay: Specifies that Members of Congress shall not receive another pay raise until the minimum wage is increased.

3. College Access for All: Cut rates for student loans, expand Pell Grants and make tuition permanently tax deductible.

4. Energy Independence - Lower Gas Prices: Promote initiatives for energy-efficient technology and domestic alternative fuels like biofuels and enact tough laws to stop price gouging.

5. Affordable Health Care - Life-Saving Science: Change the Medicare prescription drug program and promote stem cell research.

6. Retirement Security and Dignity: Stop any plans to privatize all or any part of Social Security, enact pension reforms and expand personal savings incentives.
The drive towards
[ed. fuel] alternatives is not unique to the Democratic party. In fact, President Bush has said that a goal for the nation should be to replace 30 percent of our gasoline use with biofuels by the year 2030.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who would likely be the Speaker of the House if the Democrats assume control, referenced legislation offered by the Democratic Rural Caucus as one of the foundations for energy policy under her leadership. That bill would increase the use of renewable fuels to 20 percent of the motor fuel supply by 2015 and require the Secretary of Energy to establish a schedule for mandatory installation of E-85 dispensers at retail.
Despite what the national polls broadcast on the news every night, the only polls that truly count are those in your polling district. Remember, "All politics is local" and the only ones who can influence the outcome are the ones who vote.
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Didn't anybody tell this guy who is writing this memo and Nancy Pelosi - the Underwriters Labratories (UL) have not approved and certified the nozzel delivery systems for E85, YET?

Speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)- OUCH!

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